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#83 Wednesday, November 26th It's the night before Thanksgiving and Anna is baking pies. Yvette comes in. Yvette: Evening. Anna: Hello, Yvette. Yvette: I came over to see if there was anything I could help with for the dinner. Anna: Thanks, but I can handle everything, I do this every year. Besides, I need to stay occupied, I've got a lot on my mind. Yvette: You've seemed really stressed the past few weeks. Anna: I've just been scrambling to finalize the plans for the spring collection and that's always very stressful. Yvette: But I've never seen you this stressed before in all the years you've handled the seasonal collections. I understand this whole situation with Cassandra and finding out that Dad was married to her has been a burden, maybe you need some time off from work to heal. Anna: Work keeps me going, if I'm not working, then I get even more depressed. Yvette: I'm used to seeing you so upbeat around the holiday time, it's odd seeing you so down. Anna: Well, things don't stay the same all the time. Yvette: And to think, I started this whole mess because I thought Cassandra could help me finance a shopping mall. I really am sorry, I should have used better judgment. Anna: We're past that now, I'm not angry at you. I'm angry at your Father's lies. And besides, I'm sort of glad I found out, secrets like that should never stay hidden. Yvette: It's more disbelief for me. I just wish there was chance to ask him why he did what he did. I guess we'll be wondering forever. Anna has flashback of when Andrew showing up at the door. Yvette: Mom, are you all right? Anna: What? Oh, yes, I'm fine. Yvette: You seemed to be in another world for a second there. Anna: Just lost in thoughts again. Yvette: You're going to get through this, Mom. It won't be easy, but you're strong and I know you can do it. Anna: That's easier said than done. Anna sits down and looks pensively out the window. ____________________________________________________________________________________ At a bar outside town, Andrew is having a beer when Aaron walks in. Aaron: I don't get this at all, I thought you had left town weeks ago and then you call me and tell me to meet you here. Andrew: Obviously, I changed my plans. Aaron: So is it truth telling time? Andrew: Already done. Aaron: And? Andrew: Anna wants nothing to do with me. Aaron: But at least the truth is out and perhaps she'll forgive you in time. Andrew: I don't know if she should. First off, I lied about my first marriage and that turned her life upside down and then I come back alive, years after letting her grieve. Aaron: I told you a long time ago that you should have contacted Anna, you were able to get in touch with me after the Philippine Military rescued you from the ocean, you could have reached your wife too. Andrew: You know I didn't want to go back in the condition I was in. Aaron: And in the end, that pride cost you a lot. Andrew: It hasn't cost me anything, I'm going to fight for my marriage and my family. Aaron: You've got a lot to sort out, including fixing things with the son you haven't seen since he was an infant. Andrew: I've fought my way through tougher situations. Aaron: Man, I would not want to be in your shoes right now. Andrew: My family is the most important thing to me, so I'm willing to endure whatever I have too in order get things back on track. Aaron: I'm glad you finally decided to face the music. Andrew: I never thought my little brother would be the one to talk sense into me. Aaron: I suppose stranger things have happened before. So how do you plan on fixing this? It's not going to be easy. Andrew: I've come up with a plan, I don't know if it will work, but it's worth a try. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ At a rehab facility, Jim is playing solitare, when the rehab director approaches him. Director: Jim, you have a telephone call? Jim: Who is it? Director: Your wife. You can take it in the office. Jim: Thanks. Jim goes to the office and takes the call. Jim: Hello? Lynette: Jim, you sound a lot better than you did when we last talked. Jim: I'm making a bit of progress. Lynette: I'm thrilled to hear that. The kids ask about you all the time, they miss you. Jim: I miss them too. Lynette: I was calling because your lawyer dropped off the final divorce papers and said that you requested that things still be expedited. Jim: Yes, I did request that. Lynette: I just wanted to call you and make sure that this wasn't going to effect your progress, a divorce is painful on it's own, but during rehab? Are you sure you don't want to wait to do this after you've finished the program? Jim: I appreciate your concern, but having this over quickly is what is best. Lynette: I do agree with that, but I don't want anything to jeopardize your progress. Jim: If anything, it's helping me further ahead. If I'm going to get better, I have to let go of all the anger and regrets I have inside me. My counselor and I have talked here and she agrees that in my case, this is what I have to do. Lynette: You seem to know what you are doing. Jim: I'm getting a lot of my good judgment back, something that I lost a long time ago. Lynette: I know I keep apologizing, but- Jim: Don't, we both made mistakes and casting blame now is pointless. We had a good thing for awhile, but now it's over and I've got to accept that. Lynette: I still feel bad though. Jim: Another reason why I'm doing this is because I care about you enough to let go. I know how that shrink feels about you and you seem pretty hung up on him, I can't stand in the way of that. Lynette: You're being far more decent to me than you should be. I know how hard this is. Jim: It certainly is hard, but like I said, it's the right thing. Lynette: I'm pulling for you. Jim: Thank you, that means a lot. I better get off the phone now, don't want to tie up the office for too long. Lynette: Take care. They hang up. _________________________________ ___________________________________ At Lightner in Detroit, a woman walks into George's office looking for him, but finds Cassandra. Cassandra: Can I help you? Woman: I'm looking for George Lightner. Cassandra: He's not in right now, but perhaps I can help you. I'm Cassandra Lightner, Co-CEO. Woman: Pleased to meet you. Anyway, I've been trying to get ahold of George for days, so could you please tell him to get in touch with me, my name is Teri, I'll write down my number. Teri writes down the number on a piece of paper. Cassandra: If this is about a business matter, I might be able to resolve it. Teri: It's not business. Cassandra: Okay, well I will tell him you were here. Teri: Thank you, I appreciate that. It's very important. Teri leaves. Cassandra wonders what could be going on with George. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Later on, at the Phelps House, John and his sons Den and Harry are at in his office discussing the family business. John: Now that I've both of you here for Thanksgiving, we should talk about Phelps Motors. Den: Are you coming back from your leave of absence? John: Actually, I'm not coming back. Harry: What? Why? John: Although I enjoy selling cars, my first love is corporate law and working on the situation on M.I. made me realize just how much I missed it. The SEC liked my work and they offered me a job. Den: Is it in DC? John: No, it's in Detroit, so I won't have to move. Harry: Congratulations. Den: Yeah, I can see why the SEC would want you on their team. John: Thank you. But all that aside, we need to figure out what the structure will be at Phelps Motors from now on. Now, Den, you've been running things since my leave of absence, so I'd like you to be in charge and I'd like your brother to assist you. Den: Sounds fine to me. John: Harry, what do you think? Harry: No complaints here. John: And I do want to keep a position open for your sister. I know she's in Europe modeling, but sometimes those jobs can dry up and I want her to have something to fall back on. Den: Teri's such a rebel, I doubt she'd take that even if all her gigs dried up. John: Nevertheless, I'm leaving a door open for her. Harry: Didn't she say she was coming for Thanksgiving? John: She said she'd try to make it and you know with her, you can never tell what she's going to do. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Back at the McGregor Mansion, Alma is arriving she and Alma's Aunt, Martha. Alma: Anna, look who I found at the airport. Anna comes downstairs. Anna: What's going on? Anna pauses when she sees Martha. Anna: Aunt Martha? Martha: It's me. Anna: Why didn't you tell anyone you were coming? Martha: No point, I just get up and go. And besides, it was an excuse for me to visit so we could talk about that whole mess about your husband. Anna: We talked about that on the phone weeks ago Martha: It's not the same as talking in person, this kind of thing requires a face to face talk. Anna: I'm so talked out about it. Martha: We still need to talk, there's something else I've got to say to you. Alma, could you give us a minute. Alma: Sure, I'll just go make some tea for us while you talk. Alma goes to the kitchen. Anna: I don't know what else that could possibly be said about the situation. Martha: You could try forgiving your husband and letting go of all the angry. Anna: I'm not angry, I'm hurt. Martha: Sure, he made a mistake, but you've got a good husband and you can't let him slip away. Anna: What are you talking about slip away? Andrew died a long time ago. Martha: Don't try to pull that on me, I know he's not dead. Anna: What? Martha: Unless I was dreaming, Andrew called me and begged me to help him get your forgiveness. Anna: Oh, I cannot believe he would involve you. Martha: He did it because I'm the only person who can talk sense into you sometimes. Anna: I've got plenty of sense. You might be like a mother to me and everything, but that doesn't mean you can pass judgment on my decisions. Martha: Look, I'm not saying you have to just forget about what he did, but you had a good life with him and had children, I just don't want you to throw away your second chance without at least thinking about it. Anna: The man didn't even have the decency to tell me he was alive right away, he waited years. Plus, there's the other thing about our invalid marriage. Martha: You remember back at the funeral how upset you were and you wished you had another chance to say a lot of things you never got to say to Andrew? This is your chance. Anna: Don't you think there's a part of me that just wants to take him back and live the life we had? It can't happen though, there are too many issues. Martha: At least give him a chance to try and make up for it. Anna: Maybe I can in time, but not now. Martha: If it's one thing I learned in my life, there are times that you can't waste time, you have to grab opportunity and work out the kinks later. Anna: Where is Andrew? Martha: He's still in town, I've got the number and address of where he's staying. Anna: I'll probably regret it, but let me have the number. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________
#82 Monday, November 24th (BONUS EPISODE) At the hospital, Lynette is sitting in the waiting room resting when her cell phone vibrates. She goes outside to answer it. Lynette: (into phone) Hello? Greg: I just called to see how you were doing this morning. Lynette: Not good at all. Greg: What's wrong? Lynette: Jim had a heart attack. Greg: That's awful, is he going to be all right? Lynette: The doctors say he should be, but he's still not awake yet. Greg: That's good, the paramedics must of gotten him here quickly. Lynette: I've been up all night, the stress has just drained me. Greg: Is anyone there with you? Lynette: My mom was here earlier and is coming back later. Greg: Right now, words cannot describe how bad I feel about all of this. Lynette: The blame lies squarly with me, it was my lying that caused the problem. Greg: Still, I had an affair with a married woman and now her husband has had a heart attack, that sort of makes me feel terrible. Lynette: I understand, but the fact still remains, it was up to me to be truthful and I didn't do that. Eleanor comes outside. Eleanor: Lynette? Lynette: I've got to go, talk to you later (hangs up) What's wrong? Eleanor: The doctor said Jim is awake. Lynette: That's wonderful. Eleanor: She said he's asking for you. Lynette: Well, I better get in there. Lynette hurries back inside. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Anna stands in disbelief, seeing Andrew at the door. Anna: This can't be real. Andrew: It's me. Anna: Andrew? How? Andrew: It's a long story Anna: There has to be some explaination, this can't be happening. Andrew: I didn't even know how to tell you, because I knew it would be so unbelievable. Anna: My husband died in a plane crash years ago. Is this some sort of hoax? Andrew: I survived. It's not a hoax and I can prove it. Andrew takes a tattered old photograph of him and Anna from his wallet and hands it to Anna. Andrew: Turn it over. The photo has Anna's handwriting on the back, dated 1968. Andrew: That is a photo that I always carried in my wallet, nobody else would have that. Anna: I remember this, it was the only one in a set I had, the photographer made a mistake and didn't make duplicates. You liked it so much, you wanted it for your wallet. Andrew: So now you believe it? Anna: I've got to sit down. Andrew helps Anna to the couch. Andrew: I know this is all a terrible shock. Anna: You have no idea. Andrew: It took me a long time to figure out how I was going to do this. Anna: I have so many questions, I don't know where to start. Anna looks at Andrew again in disbelief. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Lynette comes into Jim's hospital room. Lynette: Jim? Jim: (weakly) Lynette. Lynette: It's me, I'm here. Jim: What happened? Lynette: You had a heart attack. Jim: A heart attack? Lynette: It's all right now, the doctor says you are going to be fine. Jim: How are the kids? Are they all right? Lynette: My aunt Alma has them. I've been here at the hospital all night, your parents are here too. Jim: My head is killing me. Lynette: You probably just need to rest and not try to talk. Jim: I haven't had a headache like this since-- , Don't tell me I was drinking? Lynette: Don't get yourself all worked up. Jim: I was, wasn't I? Lynette: We don't need to talk about that now. Jim: All I remember is that I was so angry about what you did and---, I don't even know why I wanted you in here, after everything that has happened. Lynette: Please, let's not get into that now. Jim: I was sober for so many years, I thought I had it kicked. Lynette: And you will beat it again, it's just a matter of time. Jim: A divorce and rehab, now those are some things to look forward to. Lynette: Like I said, let's not think about all that now, you need rest. Jim: I feel like the biggest idiot in the world right now. All those years of sobriety, gone. Lynette pats Jim's hand. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Andrew is explaining everything to Anna. Anna: So you've been alive all this time and didn't tell anyone? Andrew: I was in such terrible shape, I didn't want to come back and be a burden. Anna: It wouldn't have been a burden, you're my husband. It certainly would have been better than letting your family grieve. Andrew: It's complicated Anna: What finally made you come back? Andrew: I heard you lost the company and I had to step in. Aaron acted as my proxy. Anna: Aaron, I knew it was strange that he just showed up out of the blue. Andrew: He also helped get me back to health and sort of convinced me I needed to come home. Anna: You needed convincing? How could you not want to come back to your family? Andrew: After the whole thing with Cassandra came out, I knew you would be very upset about it. I wanted to make up for it in some way, but not face the possibility of you not forgiving me, that's why I had Aaron act as my proxy. Anna: Don't even get me started on Cassandra. Andrew: There were so many times I wanted to tell you. Anna: Of course, but it always just slipped your mind, right? Andrew: I made a mistake when I was young and I didn't know how to rectify it. Anna: Well, that mistake meant that our marriage was never valid. Andrew: We could fix that. Anna: It's not that easy, Andrew. Andrew: You know that I love you, so why can't we get through this together? I know I don't really deserve forgiveness, but I really am sorry. Anna: You haven't been back in an hour, I've barely had time to process the fact that you are alive. Andrew: You're right, I'm moving to quickly. Anna: I can't deal with all of this. Andrew: What are you saying? Anna: I'm saying that things just cannot go back to the way they were. Andrew: Please, I know you're angry, but-- Anna: You should have just stayed wherever you were at. Andrew: What? Anna: I had a hard time with finding out your were already married when you married me, but I'm having a harder believing that you would let me grieve over you for years and not let me know you were alive. How could you do that? Andrew: I'm back now, I'm not going to hurt you again, I promise. Anna: You've already done enough damage. Just go. Andrew looks sad and slowly walks out. Anna breaks down crying.
#81 Monday, November 24th Aaron comes back to the clinic where Andrew is at Andrew: I saw the press conference on TV, Anna did a great job. Aaron: Yes, she did. Andrew is packing a suitcase. Aaron: You're really going to leave without telling your family the truth? Andrew: I did what I came here to do, now it's done. Aaron: I know I can't tell you what to do, but I think you know better than this. Andrew: It's the right decision. Aaron: You're afraid to face the truth. Andrew: I'm not afraid, I just don't want to turn lives upside-down. Aaron: We all make mistakes and we've all got to face them. Andrew: This isn't something selfish for me. Aaron: Yes it is. You don't want to tell the truth because you are afraid your family won't forgive me. Andrew: You're not in my position. Aaron: You're right, because if I was in your shoes, I would have already told the truth by now. Andrew: Please, try to understand my side of this. Aaron: I can't understand it, but it's your choice and you have to live with it. Andrew: I've got to get to the airport soon, my flight leaves in a couple of hours. Aaron: I'll call the car. Andrew looks conflicted, unsure if leaving is what he really wants. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Cassandra's lawyer, Cenk arrives to discuss Cassandra's case at the jail. Cenk: We've got a lot to work on. Cassandra: That's what I was afraid of. Cenk: Good news is, I was able to swing bail for you, you'll be out shortly Cassandra: Thank goodness, I couldn't tolerate spending the night in this dreadful jail. Cenk: Reviewing the charges, these are some pretty heavy allegations. Cassandra: I realize that, I just want to avoid jail. I'll even pay a fine. Cenk: Well, the feds are always looking to make an example of someone, you never know how much time you'll get. Cassandra: Give me an estimate. Cenk: 5-10 years. Cassandra: Good grief. I can't go to prison. Cenk: We could cut a deal. Cassandra: What? Cenk: You pay back everyone that lost money in the savings and loan. Cassandra: I can do that, my resources are enormous. Cenk: It's not a sure thing, though. The US attorney still might decide to prosecute. Cassandra: So I could still be doomed? Cenk: We'll see what happens. Keep relatively quiet, no statements to the media. Cassandra: Sounds fine to me. Cenk: I'll be speaking with you again soon. Cenk leaves. _________________________________________________________________________ At Number 37, George is at the bar, John Phelps enters and sits at the other end of the bar. George: I bet you're real happy right now. You made it clear you wanted to embarrass my company and you got what you wanted. John: You're right, I am happy, I'm always happy when one of my investigations is successful. I can't take all the credit though, your mother had a lot to do with it. George: That's low, it's really low. John: It's not like it isn't true. George: You are pathetic, you make a career out of shaming people. John: No, I try to keep them honest. And people like you, I don't like, you think you are above the law. George: You can't call me dishonest, I didn't know anything about the fake documents. John: It's still pretty laughable that you didn't have a clue what was going on in your own company. George: Laugh all you want, but I'm still going to break into retail and compete with your friends, the McGregors. John: You talk about the McGregors like you aren't one. George: I'm not one in the same sense as the others are. George gets up to leave. John: Whatever that means. (sarcastically) You have a good day and stay clear of the SEC. George leaves the bar. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Lynette is still crying as Anna hugs her. Lynette: I feel like this is my fault. Anna: Blaming yourself won't do any good now. Lynette: None of this would have happened if I was just honest with him, he would have never started drinking or taking those pills. Anna: It's all so awful. Lynette: I handled things in the worst way possible. Anna: Right now, you need to focus on Jim's recovery, he's going to need all the strength he can get. Lynette: I'm so scared right now. Lynette looks over and sees Elliot and Eleanor sitting on the other side of the lobby, they looked very stressed. Just then, Dr. Claiborne returns to the lobby. Leslie: Well, I have good news. Lynette: That's fantastic. Eleanor: You mean Jim's going to be all right? Leslie: It looks like he will. We got him to the OR just in time, we did an angioplasty. Eleanor: Do you know if there will be any permanent damage? Leslie: In most cases like this I've worked on, the patient has a good recovery rate. We're keeping him on clot busting drugs just in case anything else happens, other than that, I don't think we have to worry. Elliot: Thank god, he's going to be all right. Leslie: He won't be conscious for quite awhile, but you can see him if you like. Eleanor: Thank you very much, Dr. Claiborne. Leslie goes back to the ER. Lynette: He's going to be all right. Anna: That's why it's good to have faith, it can move mountains. Lynette: It really does. Anna: I'm so relieved right now. Lynette: You've been here with me all night, you need to get some rest. Anna: I don't want to leave you here. Lynette: We know Jim is all right now, so I'll be fine here. You can come back later. Anna: I could use a bite to eat and a quick nap, so I'll go home and do that, but I'll come back later. Lynette: That's fine. Anna: Call me if there are any new developments. Lynette: I will. Anna leaves. Lynette goes over to Eleanor and Elliot. Lynette: I know you don't want to speak to me right now, but now that we know Jim is okay, I was hoping that we can all at least try to pull together to help him when it's time for him to start recovery. I know you're upset with me, but just for Jim's sake, I'm asking you this. Eleanor: Whatever is best for my son's recovery, I'll do it. Lynette looks sad, thinking about the entire situation. A montage of scenes of the characters lamenting their troubles begins, as Faith Hill's Cry plays in the background. We see Andrew riding in a towncar to the airport and again look at a picture his family, still conflicted. At the hospital, Lynette walks into Jim's room. She stands by his bed side and sighs deeply. At the McGregor Estate, Anna is in the den having a cup of tea. She looks over at the mantle and sees a picture of her and Andrew. Anna shakes her head, thinking of Andrew's deception. She prepares to go up stairs, when the doorbell rings. She goes to answer and finds Andrew on the other side. A look of shock comes over her face. _________________________________________________________________________________________
Thanks for the comment. I'm not a fan of jumping ahead either, so this will be the only time I do it. I'm going to post a couple of episodes today that deal with where the story last left off, then on Wednesday's episode the timeline will shift.
Varied Lives (formerly Novi) will be returning from hiatus to gear up for an extended length Thanksgiving episode. "As soaps have traditionally had holiday episodes, I've decided to do one for Varied Lives and really use it to advance some of the storylines further and introduce the next elements. The timeline will be moving forward just a bit to adjust for the hiatus and the lack of episodes I posted, but everything will be in order in terms of continuity and story consistency, all your favorite plots will still make sense." The head writer also spilled these tidbits: Anna's traditional family Thanksgiving celebration will get quite a surprise and some of the McGregors will not be happy about it. As long promised, the rest of the Phelps Family will be introduced, on Wednesday the 26th. John's daughter, Teri comes to town for the holiday, but she has a surprise connection to some already in town. The holiday doesn't make Leigh and Norm take a break from their scheme, look for them to put the final element of their plan against Edmund in place. What happens will really advance this storyline in a big way. Plus, there are a couple of other surprises, but you'll have to wait and read. "Readers will not be disappointed" said the Head Writer. Casting News: Varied Lives will have a special guest star on Nov. 26, 27 and 28th.
I'm thrilled that S.T.E.A.M is back and this was a great season opener. Loved the scenes with Sister Patterson finding out about Mona, can't wait to see what happens next in that story.
Jim is rushed into the hospital. Dr. Leslie Claiborne rushes over to check him out as the paramedics wheel him in. Leslie: What have we got? Paramedic: Heart attack. Leslie: Get him to the OR, stat! Lynette runs in as the the paramedics wheel Jim into the ER. Lynette: Dr. Claiborne, is he going to be all right? Leslie: It's too early tell. Leslie goes into the ER. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Later on, Anna is back at McGregor, triumphant in her victory. Anna: I got the company back. John: You certainly did. Yvette: It's nice to have this company back in the right hands. Roberta: I'm just glad we got ahold of that information when we did. Anna: Thanks to Aaron. Aaron: This company is my family's legacy, I helped out. Anna: We couldn't have done it without you. And John, thank you, you bought me enough time. John: That's what I do, no problem. Anna: Well, celebration can only last so long. We've got to get back to business, we have several new stores opening and we need everyone's best effort. Yvette: My marketing strategy is ready to go, so we are good in that area. Anna: That's great. In light of what has happened, I want to hold a fresh shareholders vote and nominate Aaron and Roberta as members of the board. Aaron: No, I didn't do this for reward, I just did it because it was the right thing to do. Roberta: Neither did I, Andrew was a good friend and client. Anna: Never turn down a reward, that's what I always say. Besides, we need smart people in this company. Aaron: I'll give it some thought. Anna: How about you, Roberta? Roberta: I'm game, it's been awhile sense I was in the corporate sector, I'm ready to come back. Anna: Good, it's settled. And Aaron, I do hope you will consider my offer. Aaron: I will. The phone rings and Anna answers it. Anna: (into phone) Hello? Lynette: Mom, it's me. Anna: What's wrong, you sound upset? Lynette: It's Jim, he's in the hospital, he's had a heart attack. Anna: Oh, no. How bad is it? Lynette: I don't know, they rushed him to surgery. Anna: I'll be there soon. (hangs up) That was Lynette, her husband Jim has had a heart attack. I've got to go. Anna prepares to leave. Yvette: I'll drive you. Anna: Thanks. Anna and Yvette leave. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ At the hospital, Elliot and Eleanor have arrived. Eleanor: What could have happened? Lynette: He had a heart attack Eleanor: I don't understand. Elliot: I don't either. Lynette: He was so upset. Eleanor: I thought he was in such good help, what could have caused that? Elliot: There must be something else to it. Lynette: (hesitant) He had been drinking and I think he was on something else too. Elliot: What? Eleanor: Oh, my god, no. Lynette: I feel so responsible right now. Eleanor: You should, you caused this whole mess in the first place. Elliot: Please, calm down, dear. This isn't the time. Eleanor: I can't believe this is happening. Dr. Claiborne comes out of the ER. Lynette: Dr. Claiborne, these are Jim's parents, Eleanor and Elliot Craig. Leslie: Pleased to meet you. Your son's condition is very stable right now, he's had a heart attack, but was wheeled in at just the right time. Plus, he had extremely high levels of valium in his system. Elliot: Valium? Eleanor: What? I didn't even know he took that. Leslie: It seems have had an effect on his condition, he's not conscious right now. Eleanor: Is there anything you can do? Leslie: We had him in surgery for awhile now, all we can do is wait. Eleanor: Does he have a chance of pulling through? Leslie: He has a very good chance, my concern is what damage the valium may have done. I've got to get back, but I will update you when I know something new. Elliot: Thank you, Doctor. Anna and Yvette walk in. Lynette: Mom, I'm so glad you're here. Anna: When did this happen? Lynette: Earlier. Anna: Elliot, Eleanor, I am so sorry. Yvette: So I am, I hope Jim is all right. Elliot: Thank you. Lynette turns to Eleanor Lynette: Mrs. Craig, I--- Eleanor: Don't talk to me right now. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ At the jail, Cassandra is in a holding cell, George is with her. George: I don't get it, I really don't. We had this sowed up, but you had to destroy it. Cassandra: I had to do something, the shareholders would not have been convinced with you study. It had to be solid. George: It was all lies, lies. The only way we were going to win is to do it all legal, it was the only way. Cassandra: If I had just hidden that disc better, this wouldn't have happened. George: You don't get it, you shouldn't have done it in the first place. Cassandra: I just wanted you to have what should be yours. George: I've called you a lawyer, he's well known in Novi and he should be able to get you off light. Cassandra: I apologize for this turning out like it did. George: Don't do that. Just worry about yourself and these charges you are up on. I've got to go back to Lightner and explain to our shareholders how this mess happened. Cassandra: Is everything going to be okay? George: I'll find a way to fix it. George leaves. ______________________________________________________________________________ Carol returns to her office Donahue Headquarters, dissapointed. Trish walks in. Carol: I bet your glad right now, since you seemed to feel so sorry for the McGregor. Trish: I'm glad they got the company back, I'm not glad that you ended up in a bad deal though. Carol: It looked so good, I thought it would work. Trish: Can't say I never thought the whole thing wasn't trouble. Carol: It was a good deal, but it ended up going the wrong way. Trish: You're lucky you didn't get caught up in the dragnet, you could have easily been brought down too. Carol: I'm on the up and up, Donahue is a clean corporation. Trish: Sometimes in these things, the SEC just doesn't care and everybody gets in trouble. Carol: What's done is done, nothing lost, nothing gained. Trish: Something to be thankful for. Carol: I suppose all that time I spent working that deal, I could have spent helping you plan your wedding. How is it coming? Trish: Henry and I still haven't set a date yet. Carol: What's the hold up? Trish: There is none, we just haven't decided yet. And if you say one word about Joseph, I'm leaving. Carol: Who said I was going to talk about Joseph? Trish: I know you, you were going say I'm still pining away for him. Carol: I was not going to say that. Trish: Yeah, right. Carol: Okay, okay, you caught me. It just seems a little odd that you keep putting things off, Henry's a great guy and it seems like you would be jumping at the chance to get married. Trish: I'm not listening. Trish walks out. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________
#79 Wednesday, August 20th The next morning, Anna, John and the McGregor board of directors are meeting with an SEC official. Anna: And everything there is solid enough for you. Official: It's clear enough for us and the US attorney seems to be on board. Roberta: After reviewing everything this morning, There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that something fraudulent happened. I haven't seen anything like this in years. John: Then we have a case. Anna: Cassandra, buckle your seat belt. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lynette comes to she and Jim's house, looking for Jim. She finds him in the kitchen. Lynette: You've been drinking again. Jim: What? Don't come into my house accusing me of anything. Lynette: The bank called me, I've got the statement. Jim: So you caught me? It's my life. Lynette: You practically drained the checking account. Jim: I'm not having this conversation with you. Lynette: I'm not going to stand by while you destroy yourself. Jim: Why would you even care? You have Greg. Lynette: You're the father of my children, they need you. Jim: I needed something to clear my mind. Lynette: I realize I caused you a lot of pain, but please think of the children. Jim: You are not one who can tell anyone about being unselfish. Lynette: I'm not trying to lecture you, I'm trying to keep you from ruining your life. Jim: I'm giving you a divorce, now leave me alone. Lynette: Regardless of that, I still care about you. Our marriage might be over, but it doesn't mean you aren't important to me in some way. Jim: I can stop drinking any time I want. Lynette: That's what all alcoholics say, none of them can control it though. Jim: Not everyone is like me. Lynette: You couldn't have possibly spent all that money on alcohol the past couple of days, what else were you doing? Jim: Nothing. Lynette: There's something else going on, it's not just the drinking, is it? Jim: Leave me be. Lynette: Just answer me. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ At Lightner, a live press conference is about to get underway. George, Cassandra and Carol are all there. George: With that injunction in place, we need to insure all our stockholders that we are going to be stable. Carol: Precisely, we can't afford our stocks to fall. Cassandra: Let's hope so. Meanwhile, outside Lightner, Anna's limousine is pulling up in front of Lightner's headquarters. Anna and John all get out and walk into the lobby to the reception desk. Receptionist: Can I help you? Anna: We need to speak with Mr. Lightner. Receptionist: He's not available right now. Anna: It's urgent. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Edmund is at Leigh's apartment. Leigh: Edmund, it's nice that you stopped by. Edmund: Yeah, I had a little time before I have to go into work. Leigh: Would you like some coffee? Edmund: No thanks. Leigh: Did you want to talk about something? Edmund: Yes, this whole change of heart you've had. Leigh: I've already explained, I'm doing what's best for the children. Edmund: As much as I want to believe that, it's hard for me to do so. Just a couple of months ago you were bent on getting full custody and making me out to be the bad guy. Leigh: I simply saw the error of my ways. Edmund: You've always got something up your sleeve, you never give up. Leigh: I should have known it would go this way, I try to reach out and you come out swinging. Edmund: Look, I'm not trying to argue, I just want you to be honest. Do you have something up your sleeve? Leigh: No, I don't. Edmund: It's just that it doesn't make any sense. Leigh: Maybe not to a person like you who is so combative. Edmund: You know what, for the boys' sake, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt. Leigh: Thank you. Edmund: But remember, I'm not letting my guard down. Leigh: There you go again. Edmund: Please, I'm not trying to argue, I'm just making sure we are clear on everything. Leigh: Sure. Edmund leaves. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The press conference at Lightner is starting. George is at the microphone. George: This press conference is to answer anyone's questions about the takeover and how the injunction could effect shareholders. Anyone holding stock in this company should rest assured that their interest are protected. Just then, Anna walks into the press room. Anna: You sure about that? Cassandra: What are you doing here? Anna: Since this is press conference is for airing out everything, let's really shake out the details. Cassandra: This is a nationally televised event, are you really going to make a spectcle of yourself right now. Anna: Of course not, I've got proof. Carol: I knew you were desperate, Anna, but I never knew you were willing to make a fool of yourself. Anna: If I were you, I'd be quiet until I heard the whole truth. George: Mrs. McGregor, we have throughly discussed this takeover and--- Anna: We haven't discussed what I have. George: All right, let's hear it. Cassandra: What are you doing? George: Letting her talk, I'm sure whatever she has is nonsense. Could someone please hand Mrs. McGregor a microphone? A technician hands Anna a microphone. Anna: Thanks. It has come to my attention that the deal that Lightner Corp. made to take over my company was based on fraudulent information. Cassandra: That is a lie. Anna: Would you kindly let me talk? If you have done nothing wrong, then you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Anyway, I have uncovered evidence that the shareholder responsible for this vote passed off a study full of fraudulent figures and data in order negatively influence other shareholders. George: Excuse me, but that study was very well put together, I saw the final draft. Anna: Apparently, there were two different drafts of this study, one for the shareholders and one to throw off the current board of McGregor. Copies of both reports can be obtained from my litigator, Mr. John Phelps. These files were obtained from a disc that was mistakenly included with files on the takeover that Mr. Lightner made available to our attorneys. Anna points to John who is standing by the door holding copies. George: I want to see this. John: Be my guest. John gives George a copy and proceeds to hand copies to interested members of the press. George: I don't know what you are trying to pull, but this is not the study that I approved. Anna: Really? Several shareholders have said this is the study they were given. George: This can't be right. Anna: It is. It's not surprising that fake documents would be used, since Mr. Sterling Hart has worked with Mrs. Lightner in the past and forged documents to save them from prosecution. George: Mother, what is she talking about? Cassandra: This is libelous, it's all untrue. Anna: Can you deny that Mr. Hart was your associate at Silver Hills Savings and Loan? Cassandra: We both worked there at the same time. Anna: It doesn't take much to draw the conclusion that they were colluding together to take this company by any means. George: You didn't tell me you knew Sterling, Mother. Cassandra: I didn't think it was important. Carol: How do we know any of this is true? Mrs. McGregor is desperate to hold on to her company. Anna: Everything I've said has been verified by the SEC. Plus, we have someone here to substantiate our findings. Mr. Hart? Sterling walks in and Anna hands him the microphone. Anna: Mr. Hart is here and can verify everything. Sterling: Mrs. Lightner came to me and asked if I could create a report that gave a negative futures report about McGregor's new stores. When it turned out that the stores would be a success, we fabricated everything. George: Are you serious? Sterling: Yes. Cassandra: That man is lying. Sterling: It's also true that I helped Mrs. Lightner save several assets of her and other promienant associates when the savings and loan collapsed all those years ago. Sterling hands Anna the microphone back. He gets ready to walk out when Cassandra stops him. Cassandra: How could you do that? Sterling: The SEC cut a deal with me to avoid jail time if I talked. At this point, I had nothing to lose coming here. Cassandra: You rat. Sterling: I look out for number one. Sterling leaves. Anna: In conclusion, I think the evidence clearly shows that the takeover was a fraud and that I am still the rightful owner of McGregor. Just then, two federal agents walk in. Cassandra: What is this? Federal Agent: Cassandra Lightner, you are under arrest for securities fraud. The agent proceeds to handcuff Cassandra. Flashbulbs from the press photographers go off rapidly. Cassandra: This is all absurd. George: Mother, what have you done? ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Back at Jim and Lynette's house Lynette: Please, just answer me. Jim: I just want to be left alone. Lynette: Fine, but until you clean yourself up, I'm afraid I can't let you see the kids. Jim: What? You can't take them away from me, they are the only thing that I have left in my life. Lynette: I'm not taking them away from you forever, but you know it's not good for them to be around you in this condition. Jim: I guess you haven't hurt me enough, well I-- Jim stops talking mid-sentence and clutches his chest, then collapses to the floor. Lynette: Oh, my god, Jim! Lynette runs over to Jim, then pulls out her cell and dials emergency.
#78 Monday, August 18th Sterling is in his hotel room, when there's a knock at the door. He answers it and Cassandra walks in. Sterling: What's wrong? Cassandra: We've got trouble. Sterling: What kind of trouble? Cassandra: I think one of the original discs with the real study on it may have went out with some papers to John Phelps. Sterling: What?! Cassandra: Calm down. Sterling: Calm down? How could you let this happen? Cassandra: I'm saying stay calm because I'm not for sure that's what happened. Sterling: We're in big trouble if he sees the date the study was really written, if he shows the SEC we're toast. Cassandra: I know that. We've got to find a way to get it back. Sterling: I have no idea how to do that. Cassandra: Well, think of something. If I go down, you go down. Sterling: That's right, crap. Cassandra: If you have any bright ideas, call me. I'll be brainstorming too. Cassandra leaves. _________________________________________________________ John, Anna and Aaron are at McGregor going over the files that Lightner handed over to them about the takeover. John: There's nothing else here. Anna: If we could find just one slight slip-up to go along with what we've got, we'd be home free. John: This is frustrating, because I feel we are this close. Aaron: The injunction only last for another day now, we've got to find something quick. John: I know, but what? John starts looking through the box of files again, when he feels something hard inside a manila envelope. He reaches inside the envelope and finds a disc. John: Here's something we missed. Aaron: A disc. John: It's not even labeled and it wasn't with the other disc Lightner sent over. Anna: Pop it in. John puts the disc in the PC. The disc loads and an explorer window showing the file on the disc pops up. Aaron: It's a PDF. John: Let's find out what's in this thing. John clicks the PDF and brings up the study. John: It's just the study from Sterling. Anna: I thought we might have been on to something. Aaron: We still might be on to something. Anna: What? Aaron: Look at the date at the top of the page. John: It's different than the date on the one he gave us. Look at this, there are all sorts of bogus figures here, fake pie charts, spreadsheets, this isn't even close to what McGregor's projected outlook would be. Anna: In the study he gave us, everything was just innuendo. John: He didn't want us to see the original, because we could refute it with our own facts. Anna: So he gave us another copy so we could go to court. John: Exactly. Anna: Can we get the company back with this? John: If they tricked the shareholders with fake data, then this takeover is definitely null. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Jim walks into the bar in Flint where he first got the Valium. He approaches the woman who sold him the pills. Woman: What are you doing here again? I just gave you something a little while ago. Jim: You only gave me a couple and I need more. Woman: You got the dough? Jim: I got out everything I could out of my bank. Jim pulls out the money. Woman: You look a mess, I don't think you need anymore of this stuff. Jim: Please, please. I've got the money. Woman: I'm in the small time, I only sell a little bit at a time. I don't get into big transactions, because that's where the trouble starts. Jim: This is all the money I've got, it could do you a lot of good. The woman looks around hesitantly and then pulls out a larger bottle of pills. She grabs the money and gives Jim the bottle. Woman: Now get out of here. ___________________________________________________________________ Lynette getting ready to start work at Number 37 when her cell phone rings. Lynette: Hello? Banker: (over phone) This is Oakland County Bank, is this Mrs. Craig? Lynette: This is she. Banker: We are calling to inform you about suspicious activity on your joint account, we tried to reach Mr. Craig as well, but we haven't been able to. Lynette: What's going on? Banker: There have been several transactions on your account at a liquor store and most recently a large cash withdrawal from an ATM. Lynette: I don't know anything about those. Banker: Have you lost your card? Lynette: No, I didn't. Banker: Well, the account has been frozen for security. Lynette: Thank you, I'll try and get to the bottom of this. Lynette hangs up and a look of fear comes over her face realizing that Jim probably made transactions.
Thanks for reading and I'm glad you liked the episode. I changed the name of the blog, because I wanted a title that had more of a soap opera like feel to it.
Jodie's death scene was written very well. Also, I can't wait to see what happens now that Rufus and Sharan have escaped.
Good casting choice for Ria's mother. Very good episode all around.
#77 Friday, July 18th Aaron walks up to the front door of the McGregor Estate. He rings the doorbell and Anna answers. Anna: Aaron McGregor, I haven't seen you in I don't know how long. Aaron: You do remember me, I'm glad. Anna: Come on in the house, I was just about to sit down to dinner with a friend. Anna brings Aaron into the dining room. Anna: Aaron, This is my friend John Phelps. John, this is Andrew's nephew, Aaron. Aaron: Pleased to meet you. John: Likewise. Aaron: Anna, I spoke with Yvette earlier, I assumed she told you I was in town. Anna: She picked up a lot of the slack for me at work today, so she probably forgot. So what brings you to town? Aaron: Business actually, M.I. to be exact. Anna: I'm guessing you heard about the mess. Aaron: Yes and I'm here to lend my assistance. I know a little about corporations. Anna: I can use all the help I can get. Aaron: I especially though you could use this. Aaron gives Anna a printout of Lightner's record with Sterling. Anna: This is very interesting. John, take a look at that. Anna passes the printout to John. John: This is exactly the sort of thing I needed, a link between Lightner and Sterling Hart. Where did you get this? Aaron: A reliable source. John: This could prove Sterling had the motivation to help Cassandra and George. Aaron: Possibly. Anna: Well, with Sterling Hart's history of assisting hostile takeovers, this should be the proof we need for court. Aaron: I was hoping it would. John: Check this out, it's an old telephone transcript between Cassandra and Sterling. Anna: Let's see that. John: Seems like Sterling phonied up records to keep him and Cassandra from being prosecuted for the savings and loan failure. Aaron: I saw that, but I wasn't sure if it was of any significance. John: Yep, it is. Sterling gave us a study that he claimed caused the shareholders to vote against the board, but no one seems to have viewed it until now. Anna: You think he faked that study? John: It's not out of the realm of plausibility. Anna: How could we prove he did that? John: I don't know. There are some discs with the papers that George handed over for review, but I doubt there's anything incriminating there. _________________________________________________________ Cassandra is in her office at Lightner, looking for something. Cassandra: Where could it be? I know I had it here. George walks in. George: What are you looking for? Cassandra: It's a disc, it has the study we gave the shareholders on it. George: Don't worry, we've got other copies. Cassandra: No, that was my original disc, I needed it for something, George: The study is all the same, it makes no difference what disc it's on. Your disc might have accidently gone out when the courier took some of the files I sent Phelps to show him the takeover was legal. Cassandra: What? That's not good. George: It's no big deal, calm down. Cassandra: This is serious. George: I think it's time you took some time off, you've been acting odd. First, you say you saw Dad and now you're freaking out about a disc. Cassandra: I'm fine. George: Just try to relax then, now is not the time to stress out. George leaves. Cassandra: (thinking) If Phelps sees that disc, this whole deal is finished. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Jim stops by Lynette's room at the Town and Country Inn. Lynette: Jim, come on in. Jim: I can't stay long, I just wanted to let you know there's been a change in plans for the divorce proceedings. Lynette: What? Jim: I want it over as soon as possible, so I'm having my lawyer expedite things, just wanted to give you notice. Lynette: That's fine. Jim: How are the kids doing? Lynette: They're great. I'm glad they are too young to understand what is going on. Jim: Yeah, I thought the same thing. Lynette looks at Jim, noticing that there's something different about his demeanor. Jim: Why are you looking at me like that? Lynette: I don't know, something seems different about you. Jim: I am about to get divorced, that can change a person's personality. Lynette: No, it's more than that. Jim, thinking that Lynette has sensed that he's been drinking, slowly back away from the door. Jim: I've got to go, I just needed to tell you that. Jim walks away. Lynette has a puzzled expression on her face, not sure why Jim seemed so different.
#76 Wednesday, July 16th Cassandra comes into George's office. George: Mother, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost. Cassandra: I may have. George: What are you talking about? Cassandra: You'll just think I'm crazy. George: If it's gotten you this spooked, then I want to hear what it is. Cassandra: I think I saw you're father. George: How can that be, Mother? He died twelve years ago. Cassandra: I was driving down the boulevard and I saw a man in a town car and I could have sworn it was him. George: It probably was just someone that looked like him. Cassandra: No, I'd know his face anywhere. George: I think you need to sit down and take a breath. Cassandra sits down. Cassandra: I know it doesn't make any sense, but I know what I saw. George: It's probably just stress from everything that's been going on. Sometimes our minds play tricks on us when we have too much on our plate, it's happened to me. Cassandra: Maybe you're right, but something just tells me it was him I saw. George: We both know that's not possible. Cassandra: I know, I know. It's just bothering me so, I can't get it out of my head. George: Now probably isn't the right time to tell you this, but you're going to find out anyway, so. Cassandra: What? George: The judge put up an injunction, we can't legally make any changes at M.I. yet Cassandra: Great, just fantastic. _______________________________________________________________________________ Later, John is in his office at Phelps Motors, Anna has just walked in. John: Sorry you had to come over here, I had some work to do here and couldn't get away, but I wanted to give you this news in person. Anna: Good news? John: Yes, the judge put the injunction in place. Anna: Terrific. John: It buys us a bit of time. Anna: Now all we have to do is find out if Cassandra and George did anything illegal. John: That's why we need as much time as we can get, before Lightner can appoint an interim board to M.I. Anna: He's got his cronies waiting in the wings. Have you looked over the documents George gave you. John: I've been pouring over them, nothing incriminating so far. They've covered their tracks well. I did find something interesting though, Sterling was very involved with Lightner just before the shareholders revolt even started. Anna: Probably up to his old tricks. John: That's my guess, but we need the proof. Anna: Where do we get the proof though? ________________________________________________ In an office, Andrew is typing on a computer, looking through documents about Cassandra's problems with Silver Hills Savings and Loan. Andrew: Aaron, have you been able to find out how long this Sterling guy held shares with M.I.? Aaron: Since about 2004. Andrew: He's kind of shady, I'm wondering if he's the key to everything. Aaron: It's possible. Andrew: This is all very confusing, how does a strong company get taken over? Aaron: It's supposed to have to do with some study that no one has ever seen. Andrew: That's even more shady. Aaron: I'm going to phone John Phelps, see if we can compare notes. Andrew: Hold the phone for a minute, I may have found something in these documents. Aaron: What? Andrew: It looks like Sterling worked with Cassandra during the time of the bank failure. There's even a telephone transcript. Aaron: Sterling's worked a lot of places, so that probably won't do us much good. Andrew: We could possibly make a connection between the two. With Sterling's history of shafting companies, it could show they were in cahoots on the takeover. Aaron: It's worth a shot. Andrew: I'll print this off and you take it to Anna, I'm sure she can make use of it. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Lynette is at the CoffeeRoom Greg: So he served you with divorce papers? That's what he meant when he told me he did something. Lynette: You talked to him? Greg: I ran into him at Guido's and we had a talk. He's in terrible shape. Lynette: I still just feel so awful, this could have been avoided. Greg: It's not all your fault, I let myself get too close to you. Lynette: Well, I just came over to give you the number of where I'll be staying. Greg: You could have stayed with me if you wanted to. Lynette: I have a room at the Town and Country Inn, I really think it would be appropriate I stay there until this divorce is over. Besides, I'm going to be keeping the kids for awhile, it's best this way. Greg: You're right. Lynette: As soon as this divorce is finalized, we'll take things from there. Greg: I understand completely, it shouldn't be any other way. I can wait. Lynette: In the meantime, I really going to be worried about Jim, I just don't know how he's going to take this. Greg: Hope for the best. Lynette: I've got to run, or I'm going to be late picking the kids up from kindergarten. Greg: See you later. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jim is at home, sitting at a desk with a bottle of wine and a half empty glass. He's talking on the telephone to a divorce lawyer. Jim: I need this divorce to go through as fast as possible. What do you mean it will take that long? I want it over and done with. Isn't there anyway to expedite thing? If you find a way, call me please. Thanks (hangs up) Jim pours himself another glass of wine, then pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket with the number of the woman that sold him the Valium scribbled on it. He calls the number. Jim: Listen, those pills you gave me, I'm down to my last one. How much is it going to cost me to get more? I'm good for it.
#75 Monday, July 14th Aaron arrives McGregor Inc., looking for Anna, but Yvette is in her office. Aaron: I'm looking for Mrs. Anna McGregor. Yvette: She had to take care of some business at one of the stores, I'm just holding down things here until she gets back, I'm Yvette McGregor-Browne. You look familiar? Aaron: Aaron McGregor. Yvette: Wait a minute, you're Aaron as in Dad's little brother Aaron? Aaron: I guess you wouldn't recognize me right off, we haven't seen each other since grade school. Yvette: This certainly is a surprise, it's good to have you back. What brings you to town? Aaron: Business. As soon as I heard about the takeover, I thought I should come back and help my brother's family fight to get M.I. back. Yvette: Well, it certainly is welcomed, we need all the help we can get. Aaron: I've been trying to find some sort of loophole to get around this takeover. Yvette: Our corporate litigator John Phelps has been looking for one as well, you might want to work with him a little. Aaron: I think it would be best now if we tried to find out more about the internal structure of Lightner, past history and anything else. Yvette: What good would that do? Aaron: It's best to attack the heart of the problem. Yvette: Ah, I understand now. Makes perfect since. Aaron: Here's my card, tell your Mother what I said and tell her to give me a buzz. Yvette: Will do. Aaron: Great. Yvette: It's great having another McGregor in town, this family needs more strength. Aaron: Absolutely. You have a good day. Aaron leaves. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ At Number 37, Cassandra is meeting with Sterling. Cassandra: What is it you want now? Sterling: I'm only here to make sure my deal is still secure. Cassandra: It is as long as things don't fall apart. Sterling: Like I said before, I need a guarantee of security if I'm going to be in on this. Cassandra: We'll talk after things get settled. Sterling: I think we should talk now, especially after I dummied up that fake study to throw off that nosy John Phelps. Cassandra: You'll be rewarded for that. Sterling: It's the last thing I'm doing though, the SEC has wanted to nail me for a long time, I can't keep giving them fuel. Cassandra: Were all in this together, if you want to make a profit you'll stick with it. Sterling: I'm not trying to back out by any means, I'm only going to limit my actions so I don't draw anymore unneeded attention. Cassandra: Fine, but we have a deal, if I need you to do something else, you better be prepared to do it. Sterling: Far be it from me to be a deal breaker. Cassandra: Good, just as long as we are clear on everything we will be just fine. Sterling: Perfect. Cassandra: Now you're sure you covered your tracks on that fake study? Sterling: You and I have the only discs that could incriminate us. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Edmund is at Stephen's office. Edmund: I want to thank you again for helping draw up the custody agreement, it's really the one that works best. Stephen: I was glad to do it, but I called you over here to give you a little advice. Edmund: Sure. Stephen: You ought to be cautious of Leigh, her sudden change of heart seems a little suspect to me. Edmund: I think she just finally realized that dragging the boys through a long custody battle wouldn't do them any good. Stephen: Perhaps, but I'd still be careful. Edmund: I'm trying to keep positive, things are finally going my way. Stephen: I've taken a lot of custody cases in my time and I've never seen a person have such a quick reversal in attitude. Edmund: I know you are concerned, but I'm taking this one step at a time, I'm sick of worrying. Stephen: That's fine, but you're treading a little close to rose-colored glasses territory. Edmund: Look, I'm not naive, I know Leigh has schemed in the past. This time I'm hoping she's really turned over a new leaf. Stephen: I'm not trying to rain on your parade, but this all seems too good to be true. Edmund: You really think so? Stephen: I'm just saying be careful and don't let your guard down. The minute you do it leaves you open to a strike. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Aaron and Andrew are in the back towncar. Andrew: Did you speak with Anna? Aaron: She wasn't there, I spoke with Yvette. Andrew: Yvette. She was always most like me, so I know she took right to the plan. Aaron: She was very open to it. Andrew: That's great. Did you see anybody else? Aaron: Nope. Andrew: I'd really like to know how the others are doing Aaron: I think all of this would be better if you were doing it. Andrew: Let's not start that again. Aaron: All right, I was just saying. Andrew: My family is a mess right now. One son is trying to take the company from my wife and my other children. And to think, all this drama stems from me being a fool when I was young. Aaron: What's done is done, all you can do now is live for today. Andrew: Anyway, what did Yvette say? Aaron: She said I should talk with John Phelps, he's some sort of litigator. Andrew: I remember him, he was a good friend of ours some years back. Aaron: I'll give him a ring later then, see if I can get a meeting. As they stop at an intersection, Cassandra is in the lane next to them, she glances over and sees Andrew. Cassandra: Andrew? It can't be. Before she can get a good look, the light turns green and traffic begins moving again. As Cassandra continues driving, she looks puzzled. Cassandra: How could it be? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Nice episode. I loved the part with Sister Pat tackling Karim, she must really have something to hide about this Miss Jenkins. And the ending was so good too, a perfect cliffhanger.
#74 Wednesday, July 9th Lynette walks in her and Jim's bedroom, holding the papers. Jim is sitting on the bed. Lynette: Papers to start divorce proceedings? Jim: It's what you want isn't it? Lynette: I don't know what to say. Jim: There's nothing to say. You're in love with someone else, there was no other choice. Lynette: How on earth did we get here? Jim: I guess we're both to blame, one of us more than the other though. Lynette: I never even thought about this, although I knew it was coming. Jim: And I never thought I'd find myself getting a divorce lawyer and filing papers, but here I am. Lynette: It's not that I don't love you-- Jim: It's just that you love him more. Lynette: It's not an issue of who I love more. Jim: You love me enough to stay married though. Lynette: It's complicated. Doesn't mean I don't love you. Jim: I've never told you this before, but you're the only woman I've ever really loved. There's been nobody else. Lynette: How come you never told me that? Jim: I'm not one to speak what I feel, which probably causes me a lot of problems. Lynette: I know I've said it a thousand times, but I really am sorry. Jim: Hey, it's me that should be sorry. If I hadn't been such an ass to you in the first place we wouldn't be in this predicament. I guess I'm angry at myself a whole lot too. Lynette: We're still parents, we've got to figure out a way to at least stay united in that aspect. Jim: No argument from me there, we'll figure something. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ At M.I. headquarters, George, Cassandra, Carol, Anna, Estelle and Stephen are all waiting for John to arrive. John enters the boardroom and sits down. Anna: What is all this about? George: It's a disclosure meeting, to settle for once and for all the legality of this takeover. Stephen: We need more time to determine that. John: Yes, I've just started my inquiry. Carol: These stalling tactics will not work, you can't avoid the inevitable. Stephen: Come on, Carol, everyone here knows that this takeover was highly unusual. Cassandra: Only to the people who don't want to accept defeat. Anna: We prospered in the last quarter, it makes no sense why the shareholders are so upset. George: They saw the potential for mismanagement in the future. John: Speaking of mismanagement, that study you provided me with was completely made up of speculation, no real evidence of future loss. Estelle: Especially sense Carter Enterprises was handling part of the expansion project, the budget balanced out because of that. George: Apparently the shareholders had another opinion. Stephen: It's very bizarre that the shareholder leading this has been accused in the past of making shady deals against the companies he holds stock in. Cassandra: If that were true, which it isn't, Sterling has never been convicted of anything. If it were true, wouldn't it mean the board was incompetent anyway for letting someone like Sterling hold stock with the company? Anna: Now you know that is bogus. Cassandra: It's a simple query. Estelle: Don't try to turn this conversation around. John: Until there is a full inquiry into this, one from me and one from the SEC, there should be no change in management. Carol: That's not fair. Stephen: It is and we've filed an injunction with the court. Carol: The judge will take one look at it and throw it out. Anna: Don't be so sure. George: I've submitted every document on this takeover and I assure you it's all legal. They are all here, for your review. In the meantime, I propose appointing interim board members just for the transition. Anna: Out of the question. George: At this point, you have no say, because legally I own the majority of the stock in this company. Anna: Stephen, John, can he do this? Stephen: Unfortunately, yes. Until we can file the injunction, he can legally make changes. John: That's right. Anna: How long before the injunction is filed and decided on? John: A couple of days. Anna rubs her forehead in grief. _________________________________________________________ Back at the clinic, Andrew and Aaron are still talking. Aaron: I still think this is ridiculous, not to mention unfair to your family. Anna needs to know you're alive. Andrew: How can I just re-enter their lives like this? They believe I died 12 years ago. Aaron: By just coming back and saying "here I am". I'm sure they held out some hope anyway, you were only presumed deceased in that plane crash. You've made full recovery, there's no reason for you to stay hidden. Andrew: I'm only trying to help my family get the company back, not make some big return. Aaron: How do you expect me to do the work for you and not tell your family you are alive? Andrew: It's very simple, you just get the job done and nothing else. Aaron: You're just afraid you won't be forgiven for the whole bigamy thing. Andrew: I shouldn't be forgiven, I don't expect to be. I just don't want to put myself out there like that. Aaron: Not everyone gets a second chance, you were lucky enough to have one, man. Andrew: Things are different now, it's not going to be the same as it was before. Aaron: That's not an excuse for hiding out. It's time to face the truth. Andrew: I wish I could, but I can't. I was married to another woman and had a son and I hid it from her, how is she supposed to forgive that? Aaron: Maybe she would or maybe she wouldn't, but I do know she'd be glad to know you are alive. Andrew: I wish I could face it, but I can't. Aaron: One thing I learned from you is to not run away from anything. I think it's time you started following your own advice. Andrew: Like I said, I'm only helping them get the company back. You are helping me do that by being my proxy. Aaron: I have no problem acting as the proxy, but you aren't going to be able to hide this forever. Aaron leaves. Andrew takes out a picture of Anna and their children and looks at it. Andrew: How do I fix this mess? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
I cast John Amos as Andrew MrGregor, the McGregor patriarch and Anna's husband who everyone in Novi thinks died. This element of the story is going to become more and more clear over the next couple of episodes and when Anna eventually finds out he's alive, it's going to get even more interesting.
#73 Monday, July 7th At Number 37, John is talking with Sterling. John: Thanks for lending me a few minutes of your time, I'm sure you are very busy. Sterling: I'd like to know what this is about. John: You led the shareholders revolt against the board of M.I. (McGregor Inc.), I'm curious to know why. Sterling: Myself and some other shareholders felt the board was getting dangerously close to mismanagement. John: That's what I don't get, the company has done well the past few quarters and the projected revenue for the next quarter is unprecedented. Sterling: Private study of M.I's plan for expansion proved that it could lead to loss. John: Why hasn't anyone been made privy to that study? Sterling: Shareholders have obtained copies. John: But shouldn't the board of M.I. at least been given the chance to review said study, just so they would know why they were being voted out? Sterling: It was a simple miscommunication that prevented M.I. from reviewing the study. John: I would like to have a look at it, do you have a copy I could review? Sterling: Uh, not with me, but I can fax one to you later. John: That'll be fine. You can understand my curiosity, especially after the takeovers at Northrup/Western and Jefferson you were involved in. Sterling: I was never proven guilty of any wrongdoing. John: I know, just giving you a reason for my curiosity. John leaves. Sterling: (thinking) Crap, how I'm going to get out of this one? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Jim is at Guido's waiting to pick up an order. Greg walks in, he sees Jim and goes over to him. Greg: I've got to say something. Jim: Do I look like I want to hear it? Greg: I feel like I need to apologize, although I know it won't do any good. Jim: Of all the conversations I want to have, one with my wife's lover isn't one of them. Greg: I tried to support your wife when she needed it, but it ended up turning into something else. Jim: Yeah, we know what that something else was. Tell me, is it common practice for shrinks to go around boning their patients? I bet that would make a fun tabloid headline, what do you think? Greg: You wouldn't? Jim: I'm capable of it right now, I've got nothing else to lose. Greg: Humiliating the mother of children isn't going to help. She didn't set out to hurt you. Jim: You don't think I was humiliated? Lynette made a damn fool out of me. I'm sitting around thinking things will right with her and she's with you. Did she put you up to trying and justify her actions to me some more? Greg: No, I'm saying this on my own. Lynette's a good person who just did the wrong thing, she didn't do it on purpose. Jim: Whatever, I've heard it before. Anyway, I have a question. Greg: What? Jim: Does she love you? Greg: What? Jim: Does she love you or was this just some fling? Greg: I can't answer that, you'd have to ask her. Jim: So it is true. I suppose I knew it deep down inside, it's not like it makes it hurt anymore than it already does though. It also makes me know what I've already done was the right thing to do. Greg: What's that? Jim: The only thing possible. The cashier gives Jim his bag and Jim leaves. ________________________________________________________________ At Number 37, a man walks in holding an envelope. He goes over to the hostess desk. Man: Are you Lynette Craig? Lynette: Yes. Man: You've been served. The man hands her the envelope and leaves. She opens and finds divorce papers filed by J ________________________________________________________________ Edmund is at the McGregor Estate with Anna in the kitchen. Edmund: I just had to stop by and tell you the great news. Anna: I could use some good news. Edmund: Leigh and I worked out the final agreement for joint custody. Anna: That's wonderful, I'm so happy. Edmund: Oh, me too. It's like a huge burden was lifted from my shoulders. Best of all, Leigh's going to be staying in Novi, so the boys will have both parents close and won't have to take long trips back and forth. Anna: That's one less thing for you to worry about. Edmund: Something else good for me happened too. Anna: What? Edmund: Christina is back in town, we had dinner the other night and coffee this morning. Anna: Well, you've really hit the jackpot. I know Christina being around will be really. nice for you. Edmund: I'm feeling much better than I have in months. It seems like everything is looking up. Anna: I wish I could say the same for the company. Edmund: Hey, were going to get M.I. back, we're all determined and ready. You taught me how not to give up. Anna: You're right, I should follow my own advice and look at this positively. Edmund: If things can turn around for me, they can turn around for the company. Anna: It's going to take a miracle. ____________________________________________________________________ Meanwhile, at a clinic in Detroit. Aaron: Man, I don't know why you won't tell your wife you're alive, but it's past due. A man steps out from the terrace. Andrew: It's been too long, Anna's already grievied. Besides, she knows about Cassandra and George, she'd never forgive me now. Off Andrew's face, fade to black. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
#72 Friday, July 4th Jim is back in Novi, his parents have driven him and the kids home. Jim: You really didn't have to drive us home. <a href="http://s17.photobucket.com/albums/b99/DrPhillips48/?action=view¤t=8_6acc.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b99/DrPhillips48/8_6acc.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> Eleanor: Just thought we'd help you out as much as possible. After everything that has happened, we thought the last thing you wanted to do was take a long drive. Jim: I appreciate the concern, but I'll be fine. Eleanor: I think we should talk. Elliot: I'll take the kids upstairs so you can talk. Jim: Okay. Elliot takes the kids upstairs. Jim: Look, I know it seems like I'm a little on edge, but it's nothing to get alarmed about. Eleanor: I'm going to ask you something and I hope you answer me honestly. Jim: Of course. Eleanor: Have you started drinking again? Jim: No, how could you even think that? Eleanor: You were always great at hiding it, but I eventually was able to figure it out anyway. Jim: This is absurd. Eleanor: Remember, you have two children to think about. Don't let something push you so far over the edge that you destroy your life and can't be there for them. Jim: Believe me, I know that. Eleanor: I just hope if you have a problem, you'll tell it before it's too late. Just then Lynette walks in the front door. Jim looks at her and scoffs. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Leigh as at the Donahue Ranch with Norm. Leigh: So how's the rest of the plan coming on along? Norm: It's moving along. Leigh: How long before we can drop the bomb? Norm: Patience. We don't even know how far Edmund and Christina's relationship will go. Leigh: He was having coffee with her at his place this morning, I'd say it's going nicely so far. Norm: It's still not time. Leigh: I can't wait. A few tabloid headlines about Edmund being caught up with a black market ring leader and I'm sure the courts will question his judgment. Norm: It's not a sure thing. Leigh: What do you mean? Norm: Remember, the McGregors hold a lot of clout around here, who knows what the judge could rule? Leigh: Okay, I don't need the negativity from you right now. Norm: Only trying to keep things realistic, as you should. Leigh: You're right, I'm sorry I snapped at you. I take this very seriously. Norm: I know. I wouldn't be doing this if getting your kids didn't mean so much to you. Leigh: I want the opportunity to raise them the way I think they should be raised. Norm: You might be a schemer, but you certainly are sincere. I like that about you, always have. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ George is at the CoffeeRoom, Cassandra walks in holding the newspaper. Cassandra: What are we going to do about this new annoyance Anna has sent out to do her bidding. George: He's not that big of a problem, he's all talk. Cassandra: I think you are underestimating him, he seemed serious. George: I'm not worried, I've steamrolled right over guys like him. Cassandra: Maybe I should handle him, I think I'm a better match to go up against him. George: You taught me everything I know, you think I can't take this on? Cassandra: That's not what I'm saying, I just think it would be better for me to deal with him. George: You have a tendency to make things worse sometimes. Cassandra: What? George: Like when you didn't tell me about your whole little savings and loan fiasco, that almost cost us a lot. Cassandra: That's not fair, it was years ago and I didn't think you needed to know. George; Right, because it was so insignifcant. Cassandra: Well, that has nothing to do with this, this is a completely different situation. George: Mother, please let me take care of this. It's all just a stalling tactic by McGregor, it means nothing. There's no who can stand in our way now. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Jim: If you are here to try to justify your actions some more, I don't want to hear it. Lynette: I'm not, I was wondering you had come home yet and came to check on you and the kids. Jim: Nice, you took time from your affair to come check in. Lynette: I've tried to apologize. Eleanor: An apology doesn't undo the damage. Jim: Mom, don't start anything. Eleanor: I want to talk to Lynette, privately. Jim: I don't know if that's such a great idea. Eleanor: I have some things I need to say. Jim: All right. Jim goes into the kitchen. Eleanor: I really expected better of you. Lynette: Could you try to understand that I feel horrible about this? Eleanor: Are you asking me to feel sorry for you? Lynette: Of course not. Eleanor: Good, because if you were, I'd think you were insane. Lynette: It's all very unfortunate. Eleanor: My son is really on the edge right now, I think he might have started drinking again. Lynette: My god. Eleanor: For your children's sake, you better hope that he hasn't. Lynette: I was afraid this would happen. Eleanor: He told you about his drinking problem? Lynette: A few years ago. Eleanor: So you knew that this could push him over the edge, but you went ahead and hurt him anyway? Lynette: No, I tried to make the marriage work to avoid hurting him. Eleanor: You knew it wasn't going to work out, yet you lied and created false hope, only to then destroy him. That was an incredibly reckless thing to do. Lynette: I realize that now. Eleanor: You know, I never imagined you of all people would do this, but I guess I was wrong. I really don't understand where your logic was, I just don't. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Aaron and Roberta walk into her law office. Roberta: A lot of information about shareholders and shareholder agreements is here. Andrew had me archive it years ago. Aaron: What about the company charter? Roberta: I think I have a copy here. Andrew structured this company well to avoid takeovers, but Lightner found a loophole. Aaron: I'd like to look over it. Roberta looks in a file cabinet and pulls a folder. Roberta: Here it is. Aaron: Thank you. Looks pretty standard. Roberta: I assume this is the first place the family looked when the company was taken over, but there's not much in there that could help. Aaron: It appears not. Roberta: Another course of action is probably going to be your best bet. Aaron: Do you know anything about Lightner's internal structure, things like their board, shareholders? Roberta: Not in detail, since I've never worked with them. Aaron: I've got some research to do then. I'll contact you if I find what I'm looking for. Roberta: What are you looking for? Aaron: The key to everything. Aaron steps outside and makes a call on his cell phone. Aaron: Nothing new yet, but I'm working on it. I'm on my way over now. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________
#71 Wednesday July 2nd George is coming out of the Athletic Club when he bumps into John Phelps. John: What a good timing, you're the other person I've been needing to talk to. George: I'm afraid I don't know you. John: John Phelps, corporate litigator and investigator. George: Oh, you're the guy that spoke to my mother yesterday. I haven't the time for your idle threats. John: This is more of a request. George: I'm very busy. John: Fine, I'm sure you'd gladly like for the SEC to ask these questions. George: What is it? John: Have you had a contact with a guy name Sterling? You know, the one who led the shareholder's revolt? George: I haven't the faintest idea of who that is. John: You sure? The guy has a history of screwing over the companies he holds shares with by helping other corporations take them over. He's really good, he's never been prosecuted for his dirty deals. George: If you have any questions about the takeover, submit them to my proxy solicitor. John: I will be doing that. George: I've heard about you, you consider yourself some sort of corporate malfeasance crusader. John: I've heard about some of the dirty, not to mention illegal stunts you and your mother have pulled in the past. George: You don't stop until you bring good companies down. John: Never brought a good company down in my life, some bad ones, never any good ones. Lightner is next. George: (laughs) I needed some good comedy today, thank you for that. George walks out. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ The sun is coming up and Jim comes downstairs Eleanor: You seem better this morning. Jim: I had time to clear my head and I really feel better. Elliot: Well that's good. Eleanor: Are you sure you are all right? You seem different. Jim: I'm just steadily starting to cope with what has happened, that's all. Eleanor: This quickly? It's only been a day. Jim: I'm a Craig, there's nothing that can keep a Craig down. Jim goes outside. Eleanor: Something is wrong, I'm convinced now. Elliot: A couple of nights ago, he was a wreck and now this? I'm starting to agree with you. Eleanor: Remember, he was able to hide his drinking from us in the past. Elliot: I remember, he'd walk around just as normal as anyone and nobody would know he was smashed. It was like he was another person. Eleanor: It was so hard helping him get sober that last time, he almost didn't make it. Elliot: Let's not panic just yet, we don't have any proof yet. It's possible we are wrong. Eleanor: I'm trying to hold out hope, but I just don't feel right about this. On the porch, Jim holds the pill bottle and looks at it. Jim: My new best friend. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ At Edmund's condo, Edmund and Christina are having coffee. Edmund: You know, I'm glad you are back in town. I forgot how good we get along. Christina: I like being here to. It's nice to just settle down a bit after being in all those big cities. Edmund: Tell me about it, when the store sent a team to New York for Fashion Week once, I couldn't wait to get home. There's a knock at the door. Edmund answers it, it's Leigh holding papers. Edmund: What's this? Leigh: The final draft of the joint custody agreement our lawyers drew up, I'm sure you'll find it fair. Edmund: Great. Let me introduce you to some one. Christina Davidson, this is Leigh Elgin, my former wife. Leigh: Nice to meet you. Christina: Nice meeting you too. Leigh hands Edmund looks at the agreement. Edmund: This certainly is very fair. Leigh: I wouldn't have it any other way. Edmund: I'm glad we were able to come to an agreement that is satisfactory for the both of us. Leigh: So am I. We both need to get on with our lives. Edmund: Yeah. Leigh: I know it might strike you as a bit odd coming from me, but I really do want to have a civil relationship with you for the sake of the kids. Edmund: That's the only thing I wanted out of this. We have to be strong parents, even if we aren't married anymore. Leigh: Oh, yes. I couldn't agree more. Well, I'll be getting on now. Edmund: Oh, okay. And thanks again for not making this harder than it had to me. Leigh: No problem. Leigh leaves, once she's outside she chuckles a bit. Leigh: What a sucker. He has no idea what I've got up my sleeve. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ John stops by the McGregor Estate to give Anna a progress report. Anna: Cassandra told me you met with her. John: That woman is a trip. Anna: I know, she was in my office not long after you had met with her. Just sitting in my chair, like she owned it. John: I came over to tell you, I got some information about that Sterling guy. Anna: Ah, I'm interested in hearing that. John: He's been suspected of shafting companies he holds stock with. Anna: Do you think he could have done that with McGregor? John: I don't have any proof, but it's probable. Anna: I thought there was something funny about him. John: He gets away with because he covers his tracks. Anna: Well, is there anyway to uncover those tracks. John: I'm looking into it now. Anna: Please keep me posted, this is all so important to me. John: I know, I'm doing my very best. Anna: Thank you so much again. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Meanwhile, on the private jet, the man on the laptop reading a pie chart. The phone next to him rings and he answers it. Man: (into phone) Dr. Aaron McGregor speaking. I want a full report of the current status as soon as this plane is on the ground. I've got to be well prepared for what I'm going to do. He hangs up and resumes reading about the McGregor takeover. A woman comes in the from another section of the plane. Woman: I'm a bit shocked you contacted me instead of someone in the family. You even came to Manila to find me. Aaron: Roberta, you were my big brother's most trusted attorney, someone who knows all the information I needed. I'll be contacting the family soon though. Roberta: They haven't seen you since you were a child. Aaron: They did help pay my way through school though, I wouldn't be a doctor without them. Which is why I want to help them get the company back. Roberta: We'll see, doesn't seem like that's going to be easy. Aaron: It might not be easy, but I'm not about to fail. Besides, I've done some business myself and have encountered the Lightners, I know what I'm dealing with. Roberta: Hey, the McGregors are a good family, I'm with you all the way. You know, you look exactly like your brother did when he was young, it's uncanny. Aaron: I've been told that before. Pilot: (over PA) We're approaching Detroit Airport. Aaron: Almost time for the fight to begin. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________
#70 Monday, June 30th Lynette walks into Anna's office at the McGregor Estate Anna: You look troubled. Lynette: Am I ever. Anna: Sit down. Lynette sits down. Lynette: This whole situation with Jim, I just turned it into an even bigger mess. Anna: Uh-oh. Lynette: I finally told Jim the truth. Anna: The truth is finally out. Lynette: He was so upset when I told him, I'd never seen him like that. After what happened the other night, I felt I had no choice. Anna: What happened? Lynette: I spent the night with Greg. Anna: Now I really understand why Jim was so upset. Lynette: Please, don't judge me right now, I already got enough looks from Jim's mother when I was there. Anna: I'm not trying to judge you, I'm just saying that had you told the truth in the first place, it wouldn't be this way. Lynette: I didn't know what to do. Anna: You led him to believe there was hope for your marriage, that's the worse thing you could have possibly done. Lynette: I didn't want to hurt him. Anna: But you ended up doing it in the long run. Secrets and lies will blow up eVerytime and sometimes the consequences are more than we expect. ___________________________________________________ Picking up from the previous episode, Jim is still looking at the bottle of pills. Woman: Well, it's your choice. Jim: Like I said I don't do drugs. Woman: All these do is pick you up when everything is getting you down. Jim: I don't know. Woman: Some of the most stable people in the world pop one of these every now and then, it's not a crime. Jim hesitates and then pulls out some cash. Jim: Will this cover it? Woman: It ought to do nicely. Jim: Fine. Jim hands the woman the money and he takes the bottle. Woman: If you ever want more, you know where to find me. Jim: Yeah. Jim looks at the bottle, still comtemplating what he's going to do. He finally takes the lid off the bottle and takes one of the pills. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ At Lightner, John taps on Cassandra's open door. Cassandra: Who are you? John: We haven't been formally introduced, I'm John Phelps, I'll be reviewing this little take over your company just led. Cassandra: I would assume you are one of Anna McGregor's lackeys. John: I was called in by McGregor to do a job, I'm a corporate litigator. Cassandra: I can assure you Mr. Phelps that the deal we orchestrated is on the up and up, so you are just wasting your time. John: I've worked with the SEC before, I've seen many a takeover that appeared clean, but was actually dirty. Cassandra: Feel free to continue your little investigation, no matter how trivial it is. John: Call it what you like. Cassandra: You're asking for trouble. John: I've seen trouble, heck, I've even been trouble. It's no big deal for me. Cassandra: You're playing with the adults here, Mr. Phelps. I don't know you, but I can tell you are way out of your league. John: I just thought I would stop by and let you know about this, it's only fair. Cassandra: Oh, how noble. John: You have a good day, Ms. Lightner. Cassandra: The same to you, Mr. Phelps. John leaves. Cassandra sits back in her chair. Cassandra: If Anna can make a move, I guess I can make another one of my own. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ At the Athletic Club, Joseph is working out when Trish walks in. Trish: I want to talk to you. Joseph: How'd you know where to find me? Trish: You always come to workout this time of day, I was married to you, I remember some things. Joseph: I guess you and your family are gloating right about now about this little joint takeover with Lightner. Trish: That's what I came to talk about. I wanted you to know I had nothing to do with it. Joseph: Really? Trish: I even tried to talk my mother out of going through with it. Joseph: Why? Trish: I'm tired of the rivalry, the feuding. Joseph: I think we both agree life would be better without it, but once someone fires a shot, one side is going to defend and so it goes, on and on. Trish: Exactly. Joseph: And our being married to each other certain didn't help the situation over the years. Trish: Didn't make it any worse. Joseph: Please, your father couldn't stand me. Trish: He never really had anything against you. Joseph: He was always calling me Jojo the Dodo and when we got divorced, he offered to throw you a party. Trish: He just had a big sense of humor, that's all. Joseph: If you say so. Trish: Oh, come on, it's not like your mother was exactly thrilled with me. Joseph: When you put it like that, I think we're even in terms of parental approval. Trish: Perhaps that's fair enough. Joseph: It's nice to actually have a conversation for once and not be at odds. Trish: It sure is. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Later on, at McGregor, Anna walks into her office. Cassandra is sitting behind her desk and turns around in the swivel chair. Anna: What are you doing in my office? Cassandra: Not for long. I just thought I would get a feel for it, you know check things out, see what kind of decor I can add. This color scheme is absolutely dreadful, you know. Anna: You really are a trip, aren't you? Cassandra: I think it just burns you up that you've finally met someone who can give you a run for you money. Anna: Funny, all I see when I look at you is a petty, vindictive, somewhat immature woman with control issues. Cassandra picks up a picture of Andrew and looks at it. Cassandra: I guess not much changed about him over the years, he wore those monogrammed ties with his initials when I was with him. Anna: They were his favorites. Cassandra: Just think, I was so angry with Andrew and now if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be about to become one of the most powerful CEO's in this country. Anna: Don't start making plans yet, I'm not giving up yet. Cassandra: Yes, I know. Your corporate litigator paid me a visit. Anna: I think we've said about all we need to say to each other for now. So could you please leave? Cassandra: I'll be back, I most certainly will. Cassandra walks out. ___________________________________________________ Meanwhile, on a private jet on an airstrip in Manila, The Philippines. A man with the initials, AM on his tie is on a laptop, reading about the takeover of McGregor. The pilot comes out of the cockpit. Pilot: Sir, are you ready to take off now? Man: Yes, it's time. To Detroit Metro Airport. Pilot: Of course, Mr. McGregor.
Glad you liked the episode and it would be great if you would write something for Novi.
I like the scene with Sister Pat and Kevin, really intense. And the ending was really good too, a perfect soap cliffhanger.