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Posts posted by kalbir

  1. 16 minutes ago, ReddFoxx said:

    Much of the business elements and wealth on daytime soaps was copied from primetime soaps. There was some wealth on soap operas before Dallas and Dynasty, but daytime soap operas originally revolved around working to middle class characters. In fact many of the small town settings do not fit with corporations and wealth. B&B is the only soap with a setting that matches with wealth and business machinations.

    1970s Y&R had the Chancellors, Lance Prentiss, Prentiss Industries; all those preceded Dallas. Yes, we don't picture Wisconsin as home to multinational conglomerates and a cosmetics company in the vein of Clinique, Elizabeth Arden, Estee Lauder. Then again, would anyone watch a daytime drama set in Wisconsin with rival families in the business of artisan cheese or gourmet sausage or craft beer? Probably not 🤣

  2. 31 minutes ago, heffer said:

    OLTL (the Buchanan family) Guiding Light (the Lewis family) and TEXAS (all of it) all cashed in on the DALLAS craze. 

    Y&R had some Dallas/Dynasty influence in the first half of the 1980s. I mentioned these in the Y&R Old Articles thread:

    Victor Newman, billionaire businessman that owns and lives on a horse ranch.

    The wealthy Abbott family owns and operates a cosmetics company.

    Dina Abbott abandons her family and years later returns to Genoa City as wealthy widow Madame Dina Mergeron that has inherited her late husband's business which rivals her ex-husband's business.


    At least Bill Bell didn't have Victor and the Abbotts running rival oil companies or have Dina be a foreign diva that lived in a luxury penthouse as that would've been too obvious :lol:


    There was also the General Hospital influence on 1980s Y&R with the police corruption and mob storylines, and more action/adventure elements.

    1983-1990 Days took the General Hospital action/adventure/supercouple formula and went ham with it.


    27 minutes ago, Dylan said:

    I think JG is a fan of dynasty. 

    Isnt adam newman just An adam carrington copy

    The Newmans from 2008-2010 resembled Dynasty from 1984-1985. I think MAB was a Dynasty fan.

  3. 1985 uploads so far are so good. The feud and quadrangle are building up. So many stories are going to culminate in the first half of 1986, the peak of the Bill Bell/H. Wesley Kenney era.


    Not digging the mob princess storyline. Still can't believe Y&R went there with Whiteface Tyrone.


    There's even another action hero Victor rescue sequence complete with cheesy 1980s music :lol:


    Can't wait to see more of 1985 and hopefully the first half of 1986.



  4. 20 hours ago, Legacy said:

    And if im correct isn't that technically nikki/Christina's first interaction because they weren't ever in each others orbit, i would say as early as 1994 or 96.

    IIRC, Christine got into the Newman orbit around Summer/Fall 1995 when Nick was accused of shooting Matt Clark. After Nick's trial, I seem to remember Victor hiring Christine for the Newman Enterprises legal department. I still can't believe Bill Bell would allude to a potential Victor/Christine pairing in 1996 🤮 



  5. 2 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    Oddly after Victor’s shooting in 1996 we did have Nikki randomly threaten Christine over her growing friendship with Victor. 

    Mid-1990s Nikki was so snooty lady of the manor. I remember the Nikki/Christine confrontation. It was before the shooting. Nikki witnessed Victor comforting Christine over Christine's broken engagement to Paul and then Nikki sauntered over to Legal Aid and put Christine on blast. It looked like Bill Bell was alluding to a potential Victor/Christine pairing before the shooting but thankfully that didn't happen.

  6. @YRfan23 Agree that the mob story is way too General Hospital/Days. If the clips get into 1985, we might see Tyrone in whiteface. That would not happen today.


    Watched the fall 1984 clips, things are getting good. That meeting of Victor and Jack at Gina's, there were hints of the eternal feud to come. Was that their first meeting? I wonder how long Bill Bell would've kept the feud going had Terry Lester not left.



  7. The seeds are being planted for the eternal quadrangle and eternal feud. Do we dare hope that we get to see Victor and Jack's first meeting?


    Marc Mergeron is way too Dynasty. I think he stays on until 1988 or so.


  8. On 8/21/2020 at 6:34 AM, ChickenNuggetz92 said:

    Just a thought, but I've always coughed up Brad Bell's lack of progressive creativity and misogynistic writing due to the fact he's also writing for international audiences in countries unfortunately aren't nearly as progressive as North America and he doesn't want to do anything to alienate that audience because face it, without them, B&B wouldn't really have any legs to stand on.


    The only religious/conservative countries I can think of where B&B was exported to are Israel, Egypt, Turkey, India. I don't know if B&B was exported anywhere else in the Middle East or South Asia.

  9. Finished the 1983 uploads and watched what was uploaded of 1984 so far. The transition is complete and Y&R is becoming Y&R as we know it today.


    So from Summer 1983 to Summer 1986, Cricket showed up for summer, Christmas, Spring Break storylines. She wasn't annoying in small doses, but we all know what was to come in the later part of the decade.


    It was daring of Y&R and really brave of Jeanne Cooper to allow the actual facelift surgery to be shown. Katherine's facelift paved the way for reality shows like Extreme Makeover, The Swan, Dr. 90210.


    What in General Hospital/Days was that Caribbean remote rescue sequence complete with cheesy 1980s music? Victor started out as Bill Bell's version of J.R. Ewing and 4 years later he's an action hero! Can't believe Y&R went there and had Victor harpooned in the groin 😂 Of course little did Paul know that he would have a similar groin injury 10 years later 😂


    One 1980s trend I noticed Y&R didn't jump on the bandwagon of as much was the supercouple craze. Even though Bill Bell may not have intended for it, one could say Victor/Nikki are Y&R's supercouple. Did the soap press give Victor/Nikki much hype from 1981-1984 as they gave Luke/Laura and Bo/Hope during that same time?

  10. 1 hour ago, FrenchFan said:

    I am surprised how cheesy is the Tony DiSalvo thing. The room where he monitored Paul and Andy’s office looked like something from General Hospital. Didn’t think Bill Bell would do something so ridiculous.

    We hold Y&R to a higher standard than other daytime dramas, but even Bill Bell was not immune to jumping on the action/adventure bandwagon. I wonder how much of that was Bill Bell's own choice or was it CBS attempting to cash in on General Hospital's popularity.


    Just now, Soaplovers said:

    It.seemed like Kevin's mom was a poor attempt at recreating Vanessa Prientess... with the possessiveness over her son, strong dislike of Nikki, and moving heaven & earth to get rid of her daughter in law.

    Allison was the poor man's Vanessa. Bill Bell's best Vanessa re-creation was Stephanie.

  11. I've been enjoying 1983 clips more than the return episodes.


    I think Cricket's first appearance from summer 1983 is in there. It's so odd to see Terry Lester's Jack actually liking Cricket's modelling shoot, knowing what was to happen by the end of the decade.


    The mob story is way too General Hospital/Days. Jazz is serving up some Mr. T vibes, I wonder if CBS was trying to cash in on Mr. T's popularity. That reminds me of another Bill Bell element, the educated professional with a troublemaking sibling: Casey/Nikki, Tyrone/Jazz, Olivia/Dru, Neil/Malcolm.


    1982/1983 Y&R finished 4th, becoming CBS's #1 daytime drama, with the ABC big three finishing in the top 3. 1983/1984 Y&R moved past One Life to Live to finish 3rd.


    Hopefully we'll get to 1984 as that's when Y&R became Y&R as we know it today.


  12. Between the classics, the uploads, and discussions here, we can pinpoint elements Bill Bell liked to use on his shows.


    Established upper class families: Brooks, Abbott, Forrester

    Working class families: Foster, Williams, Logan

    Working class single mother with a scheming social climbing daughter: Liz/Jill, Beth/Brooke, Doris/Sharon

    Brothers fighting over a girl: Snapper/Greg, Lance/Lucas, Jazz/Tyrone, Victor/Matt, Ridge/Thorne, Neil/Malcolm

    Sisters fighting over a guy: Leslie/Lorie, Donna/Katie, Ashley/Traci, Olivia/Dru

    Virgin heroines that are rape victims: Chris, Peggy, Caroline, Cricket

    Working class young woman in conflict with older wealthy woman: Jill/Katherine, Nikki/Allison, Brooke/Stephanie, Nina/Jill, Sharon/Nikki

    Mothers that attempt to control their son's love lives: Vanessa, Allison, Mary, Stephanie, Nikki, Jill

    Messy wealthy matriarchs: Jennifer, Katherine, Vanessa, Allison, Dina, JoAnna, Stephanie


    I think that covers most of them.

  13. My favorites from the 1980s in date order were Nikki's first visit to the Newman Ranch, Katherine's facelift, and Beth Maitland's Emmy winning episode. I would have included Victor and Nikki's 1984 wedding if that hadn't already been broadcast in 2016.


    My favorites from the 1990s in date order were Neil and Dru's first meeting, Victor reveals he's alive to Jack, Shemar's first episode, Victor gives Nick a boxing lesson, Victor puts Nikki's makeup on while she's in the hospital, and I WILL CRUSH YOU!


    I didn't really have any favorites from 2000-2005 and 2006-onward I skipped. I think Victor and Nikki's 2002 wedding was also a second time broadcast.

  14. Did anyone like the police corruption/mob storyline from 1982/1983? I get that action/adventure was a big thing on daytime in the 1980s but I find that this type of story doesn't really suit Y&R, it's more of a General Hospital or Days type of story. The 1980s trend Y&R did right was the Dallas/Dynasty influence with Victor, Jabot, and the Abbotts, as that set in motion Y&R as we know it today.

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