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Everything posted by P.J.

  1. P.J.

    Episode 210

    Poor Carly...can't even take a short trip out of town without running headlong into some buzz kill...LOL.
  2. P.J.

    Episode 200

    Congratulations on making it to 200, Dusty!!
  3. P.J.

    Episode 198

    Dusty, you're a sentimental ol' pile of goo...it's too bad Carjack doesn't get half this sentiment on the show. And I flove that Margo can at least admit her hypocrisy to herself. Another thing that drives me nuts on ATWT. You, babe, are the whipped cream on the hot chocolate of life....don't ask what it means, just take it as muy bueno.
  4. P.J.

    Episode 194

    Hmmn...I find myself intrigued by the possible Lucinda/Clark/Emma triangle, and why Lucy wouldn't want anyone to know about their connection. Carjack.... Loved Dusty's snarky 'tude about Craig even though he's dead.
  5. OMG...I frackin' LOVE Wes Ramsey! He can be dangerous and sincere. I'm looking forward to see which he is with Jade.
  6. P.J.

    Episode 168

    Glad to have you back writing Dusty!
  7. P.J.

    Episode 154

    Aaron's jealousy is making him into a tattletale. I think Cindy Brady needs to slap him upside the head! LOL. Oh-oh....Doris is DEAD?? That can't be good for Michael. Emma has another guest at the Snyder Hotel? She should forget about farming and open up a B&B. LOL. Great job, as usual Dusty!! Loved the imagery of Michael stumbling along the side of the highway.
  8. P.J.

    Episode 120

    Fantastic twist, having Noah be the one to see Carrie with James! Y'know, I get Lily's 'tude...but why would she think Noah was just faking being gay? Sigh...I so wish we could go back to Jack/Carly and Lily/Holden being friends (on the show). :0
  9. P.J.

    Episode 119

    I really liked all the family gatherings for the 4th. Keep up the good job, Dusty!
  10. P.J.

    Episode 115

    Finally catching up...and all the drama makes my head spin! I will say that I love how the fallout from Noah/Carrie's ONS has been woven around Oakdale.
  11. P.J.

    Episode 107

    Good for Babs! LOL at the thought of James as a "cancer"...it's so true. And the Carly/Carrie friendship reminds me of the good old days on ATWT, when everyone had a friend.
  12. You know I love my Carjack.
  13. Awww...what a heartbreaking way for Luke to find out Noah's cheated on him. Jade's back...can trouble be far behind? LOL..of course not. It was really bold of James to make his presence known to the entire town. That really can't be a good thing for Oakdale either! Good job Dusty.
  14. First, congratulations Dusty on making it to episode 100! I don't think everyone appreciates how much effort and dedication goes into making it this far. As for the super-sized edition, it makes me flash back to the good old days, when events were SPECIAL and mind-blowing, not just three extra day players on stage. Loved all the family interactions. Loved everything. Really. Here's to your next 100!!!
  15. P.J.

    Episode 99

    OUCH....Jack finally gets the stones to ask Carly out, and he gets crushed. You're breakin' my heart, Dusty!
  16. OMG....does Emma have a hawttie stashed out of town somewhere??? Inquiring (dirty) minds want to know!!! Hmmn...Rosanna knows Carrie from somewhere. Kim....a drinker.......you....wouldn't....would....you??? *faints from shock* Good luck on finals!!!
  17. P.J.

    Episode 72

    I'm liking this Alias-like adventure for Holden and Lily. LMAO...go Luke!!! HILARIOUS commentage on Katie's sleeping through the Snyder stable. (Dusty, I love you!) I love Carly's generous nature.
  18. P.J.

    Episode 70

    Love Meg's exit. Boy, getting kidnapped like a dozen other times hasn't taught Lily that much, LOL! I'm glad Lucinda stuck up for Luke. She's a great grandma. Good job, Dusty!
  19. P.J.

    Episode 69

    Okay, I'm loving Meg finally getting caught! Can't those boys find a room? Sigh...young love and all that...but who do they think they are nearly gettin' on at work...Katie? Nice use of history in the Margo/Katie scene.
  20. P.J.

    Episode 67

    Henry, the eternal matchmaker. Katie (even yours, Dusty) doesn't deserve him. LOL. I like that Carly has softened toward Carrie. Noah is never going to learn, is he?
  21. P.J.

    Episode 68

    OMG...St. Gwen is lying and getting others to lie for her? Color me shocked. Can't wait to see where the Michael/Margo/Lyla story is going.
  22. P.J.

    Episode 66

    Loved the use of Carly's history in Carrie's story.
  23. P.J.

    Episode 65

    Hmmn....another adventure, another kidnapping for Holden and Lily. Talk about some soapy-goodness! UGH....Gwen is trampinng over to visit Iris, of all people? I smell trouble. Oy vey...Luke taking relationship advice from Lucinda. Don't get me wrong, I love their relationship. Poor Brad..."sucker" is stamped on his tushy. :)
  24. P.J.

    Episode 64

    Okay...I finally got caught up. I agree...Lily searching for Craig is interesting, and echoes when he was lost in the isles of Greece. LOL at the thought of Lily falling down a pit. The introduction of Michael seems to be stirring things up. It'll be interesting to see how everyone deals with him. Ohhhh.....Carjack. I'm glad Carly's reminding him she's just doing what he wanted. I'm glad Jack seems to be slowly coming around to his truth. It's just agonizing.....being as impatient as I am. LOL....
  25. P.J.

    Episode 57

    Hmmn...Iris ripped up a check? What the heck's bigger than a blank check? I'm waiting for Noah to get busted...LOL.
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