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Posts posted by P.J.

  1. JoAnna Rhineheart couldn't really act, but I always liked her anyway (even if she was no Tamara Tunie). Glad she's showing up on a hit series.

    I know I've seen her in a couple of other things. Oddly, she didn't look any older (to me). Meredith Hagner, otoh, looked like, 30.

    And speaking of TT, she was in a recent Elementary. Or maybe it was Golden Boy.

  2. Well, TIIC could have been seeing what, if anything, was there. With McClain constantly having one foot out the door, I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder. Also, the scenes between Paul and Lucy felt like that was being felt out too. But I believe List left that summer, and probably told them early she wasn't interested in re-signing.

    But sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. It's kind of hard to imagine Sheffer and Goutman breaking their couple pattern---one good, one bad (or at least morally challenged)---to pair up Paul and Carly.

    Although the thought of the ensuing Barbara/Carly fireworks make my mouth water.

    Who knows what went through those assholio minds.

    I guess I do understand why Howarth seemed like a good move. He had one wickedly rabid fanbase. It just never (or rarely) translated into a ratings bump for us. They couldn't (and shouldn't have tried to) retool the show and make Howarth the center.

  3. I really have never understood the decision to cast Roger as Paul. Paul had survived a lot worse (like thinking he'd actually killed his father) and sending him 'round the bend over Rose's death (or arguably the fact his brother was responsible) when getting free of that screechy ball-buster was (IMO) the narrowest escape of his life, made little sense.

    Had they brought him in as ANYONE else (and my favorite what if was Scott Eldredge) I think they'd have been much better served. Scott was virtually a blank slate. And it's not like Doug Wert's comic six-month misstep in the role detracted from Joe Breen's performance. It's not like with ATWT's rich history, they couldn't have found ONE other character to pick from. I could probably name TEN without much effort.

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_nTXunwWlA

    Were they testing Paul and Carly at this time?

    No. This was the only truly non-drama-filled Carjack span. (From their Montana wedding/Sage's birth to Jack's disappearance in June or July when he miraculously crossed the Mississippi river and became AmnesiJack.) It's the start of the Paul/Rosanna thing. Craig has set up Paul and Cabot's adoption blows up, ending the Craig/Ro marriage. If I'm not mistaken, I believe Paul saves Lucy from being raped in February, and Paul teams up with Carly to ghost design Barbara's line in March (as Babs starts going blind), and Lucy (with her little crush on Paul) ends up being stuck with Paul and Carly in a snowstorm somewhere out East.

  5. I think the official list of those who hate Parisse is me and Carl. I know I just bitched about her in another thread not too long ago.

    It's mostly my leftover Carjack-iness...but damn, she threw a wet blanket on Person of Interest for me in a recurring role, and somehow she's walked into a featured role on The Following. I never thought I'd have to hope for someone to get their eyes plucked out.

    Acting-wise---I just think she's awful. Although she makes a credible amoral psychopathic CIA assassin on POI.

  6. I don't think they aired episodes either. At some point cable took over airing the college games---but that certainly wasn't until the '90's or later. Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's were always short weeks---that's one of the reasons "New Year's Eve" baby Parker wasn't born on air until the 6th of January. The US Open cut into the weeks around Labor Day, and I think I remember Memorial Day being preempted for racing too for some years.

  7. Tom Pelphrey has an indie film opening next month in which he co-stars with Melissa Archer (and, apparently every aging Jewish actor on the East coast. LOL!) I'll probably go see this if it comes to my city since I love a good addiction tale whether comedy or drama. Also I like Pelphrey and it looks like he has a real flair for comedy. Frankly I didn't even recognize him at first.

    As for Archer...whatever my feeling about OLTL, "Natalie" or MA's acting talent, I'm happy for ANY soap actor who finds a way to keep working their craft. However, it doesn't look like she goes topless in this film so I know that will disappoint some of her fans on this board.laugh.pngraspberry.gif


    It looks like Ewa de Cruz is in it too.

    Now that I know Robert Vaughn is still alive, I can go back to hoping he appears on NCIS for a Man from UNCLE reunion.

  8. Yes. He also appeared in 1987 during the "Lily runs away" to Colorado or Arizona or wherethefuckever with Dusty after she learned the truth about her parentage. He played the owner (Logan) of the cafe where Lily waitressed. His wife Grace was played by Kelly Bishop.

    He also wrote for the show and his wife was long time music coordinator Jill Diamond.

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