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Posts posted by Wendy

  1. 16 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    To be honest with you I don't trust most news sites these days. I'm just hoping that it trickles down to the average voter in some form. But I don't really know if anyone can understand what he's doing with things like labor regulations unless they feel the effects themselves. Of course many of those who do will still blame Obama anyway, but I hope that isn't the case for everyone.


    I get the mistrust of the media since it was that that helped give us this a*****e in office to begin with. But using Twitter as any sort of sampling pool for political discourse seems useless, to me. Sure, it's cool to feel more unified in Trump scorn, but anything beyond that just seems fruitless.

  2. 4 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    The main things I saw here were all about Spicer. Then I went to a few political news sites and it was a mix of Yates, Nunes, Yates, the repeal, the regulations, Spicer, etc. But in a celebrity driven culture, a clown is always going to get a lot of attention because it's easier for people to laugh at and get a lot of retweets and likes. 


    But that's par for the course for Twitter. I think the real Litmus test comes from the actual news sites, and they are all pretty much about Nunez, Yates, Russia, and a smattering of Rethuglicans trying to go back to the ACA drawing board, as well as Trump holding up his latest EO like a 6-year-old showing Mommy the gold star he got on his spelling test.

  3. This thread needs a bit of positivity. So, I offer this: Today, Joe Biden was at Capitol Hill to commemorate the 7th Anniversary of the ACA (how timely). Well, he soon made a friend - a golden retriever puppy also named Biden. Biden met his namesake, and the resulting pictures are adorable.


    Biden's owner - a DC staffer - named the puppy after Joe because of the great respect she has for him. Remarkable if just for the fact she says this even as she identifies as Republican and does not necessarily agree with him politically. Respect despite ideological differences. Who knew?!


    A link to the cuteness.

  4. 20 minutes ago, amybrickwallace said:

    It's still weird for me to watch the early episodes with Charles Keating before he had the ponytail!!


    It isn't jarring to me, but then my mother watched AMC religiously, and Charles Keating appeared on there as an evil shrink involved with Silver Kane named Damon Lazarre, and he had short hair for that role...


    Here's a link to a promo featuring CK as Damon Lazarre...

  5. Thanks for the heads up, @Nothin'ButAttitude. The acting from NLG as Julia was almost always great, but the whole Dash storyline? Complete trash. I actually cheered Julia on when she kidnapped his ass.


    And it had to be worse for Julia, the not guilty verdict, because she always loved the law, yet it turned on her. But the construct of a he said/she said rape was all wrong for Julia, since she was always so principled. Why would she lie, you know?


    I do recall one scene with Gina and not-Keith I did like, where Gina, obviously no fan of Julia's, even told Keith how much Julia valued the truth, so if she said she was raped, she was. Gina defending Julia brought out some layers, especially since Gina was herself a victim of rape.


    But the good in this era was like trying to find a diamond within a pile of fertilizer.

    4 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    I am wondering if Eden/Julia had any heart to heart talks over the situation. If so, I bet MW & NLG tore those scenes up.  


    BTW, I do recall Eden going to see Julia post verdict, so yeah, they did.

  6. 34 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    That John Beck character Julia was with in some of the clips above - was that the Keith recast? Or someone else? He looks and acts so stiff, I'm not sure why he was cast. 


    No, the Keith recast was played by an actor named John Novak. (And he was not Keith, try as he might.) The potted plant Julia was with, David Raymond, was played by John Beck, whose character was married to/separated from Angela Raymond, played by Nina Arvesen. Who, of course, went on to battle Cassie for Warren.


    David just seemed to vanish/leave town once it was clear that Mason and Julia were on the road to reconciliation. And thank God. He sucked. All I recall was he was a judge and there was some story involving Angela's never-seen sister, Marilyn, dying or something.

  7. 2 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    What did you think of Cruz and Kelly? 


    UGH. Let's just say once A Martinez bolted for L.A. Law, I totally understood why. I think Cruz/Kelly were always sibling like until the Dobsons tried to make ED's (very miscast) version of Kelly work. And it made both look horrible.


    Frankly, I think the Dobsons were well off their game by the time of their second round. Except for maybe that Capwell Dinner with Pamela. But I recall the Dobsons calling Mason/Julia star-crossed and wanting to redo the Mason/Mary vibe AGAIN with Katrina. Thank God that never happened. I like GT as Mason, but I think it really would have sent him backwards, not to mention he looked like Maria Ellingsen's father. And I think firing Carrington Garland's Kelly was a HUGE mistake. I never got what they had against her.


    As for Louise Sorel, I recall reading she hated the Augusta/Dash crap. And who could blame her? I read she protested and walked or was fired. But I think it's just as well the show got the ax as I recall the show was headed towards not only Lionel/Sophia having had Channing [Brick Wallace] but that JW's Warren would actually turn out to be CC's with Augusta.


    So, yeah, mercy killing.

  8. As a viewer of SB from its great to not-so-great years, I didn't like Terri Garber's Suzanne. She was boring as all get out, and I couldn't believe how utterly devoid of brain cells everyone had to be to NOT recognize Eden as fake Suzanne in a bad wig and glasses.


    But with that said, I think Cruz with freaking Jodie Walker was a billion times worse. We're suddenly supposed to buy this past shared history with Cruz and the newbie hog - and, oh yeah, Cruz! Chip WASN'T the first kid to be sired and not originally raised by you! IT'S A GIRL! Bleah.


    I loved the show until late '91, then Pam Long stripped it of its very identity until axing the show was a mercy killing.

  9. 50 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    Is this true? I read that a President who makes false accusation's against a former president, without proof, is grounds for impeachment


    Even if that's true, nothing else this POS has done has gotten him tossed out, So I doubt this would be any different, although it is a beautiful thought!

  10. 52 minutes ago, GregNYC said:


    I related to my previous avatar, Stacy Dash. Like her, I voted for Obama in 2008, but voted for Trump in 2016. The last 8 years opened my eyes to how corrupt DNC is, just like how it did to Stacy Dash.





    As for the Tweet regarding the Trump voter, I love the buyer's remorse from some Trump voters. You SAW what this idiot was about, yet YOU voted him in, anyway. Reap what you sow.

  11. WaPo: Jeff Sessions spoke with Russian Envoy twice last year, which he failed to disclose during his nomination. As the GOP was so fond of shouting, LOCK THEM UP!


    And this just seals that an independent counsel is needed for the investigation into Trump and Russia.


    ETA: And I saw that, @Vee! Extra coverage works well here.  :-)

  12. 33 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    He fell for the bait like a pro. I can't say that is all that inspiring. 


    Eh, there's falling for bait, and there's communicating with Trump at his (basest) level. Which is what I think Perez did.

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