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Posts posted by Wendy

  1. I have no idea how these things work or if Elon Musk would have the kind of pull, but maybe Musk was open to letting right-wingers that were banned, i.e. Trump, back onto the platform, and the rest were all, "Hell no, not happening!" or whatever...

    (Or, most likely, the above had zip to do with any of it. LOL!)

  2. I realize the Daytime Emmys are not just about soaps, but that portion seems so sad now, what with only 4 soaps left. I guess the streaming soaps could be nominated, too, haven't paid attention. But the prestige seems to have bolted. I'd say around '99, when Susan Lucci finally nabbed her Emmy, then ratings dropped, since people no longer felt they had to see if she would win or lose again or whatever, maybe?

  3. Yeah, the Taylor Hawkins news hurts. I have always loved the Foos, and will also be turning 50 later this year. So that is an extra sting. My sympathy goes out to Hawkins' wife and kids, of course.

    But I cannot imagine what Dave Grohl must be feeling right now. I know they were close.

    Not to mention he has gone through this before with Kurt Cobain in his Nirvana days. :(

    May Taylor Hawkins rest in peace. Such a loss.

  4. 6 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    Three's a crowd was so dull. Vicky was boring as hell. Who thought of pairing John Ritter with her?

    I have no idea if this is true, but a Wiki page (I think that is where I read it?) said John Ritter chose Mary Cadorette himself, as he supposedly felt a connection with her. I also recall reading somewhere that Joyce DeWitt was allegedly hurt by the spinoff (I can't remember why; maybe she thought Janet and Jack should have ended up together?).

  5. 3 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Laverne and Shirley's collapse was interesting. The show outrated Happy Days at times and it was moved  to Mork & Mindy's timeslot so inherited a strong spot, yet immediately softened in the numbers.

    Maybe creatively it was not the best time to move? Was the show becoming a little tired and viewers were watching it because of the timeslot?

    ABC was big on spinoffs in the Silverman years.

    Bionic Woman and Fish were 2 more examples.

    Also, well before the second failed spinoff of Three's A Crowd in 1984, Three's Company also introduced the first failed spinoff, The Ropers around 1979 or so (which airs on the Three's Company channel on Pluto TV, as does Three's A Crowd!).

    Of course, it is well known that Norman Fell and Audra Lindley got screwed by this spinoff. I read Norman Fell did not even want to do it, but ABC had promised him that if the spinoff failed, that he and Audra Lindley could return to Three's Company. But then TPTB hired Don Knotts as Ralph Furley, who was a hit, and the producers basically kicked Fell and Lindley to the curb following the cancellation of The Ropers.

  6. And ever so happily last night, ABC News was discussing the possibility of World War III - said outright! - should any future negotiations between Ukraine and Russia fail. I get being cautious, but damn it, someone needs to handle Putin and his lackeys.

    How long will this madman hold Ukraine and, by extension, the world hostage?

  7. 5 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I don't think the character is awful, but I think it was a mistake to make her pregnant.  It stacked the odds so against John/Marlena.

    Well, as you know, we are complete opposites in that I loved John/Isabella, so I was thrilled with their having a baby.  :) And, really? Marlena had great loves besides John, so John also loving another woman makes things relatively equal.

    So there's one way to look at it, even if one is not fond of Isabella, maybe?

  8. On 3/13/2022 at 12:55 PM, kalbir said:

    Would we count M*A*S*H and Trapper John, M.D., or is that more sequel than spin off?

    Also, from what I recall reading, Trapper John, M.D. was said to be a continuation of Trapper from the M*A*S*H movie, with Elliott Gould's version, not Wayne Rogers', so that makes it a bit more complicated there.

    I think - in an episode snippet I recall seeing on YT - Parnell Roberts' version of Trapper had fallen asleep at the hospital, and grainy images of the film were used as he dreamed of his past in the war, so...

  9. Why is a daytime blogger on the writing staff to BEGIN with?!

    But I agree. Like Ron, Jamey is all about camp and idiocy and name dropping old character names without ANY sort of sign that he knows anything about old characters EXCEPT their names. His Sarah thinks she is Renée pitch sucked, and the execution is even worse.

    Then there is the devil that hopscotches into everyone - which was old almost 30 years ago.

    There is no heart. It's all camp, plot points for laughs or wacky cultural talking points, and the whole show is just awful.

  10. 29 minutes ago, Khan said:

    They're just covering their bases, because they literally don't know who she's playing anymore.

    I cannot believe Adrienne Johnson, who has history and connections to brothers Steve and Jack, husband Justin, son Sonny, and so many others was sacrificed for the cartoon that is Bonnie Lockhart.

    I mean, Judi Evans has had a hellish few years and I'm glad to see her. I just wish her current character wasn't so freaking bad and pointless.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Liberty City said:

    This Homecoming was INSANE! The NY cast did some sh*t, but this??? Whew.

    The New York cast, in the '90s and present day, still looks like puppies and rainbows next to this trainwreck (and other similar casts). The Original New York cast seemed to actually like or respect each other (sans Becky). This is just off the chain.

    Kind of sad that things are still so messy decades later.

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