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Posts posted by Wendy

  1. Sigh. I rule nothing out. I'm not confident that Trump is in poor health. So many - me included - first thought Trump wouldn't last through the primaries, then never thought Trump would actually WIN.


    So I can sadly see this tool lasting through 2020 and running again, assuming we're still a democracy by 2020. I can only pray that the majority of voters are smarter about Trump by then and deny him next time.

  2. 45 minutes ago, marceline said:


    Good. CNN humped his leg for ratings and help put him in the White House. They deserve this.


    Almost every media outlet gave Trump a tongue bath, though. Not saying I disagree with what you're saying in theory, but freezing out the media in a supposed democracy because the president is an overgrown baby with a superiority complex is an alarming move.


    (Still prays for the day Trump does something so heinous that impeachment is the only recourse.)

  3. I think Hillary hate comes down to sexism as a lot of the hatred of Obama came down to racism. I mean, for all of the good Hillary did as SoS and First Lady, I think the "Old Guard" was appalled that Hillary Clinton dared to upset the apple cart vision of the quiet little wifey who wears pearls and smiles like a Stepford Robot next to hubby. And, for whatever reason, her mistakes as SoS gave these folks the excuse of "evil" Hillary. Then, naturally, comes the "why didn't she leave Bill?!" schtick.


    The only thing is, and this is not meant as a defense of Bill Clinton, but...this couple was not the first to go through the infidelity follies found in the White House. JFK and Jackie's "Camelot" image was obviously a sham. JFK was a hound. (I do think those two - in a warped maybe unhealthy way, did have a sort of love/respect for each other, though.) Even freaking FDR was rumored to have stepped out on Eleanor. Yet these two couples are still, by and large, revered, even knowing the truth now. Bill and Hillary? Not so much.


    So I think that part of the anti-Hillary bias was just an excuse. And Hillary was hated because she is a strong woman. And many can talk the talk of wanting that. But put words into action, and it's a different story. The saying goes, "Haters gonna hate!" But it does become problematic when that hate blinds people to the other monster in the room. But that one spouted all sorts of xenophobic jabs and made empty promises. And now...he's being sworn in on Friday, much to my eternal embarrassment. And so it goes.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Vee said:

    It's much more tense than we expected. But I still am not seeing a clear sign Hillary may not prevail.


    Well, WI seems also to be headed for Trump as of now. If she loses that and MI, forget it. She'd need FL on top of VA, and I don't see it happening.

  5. Maybe I'm jaded, but even if what Comey did deserves consequences (i.e. losing his position), I doubt it happens. So goes the long tradition of CYA. All bluster but, in the end, no action. That said, I do believe this was completely political and I hope his ass is roasted for it, even if nothing else comes of it.

  6. The thing is, apparently there are more than just three e-mails according to the New York Times. And even Newsweek's Kurt Eichenwald had to walk back his earlier tweet about three e-mails.


    Do I pray to God (or whatever entity of one's choosing) this doesn't derail HRC and give this race to Trump? Absolutely. But the media will dig, even if it is nothing, and the average Joe or Jane won't keep this in context and will buy into the hysteria.

  7. This is less a presidential election race than it has become a T&A circus. It's sick. Right now, the world is either laughing at us or disgusted with us. And I can't blame them.


    How low can this go? I shudder to think.


    I just pray about a month from now that memories of Trump will fade quickly, he'll lose, and go crawl back into the sewer.


    Really wish I could move to Canada if this a-s-s-h-o-l-e somehow defies odds and wins.

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