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Posts posted by P.J.

  1. ^^^I think you must be referring to some David/Jim scene. But they're friends, not servant/master, although David spends 99 percent of his time doing Jim's unpleasant tasks.

    Yeah, I guess Perry's implying that Wyatt and Amanda were abused together---at least this week. It seems odd to me that Kathryn seemed so guilty about what happened to Wyatt without mentioning that that's what also triggered Amanda's damage. It's too bad that whatever Perry writes will seem so laughably preposterous---abuse and incest are serious matters.

    BTW, am I the only one who thinks the actress who plays Amanda looks biracial? I fully expect one day Katherine's going to go off on Jim about how she spent years passing off one of his bastards as their child.

    As bad as the plotting is---I loved the scene where Katherine explained that her father's money bought Jim everything and she sure wasn't going to let him and his whores live it up when she was gone, and she sure didn't trust her will would be executed if Jim could find a way around it.

  2. Ha...losing your hair does make a guy look well rather not hot

    I still remember the Angel storyline...I believe it was when Lily became bitch mode played by the fabulous Heather Rattray...with the audience thinking it was Angel trying to railroad Lily when in fact it was her father. I still flove to this day the scenes with bitch Lily and bitch Barbara....lol.

    Yeah, the reveal that Angel wasn't trying to kill Lily and was being abused by her father---classic. Every time I see the actor who played her father (and I'm blanking on the name, but he's still a popular character actor and he also played GL's Bradley Rains) I still get a moment of queasiness. 'Cause the guy is always a weasel.

    I don't remember Jon Hensley losing his hair??

    Jon didn't lose his hair, but for whatever reason, he got this cut that was the opposite of hot----I call it "old man hair".

  3. If the writing is not that deep then I don't expect to see any real semblance of it. We're supposed to see Wyatt as some troubled recovering addict, but if it weren't for the audience already knowing that addiction is in his character's background, we would never know that Wyatt is an alcoholic/drug addict. He doesn't give much of a clue one way or the other.

    I don't expect to either. I put together two tidbits----Katherine's guilt and a church camp. (I also have some vague recollection of Wyatt saying something about not liking/going to church, but I could totally be imagining that). If Katherine's guilt was just over how Wyatt became an addict, I wouldn't see why that would have to be connected to a church camp. Re Wyatt's addiction---we're supposed to believe he's made it through the toughest part of rehab. Remember, he's only back in rehab to cover Jim's moving money out of Katherine's accounts to pay off Candace's blackmail. I think we're supposed to be more interested in why Wyatt turned to drugs, than if he's struggling with his addiction. In fact, it looks as if he might trade in one addiction for another, if his looking up porn sites is more than a plot device to find out Candace is a call girl.

    I could be wrong, and it wouldn't bother me. But again, the writing runs from a to b.

  4. There's innuendo that Wyatt might have endured childhood abuse though there's HARDLY any confirmation of that in any way.

    The writing's not that deep. Katherine moaned about the "one week" that changed Wyatt forever, when she let down her guard and sent him off to church camp.

  5. I think all that's gone on with Wyatt is that we found out he was abused as a child.

    I did love Katherine going off on Candace---finally someone shut her down and shut her up. Though I had to laugh...if there's 9 that she knows about---there's probably twice that more that she doesn't.

    I loved the David/Hanna scene. I LOVE Peter Parros, and that was the first real opportunity he's had to sink his teeth into a scene.

    Uh, did Prof. imply that Candace is a pimp? Madam?

  6. The ideas are there, and some of the scenes just work (i.e. Candace/Hanna scenes.. plus I like Kathryn's scenes especially when she is browbeating her wimpy hubby)... but there needs to be someone to edit and tighten up the scenes.. and also advise TP what to follow up on and what to leave for another episode.

    I agree---some ideas there are good. But they're so weighed down under bad acting and self-congratulatory backslapping by TP for being the sole creator of this "masterpiece" that it's lost. That rape was icky---and it should be---but because TP-the-writer filled the scene with useless chatter and TP-the-director doesn't ever subscribe to the "less is more" school of thought, and the actor is apparently jonesing for the free hamburger that comes with his salary, it comes off more like comedy.

    All TP needed to show was the prof calmly redressing, looking around the room, one smirky remark about her living with Candace and him nonchalantly asking if she wanted to get take out to get the idea: this guy assumes Amanda's playing a role on her back to get a decent grade.

  7. The good still doesn't even come close to outweighing the dreck on this show.

    That said, that Hanna and Candace scene was awesome.

    But this is so plotdriven it puts bad daytime to shame. First Celine does a one-eighty, now the morally upright and uptight David wants to "take care of the whore" by having 2 k's of coke planted on her. As slow as Jim was to connect the dots, I gotta laugh at how stupid David was assuming that her entire family was somehow setting Jim up. Yeah, cause con artists always go to their victims for lawyer recommendations.

    Can hardly wait for Wyatt's damage via priest to be revealed. *rme*

  8. It's a very confusing time on ATWT. It may have made more sense with OriginalBrad, but I doubt it. There were times Carly was really written badly, falling for anyone who paid her the least bit of attention....*coughcough*Holden*coughcough*

    They were also trying to sell Brad as someone who "understood" Carly better than "judgemental" Jack.

  9. So were they setting up an actual Brad/Carly love at this point? I wasn't watching at this time. I came back a few months after this. I thought she'd always been pining for Jack during this time.

    Welllll....not really. Carly was till pining for Jack. Jack was involved with Julia (in her pre-bitch days) who was guilt-ridden over helping Holden cover up David's death and getting hooked on pills thanks to David (who'd returned as psychiatrist Reid). Julia was also getting involved with him and his mysterious "daughter" (David had kidnapped Faith and replaced her with Andy and Denise's daughter Hope who David called Melinda) and wacked out (I forget what she was supposed to be nurse? groupie?) played by the same chick who played Allison Perkins on OLTL.

    Brad was pining after Camille, who he'd fucked after her cancer scare. He's going to end up blackmailing Carly into marriage to pay off some debt from his past and save Camille from some goon. OriginalBrad was actually more interested in Molly. EvilBrad (John Loprieno) just seemed more invested in Carly's money (she'd gotten control of the trust set up by Rosanna for having anyone but Mike's baby and being married to John at the time) and sticking it to Jack.

    This is April....Carly and Brad marry in May, Carly and Jack start really reconnecting in June, when Reid forces a breakup between Julia and Jack. (The end of June is Carjack's infamous winecellar scenes....*sigh*) And after one more unfortunate fight, Carly consummates her marriage to Brad (the date, 7/7/99 still lives on in infamy in my consciousness...._) but makes love with Jack at the boathouse on 7/20-21-22.

  10. so, from the Professor, are we suppose to assume Candace has earned her grades on her back too?

    I don't know was funnier, the jealous rant Celine went on, or Hanna being promoted against her will to rule over a bunch of unseen "staff".

    The police planted 2 kilos of coke on Benny? Geez...overkill much, David?

    I thought this eppy was comparatively better than average. But then they spent the last ten minutes focused on Amanda.

  11. And I could have bought that Wyatt wasn't really "defending" Jeffrey to Candace as much as busting her ass because he suspects/knows she's fuking his dad...but the acting is so completely without subtext, I can't get any feeling one way or another. It's like watching a blank slate try and act.

    I mean, it's kind of startling to realize (after a lifetime of watching green daytime newbies) you have to reevaluate your definition of "bad acting". I feel I may need to apologize to a whole generation of ATWT teen actors.

  12. Crystal Fox is a really good actress, but she left me scratching my head at the dinner table with Benny's father. She went from 0 to 5 million in less than a second. The way she went off was crazy and it should gradually progressed to that. It wasn't a good scene at all, and I think we should have had more build to "this reveal". Introduce him at the beginning of the eppy and then tell us who he is at the end. Not enough is being done with Benny for us to care. And they sure did pick someone who looks like he could have spit Benny out himself.

    And are we going to have two pappy reveals? What about Candace's father?

    But that's a function of the writing. I sure would have preferred that (on daytime, you'd have seen someone try to fix them up before, a couple of instances where she'd have avoided him, etc...) but that takes nuance, and that ain't Perry's forte, to say the least.

    There was some line thrown out about Benny and Candace having two different fathers before, but I could have sworn they implied Benny's father had died. I was a little surprised Hanna's (the devout churchgoer) has apparently never been married.

  13. That scene was driving me nuts. Crystal and the actress, who portrays Hannah are the strongest performers on this show. I hope that both of their careers are relaunched.

    Crystal Fox is Hanna. Maybe you're thinking of Candace, who's played by Tika Sumpter.

    Here's the thing re: Wyatt and Jeffery. I could have understood both Jeffrey's "kind, smart, loyal" assessment and Wyatt's sudden jump down Candace's throat if there'd been any hint, suggestion, or slightest inkling that there had been a friendship before Wyatt's rehab. All we've seen is Jeffrey being Wyatt's jailer/maid/whipping boy. In spite the fact their parents are friends, I can't recall one line of dialogue suggesting Jeffrey, Wyatt and Amanda had any kind of relationship during their childhood.

  14. I loved that exchange! I thought the back-and-forth questioning was very natural.

    Maybe teens would talk that way in real life....but they're not teens. And the editing makes it sound way too stilted. You shouldn't hear crickets chirping between nearly each and every response either. There was one that seemed like five seconds long. That's forever in tv time. It's almost like Perry is leaving in space for a tv laugh track...only this ain't a comedy. At least not an intentional one.

    I hate to sound like a downer all the time, so I will give one positive comment. If Tyler Perry does nothing more than relaunch Crystal Fox's acting career, that is a good thing. It's clear she deserves it.

  15. gawd...this show is so whack. I missed the first couple of minutes, but (luckily?) came in just as Celine was coming off her GlennCloseimpersonation and acting all hot and bothered Jim wouldn't give her another go. So...I guess this isn't Jim's first rodeo with some psycho hottie that can't get enough of his Johnson, huh?

    The only good part was Hannah and Ben's dad. The younger crowd is so terribly bland and boring. When Geoffrey described Wyatt as "smart and kind" I nearly threw up. Look, he may have "hidden depth"---but dayum, other than not kicking the family dog, I haven't seen one even passably not assholio moment from the kid.

    For my own shows, I've always said the suits need to stay out and let the writer's "vision" carry the story. This is the exception to the rule. Someone seriously needs to take TP by the hand and school him in what characterization and plot actually mean.

    This is bad fan fiction that somehow got produced.

  16. P.J., no! Wyatt's sexiness is needed.

    If he can just stand in the corner silently, I will withdraw my objection. It's the minute he starts speaking that it gets painful.

    So...Veronica is just that creepy? Interesting position for an addiction counselor (or whatever the !@#$%^&*] she is...) to have.

    And I would guess Celine's just jonesing for Jim, or their affair was a long, long time ago from the previews.

  17. Big episode orders aren't new. Melrose Place had an average of 32 episodes per season, with the highest being 35. Back in the 50s, some sitcoms were averaging up to 38 episodes per season, hence why Leave It To Beaver ended up with 234 episodes in just six seasons.

    Perry has a strong, loyal audience and his own studios, pair that with strong ratings and you get very shrewd reasoning for OWN to put in a generous episode order.

    But that was the fifties. Not that it matters, it's all semantics anyway. I'm just a little surprised that OWN would commit to so many episodes after airing only five. All I can say is it must be dirt cheap to produce.

  18. well, I would call it "season 2", the current eps end in Sept, the new batch would start early in 2014.

    It's not that I didn't expect OWN to order more episodes (their low threshold alone guaranteed that), but the quality is so bad, I cringe thinking there's more to "look forward to".

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