Monday, March 12th
Anna rings the doorbell at Yvette and Chester's, Chester answers.
Chester: Anna, this is a surprise. I didn't think you'd be back for a couple of more weeks.
Anna: I figured I needed to come back quickly in light of what is happening with the company. It's good to see you, Chester.
Chester: You too. I'm guessing you want to speak with Yvette.
Anna: Yes, we do have some things to discuss.
Chester: She's out on the terrace.
Anna: Thank you.
Anna goes out to the terrace.
Yvette: Mom, you're back.
Anna: Of course, the company is falling apart and I had to find out on television.
Yvette: I apologize for that, I had no idea that Cassandra was going to do that. How did you even know about her show?
Anna: Someone from the board called me.
Yvette: Great.
Anna: While Cassandra is a very vengeful person, I would expect nothing less than cheap tactics from her. But from you,
I expected to hear from the truth right away. Why didn't you tell me that the company had a shortfall?
Yvette: I only found out a few days ago myself and I did not want to burden you with this problem
while you and Dad are trying to get back on track.
Anna: Your father and I are getting there, you telling me the truth wouldn't effect that. I had to come home, it's the wrong time to be away,
especially when we may have to put up some of our own savings.
Yvette: You put me in charge and I felt I had to fix the issue.
Anna: That's all well and good, but I need to be clued in when there is a crisis. This is our family legacy, I want it preserved
for the next generation.
Yvette: And you can rest assured that Joseph and I are handling it.
Anna: It's a pretty large shortfall, what measures have you taken to cover it?
Yvette: Well, we sold off the stores we opened in the Upper Peninsula, as well as various assets.
We are also considering selling the in house Men's clothing line.
Anna: That's a big cash generator for us.
Yvette: I realize that, but I've been shopping it around and I can get a good price for it. We can always start
a new Men's line from scratch.
Anna: Will it be enough?
Yvette: Barely.
Anna: Fortunately, I think I can sink some of my savings into it and borrow against the estate.
Yvette: Wait a minute, borrowing against the estate should be off limits. That's the family home.
Anna: It might be the only way to get some cash quick.
Yvette: I'm just afraid of losing.
Anna: Listen, you've got what it takes, you just hit a roadblock. You can handle challenges.
Yvette: I thought I could, but this one is really throwing me for a loop.
Anna: You got to hold it together, that's why I put you in charge, because you have the strength.
Yvette: Thanks, Mom. It means a lot that you believe in me, but I'm still scared.
Anna: Well, not much can be done to avoid that, it's a human reaction.
Yvette: If we lose this company-
Anna: Don't even think about that.
Yvette: You're right, that doesn't even sound like me to be so defeatist. Tomorrow, I'm going to wheel and deal to keep McGregor from going under.
Anna: That's better.
At Number 37, Andrew finds Cassandra at the bar.
Cassandra: Well, look who is here.
Andrew: That show of yours, I have to give it to you. I never thought anyone would bring tabloid style to the business world.
Cassandra: Drew, you know I'm an innovator.
Andrew: I call it spiteful.
Cassandra: You've obviously never heard of not attacking the messenger. I just reported the news, if you wanted to keep it
private, you should make sure McGregor is airtight when it comes to public relations.
Andrew: You've got beef with me, I get it, but I built that company for my family's security. Don't take it out on them.
Cassandra: You are confused, this is not personal.
Andrew: No?
Cassandra: I started my station and I needed a good story to get started, I found one and grabbed it.
Andrew: And in the process, you can get back at me.
Cassandra: I didn't cause McGregor to have a shortfall, you should ask your children about that.
Andrew: But you knew the investors would be sent into a panic by the information you put out.
Cassandra: In reality, they deserved to know the truth.
Andrew: That's what gets me, how did you know about the shortfall?
Cassandra: I have my sources.
Andrew: You've found a leak in the company.
Cassandra: Nothing of the sort, I came by the information honestly.
Andrew: That's the thing, you couldn't have come by it honestly. I may have been out of the corporate game for awhile, but
I know the privacy hasn't changed.
Cassandra: Perhaps it has. You don't tend to get good results when a home maker runs a corporation for years.
Andrew: Anna's a sharp lady, she ran McGregor like a professional.
Cassandra: We all tell our lies for the people we're caught up with.
Andrew: You are so bitter. Have you really been this way for over 40 years?
Cassandra: Look, why don't you go home and see if you can manage to repair your marriage or should I say, what you thought was your marriage.
Andrew: Have you signed those papers yet?
Cassandra: They are in the mail, obviously I want our long deceased marriage to be nullified as much as you do.
Andrew: Good, then we can both get on with our lives.
Cassandra: Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to finish my drink in solitude.
Andrew leaves.
At Donahue, Carol is holding a meeting with Trish.
Carol: We have a surplus.
Trish: Yep, what do you want to do with it?
Carol: I was thinking of making a purchase, one that will yield big dividends.
Trish: Okay, I think that's feasible right now.
Carol: Yvette McGregor is putting out the word that McGregor's Men's Line is up for sale.
Trish: They must really be in trouble if they are going to let that go, it's made millions.
Carol: And it can do the same for us.
She hands Trish a folder.
Trish: You've got everything mapped out.
Carol: What we would do is give the brand a renewal of sorts.
Trish: And there is the added incentive of pulling off a coup against the McGregors.
Carol: That is not part of this, it's only a good opportunity.
Trish: But, you have to admit, it is a good one up in this rivalry.
Carol: It's barely even that anymore, McGregor is on the way down and Donahue is up.
Trish: Don't underestimate what they can do over there.
Carol: There's a difference between underestimating and simply know that we are more formidable.
Trish: I do feel bad about the troubles McGregor is having.
Carol: Of course you do, you've always been the compassionate one.
Trish: My son does work there and the company is his future.
Carol: He knows he has a place waiting for him here.
Trish: You always have a deeper motivation for everything, Mom.
Carol: None at all, but there is that added incentive of potentially having all my family running the company.
Trish: Do you think McGregor will sale to you?
Carol: They need the cash flow, they won't be turning down any offers.
Trish: Depends on where the offer comes from.
Carol: I think they are more shrewd than arrogant at this point. It takes a crisis to bring the high and mighty down a peg.
Trish: Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves, there have got to be more than a few other interested parties.
Carol: I feel confident. Buying this line is the next step in being number one.
At Number 37, George walks in. He sees Joseph at a table and goes over to him
Joseph: Come to gloat?
George: No, I want to clear a few things up about my mother's new show.
Joseph: It sent a real panic through our pool of investors.
George: I know and I want to be clear that I had nothing to do with that.
Joseph: And why is it that you needed to make that clear? Not long ago, you were ready to take control of the company.
George: That was then, this is now. I finally realized I have a family I know nothing about and fighting them was a waste of time.
Joseph: I'm not sure if you are serious, but I got to at least hear you out.
George: Now that I have a child, my perspective has changed.
Joseph: That does tend to happen. When JC was born, I looked at everything differently.
George: I was angry for years because I felt like our father didn't care anything about me, that wasn't true and
I'm finally past it.
Joseph: And you can believe that if Dad knew where you were at those years ago, he would have been right there for you.
George: Anyway, that's all in the past and thankfully I can finally move forward.
Joseph: Good for you.
George: Part of me was also sort of envious of how privileged the rest of you grew up.
Joseph: I thought your mother did decent financially when you were growing up.
George: I don't mean money, I'm talking about being part of a good family.
Joseph: We had our ups and downs.
George: Nothing like mine. I have an older brother, Vance, who my grandparents raised and when he did come to live with us, it was a mess. He ended up on drugs and just went away without a trace.
Joseph: That's rough, sorry to hear about that.
George: Yeah, I usually don't like to talk about it, but it's been such a long time and I'm just now dealing with it.
Joseph: I can understand.
George: And just to be fully honest, I also want to talk business.
Joseph: Really?
George: I heard that you are selling off some assets and I thought I would make some offers, just to keep some of them in the family.
Joseph: What is the catch?
George: None at all, I just have this need to help clean up my mother's messes.
Joseph: I think we'll be able to handle it, some good offers are already coming in.
George: I get there is probably not a lot of trust.
Joseph: It's a little shaky, but I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.
George: It takes a time, that's no problem for me.
Joseph: Took awhile to sink it, but it has really hit me that I have another brother.
George: The way I showed up was a shock.
Joseph: Like I said, I'll give you a chance.
They shake hands.
Joseph: Every other Friday, I play cards with Edmund and JC, we could use a fourth McGregor.
George: I think I'll take that invitation up, I'm not a bad card player.
Joseph: All right then, we'll see you.
George: Thanks.
George leaves.
Joseph: I guess time will tell if he's being sincere.
Cassandra is at an office in somewhere undisclosed.
Cassandra: I really have to hand it to you, this work you did was amazing.
McGregor Board Member Leonard walks out of another room.
Leonard: I never half do anything.
Cassandra: Your reputation preceeds you. I just hope the McGregors don't find out you
are backstabbing them.
Leonard: When my uncle passed away, he left his board seat to me, they trust his judgment. They won't be any the wiser.
Cassandra: Getting me classified company information was not hard, but I how exactly did you cause the shortfall in the first place?
Leonard: I planted a bug in the accounting software, one that can't be traced and looks just like one that the manufacturer had problems with in the past.
Cassandra: Per our agreement, you get a certified check. There will be more if you keep up the good work.
She hands him the check.
Leonard: Pleasure doing business with you.
Cassandra: The same here.
Cassandra and Leonard fist bump over their deal. Fade out.