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Posts posted by P.J.

  1. Most Rejuvenated Character: Traci/Ava - Y&R/GH


    I can't speak for Traci (love BM from way back, but gave up on Y&R a lifetime ago)…..but ain't no lie about Ava getting back to her roots being good. Too much of this year was basically Ava being drunk, but it was still more entertaining than the year stuck worrying about/around/over Griffin.


    Maura and Jon were by far the best thing about GH this year.

    Most Rejuvenated Character: Traci/Ava - Y&R/GH


    I can't speak for Traci (love BM from way back, but gave up on Y&R a lifetime ago)…..but ain't no lie about Ava getting back to her roots being good. Too much of this year was basically Ava being drunk, but it was still more entertaining than the year stuck worrying about/around/over Griffin.


    Maura and Jon were by far the best thing about GH this year.

    Most Rejuvenated Character: Traci/Ava - Y&R/GH


    I can't speak for Traci (love BM from way back, but gave up on Y&R a lifetime ago)…..but ain't no lie about Ava getting back to her roots being good. Too much of this year was basically Ava being drunk, but it was still more entertaining than the year stuck worrying about/around/over Griffin.


    Maura and Jon were by far the best thing about GH this year.

  2. On ‎10‎/‎2‎/‎2019 at 8:53 AM, Donna B said:



    What choices? I mean, which ones?


    The way he tended to repeat his own stories. The first summer, Lily and Simon were stuck on an island. The next summer, it was Katie and Henry on the same island. (And I swear the summer after that, there was another "island" story...) Bringing back old characters with new personalities like Craig, Rosanna, Dusty (I'd add Brad, but that was Pissy). Writing every teen like an idiot. Giving stories that just weren't working a farce-like ending (Billy, Bonnie, Issac and Lisa (I think) spent like a month in Scotland in some bizarre excuse for a wrap up that included a dwarf and one of the Monkees, as I recall...) 




    On ‎10‎/‎2‎/‎2019 at 2:13 PM, victoria foxton said:

    Since Hogan's passing. I rewatched some his ATWT online. There's a lot HB's Craig. He is so hard to take. HB's Craig was a completely different entity. Hunt Block would never ever do this. https://youtu.be/nRM84dxzdy0    




    At the time, I remember there was a lot of bitching on various boards about Craig eating the f'in show. We counted---he was on 40 straight episodes at one point. 

  3. On ‎10‎/‎2‎/‎2019 at 8:26 PM, Donna B said:

    John who? And, yes, Dusty & Molly historical retcon plus Jack & Molly historical retcon! When Jack should have been in Chicago but Jack's whole family took part in the retcon of Jack & Molly having crushes on each other as teens. Every Snyder reinforced that retcon! Is the John Dusty treated poorly John Dixon? Well, that little beast. Who was he living with? Not John? LMAO, this Oh Snap clip is getting me!


    Jack had a teenage crush on Molly, but it was not mutual, she only had eyes for Holden.


    "Previously unknown relatives" always get some kind of retcon. As time went on (and continuity was a thing of the past), Jack would sometimes go on about knowing teen Lily, when his intro to the show revolved around Lily (who was in jail at the time) not recognizing him.

  4. 9 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    Colleen Zenk was, alongside Nancy Lee Grahn, Lauren Koslow, HBS, Zimmer, and Susan Flannery, was one of the few actresses born before 1960 who got a platform in the aughts. It’s no wonder she feels eternally grateful for the showcase, even if she played a gargoyle.



    I don't blame Colleen for appreciating the opportunity to drive story. Barbara got stuck in a rut for at least five years before Hogan came aboard. Getting knocked up by 'ol  Johnny Dixon wasn't exactly a barnburner.


    It's not even that I hated Sheffer's stuff. (How could I, when I got some awesome CarJack from him?) I just grew more and more frustrated by his choices.

  5. 20 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    I'm I the only one that hated Rose and her existance hogwash of iva not remembering?




    No, but even Martha is entitled to her rose-colored glasses.


    I think what Martha meant was that Hogan was behind the decision to make Rose a twin. (Stupid as that was-----RME...) Not that he created the entire story. I thought I heard that "honor" went to Goutman, who wanted a way to "utilize" Martha's "sense of humor"...…  IMO, the only good moment in the entire story was Holden's reaction to Rose's true, nasal Jersey accent.


    I think Sheffer was more valuable as an attention getter. At least he tried breaking the image that ATWT was "your granny's soap." I don't think he really had any "new approach" to the craft. I always admired the scriptwriters more (with some exceptions...ugh, the name Lynn Martin still makes me cringe...) with keeping the characters unique and somewhat consistent.

  6. Feeling more than a little nostalgic for ATWT today. And at least with Holden I had a starting point. I wouldn't have a clue about searching out the others. Other than I doubt Luke got anywhere near a motorcycle on the show.


    Re: David Harbour/Shanks....he might have started as early as '97. They still had a fair amount of extras running around then. 

  7. 12 hours ago, victorlord75 said:

    I have not yet seen Friday's episode yet, but I just wanted to comment that while it seems that the majority here do not like the twist with Franco getting Drew Cain's memories, I have to admit that I have found the idea intriguing.  I was getting tired of the scenes of Franco, Elizabeth, and the boys being portrayed as a modern day Cleaver family.  Something had to give.  It was a clever way to re-scramble the canvas. 


    I don't think it's a bad concept, but given GH's usual half-assedness, it's impossible to care about it. The "memory flash drive" plot has always been a poorly executed and laughable afterthought. However, the entire "Franco mourns a child that isn't really his" story could have been a lot more poignant if they'd connect it to his feelings for Kiki. Instead, it felt like Franco was completely frozen out of that story, only to be thrown into "mourning" a kid no one really cared about.


    I don't care about Kim, and don't particularly even like TB's style---but the show also did her no favors handing her a dead kid story after Maura West just did one.


  8. On ‎9‎/‎4‎/‎2019 at 8:09 PM, Scrapple said:



    Of the adult Paul Ryans, Scott Holroyd was unquestionably the best. He nailed the blance of playing the Son of Satan with a conscience. How they could replace him with that scenery-chewing one-note Howarth is beyond me. 


    One of the least necessary recasts in the history of soaps. I partially blame Goutman's obsession with the character of Rose. For all of Sheffer's talk about the male's lack of dicks....his version of Paul had none thanks to Rose.

  9. 2 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:



    TBH, ATWT existed more in the same universe as AW and other P&G soaps.  That's why the Jake and Cass cross-overs made sense. Bay City was often mentioned as existing not too far from Oakdale.  I always wanted GL and ATWT to do a cross-over, they were both P&G soaps, had a legacy of having shared some of the same writers and had a similar feel of having a matriarch-centered canvas with "warmth" to it. 




    I think the couple of episodes where they said that Alison was in Genoa City seemed oddly out of place with the regular show.  It also seemed as if those episodes were filmed separately, apart from the rest of the show, as if it existed entirely in a vacuum, away from the regular Y&R.


    And the P&G soaps had a long history of referencing the others---at least obliquely. For instance, road signs or travel destinations might have been "Bay City", "Oakdale" and "Springfield". (With occasional nods to Love of Life with Rosehill, Search for Tomorrow with Henderson or Edge of Night with Monticello...)


    I was always puzzled why ATWT and GL never in later years did any kind of crossover---especially when they were still taping in the same building.


    RE: the Y&R/ATWT crossover---wasn't there some kind of "see content online" hook to that story? I seem to recall something about that---I don't think Amber went over well on YR and they were trying to seem edgy with the story about Amber & Ali and how they met doing porn or something.

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