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Posts posted by Antoyne

  1. 42 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    Per Jason 47’s Days page….

    Ashley Benson (Abigail Deveraux) 11/12/04-5/2/07

    Mandy Musgrave (Chelsea Benson) 11/12/04-4/26/05

    Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Benson) 5/12/05-6/11/09

    Shayna Rose (Stephanie Johnson) 7/4/06-1/18/07

    Shelley Hennig (Stephanie Johnson) 4/20/07-4/6/11 (recurring 2/15/17-2/16/17)

    Didn’t remember Chelsea starting the same day as Benson’s Abby at all but I think I do now because Jack had just “died” again (seriously it became a running gag during JER 2.0 that Jack was always dying lol) 


    I didn’t like Hennig as Stephanie at all in the beginning but by the time she left she was one of my favorite characters. 

    Likewise I hated Kate Mansi’s Abby in the beginning because she was so completely immature to Benson’s usually grounded Abby. 

    That’s so funny. I felt the same way about Hennig and Mansi. Now I wish they would both come back permanently. No offense to Marci Miller who I did feel like stopped taking Xanax before her scenes during her second run. And new Stephanie is okay, I just have no attachment to her. I also preferred Stephanie being in the older crew when she was dating Phillip.

  2. 1 hour ago, soapfan770 said:

    Nah in the case of Sheffer I have to believe that’s all on Sheffer. Like a daytime version of Ryan Murphy there was always a honeymoon period followed by an epic implosion with permanent irreparable damage done. After spending most of fall 2007 at #8 in the ratings even behind GL Corday was actually right for his annual Plan to Save Days that time around whereas Sheffer was left to rot on his own devices at ATWT and Y&R for years. Although Corday had a history of trying to act like Days’ white knight during the 2000’s so much it was laughable.

    That said I didn’t mind that 2006 set of Max, Abby, Nick, the red haired Stephanie, and the bratty but still likeable/redeemable Chelsea at all compared to what happened to all of those characters in that disastrous Touch the Skies story the following year. I think I’ve said all about I how hated the show did Nick Fallon wrong in the past and hate how his killer is still on this show. 

    @carolineg@Antoyne I remember the first Chelsea but I don’t remember her even staying too long, maybe three of four months at the most. First Chelsea was introduced as Abby’s best friend at a time Bo, Hope, and Billie kept talking about Georgia. Then there was some huge silly plot contrivance about how Billie was best friends offscreen with Chelsea’s parents and when they died Billie became Chelsea’s legal guardian to which Chelsea resented. Flash cards much LOL.

    The only thing I vividly remember about the first Chelsea was her watching Patrick Lockhart take laps in a tiny above ground swimming pool and telling Abby she was going to make Patrick her man, even if she was underage. 

    I definitely remember her being there only a few months but I found her so much more appealing than Melvin. And then the show hired Molly Burnett who reminded me of Melvin and she proceeded to eat the show for years, and I despised her too. 

    Red haired race car driving Stephanie takes me back. It feels like she hasn’t aged since then with the two recasts.


  3. 4 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I am sure there were numerous behind the scenes changes that effected Nick's trajectory (I honestly don't recall because Days changed writers so often), but in hindsight it seems like such a bad decision for a legacy character (even if I side eye calling Jessica a legacy character because she was the worst).  I think Blake Berris was good with whatever material he was given and even good with the recent Heaven stuff, but it's a shame they destroyed the character because he would fit well on the canvas now.

    Nick would be perfect to still have on the canvas now. Talk about a character assassination for no reason. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Bless you for putting together this montage of awesomeness. CS has just loads of charisma with everyone he interacts with.  CS also is super believable as Drake/John's son.  Not only to they have great chemistry as father/son they have similar mannerisms.   He's the only John child I truly like.  

    I can't really remember the first Chelsea/Georgia.  I know she exists, but she wasn't memorable to me.  I do think the show put Max in some of the most awkward borderline incestous pairings and it was weird.  Melvin did a really good job at playing Chelsea as slightly unlikeable, but also rootable IMO.  Again, I preferred her and Nick as a couple to any one else she was paired with.  Like 45 year old Dan....

    Didn’t Max exclusively date his relatives?

  5. 6 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I loved Chelsea and Rachel Melvin.  She had one of the greatest character turn arounds for me because I absolutely hated her when she first appeared and adored her by the time she left.  I actually loved her with Nick until it got weird and he slept with her mom.   Did we know Max/Chelsea were married before Kate said that yesterday?

    Remington Steele Hoffman has a nice smile. He just smiles at completely inappropriate times and it's a strange acting tic he seems to have.

    The Paulina/Sloan conflict is strange.  I don't know why Paulina feels the need to be so self-righteous about covering something up while Sloan always fails to see her dad was a total perv.  It leaves me feeling like they both suck.  But I do like Sloan.  She has grown on me even if her acting hasn't grown lol.

    I’m the exact opposite. I despised Chelsea and Melvin. I preferred the first Chelsea. I always thought it was weird they paired her with like her uncle or whatever Max was to her. Hated that couple too.

  6. 2 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    Not at all, and I agree with you about HK  having a limited range. She was okay, nothing too special in her first run. During her second run especially HK always came off as a cold and wet perpetual teenager. Lanier is far more confident,  dynamic and multifaceted as she brings a lot of warmth in her romantic and family scenes, but brings out the sharp razor edge when crossed. Both attributes HK never had.

    In other words it’s nice to see Y&R  finally have a younger heroine again with an edge and isn’t like watching paint dry like so many others. 

    She truly has breathed life into a role I had zero interest in.

  7. 9 hours ago, Taoboi said:



    GET HER, SUMMER!!!! There's been quite a few good scenes this particular week. And half of them have had AL in them. I loved her vs Sally. And then her vs Nick. And then her and Kyle got into it. And finally here she is called out Mommie Dearest. She's been very good at confrontation and I liked that she runs through great emotional shifts. It's fascinating to watch. And she does good background character, too.


    I will never get tired on a downward spiral Phyllis. I said she would lose her &*( when Jack got back with Diane, but THIS?? WOW. Though I'm shocked her and Jeremy haven't slept together yet.


    That Nate/Daniel scene really resonated. Felt the layers.


    Lily vs Devon continues to build and I don't mind it at all. I am counting down the days until Amanda shows up. Or should I be saying IF since Devon does seem to be considering Tucker's offer.


    And as always...Ashley is LOVE. Though it's weird to see her and Billy in scenes. 




    Billy and Ashley is an interesting dynamic the show doesn’t play enough. Billy in general is the most isolated Abbott. Do the elder Abbott siblings ever even acknowledge their niece and nephew Johnny and Katie? They’re being completely raised as Newman’s.

  8. 1 hour ago, carolineg said:

    I want to say other characters (possibly Gabi?) have referred to it by that name because I have heard it before and wasn't sure if the characters were saying it was a small bar or if that was the actual name of the establishment. Lol!  Someone backstage really couldn't think of anything more clever for a bar name?

    It seems their specialty is cheap tequila shots because that's pretty much the only thing I have seen people drink there.

    I’ve definitely heard multiple characters call it Small Bar before. I actually don’t mind that set.

  9. 7 hours ago, carolineg said:

    So are they just throwing RSW at anyone and hope one of these pairings works out?  He's been with 5 different women since he debuted.  His love for Stephanie clearly knows no bounds.😂

    Maggie making Zander part of Titan is idiotic.  Alex might not be wrong about her being in charge.

    How many clauses are in Li's agreement with Gabi?  He said not sleeping with someone else was clause 2.6.  What the heck? That sounds like a very wordy contract.  Plus, It's so exciting to watch them have the same conversation over and over again as well.  

    I have nothing to say about the Stefan/EJ nonsense.  I honestly couldn't keep up with all the glasses switching today.  I still don't understand why those two just don't make their own drinks and keep them in their hands or just not drink at all.   I personally feel like I am dumber now after watching that entire sequence of events today.

    Tripp/Wendy/Johnny was pretty good.  I can understand why Johnny didn't think stealing Tripp's badge was a big deal, but it was very serious to Tripp.  Tripp showed restraint by not telling Li to shove it after he asked Tripp to take the couch to save money.  Why are all the doctors on this show poor or assumed to be poor lol?  I am sure Tripp can easily afford 1 room in a 3 bedroom apartment on his salary.

    The drinks thing today was so stupid. Stefan has literally drugged EJ several times now and his dumbass couldn’t tell that he’d done it again?

  10. On 3/7/2023 at 12:07 PM, carolineg said:

    Rachel being a demon child generally cracks me up.  Days rarely has children (besides young Ciara) that do anything but be quiet in the background.  I am not exactly sure why John is the only one parenting her, but I just think Brady is overall useless.  I don't think comparing Chloe to Marlena would make any sense to a child and it's not really the same situation at all, but at least John's trying.

    Sloan isn't exactly likable, but people do keep during her dirty so I don't hate her.

    I love EJ/Nicole together so much more than I anticipated.

    I liked Wendy/Johnny in the beginning, but Tripp/Wendy > Johnny/Wendy.

    Most days I wish BB would go back to GH as Johnny Zaccara and today was no different.  I don't like him and Gabi and this whole story is stupid.

    Rachel being a demon child is perfect. We finally have an actual DiMera child that’s a brat from the start.

  11. 1 hour ago, Faulkner said:

    Phaedra has officially joined the cast. Contessa and Anila are out:


    Word on the street there’s more to come…

    I fully support this!!

    Saw a post as well thar Dr. Greg’s fiancé is joining the cast as well.

  12. 1 hour ago, Cat said:

    "God knows he's not perfect" --- to say the least!

    I feel bad for her that HE filed first, and it feels a bit Lennyesque -- like he has someone waiting in the wings.

    Ralph on his way to Tampa now:

    Get Away Car GIFs | Tenor

    Driving Away GIFs | Tenor

    Omg Cat 😂😂😂. My first thought was Lenny too!

  13. 6 hours ago, Cheap21 said:



    LOL...Mia took me out to this. Ashley has got to be the dumbest golddigger in the history of the RH franchise. How you stay married to that ugly man and let him have sex with you only to have NOTHING to show for it but child support? You didnt need to get married for that. I know some people didnt like it but I was thoroughly entertained by this first part

    I laughed my ass off when it turned out Ashley was a TERRIBLE gold digger. 

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