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Posts posted by Wendy

  1. On 10/18/2017 at 11:16 PM, Nomada said:

    Leonardo was only one episode. About Tea I have no idea if she was more than one episode.


    Yeah, Téa Leoni was in more than one episode, but wasn't around too long. She was a fill in Lisa DiNapoli for Tawny Kitaen. No idea what necessitated the substitution, but Kitaen eventually returned to play out the rest of Lisa's storyline. I recall she was the leak to Robert Barr during the Capwell Enterprises takeover story, but was blackmailed or whatever for her to do it.


    Lisa was written as a sympathetic character. Of the three DiNapoli sisters, she seemed to get the meatiest stuff. (Signy Coleman's character, ex-prostitute Celeste, was stuck mooning over boring Dr. Scott Clark and in competition with Michael Donnelly's sister, fellow doc Heather, for him. I think both ladies deserved better. Ironically, of course, Coleman and Irizarry met during that storyline and married in real life, having their daughter before they split. Another such couple with the same circumstances and ending was Roscoe Borne and Roberta Bizeau/Weiss, who obviously played Flame Beaufort to his Robert Barr and Quinn.)


    And Emily? (Surprised I recall her name, she was sooooo bland) married C.C.'s newly-discovered (and fast forgotten) son, Greg, after a courtship of nothing but dull sex and horrible Michael Bolton songs accompanying it, and they mercifully left town to go bore folks elsewhere. And neither were ever mentioned again, as far as any mentions of C.C.'s kids went. And no one cared.

  2. 1 hour ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Will the Benghazi screamers actually do a thorough and serious investigation into what happened to these soldiers in Niger and why Mr. Johnson was left, lingering between life and death for two days in the desert?


    Bwahahahaha, you made a joke. The GOP Rulebook: If WE do it, it's fine!

  3. 24 minutes ago, Vee said:


    This link has nothing to do with anything.

    Just admit to people you want them to agree with you that Marcy Walker is the star of everything and move the fúck on.


    Not to mention, she isn't acting anymore, hasn't in years since she has found God, and likely will never act again. So, yeah, for the love of God, as Elsa from Frozen would sing, "Let It Gooooooooooooo..."

  4. Thanks to lazy-a$$e$ who couldn't be bothered to vote at all and the 30% or so "base", the US is now a complete joke around the world. Can't blame them. If I had enough cash and the means to do it, I'd haul a$$ to Canada right now.

  5. What a little insecure child, still having rallies after he has WON. I'd say for him to get his fat orange ass back to DC to do some WORK, but we're better off with him doing his little ass kissing tours.


    And if he pardons Arpaio, I hope it's just another notch in his washed up administration and it bites him. Hard.

  6. 1 hour ago, dragonflies said:

    The walls are closing in!!!




    Alas, I don't see the walls closing in since it is the Democrats calling for this (needed) mental health evaluation. Now, if the Republicans grow a spine, a set of b@lls, and a conscience...we'll see.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Khan said:


    Oh, I know it was, lol.  I'm sorry if I seemed as if I was attacking you.  I just needed to get it off my chest and your post gave me the perfect opportunity.  Again, though, I am sorry.


    Eh, all good.  :)

  8. 1 minute ago, Khan said:


    Believe me, I know Hillary is as crooked as the days are long; and in fact, she's probably a closet racist herself.  But there is NO way in Hell or NJ that anyone will EVER convince me she would pander to [!@#$%^&*] Nazis or hold press conferences as unhinged and undignified as the one we saw today.


    My post was meant to be sarcastic. Hillary Clinton is a politician. As such, probably a career BS-er as they all are. I get it. But with all of her flaws, I'd still take 1,000 of her over the likes of this...thing...posing as the President of the USA. And, yes, I did vote for her.

  9. 50 minutes ago, Vee said:

    I still think it will be resignation to evade prosecution or exposure, but 25th Amendment odds just got a little better.


    Sadly, I think he'll serve the full term. And think his base will get out to vote him in for Round 2.

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