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Posts posted by P.J.

  1. I always hesitate to say that no one cares about a character, because I have cared about people no one else cares about (I must be the only Pam Wagner fan around), but I have never seen a Brad fan anywhere.

    Are they around? Do you know any? Anybody?

    I don't know why Melinda was killed for angst over this man.

    I FLOVED Pam Wagner!! It totally sucked that EVERY younger actress chilled in MB's shade in the late 80's.

    Brad Hollister? I don't even remember him. But one of my earliest soap memories is Melinda's death. Thunking her head on a boat---what a cruel way to go.

  2. Well, Lucinda did lose her company. But yeah, she was never in danger of losing the Walsh estate---even if it did shrink horribly over the years.

    I don't recall if she got any of Whit's money---but I don't doubt that even Bob had to pay some kind of alimony after their divorce. No matter what kind of wife you were back then, you got alimony.

  3. I don't think Barbara was mad at either of them; even though Margo's affair with James meant they would never be friends. Barbara was tired of being shat on by life. She survived James, but Gunnar died shortly thereafter, then she lost Brian over Paul issues to Shannon. She decided she wasn't going to be hurt by men anymore.

    Tom and Margo were having problems. Tom agreed to help Barbara start up her first clothing line, Simply Barbara. Tom and Babs did kiss---but he pulled away and wanted to keep it strictly business. So there was some desire on her part---but I think it was more about power than love.

  4. Why did the Dobsons think that strong men had to act like ass holes?

    Well, some of it was no doubt a reaction to Luke propelling GH to number one. But with Nick especially I think it was just writing a stereotypical Greek male. He seemed to be modeled a bit on Ari Onassis.

    And I think Nick was intentionally written "stronger" to differentiate him from the somewhat wussy Dan.

  5. Well, I had forgotten Betsy had just learned Dan was her father---but WASP or not, I expected more emotion than Kim's borderline creepy beatific smile. At least David managed to looked pissed off at his son's death.

    And props that they used "Look to This Day", or whatever the poem is.

  6. If you look for it (and I don't go out of my way to do so) I think there's something available for everyone from the "modern" era of ATWT (defined as 1979 on, from rumors of what P&G has kept and could be made available in some way to fans).

    From that era---probably the beginning of the Barbara/James story. I know parts of James/Barbara/Gunnar are online, but I'm not sure the beginning of CZ's portrayal of Barbara is.

  7. The original Jennifer/Bob/Kim triangle through the John/Kim/Dan/Susan years. Somehow, I can't really wrap my mind around "bad", caberet-singing Kim selfishly stealing her sister's man right out from under her. And J/K/D/S is just classic soap opera in my mind. A close second would be early Lisa---but I've seen some clips here and there and it seems so slow (and it's in black and white) that I don't know if it would really grab me.

  8. Instead of suing, why doesn't she just.... ask? They kept the knowledge of the money's existence a secret. Maybe once they realize she knows about it, they'd just cave in.

    It wasn't exactly a secret, Amanda was unsure of the specific provisions of it. (which is stupid. what trust fund kid doesn't know exactly when they get their money?) Not that I blame Katherine in the least....who would let those two loose with money? They'd blow through it in six months.

  9. . The dad was there for what reason? He should have stood up for his son, but again, TP was going for epic, and with his epic, he totally overshoots what he should have been going for. 12 minutes!!!! I'm still exhausted!

    I thought Hannah picked up that it might have been Benny who got hit, but I guess not since she went home. Did anyone else feel this way?

    And I must say that Jim/John Schneider if the absolute worst pick as a family patriarch! Very bad decision. I don't even think he's sober half the time or that is how he's coming off.

    Poor Peter Parros!! I know people think he's simply boring....but he's given nothing to do! He was literally standing right beside Veronica during that rambling speech, and you would have never known it. They didn't cut to him, he didn't utter a word while his wife went on this hateful vent. I kept thinking this is the perfect moment for David to grow a pair of balls or at least show us something about the character other than his ability to clean up after his disgusting friend Jim....but no, TP treats him like a nonentity until the very last second, when he weakly offers Jeffrey a hint of compassion.

    I think Schneider fits the role of Jim---but he's not a patriarch. Katherine is every inch a matriarch though. If she was just a little less cold towards her own children, she'd be a tough-love Miss Ellie.

  10. Horrible cliffhanger. Just full of WTF scenes. Bitchy zingers are great for twitter hits and watercooler talk, but they're undercut by lengthy, BORING scenes that in the end don't mean a damn thing. Sure, Veronica telling off Candace works in theory, but what's the point, when her ultimatum means nothing?

    The pacing needs to drastically improve. I can't believe they cut away from Wyatt thirty seconds after he entered the house muttering about killing someone, to that LONG, anticlimactic, rambling Jeffrey is gay reveal. Good grief, Veronica's explanation about her abortion/subsequent miscarriages/miracle baby she doesn't want to be gay went on longer than Jeffrey in what should have been a defining moment in HIS life.

    There was only one mildly surprising twist. Otherwise it was 39 and a half minutes of rehashing what we already knew.

  11. aahhh, memories.

    That's a wonderful picture of Jack with Emma. That must be the Cinderella ball, ie, where Carly shows up dressed as Miss Kitty and Jack hauls her off to jail for slapping Nikki. Back in the day when everyone got dressed up and "events" consisted of more than five regulars and three nameless extras.

  12. Why does Wyatt need to prove Jeffrey made a pass at him? Veronica has already seen Jeffrey being too attached to Wyatt. The entire bracelet episode. The panicked "he's not listening to me" phone call. Veronica knows Jeffrey "is" gay (at least as much as he can express, suiting up in neon-edged prom from the '70's jackets and such). Veronica's not stupid, she'd grill Wyatt and realize he wasn't lying in about 2 seconds.

    But you have a point---this would be a much better story if Wyatt realized Jeffrey was gay and simply used it as blackmail to get what he wanted.

  13. Wyatt telling V her son is gay is one thing----telling her Jeff propositioned him is another. All Wyatt wants is Jeffrey to keep his horny ass out of Wyatt's personal life. So I say Wyatt wins either way. Jeff is only telling Mommy 'cause Wyatt's forced his hand.

    I don't know---it looks like Katherine is on Wyatt's side. That's a win.

    I will say TP can sell his show. I hadn't seen the after-show-promo before now. It's too bad he can't live up to his own hype.

  14. I don't think Wyatt has to have Jeffrey on tape; the threat of going to Veronica is more than enough to get whatever he wants. Veronica already knows---but hearing that Jeff is propositioning his patient/rehab client/whatever the hell Wyatt is to him---will make Jeff's life a living hell.

    I want to like the Katherine/Jim showdown---but it was so repetitive and long---Jim must have asked/told/harassed her to go to talk to Amanda 15 times----that it kills the momentum for me. It's great that Katherine knows all about Seline and keeps her employed to make her miserable---but then again, what makes Kat think Jim GAS if his "sin" is staring him in the face every day?

    I get that Katherine is so emotionally scarred that she literally doesn't trust her friends or family to GAS about her now that she's sick---but WHAT THE HELL is wrong with these people that neither Jim or Amanda can look at her in her bed all day long and think something's wrong? Not to mention she's missing one or more boobs?

    TP really needs an editor. Between Jim harassing Kat about talking to Amanda and Veronica lecturing David on his "graceful" lies, I wanted to puncture my eardrums. Candace could have shown up in more than two scenes if each of those points had been made ONCE and ONLY once.

  15. IA, the Jeffrey/Wyatt "friendship" is a bunch of BS. And frankly, I don't consider Wyatt smart enough to try and trap Jeff by pretending to return his feelings either. It's a good thing AOC doesn't read the negativity on boards, 'cause then he'd know he sucks.

    GAWD, the writing on this show...Veronica's speech to Benny was dramatic but ridiculous, since I don't think I've as much as seen a butterfly tat on him, and he acts as "gansta" as a puppy cowering underneath a bed in a thunderstorm. Then there's Wyatt's convenient "sensitive" piano playing YEARS after "the church took the singing out of me".

    It's sad when one of the smartest moves by a character is something totally normal, ie, Wyatt leaving a bitchy message on his wannabe girlfriends' phone.

    I don't get Amanda, but there's something weird about the way Jim kept calling her "baby".

    I did love Candace's "tell her 9 is the new 1. as in I'll be someone's new 1 asap." Of course, she and Jim will probably be bangin' again next week.

  16. Yeah, it's crystal clear Perry writes and directs---there's no change of tempo or emotional depth. I have no clue about Perry's training in either, but it feels like a high school production.

    And I hate making a character stupid simply to further the plot. There's no reason in hell Wyatt's girlfriend should have or would have reacted to Jeffrey in that simple, trusting manner---yet she did.

    I wonder if AMC and OLTL airing aren't drawing in some new viewers. I've never looked---is his new comedy making good numbers as well?

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