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Everything posted by P.J.

  1. P.J.

    Episode 68

    OMG...St. Gwen is lying and getting others to lie for her? Color me shocked. Can't wait to see where the Michael/Margo/Lyla story is going.
  2. P.J.

    Episode 66

    Loved the use of Carly's history in Carrie's story.
  3. P.J.

    Episode 65

    Hmmn....another adventure, another kidnapping for Holden and Lily. Talk about some soapy-goodness! UGH....Gwen is trampinng over to visit Iris, of all people? I smell trouble. Oy vey...Luke taking relationship advice from Lucinda. Don't get me wrong, I love their relationship. Poor Brad..."sucker" is stamped on his tushy. :)
  4. P.J.

    Episode 64

    Okay...I finally got caught up. I agree...Lily searching for Craig is interesting, and echoes when he was lost in the isles of Greece. LOL at the thought of Lily falling down a pit. The introduction of Michael seems to be stirring things up. It'll be interesting to see how everyone deals with him. Ohhhh.....Carjack. I'm glad Carly's reminding him she's just doing what he wanted. I'm glad Jack seems to be slowly coming around to his truth. It's just agonizing.....being as impatient as I am. LOL....
  5. P.J.

    Episode 57

    Hmmn...Iris ripped up a check? What the heck's bigger than a blank check? I'm waiting for Noah to get busted...LOL.
  6. P.J.

    Episode 56

    LOL...that little Meg is the schemer, isn't she? And did I miss something? Aaron drinks?
  7. P.J.

    Episode 54

    I was honored to help you out, Dusty. I like your version of Casey/Elwood better.
  8. P.J.

    Episode 53

    Carjack...okay NOW you're just torturing me. Wonderful Kim/Babs talk. Part of me thinks Paul isn't worth crying over. I wonder who's found Rosanna.
  9. P.J.

    Episode 52

    Aww...sweet little Elwood was her stalker? Thugsy rears his ugly head, beating some 100lb kid to a pulp. Y'know I'm loving me jealous Jack parking on Carly's couch when the kids aren't even there. Ooooh...Noah's lying. That's never good.
  10. P.J.

    Episode 50

    Carly...hot date??? OH, don't leave me hanging like that!!! Naughty Dusty!! LOL...I can see Jack's jaw hitting the floor as that came out. Hmmn...Carrie knows she's preggers already?? Hmnnn...but love the twist. Margo...Babs....friends?? *faints*
  11. P.J.

    Episode 49

    Loving the Jack-Carly talk..... LOL...I know you don't mean to tease me with a Lilden breakup...but damn, I wish Holden would stick to his word! (Yes, I'm giving myself 10 lashes for my snarkiness as penalty!) xxoo
  12. P.J.

    Episode 48

    So, now I'm wondering if Carrie's lying about her past, job experience, etc. Hmmn... I can see the shock on Jack's face as Carly added the "not now, not ever," part. LOL... Meggie is one twisted piece of work.
  13. P.J.

    Episode 47

    I'm loving the Ryan family moments, and how you've tied in the new cancer ward to both Lyla and Barbara. Sigh...after yesterday's show, I'm nearly drooling over the thought of Casey having hot sex. Yowza....
  14. P.J.

    Episode 46

    Just catching up after the long weekend... Somehow I really don't mind the thought of Casey having hot sex. Awww...Carjack are gonna be "just friends". Or at least they're going to try. Glad Lyla's decided to continue her treatment. And good for Bob, motivating himself for Babs' sake. That's what family should be about.
  15. P.J.

    Episode 40

    Wait...did Katie get her job back, or is Katie playing Carly? I love the idea of Carrie being Carly's assistant. Jack's moving back to the farm? I like the bond forming between Lyla and Casey. Iris reformed? Boy, I can't wait to see what trouble's she's going to stir up now.
  16. P.J.

    Episode 36

    I like Brad standing up and being a man, even if it is for Katie, the least deserving wench on the Planet. I'm not sure I understand why the kids are so needy now, that Carly can't work. Nice to see another chapter up, Dusty!
  17. P.J.

    Episode 32

    LOL....Noah sure is confused. Flove the Carly/Lily friendship being brought up. So, Kim decided a little honey works better than a "kiddo" speech? Hmmn...bery bery interesting.
  18. P.J.

    Episode 31

    *sternly* I'll have you know, Mr. Dusty, I was waiting on this eppy!!! I was just about to harrass you when I saw it was here this morning!!! LOL@@@ NUTS!!! How did that little slut Meggie manage to knock herself up???? I'm annoyed Lily is defending Craig somehow. Buy a vowel, Lil! Craig is evil incarnate! LOL. Aww...I kind felt sorry for Casey just a smidge.
  19. P.J.

    Episode 30

    The image of Meg jumping on a car hood like Bruce Willis is hysterical! I want to scream, "die, bitch, die!!" LOL.
  20. P.J.

    Episode 28

    Oooohhh....all is now clear, Obi-wan.
  21. P.J.

    Episode 28

    OMG....I peed my pants at the Carly/Katie catfight!!! That last line is a killer! I'm not getting the Sophie/Casey vibe. They barely know each other, and she's up in his face for hiding things? Oh boy...Lisa's lighting a fuse. I can't wait to see Kim's reaction. Love the eppy, D! :D :D
  22. P.J.

    Episode 27

    LOL...are those Katie's hormones talking? Not that Brad would be able to tell the difference between that and her regular bitchiness. And I can't wait for Rosanna to bitch slap Meg. Preferably into the next decade.
  23. P.J.

    Episode 25

    *squeeeeeaaaaallllllllssss* in delight....oh, no you didn't just fulfill my fondest wish and get Jack out of the OPD!!! Yipppeeeee!!!!! Dusty, YOU ROCK!! And there's a nice nod to history, bringing up Hal's death, and how Parker might have trouble dealing with it in relation to Sam. And I thought the Henry/V wedding was romantic and fun! Uh oh...I think Noah and Luke are headed for a bump....
  24. P.J.

    Episode 24

    He felt as though he was going to lose his family...forever. Carly and Jack gaze into each other's tear-filled eyes and Parker takes notice. Now you're going to make me cry!! I'm all for the Carjack family working on their problems. LOL...Katie would probably buy ocean front property..in Arizona. Brad's playing her like a violin.
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