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Posts posted by Cat

  1. Potomac:

    I like that Potomac is solidly middle-class with its SLs revolving around the financial precariousness of being middle-class (Robyn, Karen, Candiace), especially if you divorce (Gizelle, Charrisse, Robyn, Ashley). The anxiety that you may slip 'under' is always there. (I'm kind of over the bling-over-substance stuff like Erika/BH).


    Robyn is so grumpy about being called out on her sh*t. Monique hit the nail on the head when she said that Robyn keeps saying "stay out of my business like I stay out of yours" but she's as sly behind your back as Gizelle everybody else. Gizelle and Robyn are two sides of the same coin. Gizelle just wraps her mean-girl up in a smile and soothing voice. I always feel like Gizelle is trying to shmooze the audience like she shmoozed churchgoers back in the day in order for them to donate to her and Pastor Cheatalot's lifestyle. 


    Word on the street (well, in Reality Tea's comments section) is that Gizelle's college disbanded her sorority which was hazing potential recruits by getting them to do sexual things. The head of the sorority at the time? You guessed it!


    Karen shutting down Charrisse at Gizelle's garden party was a thing of beauty! Charisse all condescending and nasally: "The thiiiing iiiiisss, we were all wonderinnnnn--" Karen: "I KNOW you're not still talking." 


    Ashley helping her mother financially is keeping the leach tied to her mother's side. I totally understand why she and Michael want to cut off support. Her discussion with her therapist about trying to win her mother AND Michael's love through doing things for them was revelatory.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Cheap21 said:

    Oh I wasnt saying you were but thats the persona she gave off in season 3 when she joined. Some people fail to acknowledge that she's changed and isnt afraid to clap back when pushed


    Image result for cynthia bailey season 10 gif

    It's cool, I didn't take it personal towards me.


    She's come a long way since S3, though I liked her back then too. She was in a vulnerable place and she never hid it from the cameras or pretended to be like the other women. 

  3. 18 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:


    Agree with you completely, but the bolded sections in particular. What Sonja needs is a lighter touch with a wake up call, and that's where I think Luann comes in. 


    5 or 6 seasons, when Sonja took down the portrait of herself and her husband from her dining room, it was Luann who was there and sat with her quietly looking at the empty space on the wall. I have long thought Luann is the only one who can reach Sonja gently enough: Ramona is too abrasive, Dorinda is too volcanic, Carole is too judgmental, Tinsley is too dumb, and Bethenny is too ambitious. 

    I was reminded of that very scene while watching this latest episode, particularly when Luann was shopping for the nutri-bullet! As ridiculous as some of Sonja's demands where -- and most of the other women would have flat-out refused -- Luann seems to want to support Sonja's efforts to detox and get (somewhat) healthy. She also wanted Sonja to feel at home in Lu's house, just as Sonja once welcomed her into her townhouse. 


    Luann has been accused (mostly by Carole) of being a narcissist, fake, inauthentic, selfish, evil, etc, etc, but when it comes to Sonja, Luann is gentle and empathetic without being an enabler. She understands it's hard to get over a longtime husband leaving you and downsizing your life. (I maintain that while Luann did fall for Tom, the Count was the love of her life, and I wonder if her outsized reaction to her divorce with Tom wasn't in part latent feelings of rejection she felt from her first divorce). When Mario and Ramona broke up, for example, Luann did not bear grudges with regards to the things Ramona had said about her marriage.


    1 hour ago, Cheap21 said:

    People try to say Cynthia is boring but she knows how to read and she snatched Kim's wig. I was here for it

    I don't think she's boring! Cynthia is one of my favourites on ATL. And definitely, she can and does read people. She may not do it every episode, but when she does, it is always perfectly judged and spot on. 

  4. 23 minutes ago, Cheap21 said:



    The dragation of Kim! LOVED it

    "Girl, aint nobody thinking about you. Ive been here longer than you at this pointso please stop. Always want to flap her lips about something but the minute someone else does, she has a problem"

    READ of the night. Go Cynthia! Im not her for Kim and her tears. Bitch, BYE!


    Cynthia pithily shut Kim down while encapsulating why everybody hates her her cry-wolf behind. As far as I'm concerned, 51Cynt earned her spot for next season.

  5. 4 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    Kroy is a dolt. I think he's slow. He's cut off his whole family b/c of Kim. His purpose is Kim for now. I give him another 5-10 years before it really sets in for him that he's given up all his youth for Kim. He's gonna be bitter as f-ck. 


    When it comes to Bravo/Kim, it was a joint effort to bring her back in hopes that Kenya would be the target this year; however, it backfired for everyone. Kim, as usual, threw her weight around and showed her a**. Michael Beck, her friend who was EP this season, had the show blow up in his face too. Word on the street is (in my Gizelle RHOP voice) is that he got replaced mid-season b/c the show was becoming a train wreck and he couldn't handle it. It also blew up in Andy's face too as he was hoping it'd be everyone v. Kenya and he'd finally be rid of Kenya. Sadly for him, that did not occur. Kenya made the best comeback ever. She was in a portion of the season, but made all three parts about her while delivering epic shade. 

    Yep yep YEP! Watching Bravo's best-laid plans to lumber RHOA with Kim's presence come completely undone in one episode was ABSOLUTELY GLORIOUS and outdid the Phaedra take-down.


    It was TT who reported that Beck got quietly demoted halfway through filming when Bravo flew in a longtime RHONY producer to take control of production -- partly, I suspect, to  deal with Kim's crazy diva demands and possibly at the request of Nene, Kandi and others who had no desire to be kicked around by Kim anymore. 


    From the very beginning of the season, Bravo, Beck and Kim's entitled ass EXPECTED to be Star of this franchise, showing the other girls 'how it's done.' Production trailed and built up her scenes heavily, bent over backwards to squeal that KIM Z IS BACK on its YouTube channel. The end-game was this: Kim would sweep in, tear these women apart, sweep out, have the audience clamoring for her full-time return, and then she would supplant Kenya come season 11. Sadly, though, Production expected too much of the rather limited Mrs. Biermann. Being married to Lurch may make you look smart and quick-witted, but that doesn't mean you are any of those things. Production also under-estimated the other women, who were not 100% on their game during filming, but who came through in strength during Reunion, especially Kenya.


    Kim did not have the vocabulary or coolness that the others had. Her defense has already been overused to death on Twitter and IG, so the women were more than ready with a response to the tired litany of "You're just jealous because I have a husband with no income and 472 kids!!" They were fired up with purpose and righteous anger, but ice-cool when it came to delivery. It was perfection.


    When Kim ran out of her jealousy defense, the mask dropped completely. Did you see that producer scamper out squealing "We need Andy and a camera NOW!" ? God knows what Kim must have been spewing before the camera got there, but we definitely saw Ms. I-don't-see-color true colors. And they are ugly as sin. Even Slow Lurch knew it was bad because he put his hand on the camera and tried to get it out of there. And Andy couldn't be bothered to make her feel better. When they hugged, she clung to his neck like 'Don't drop me, Bravo!' I have no clue where her career will go from here. Bravo did everything to make sure she would be winning this season. It was a slam-dunk for her -- and she still managed to torpedo it. Don't worry about her too much, though: Kim will land on her feet and still has one more season of Tardy to turn things around (thanks to M2M on the same night) -- unlike Phaedra who is nowhere to be seen after last year.

  6. 19 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:



    It's great and we're only on the third episode. This franchise has an organic quality that is severely lacking from the rest of the franchise shows - particularly BH, which just wreaks of scripted, structured, business like interaction. It's clear that the NYC ladies remain in each other's orbit throughout the year. 


    Sonja taking that Jitney bus service was just...what a fall from grace. And then driving her 20 year old Mercedes in the Hamptons. It's all faded grandeur for her. She's got the townhouse up for rent at $32,000 a month - no takers so far. 


    I loved Luann shopping around the Hamptons for Bethenny's birthday gift basket...and Sonja's blender. I love seeing that glimpse into the domestic lives of the ladies.


    Tinsley and Carole are both super bitter this season. Tinsley is a whiner, and as Bethenny points out, what is she complaining about when the debate is whether she's funded by a trust fund or a boyfriend? All I know is she's an idiot to be living in that hotel when she could live in a comparable apartment for 25% of the price. Carole is so crusty and ashy and mean. Carole is just a hag. Nobody can say anything to her without getting a defensive reaction.


    Bethenny's birthday dinner was amusing. When Luann admitted that Bethenny was right...and now just right but "fu*kin' right" about Tom, and Bethenny's reaction, I laughed, rewound and loved it all over again. I'm finding myself enjoying and finding myself in agreement with Bethenny this season. She is right about Luann vs Ramona - Luann is likeable, Ramona is tolerated by most, and Carole just plain hates Luann. 


    That said, I also enjoyed Ramona's scenes with setting up the art in her house. She is incredibly kooky. 


    Now we come to Luann's breakfast...and I have an unpopular opinion. I think that Dorinda did not come across very well at Luann's breakfast when she launched into Sonja. Sonja blathers on quite frequently, but I agree with Luann that Sonja is harmless. Without being insensitive, Dorinda does talk about Richard's death as often as Sonja talks about her divorce. And both of these events are losses and pain is relative. Dorinda just went ballistic and it wasn't even Sonja who brought it up - Luann is the one who said "you've been through a lot" to Sonja and Dorinda just jumped right in, slamming her. Sonja is minimizing her use of an anti-depressant (I think she might want to reconsider her position that she isn't depressed and that it's only a matter of anxiety, for her own sake) but it's a reaction like Dorinda's which puts a huge stigma on mental health problems. At the same time, Dorinda clearly needs grief counselling about Richard's death as he's been gone since 2011 and that loss is still very raw for Dorinda.

    It's not an unpopular opinion. I adore Dorinda and love her CLIIIP moments, but she was way too aggressive at that lunch. Clearly she is still raw from Richard's death. Clearly the issues she has with Sonja have been festering for the past 2 years. The Page Six exclusives and the delusions are pissing the women off, Dorinda included.


    I also think that Dorinda is trying to give Sonja a wakeup call and be honest about her feelings to Sonja's face (instead of bitching behind her back like Carole and Tinsley did in the car -- I think Dorinda knows that Sonja HATES it when the other women talk or make fun of her on the sly). Not to defend Dorinda but Sonja still needs a wakeup call of some sort. She has become increasingly ill-tempered with and distant from the women, too. She is not the same Sonja of 2 or 3 seasons ago.


    It's sad that Dorinda cannot see Sonja's vulnerability because normally she is an empathetic Sagittarian who can be protective of her friends. Let's not forget that Dorinda was drinking and that is an issue for her, and this season it may come to a head. I don't think she quite realises the depth of Sonja's despair. When Sonja talked about getting on depression/anti anxiety meds, she made it a joke, however it was also a cry for help to the other women. She wants them to know she is going through something as far as her mental health is concerned.

  7. I'm disappointed at the overall lack of Erika dragging in the preview. I imagine if someone had dragged her beautifully, Bravo would tease us with it. Anyhoo, time to bury this faux-tough, supercillious, dismissive Erika Jayne persona. She thinks she's all that, but nobody's buying it anymore. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:

    NYC: Absolute beauty. I loved last night's show in the Hamptons. Again, love the dynamic of these 7 women who have genuine relationships with one another. Love seeing Luann and Bethenny on each other's side again. Love seeing a common ground between Luann and Ramona as they see Sonja going off the rails again. It's sad but completely understandable to know the "Ramonja" friendship has taken a backseat in recent years, but who can blame Ramona? Even she is more level-headed and grounded than sloppy Sonja. Just when I thought Sonja had found clarity, we see she's more delusional and rambles on nonsensically worse than ever before. 


    Dorinda is gonna go IN on Sonja next week and I cannot wait. Sonja is really making an ass of herself. 


    Oh, and the switching dynamics of Bethenny/Carole as Carole migrates towards Tinsley will be juicy. I liked the open honesty of how Bethenny explained that no matter what Luann says or does, Carole will automatically discredit Luann simply because it's Luann. Just as Bethenny will always question Ramona's "sincerity" when she shows kindness or Rapologizes. 


    I'm actually finding myself liking Tinsley a lot more this season. It really helps that she's developed actual friendships with other castmembers, versus other younger castmembers who were just kinda there (Jules, Kristen).  I hope we get to see more Dale. 


    P.S. Whatever makeup/hair magic Ramona's glam team is working, keep on doing it. Well done!



    AGREE with a lot of this. I did feel a *little* sorry for Sonja as it must seem many of the ladies have it out for her. However, it must be frustrating to have a friend who is literally delusional. Luann was very nice to accommodate Sonja and make her feel better about herself. But imo most of the women are pissed about Sonja going to Page Six and spilling tea about them for a few coins. 


    Sonja is clearly hanging on by a thread financially: those scenes riding the jitney and then having some random guy keep her 1980s sedan in his backyard were sad. She couldn't even get Dorinda to offer her a ride. Her house is on the market as a rental which is a good move financially, but lord knows if anybody has signed up to live there. 


    It's sad to know that she's been on anti-depressants but not surprising given that she's been self-medicating ever since she joined RHONY. Dorinda blurted out that her husband left her because Sonja cheated on him in the South of France. That explains a lot in the sense that Sonja never seemed angry at her husband for leaving her. Grief-stricken, yes. But vengefully angry, no.


    Tinsley is bitter and mean and I cannot warm to her this season. She is also deluding herself with regards to Scott the Magic Unicorn becoming her boyfriend again. I think he sees her with more realistic eyes now.


    I can kind of see both Carole and Bethenny's sides of their falling out. It can't be easy for Carole being Me-Myself-and-I's best butt buddy. It's a rude awakening for Bethenny to realize Carole is a friend-jumper who essentially ghosts her former BFFs once she's found a jump-off.


    There isn't much going on in Ramona's life on the show right now, but I am truly loving her as Greek Chorus/Voice of Pinot Reason.

  9. BH:

    It's bittersweet watching the closing finale of BH with that music, mainly because this used to be my favorite franchise.


    The finale 'fight' was so contrived and non-existent, they had to dig back to last season for an excuse. Kyle looked ridiculous having a tantrum about f*cking Pantygate, though she inadvertently put her finger with what is wrong with the show: everybody is so self-scripted and afraid to show how they really feel. Rinna acknowledged it too when she said she pulled back emotionally because she didn't feel like fighting 'injustices' (cue a shot of VanderSatan).


    It sounded like something Erika would have said. Most of these women seem desperate to imitate Erika, from glam squad to keeping their emotions in check and watching from the sidelines. If everybody is watching from the sidelines, waiting to pounce on easy prey, it doesn't make for riveting TV. 


    Couldn't help but feel bad for Kyle tonight. Watching American Woman, it is clear Kyle cannot let go of her past and childhood. Kathy and Kim just will not give her the love and validation she needs. I was surprised at how unironic and 'normal' the clips seemed -- like the show was made in the 1990s and not 2017. The mother character seemed strong and caring of her children, but I'm not sure Big Kathy was like that all the time. Maybe Kyle needs to rewrite her childhood in a more palatable form, hence the show. I also see why Kyle projects so much neediness and loathing on LVP. She craves deep devotion from the women in her life, and when she can't get it from Kathy and Kim, she expects LVP to fill that void.


    P.S.: This better not be a 3-part reunion! Even the witchy-poo Carlton season had more going on than this year!

  10. 9 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    Gizelle is already proving what I've said about her since season 1, she is her own biggest damn fan and thinks she's hilarious. I literally have never seen someone so pleased with themself, except maybe Lisa Rinna or Kyle Richards.

    Lol that's what it is!! This special snowflake thinks she's the most hilarious, charming, shadiest chick around, the OG of her franchise, when in reality she's an ostrich-necked pretty girl who has coasted on her looks all her life. There isn't much behind the green eyes and blonde weave. Even Kyle has more to offer!


    @DaytimeFan I love Karen and the way she urged her daughter to stay strong because it's events like these that are the making of you. I also love that she and Ray went to Monique's and got right in with the crowd, circulating and talking to people. Ray even got his dance on! Meanwhile, miserable Robyn and roach-in-a-wig Charrisse were outside, alone, miserably bitching about Karen and their hostess. Nice!


    It must also kill them that Karen was looking gorgeous at that 'press con' (see the gif of the Grande Dame that Cheap posted).

  11. Potomac


    I hope Gizelle and Robyn are getting slated on social media for their assery. What makes them think they are better than the other women that they can sneer at their misfortune? Especially after everything they went through in their own households. Gizelle's #FreeUncleBen t shirt really showed the trashy, wannabe-shady-but-failing twit she is. I am Team Karen all day every day so far this season.


    Robyn is a classic mean-girl sidekick; she's passive-aggressive and has the nerve to act outraged when the person she is targeting strikes back at her. I noticed she couldn't even show up at Monique's house without back-up, in this case Charrisse. Damn, it must KILL Charrisse to not be a regular this season of the Hugers' fall from grace!


    The long-time relationships between these women feel real, though, and Monique's birthday for Chris was the first time in a LONG time on a RH franchise that an event looked and felt authentic. It was filled with Chris's friends and family who didn't notice or care about the cameras. I really liked it. New girl Candiace (ugh! that spelling. I keep reading it as 'Candy Ass' in the intro) is growing on me, too.

  12. 2 hours ago, alwaysAMC said:

    She wants a truce like I want syphilis. :rolleyes: She is desperate to perpetuate this fight and play victim -- it likely got Tardy renewed for next season. However, given that she has to support 17 children, Kroy her personal Spanx-puller-upper, and ridiculous spending like those horrific lips, she's lost that additional RHOA paycheck. Get to hustlin, Brianna !


    ATL: Eva brought very little to the table last night apart from the fact that she's about to pop. I liked her on ANTM but I don't think she brings anything to RHOA.


    I am ready for Solo-Cup-and-Cigs to get her ass lips handed back to her next week. That's what happens when you play dirty!

    Image result for you never win when you play dirty nene gif

  13. 4 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    This isn't actually Real Housewives but it did make me laugh (which is rare for SNL...). 



    Lol it's a case of Guess the Bravolebrity. (Mary Joe = Luann, Sauna = Kyle, Aviva = Nene). Aidy Bryant can do no wrong imo. And I do think the RH intros are inspired ridiculousness. 


    2 hours ago, alwaysAMC said:

    Bye, trick! You brought it on yourself!

  14. 1 hour ago, Taoboi said:


    Ok, so this is a very interesting article, as expected from Variety. I'm not talking about the renewals of existing shows; I think we can guess which shows are coming back, and basically all the RH shows are returning, along with VPR, Southern Charm, M2M, etc. Incredibly, Don't Be Tardy has been renewed for, like, it's 17th season! That's as many seasons as Kim has children!


    What is interesting is the new series. Two in particular jumped out at me. One was Mexican Dynasties, a reality show in Mexico City following some super-wealthy families. Since the richest man in the world (Carlos Slim) hails from Mexico City, there is definitely megawealth in MC. 


    The other is (I am pretty sure) a new RH show -- Real Housewives of San Antonio. It's another Texan RH but the focus is on Latina HWs. I know some of you have mentioned in the past wishing Dallas was more diverse in reflecting Texas's Latino roots. Well, it looks like this is Bravo's attempt at rectifying that.


    Bravo's descriptor:

    Mexican Dynasties (working title)
    Mexico City is the modern cultural mecca of Latin America, and is home to some of the planet’s richest elite. This series will put a spotlight on the notoriously private, high society world in Mexico City by focusing on three family dynasties that made their fortunes in the entertainment, beverage, and luxury car company industries. This docuseries will explore these successful multigenerational families through both comedy and heart in ways that only close-knit relatives can, particularly those that have known one another for decades. They will challenge stereotypes and showcase the revealing, luxurious and over the top lifestyles in this cosmopolitan destination.


    Untitled San Antonio project (working title)
    This docuseries follows a tight knit group of women and their families living in San Antonio, Texas, who are affluent, sophisticated U.S. citizens or recently naturalized citizens of Mexican decent. In their upscale and beautiful gated communities, these women will face a new set of challenges in adapting to US culture while working to keep their roots alive and well.


    Hope both projects get screened this year!

  15. 7 hours ago, Soaplovers said:


    About time Carole contributed something of substance.


    Speaking of which, why was Tinsley invited back?  She seems sweet, but seems very vacant (light on upstairs, but no one is home).  I think dropping her wouldn't have hurt the show going into the season (heck even introduce one or two friend ofs as well).

    I'm not sure why Tinsley got asked back, but it likely had to do with her lovely, wealthy unicorn of a boyfriend -- though that SL has clearly now fizzled and he is ghosting her. Could be her mother (who I could watch all day) but we haven't seen her either. Tinsley seems to be Carole's parrot at the moment, blankly repeating her opinions as her own. Personally I feel Kristen Taekman should never have left. She could give as good as she got when it came to Ramona and even Heather. And her Ashley-Madison-browsing husband was so awful and unsympathetic, he was like the Jim Bellino of RHONY (without the 'we're Chrisshun' fakery).

  16. NYC:

    An 'early filler' episode before the Hamptons fireworks next week. However, one thing that surprised me was how I... sorta...almost... liked Carole this episode when she was running the marathon. And whenever Carole talks about Anthony Radziwill, I always get a little choked up.

  17. 2 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:


    Rinna should be proud of her QVC business and her commercial endorsements - I admired that she did the adult diaper ad to keep her family going and that she admits she does it for the money. 


    But by taking the low road, she looks really insecure against LVP. And that’s the opposite of what she wants to achieve. 


    Vanderpump Rules is an important show for Bravo - it has the demos and the numbers and it stands on its own. And I’m sure it makes money for all involved. 


    I don’t think Bravo is prepared to cancel BH, even though it should as it’s been a dud for several seasons in a row. It need serious retooling. 

    I always admired Rinna for doing the Depends commercial and building a QVC career for herself while keeping her family very comfortable. I personally never liked it when Kim Richards belittled Rinna for taking an honest job like she was too good for that work.


    What grates is when Lisa Rinna checks out of BH for an entire season but lobs sh*t at LVP every week from the safety of her couch. To be fair, in this WWHL case, LVP was the one who brought up the diapers & dusters. LVP laughed off Rinna's retort well, though, which makes me wonder if she sometimes doesn't enjoy sparring with Rinna. (And I may be reading too much into their interactions, but I feel like LVP and Erika have grown a little closer, too).


    Rinna throws out any old statement to besmirch somebody, and it becomes instant truth, and nobody really calls her on it. Case in point: the coke question on WWHL directed at Dorit. Dorit was pissed, and I don't blame her tbh. All that stemmed from Rinna last year and it has now become an accepted fact that Dorit must be a cokehead. 

  18. 23 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    Rinna is deluded if she thinks she's made more with those diaper commercials than LVP has with her restaurants. Yes, commercials pay well but she ain't getting that much. 


    4 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:

    BH is boring, mean and unglamorous.


    I haven’t seen this week’s episode and I am not in any rush. I say cancel it in its entirety, I can enjoy LVP on Vanderpump Rules. I couldn’t care less about the rest of them. 


    And you have just reminded me that as a recurring star AND producer of Vanderpump Rules (Bravo's most popular spinoff, with the ratings and coveted demos BH wishes it had), LVP is probably getting more $$$ than Rinna does -- all while promoting her restaurants.


    WWHL with the BH HWs was fun but it still retained that meanness which is turning me off. I think it should be cancelled, but I'm not sure Bravo is ready to pull the plug.

  19. 38 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    Rinna is deluded if she thinks she's made more with those diaper commercials than LVP has with her restaurants. Yes, commercials pay well but she ain't getting that much. 


    Rinna's obsession with LVP is getting to be sickening. Girl, move on. 

    Did you catch the snippet about Rinna being on Andy's radio show saying that the new 'young' girls should take over from the 'old' ones on BH? Three guesses who she wants to get rid of. -_- I think she truly counts herself in the young, fresh, newbie category. Gosh, I can't wait to see S9 BH and more of Rinna getting her ladyparts waxed/pushing her under-talented daughters on us!


    Rinna also seemed a little <_< in that video by the resumption of the Dorit-Kyle-LVP friendship. 


    Rinna despises LVP and it has hardened into something Brandi-esque. LVP throws her digs back but is facing a barrage of them this season. Sigh, I don't know why I even care anymore. I think they should all get pink-slipped at this point.

  20. 8 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:



    God tonight was so damn boring. Bravo should've just made this a 90 min episode and wrapped this season up. After this drab season, I say fire EVERYONE. Even my precious LVP. It won't bother her as she has Vanderpump Rules to fall back on. 


    This is officially the worst housewife season of any city ever! Just uneventful. 


    Scrab BH and just go find some wealthy, messy women in Santa Barbara. BH is dead.


    90 min episode? You are being generous! 60 mins is more than enough, with the first half = the Berlin Zoo, and the second half = Dorit's fashion line which I trust we will never see again. 


    OC last season was literally THE WORST, and ATL has lost its way, but BH is in its final throes. These women are bored by each other and the show. Rinna's hate-obsession with LVP mirrors Carole hiding behind more powerful friends and throwing daggers from the safety of her VTs. As usual, UnORinnaGinal stays copying other HWs' playbooks! Erika is just awful and more unpopular than Bravo cares to admit. The show's relationships have not recovered since Munchausen season. As you say, these women pander to the audience; more than that, they try to manipulate them with fakery and role-playing. Watching this alongside S2 BH (arguably its best, most organic season) is jarring.


    Unless Joan Collins and the ghost of Jackie Collins join next year as season regulars to confirm that, yes, LVP is indeed the lost Collins sister, then BH needs to be put out of its misery.


    If they want to do a Real Housewives of Brentwood with Faye Resnick and Kathryn Edwards warily finding common ground within a group of female friends, then I would watch, but I know I am in a party of 1 with that idea lol.

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