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Posts posted by ~bl~

  1. Errol that’s who I meant not like the vendors or ride operators but people on stage who perform especially since Puppeteers are part of the group…so thanks for the clarification that those vacations won’t be ruined.


    ETA: it seems like all cons unless not covered for sag AFTRA are supposed to be skipped by members and San Diego is this weekend

  2. I am disappointed about this as they should have and would have known when they digitized the last group when some of them were posted and then hidden again. I would not be surprised if some old episodes that are missing still existed somewhere though we won’t see them. BTW WHAT cast members does this mean we won’t see?

  3. It is interesting to see the Emmy ballot, as now the daytime game shows and the nighttime ones compete against each other. Only the 30 minute Jeopardy is listed not either of the primetime ones.

  4. If a writer is striking doesn’t their health insurance stop except in the rare cases when someone was paying premiums like I think at least one of the late night talk show hosts is doing it for their writing team. I understand going fi core as a writer if you need to keep your insurance… at least there is accountability with ficore as we knew who did it after the fact unlike when a show has no on listed as writing a program.

  5. Another reason they don’t like to go back too far is HD…which considering how many FAST are very old shows is crazy….the residuals probably are barely anything, and most soaps had episodes posted on network websites for over 10 years. So it isn’t like they need to digitize again right?

  6. My issue with Portia being obsessed and upset with Trina being involved with Spencer, is Trina is an adult now. Whenever she starts getting upset over the situation i wonder why Portia is not allowed to have a life or a story that makes sense. I doubt they would allow her to lose it and prove Spencer is not good enough for Trina by seducing Spencer…

  7. When other unions strike, if a show is in  production the actors have a no strike clause. Actors can strike, and in 2000 there was a strike of advertising acting where no actors that were Sag or AFTRA as they were separated still were allowed to do commercials. It got settled, and some people did scab, during that time, but less ads were produced. In 1980 there was a strike too by actors, but soaps were not a part of it. I haven’t read either way since the merger. 

    what I wonder is does the DGA have a no strike clause for daytime? Since the DGA is not talking during negotiations if they don’t and that union strikes, I wonder if production would need to stop…because getting a scab directing staff may be more of a challenge than with writing.

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