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Blog Comments posted by tkfaf

  1. Just one more thing - I do like Carmen Duncan as Pamela. I really liked her as Iris on AW (which I watch everyday on Soapnet) and I can really see her as a healthy, wealthy, manipulative, vindictive, and razor witted Pamela. I didn't mind Marj and thought she did a pretty good job when Pamela first came back to Santa Barbara during Cruz's trial, but I think the character is different and a recast works for me right now.


  2. OMG!!!!!!!! That was gut busting, LMAO funny. I laughed so loud, my son came in from outside and asked what the heck was so funny.

    Great writing from both of you. I really like how you two made it a dream of Kelly's (CG) and included us in the fun too. I am also very glad you brought Justin Deas back in. Like some of the others, I could only hear and see Justin as Keith even though you had Tuc in the role. Augusta coming in and blowing away all the bad characters with a shotgun felt so right. As for Warren, I think Jack Wagner was great as the character and the character still has a great life in RTSB. I am still rooting for Warren to hook up with Mary after Mason goes back to Julia if you couldn't tell. LOL Great job all around. I can't wait to read another episode tonight.


  3. Wow......Once again I am thankful that I missed the last year or so of Santa Barbara. I quit watching (when I joined the Air Force in 1991) about the time Marcy Walker left the show. Gina and Lionel?????? CC and Santana?????????? Pregnant???????? Sophia hooked on drugs? Sounds like the Walkers were a complete waste of air time. Eden having multiple personality never really made sense to me. Cruz and Kelly - yuk!!!! Everything that you all have mentioned sounds like it was horrible. Sorry I can't really give you any opinions on this one Juniorz1, but I'm not sorry I missed seeing this stuff happen to the show.


  4. 1. Who do you think is behind Adriana's attempted kidnapping? at first I thought it was Carlos's gang who was after Marta, but now that we know Adrianna is the target, I guess Kirk would be the likely suspect

    2. Who does Mason belong with in the long-run- Julia or Mary? Although Mary broke through to Mason's inner self that he hid for so long, Julia was the one who brought that inner self out for the world to see so I would have to say he should stay with Julia in the end.

    3. What character do you feel has been written truest to their nature thusfar on RTSB? (try to pick only one, but no more than 3) I think you have done the best with Keith, followed by Julia and Mason

    4. What character has done something you wouldn't expect them to? Who did it, what did they do & why does it contradict their nature? I really didn't expect CC to give into Elizabeth's demands so easily, but I can see why he did

    5. Who is your favorite of the brand new characters introduced on 'RTSB'? Marta is definately my favorite because of her spunk and unpredictability, but I think all the new characters have been pretty well written

    6. What character do you think needs to be further developed? I think Carla Ramirez needs a little more developement and it would be cool if the Ramirez and Castillo families end up being good friends when the current crisis resolves

    7. Who would you like to see more of? I would like to see more of Warren getting under the Capwell's skin, especially CC's. I would also love to see Pearl more

    8. What do you think Edmund has planned for Sophia? Edmund is probably psycho enough to drug/brainwash Sophia into believing that she is his dead wife

    9. What storyline keeps you coming back for more? The Julia/Mason/Mary storyline is #1 for me with the Ramirez/Castillo storyline running a close second

    10. Have you noticed any references to specific things on 'Santa Barbara' on 'RTSB'? If so, which ones did you catch? The line of Kieth's where he made reference to Kelly pushing someone out a window was very good

    11. What character do you feel 'RTSB' could do without? (not who's your least fave, but who seems pretty irrelevant in the story so far) For me, Joann really doesn't seem like a major character right now

    12. Is there a plot on 'Santa Barbara' that was left dangling that you'd like to see resolved on 'RTSB'? If so, what? Not really, I think you have done a great job so far and I love that you ignored the last couple of bad years

    13. What do you think of the addition of the Ramirez family? Do you think they should stick around? The Ramirez family is a great addition and they should definately stay on

    14. Who were your favorite characters on SB? Mason and Julia were always my favorites

    15. Do you have the same favorites on 'RTSB'? Mason and Julia are still my favorites

    16. What two characters would you like to see paired up that aren't already a couple? After the Julia/Mason/Mary triangle is resolved (hopefully with Mason staying with Julia), it would be interesting to see if Mary and Warren could be good together. Just think how that would get under Mason's skin

    17. Do you feel that all of the new characters (Carla, Marta, Elizabeth, Joann, Edmund) have been properly integrated with the cast? With the exception of Joann, who I think has not quite found a niche, I think all the characters fit very well into the Santa Barbara landscape

    18. Who would you prefer to see comfort CC through his loss of Sophia- Elizabeth, Pamela, Gina, Rosa, Santana, or Joann? Probably Gina because she wants to get close to CC to find out about the secret and Keith is galavanting around with Elizabeth. Pamela might try, but she will not succeed.

    19. Rank these storylines in order of preference:

    Mary's Return from the Dead! 1

    Edmund & Pamela's Plot against CC & Sophia! 4

    Elizabeth/CC/Sophia history visited! 2

    Cruz, Angel, their Undercover Investigation and the ensuing kidnapping! 3

    Samantha/Rafe/Lily/Ted/Angela and Lily's plots against Angela! 5

    Who is Warren's Father? 6

    20. Do you have a favorite 'RTSB' episode? If so, which one was it? My favorite episode was when Mason confronted Julia about not telling him Mary was alive Episode 36 I think

    21. Do you listen to the theme song before each episode? A lot of time I do, but I can hear it so well in my head that I find I don't really need to play it.

    I just wanted to add that I really like the characters of Samantha and Adrianna and their interaction. It is really cool to see how you have blended the parents into these two.


  5. wow......another great one........I reallly like Marta. That girl has spunk. What are they going to do now that they have the wrong girl? Poor Sophia, stuck with a pycho doctor and she doesn't even know it. It would be funny if Augusta ended up being the one to discover her. Not sure that Augusta would rescue her though. CC seemed to recognize the last name of his newest son-in-law. With so many enemies out there, it is a wonder there haven't been more attempts on CC's life. Looking forward to tomorrow's news item and next weeks episodes. Keep up the good work!


  6. Hehe, I actually LOVE that idea. Would be cool for you guys to communicate with each other and talk about 'SB' and 'RTSB'. By the way, I re-posted Episode 39- something went wrong with an edit and the first time I published it, it was missing some very important scenes. I recovered them and fixed the error. Make sure you read the right version- otherwise, you'll miss two KEY scenes.

    I am off to read it right now.......

  7. :o Not Adriana!!!! Had a feeling she was not going to make it home from the coffee shop. Cruz and Eden are going to be very upset. I love the suspense you are building. Another not so happy camper is Pearl. All that talking and Kelly never got around to telling him about the hubby. Poor guy. I hope Augusta and Lionel won't be gone too long. Keith and Gina should be fun to watch as they search for the secret. Can't wait for another episode. Like I said before, I am SO ADDICTED!


  8. Love Pearl's line about liking the Capwells and how they have plenty of money and willing to spend it. Very classic. Also can't wait until Pearl finds Mark and if Mason and Mary find out what really happened to the child. You have me on the edge of my seat with that guy watching Marta and Adriana. What are Cruz, Eden, Angel, and Carla going to do when and if the girls are taken? You have set up a very good plot that is entertaining, exciting, and full of suspense. Can't wait till the next episode.


  9. Another fine episode sir!

    Mason always does that. Julia tells him to get out and he does. He doesn't fight right then to stay. Sure he comes back eventually, although we are never really sure he will (this time included). Same thing happened after the aborted Sonny/Mason and Julia wedding. Julia told him to get out of her life and out the door he went. This has been part of their relationship from day one. You have written their scenes very well. Just, please, don't let Mason do a disappearing act. I would miss him too much and I can't wait to see who he ends up with and how. Good job with Gina and Keith too. Another favorite couple of mine.


  10. ETA: I changed it back Teri. Sorry- I always edit my comments if something isn't right as I assumed it was. I'm nitpicky I guess! :lol:

    Thought you might be interested in why I used Wonderfun. I had just finished watching a clip on some site where Cruz and Eden are at a Masquerade and Eden has had maybe a few too many glasses of champagne. While dancing with Cruz, she tells him she is having a Wonderfun time. Cruz then tells her she definately has had too much to drink if she is making up words. I always thought that was a great word and probably was a misspoken line by Marcy that the editors decided to leave in because it really fit with the scene.

    BTW I understand about the editing of comments. A lot of people at work think I am the most nit picky, perfectionist, and buttinski person they have ever met and if I had a blog of my own, I would probably do the exact same thing.


  11. Another outstanding episode my friend. What does the evil Edward have in store for our beloved matriarch? Will Sophia figure out what is going on? Will her family? How is Cruz going to protect Angel? Can he? What is going to happen with Mary/Mason/Julia? So many questions and I am on the edge of my seat. If you can't tell, I am so ADDICTED!!!!!!!! You rock and I can't wait to see where all of the storylines are going.

    I work in a hospital and been in the medical field for about 18 years now. I was really wondering how you were going to explain Sophia's "death." Especially since Mary is now a doctor and Mary would definately not be a party to faking a death. Although I have a hard time believing an MRI machine can be altered in such a way, the computer used to display the results could be altered to give a fake reading. The heart monitor could be easily misled and if you set the repirator to the exact rythym of Sophia's breathing and just made it appear to be hooked up, it just might work as long as you didn't let anyone (like Mary) inspect the set up too closely.

    All in all, I think you did a pretty good job of explaining how he did it. Way to go and I can't wait to see tomorrow's episode.


  12. WOW! That's SO cool of you to say- thank you so much! You're obviously a dedicated fan to catch up on 34 episodes in 6 days! Look forward to hearing from you now that you're all caught up! :)

    I was a huge fan then and time has not diminished my love for this great soap. I love that you totally discounted the last year. I had stopped watching right before it went downhill because I had joined the military and from what I have read, I am glad I missed it. I was a big fan of Mason and Mary and when she died, I was devastated. Once Julia and Mason were an item though, they became my all time favorite soap couple. The triangle you have going with Julia/Mason/Mary is wonderfully torturous for me. I can't wait to see where you go with it. Like I said before, keep up the good work and I am so happy I found out about your blog from the Lane Davies site.


    PS - Living in the same city as you makes it awfully tempting to come on over and get a sneak peak......lol

  13. It has taken me the six days since I joined to catch up on all the post, but now that I have, I have to tell you what an outstanding job you have been doing and I can't wait to read more. I was a fan of the show since about 1985 when I started H.S. and you have truly recaptured the glory, the romance, the mystery, and the humor of the show. I can hear the cast speaking the lines in my head because you have done such a good job of writing the dialogue. The plot is magnificent to say the least. I am on the edge of my seat now and anxious for tomorrow's episode. Keep up the excellent work.


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