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Posts posted by P.J.

  1. Yeah...see, I don't think Kim had really been "forgiven" for going after her sister's husband either. Thus she was forced into a loveless marriage, and then a triangle from hell. It's just because everything moved slower in those days that we think "geez, six years after the fact, why didn't they just hook Bob and Kim up?"

    They were shown developing their friendship---and I think DH and KH always underplayed that "if only" vibe. And this is before the "supercouple". I think EPs/HWs were less inclined to keep revisiting a couple once they were done.

  2. Well, I do think part of the reason was Bob and Kim were tentpole characters in completely separate stories. Kim and Dan were very popular...it's the old axiom---you never want to be the rebound girl/guy, 'cause they never last. And I don't think Nick even lasted two years, did he? I don't know if he was meant to be a short term character, but it sure seems like it.

    And new HW always want to bring their own characters in. It really is a credit to Marland that he sought to understand what the fans of the show already liked, and worked with a lot of cast that was already here.

  3. I think they were mentioned as running a charity in Montega occasionally, but whether that was something Goutman originated or simply continued, I don't know. Andy was rarely, if ever mentioned, and he was actually on during Goutman's run. I tend to think the actors simply adlibbed things about family when Bob was sick, or some other family emergency was going on.

  4. I loved this promo and storyline. As for CZP...if she and BH didnt get along well she sure is a hell of an actress because she was cheering her ass off when he won an Emmy.

    Well, I think they started out not getting along too well. I think they'd both mellowed by 2003(?) when Ben won the emmy.

    The only thing I've really ever read about Jennifer that suggests to me she wasn't some woe-is-me character is that she wanted to return to nursing after giving birth to Frannie, while Bob wanted her to stay home.

    I wonder if the youth movement watered down female characters. You can't write an interesting 30-ish character mooning over the first stable boy she meets, kwim?

  5. I'd never thought about it that way...but when you realize Lisa was the face of ATWT in the '60's, (along with Penny), it doesn't seem to fit the mold, does it? Kim, Susan and Joyce were all fan favorites, and they certainly weren't the girl next door mold.

    I would love to be able to see Jennifer as a comparison to Kim.

  6. It took a while in these clips before I remembered that David was Annie and Dee's father, not grandfather. When Dee first returned I kept thinking Dan was her father.

    I think it's the white hair. Henderson was about 63 then so, he's pretty age appropriate for four grown children. But nowadays, we don't see that gray hair anymore.

  7. Technically, Sabrina was Barbara's cousin, while she was both cousin and half-sister to Frannie, Barbara's half-sister.

    I don't recall further mentions of Melinda, not even when Ghost Jennifer reappeared many years later.

    *thumps head* The sister of my sister is not necessarily my sister. Now that I can't believe I typed that, of course I remember Babs was having issues with "the living proof" her mother was cheated on.

    It is so hard keeping track of such twisted family trees.

    What strikes me about the costumes is there's no sense of anyone having a personal style. Poor Betsy was wearing the same clothes her aunts were.

    I kind of spaced that Kim was raising Betsy and Andy at the same time. And even though I know Kim was married to Dan---I never remember thinking of her as Ellen's daughter in law even when Ellen was still on the show.

  8. Young Peter Simon with his Bee-Gee hair cracks me up.

    The Stewart women as sluts seems to have started WAY before Emily---both Dee and Annie are/were involved with married men.

    Tom, Annie and Dee seem so old. Right now, Tom looks 45, FCOL.

    I watched the next episode, with a Babs/Melinda scene. It's weird seeing Babs have a sister to talk to. It's only a few years later that she hates Sabrina who's popped up as her half-sister, and then there's the whole Frannie/Darryl/Babs thing that soured their relationship.

  9. But soap operas are about relationships. I don't think Annie or Dee was any more or less focused on their romances than say Kim or Barbara were. We just see Kim and Barbara in a more rounded way because they grew and evolved over time whereas Annie and Dee (in the scheme of things) were short term characters.

    I think the writers tried to make Annie and Dee ATWT's version of Y&R's Laurie and Leslie Brooks---and it failed miserably, imo.

  10. It's interesting to see these 1979 performances by Suzanne Davidson, because I did not start watching ATWT regularly until mid-1980s. I thought she did a credible job projecting quiet angst over her sense of loss and grief over Dan's death. It's also interesting to see the discussion with Kim of the drinking issues at school--maybe the writers were setting up some type of teen stories here?

    At the same time, it must be disquieting for Davidson then as an actress at an awkward age and crossroad, because TPTB--perhaps Marland included--must be assessing her potential and ability to have the kind of impact like what Genie Francis had done on GH. (I checked and Davidson is only one year younger than Genie Francis.)

    I guess TPTB in the end concluded in the negative, and Davidson would leave ATWT in 1980 (per IMDB), to be replaced by Meg Ryan, and Marland would find his Laura-reincarnate in the form of Morgan Richards on GL by K. Vigard.

    I know at some point some of Betsy's inheritance was used to establish a shelter for teens/some kind of youth center (on what later became McKechnie Island if I'm not mistaken).

    And I do think Betsy did get some kind of "experiments with drugs" kind of story, briefly. I remember something about a party where something bad happened, but it may have also been Frannie.

  11. The only thing useful about Rosanna was MW's Carly. What fascination Marland had with poor little rich girls I will never understand. I guess she kind of filled the ingénue void left when Byrne left/was recast with Heather Rattray. But OY vey...if only she'd had as much talent to fill her bra with as she did flesh....

    I don't remember much of Babs/Gunnar, but I remember loving them. But I do have a special place in my heart for Hal&Babs. I thought BH and CZ had great chemistry. I was kind of shocked to find out they didn't really get along all that well.

  12. I do wish Marland had explored/addressed the way Emma isolated herself after Harvey's death. It's like she never really moved on after his death. Odd that Bea Reardon was kind of the same way---but at least they addressed that, having thought she was abandoned by Tom (?) when he was really dead.

    Oh, and about the refrigerator---Cal and Jarod (Iva's bio dad) literally had a little war trying to win Emma's affections with new appliances. It was a thing.

  13. Well, it's not like other siblings didn't share lovers. Even the stalwart Bob did sisters.

    It's just that their were six of them, which has to be the biggest family ATWT ever had. Tom Hughes had plenty of half-siblings, but Chuckie died young; he barely knew Scott and Chris was about three generations younger than him. Hard to share a ho that way. LOL.

  14. One, I loved the Snyder kitchen too. The only thing really tacky about it was the water heater in plain sight, which probably no one's done since the '30's in the first place. I wouldn't consider the Snyders tacky at all. Down to earth, definitely. I think some of the gee-golly-Mayberryness of them was overdone at times---I caught one clip (it must have been the first Christmas they'd been on the show) where Emma gave people home made bread, of all things...and sometimes it seemed like they had a tradition for every day of the week. But for the most part, they were the decent people you kinda/sorta knew from down the street/road/hall who would lend you a helping hand without you having to ask.

    I loved Jack, and for the most part his relationship with Holden. I wouldn't have wanted him as a recast Caleb---one, Caleb by that time had too much history to simply ignore it. Sure, you could have had him divorce Julie. But you couldn't rewrite his history with his family, and frankly, by then I was tired of him and Holden fighting over women, their childhood, and everything else under the sun. They got away with it with Brad (Peck's version) because in the scheme of things he'd been a minor character, on for what, a year and a half? And two, because the show needed fresh blood.

    I thought he really fit in with Emma, Holden and Lily. It's not his fault they were the only Snyders left. And ATWT was always reluctant to cast anyone as simply someone new in town unrelated to anyone.

  15. Meg emerged once they got her away from any man who would have fallen at Lily's feet---ie, Tonio---and into a more adult story. Any other "teen" actress never got an "A" story. Lily always WAS the "A" story.

    Dee with James? SAY WHAT?? Part of the reason no one talks about Brad Hollister is that he had no family on that show for the last 25 years. No one would remember Jennifer Ryan had not Kim and Babs still been around. And the Dobson era is not fondly remembered in general.

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