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Posts posted by Wendy

  1. The Deadline write up must have been done by a Santa Barbara fan, because his brief role as Anthony Tonnell was mentioned (and a blurb about Dark Shadows in addition to his prime time and movie roles [namely, McAllister, one cold-ass villain in the original Lethal Weapon film!]) but absolutely no mention of All My Children.

    Loved both SB and AMC, but I thought it was odd.

    May Mitchell Ryan RIP!

  2. Meanwhile, Dump is flapping his gums on Phucker Snarlson's show, saying this all happened because...the 2020 Election was stolen. I schitt you not.

    And the right is cheering for Dump's master.

    How I wish treason still entailed firing squads as punishment.

  3. 9 hours ago, Khan said:

    Here are the spoilers they forgot to include:

    * Kristen injects Abigail with the same serum she injected Sarah with, and Abigail awakens believing she's Megan Hathaway.

    * Kayla accidentally gets stuck with the needle as well, and SHE wakes up thinking she's Lisanne Gardner.

    * Roman gets whacked on the head by a falling vodka bottle at the pub and when he comes to, he's under the assumption that he's Chris Kositchek.

    (Actually, I'm good with that last spoiler.)

    Okay, Ron, why did you hijack @Khan's account?!

  4. Considering there are other spoilers of Anna and Tony disagreeing about how to handle a "situation" and Xander getting an earful about Gwen from Anna, I sadly think this is true.

    And considering how hard Steve/"Stevano" flopped, not to mention the whole Gina mess with Hope the last time causing KA to split, I see absolutely NOTHING good coming from this schitt.

  5. Saw on another board, per SOD, when Sarah - the real Sarah - comes back, the injection that Kristen gave her has made Sarah fragile and - get this - she believes she is Renee Dumonde and in love with Tony. Jesus. Ron must have picked an old character name out of a hat.

    I know some like this kind of stuff, but it seems sort of insulting to me, especially since Philece Sampler is now gone.

  6. 2 hours ago, AlexElizabeth said:

    That was an extremely fast pregnancy. I don't think she's even 4 full months along. Not complaining though. 

    Just like Courtney on GH, pregnant for like only 3 months with Spencer, gives birth and then croaked during the Monkey Virus in 2006. Didn't care about her, don't care about this. At least the apathy on my end is consistent.

  7. 2 hours ago, Vee said:

    Oh, I really disliked her lol. I just think that killing her, Kiki, etc. was unnecessary. I didn't like either character and was very glad to see them go but it was a bad look to keep slaughtering young women in rapid succession in the #MeToo era.

    Killing Sabrina was a mercy killing - for the audience. I was not sorry in the slightest to see her go. But I agree that she could have just left town with her kid with...was it Carlos?...in tow and alive.

  8. 18 hours ago, Marissa Gallant said:

    Man, oh MAN! I really wish that they had gone with a natural Lionel/Sophia affair instead of TJ/Sophia.  It would have kept Nicholas Coster on the show, and been a better triangle. No one was rooting for TJ and Sophia. 

    I think that was the point, though. The show was clearly invested in CC/Sophia as the rootable pairing. Lionel would have muddied the waters. And considering the history there, perhaps the writers thought that option would be insurmountable for CC/Sophia to overcome.

  9. As was said, I'm sure Elisabeth Rohm is a lovely woman, but when even the Law & Order fandom refers to you as Rohmbot, you know you're not exactly popular. (The way the character was disposed of, however, was just head scratchingly WTF! But her replacement, fellow soap vet, Annie Parisse, had it even worse.)

    I was stunned to read somewhere - forget where - that Rohm was David Boreanaz's first choice for Temperance Brennan on Bones.

    Then, of course, Emily Deschanel got the role, she and DB got on well, and the show was a hit. So...

  10. 1 hour ago, DRW50 said:

    The delusion and defensiveness of MPK, SJP, and various writers is mind-numbing. So much patting themselves on the back for how controversial and brave they are - they knew people would hate their stories but did them anyway! People didn't hate their stories because they're garbage, they just can't accept change! The attempts at brainwashing viewers to accept the destruction of Miranda's character. And most shameless of all, dredging Kim Cattrall's name up for one more press round, going on and on about how THEY won't want her back on the show when SHE made it more than clear she was never going back. 

    These people are just sad and have zero shame. I will never watch their work, and I will never go back and watch any of SATC. 

    Thanks for saving me a post.

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