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Posts posted by Wendy

  1. 4 hours ago, Khan said:

    "It's the Democrats' fault!"


    Is the ACA perfect?  Hell no.  But don't blame the Dems, Mitchie-poo.  They're not the ones who drafted this "skinny" bill that made the gas chambers at Auschwitz look humane by comparison.


    Straight from the Turtle's mouth: "Our friends on the other side decided early on they didn't want to engage with us in a serious way, a serious way to help those suffering under Obamacare."


    Look who's talking!  Lord knows I wasn't always in Obama's corner, but it's no secret how the GOP decided on the very night he was elected to obstruct the hell out of anything he even THOUGHT of doing as President.  McConman and his cronies were set on sabotage from day damn one; and to quote the late, great Beverlee McKinsey: "if they're bent out of shape it's because, for once, somebody beat 'em at their own game."


    Could you or someone post?  I MUST see the look on Ahab's face after the White Whale bested him once more.


    Here. Make sure to maximize the video to get the full effect!


    ETA: Someone in that Twitter feed blew up photos of the grand moment that the Turtle was stomped.

  2. McCain earned back some of my respect tonight. And kudos to Collins and Murkowski for having more balls than the rest of the GOP men put together. I did LOVE how McCain strolled up to Turtle, just held out his hands, and did his decisive, quiet NO. The look on Turtle's face was EPIC!


    Also loved Schumer showing class and waving off the applause.


    The video of this is just gold.

  3. I know it's a soap, and it was even made fun of during the time Sonny Sprocket had control over Mason, but...I always found it kind of oogy that Mason's half brother was married to Mason's half sister, even if Kelly and Jeffrey shared no blood relationship!


    But then, as I said, soaps. And Days had the same dynamic going on when John thought he was Roman and was involved with Isabella, half sister to Bo, and Roman also being a half brother to Bo. (But I loved RoJohn/Isabella, so I overlooked that then. LOL! I admit my hypocrisy!)

  4. 38 minutes ago, Roman said:

    he voted for the bill to go to debate. 


    This whole "debate" deal is smoke and mirrors. Does anyone believe McConnell will allow the Democrats to get involved? This will come down to the same players, trying to ram a bill through so Baby Oompa Loompa gets a win. And so what if millions of poor/disabled/elderly/war veteran Americans die to do it?

  5. McCain is a hypocrite. I won't wish death but he can go to hell. He has awesome health insurance. He KNOWS how valuable it is, but he still votes yes to encourage chatting up taking insurance away from his fellow Americans - and many of them veterans, as he is.


    Trump now hails him as a hero. Tells me all I need to know.


    And to add to my disgust, the little mic slip discussion with Sen. Collins and another Democratic senator knowing Trump is unfit to lead - and yet doing NOTHING about it - is just appalling.

  6. 2 hours ago, Soaplovers said:


    It's funny that Julia was on the shoe a year and a half before the show started the process of pairing them.  I often wonder had that not worked, would Julia have been written off?


    Can't say. But I'm not so sure. I mean, she was still to be a part of the story, but as interloper to Mason/Tori as originally envisioned, until TPTB took note of the chemistry between NLG/LD.


    I recall reading somewhere that Julia was eventually supposed to be paired with Robert Thaler's Pearl. I liked the guy, he was offbeat. But it seems like all of Julia's dalliances pre-Mason seemed firmly B-level, sidekick level. I think her pairing with Mason definitely helped her to break into the "big leagues", so to speak.

  7. If you get the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries channel [separate from the regular channel] and have insomnia or a DVR, there is an episode airing at 3:00 a.m. ET called "Blue and Broken Harted" from 1982 - meaning, before Santa Barbara - that lists both Nicolas Coster and Louise Sorel as part of the guest cast. Cool!

  8. Not to be mean, but I'm old enough to at least remember the original Battle of the Network Stars, and I seem to recall, even with my then 8-or-so-year-old filter, that most, if not all, of the celebrities who competed were in current network shows.


    So I wonder why it was changed to now-seemingly "old timers"?

  9. 13 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    “It is a sad day when the President of the United States encourages violence against reporters,” a CNN spokeswoman said in a statement. “Instead of preparing for his overseas trip, his first meeting with Vladimir Putin, dealing with North Korea and working on his health care bill, he is instead involved in juvenile behavior far below the dignity of his office. We will keep doing our jobs. He should start doing his.”


    This po-faced response actually made me LOL Jeff Zucker took CNN far into the gutter, giddily taking part in everything Trump dished out. It's way too late to try to get on a high horse now. Their jobs are to see how fast they can fill up the clown car. They aren't Cronkite. They are barely Billy Bush.


    You're not wrong, but someone has to take the high road sometime...

  10. 1 hour ago, OLTL #1 fan said:

    CNN producer admits the network made up the Trump-Russia "scandal"



    Nice try, making it sound like the whole thing is a fraud. This is one event. I'll even link:




    But in fairness, these three SHOULD LOSE their jobs for this. But this does not negate the rest of the investigation.


    In any case, I'm not sure why I'm bothering. Maybe hoping for some light to come through. But forget it. I'll re-initialize the filter for the sake of thread harmony.

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