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Posts posted by Antoyne

  1. 2 hours ago, AMCHistory said:

    I think so much of Kelly is an act for the cameras. I’ve been in a few meetings/press events with her and she is sharp as a tack. She is a strong negotiator. She is cool under pressure. She has a strong creative eye. It is not the Kelly you see on TV.  

    Her daughters are very smart and well spoken too. 

    Her only vice is her tardiness. She is NEVER ontime. Her whole team will arrive hours before her. 

    This is a case of the person being very different than the persona. 

    One of my best friend’s boyfriends actually knows her as well and says she’s nothing like what she presents on tv. Which is unfortunate that she would think presenting herself as completely unhinged and unlikable was a good thing.

  2. 1 hour ago, carolineg said:

    I remember liking Joanna, and it's been years since I watched her Miami seasons, but something about the sister and the fiance/husband at the time creeped me out.  The whole dynamic was so weird.  

    It also felt like Joanna was the main character in those seasons and she's like the least interesting lol, but I didn't dislike her.

    I barely watched the dueling wedding season so I only remember not having an issue with Joanna in one of my all time favorite housewives seasons, Miami season 2.

  3. 2 hours ago, Cat said:

    That may say Days of our Wives, but this is a Y&R opening in all but name! And better than the current one.

    Whitney, Alexia, Heather, Marysol and Candiace nailed their shots. I bet those five grew up watching Daytime. Or Univision.

    I totally just said to someone, this is totally Y&R 😂😂

  4. 6 minutes ago, AMCHistory said:

    I don't think that this is a bad thing. Tucker was such an unmemorable character before. He had no other descriptor than "business mogul." He is evolving from a plot point, and into a character.

    I totally agree. Stephen Nichols was so unmemorable the only thing I really remembered was that he was Devon’s bio dad. Literally none of his affairs or marriages stuck in my brain.

    Even if Trevor is playing Todd/Victor, it’s actually given Tucker some life.

  5. 1 hour ago, AMCHistory said:

    Audra is turning out to be a fun floater character, seamlessly weaving between the major families and groups of actors. The actress is still green, but I think will grow into the roll. Anyone taking bets on when she’ll become the next Mrs. Victor Newman?

    I love Gina, and the explanation of where she has been. B&B should I introduce the LA Gina’s so Patty Weaver can make cameos from time to time. She did not miss a beat as Gina. Man, I miss Y&R’a robust supporting characters from the late 00. They never had much to do, but they provided a familiarity and feeling of a small town, like Genoa City (Larry, Cody, Lynn, Sierra, Mary, and Gina). 

    I’m truly enjoying Audra. She seems to click with all the actors they have her work with. She’s been all over the canvas.

    Tucker’s faces during Jack’s speech were cracking me up. 

    God forbid Abby care about her Abbott side and stay for Jack’s announcement. But it did lead to Amanda’s entrance.

    Nick and Sally are so snooze. So are Billy and Chelsea.

    Leanna Love should stick around. She’s a really fun character. The gala is my first ever seeing her.

  6. On 3/24/2023 at 5:05 PM, ranger1rg said:

    The new open is fine, and I'd even call it good. It's not great, although like most of those commenting here, I don't know if it's possible to come up with an open that pleases viewers to the point of "greatness."

    I've now seen it multiple times on two U.S. episodes, and it looks better every time. Every actor looks great, hair and wardrobe. The font is getting heavy criticism, but I like it; a size smaller might be better. I think they went for a red font to match the lipstick color on the Y&R.

    The deep, dark background is a big contrast from the last open, so I think that was intentional. The skyline is being called "cheap," but I don't get that criticism at all. They're obviously going for some noir look with that and the font. If you don't like it, fine, but throwing out "It's cheap" doesn't work for me.

    Regardless of how poorly the business stories are today, Newman and Jabot are still at the center of Y&R. I don't know what else viewers would want as a background, other than generics.

    Importantly, they kept the actors' names on the screen. I love that. I also love it that they did not mess with the theme. I did like the jazz/porn theme, but not as a replacement for the classic. I'd use it today, but as the end credits music.

    One more thing I like that's continuing: that the music cue leads into the open theme and becomes a part of it. I'd say that works almost all of the time, and it's an example of extra work being done.


    I don’t have a problem with it at all. I actually think a lot of the cast looks are better to me here than the last one.

  7. 7 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    Quite frankly RHUGT 1 made me really not like Kenya at all.  She was age shaming, and using physical force against Ramona... which I remember thinking 'gees Kenya.. you're no better at controlling your emotions then Porsha.. maybe you should get the # of a good anger management person from Porsha'.

    And in regards to Leah on RHUGT 3... I would hold off the love fest for Leah until you finish episode 3 :)

    According to Candiace, this trip was filmed right after season 7 wrapped when she and Gizelle were in an ok place.. which would explain why they were nice to one another on the phone call... but by the end of this trip.. they weren't in a good place again.  And she's been warning the other women not to tell Gizelle anything personal or she'll use it against them.


    Thank god I’m not the only one that didn’t like Kenya on girls trip. She actually started it first with Ramona on the plane but nobody remembers that because they rightfully hate Ramona. But I remember it. And I thought she was a shitty friend to Cynthia on the trip as well.

  8. I can’t believe they’re saddling Ben and Ciara with another kid. Hopefully they’re back offscreen soon.

    I’m fine with Peter Reckell’s acting personally.

    I’m enjoying most of the Beyond Salem stuff. A lot of those Bo/ Hope and Bo/Victor flashbacks I had never seen before. I was wondering if they’d at least give us one Bo and Megan flashback since I’ve never seen her before this. Did they do flashbacks on Beyond Salem?

    I guess I’m okay with Gwen and Alex. Honestly I don’t care about either character. Leo needs to go.

    I loved Chloe’s rant about Rachel 😂😂.

    The Friday cliffhangers ahhhh! 

    Gonna save Monday’s episode for tomorrow.

  9. 23 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    Aside from Cynthia, who was a whiny Debbie Downer, the ATL ladies have all shined on these UGTs. Even someone as forgettable as Eva was on RHOA stood out. Kenya, Phaedra, and Porsha have also been great in this context. All very perceptive and, like they said, ATL toughens you up, so the petty drama doesn’t faze them as much. (Well, aside from Kenya’s battles with Ramona on the first UGT, but Ms. Singer would drive anyone nuts.)

    I’m glad there are no California ladies on this trip (even though I wound up enjoying Tamra more than I thought I would on UGT2). 

    I’m just glad the fake phony facades that Gizelle and Candiace were initially showing were broken down. Those scenes of them chatting on the phone before flying to Thailand were a huge WTF. They despise each other and I’m glad they were finally real about it.

    Gizelle and Candiace being so friendly on the phone before the trip was SO weird even if they hadn’t filmed the reunion yet.

  10. 4 hours ago, Cat said:

    Just finished episode 1. Confidently, i can say that this is my favourite UGT so far. The choice of HWs was very astute. These women all have  contentious relationships with the audience, either as pot-stirrers (Giz), narcissists (Leah), hiding behind their sunny image (Porsha), or fakes (Heather). With the fourth-wall element somewhat removed, it will be interesting to see how far their machinations are exposed.

    Clearly, Heather is the one all these women can spot a mile away as being a fake AF, insecure Pick-Me. She also thinks she can fool the audience with her "I'm just a child in floaters surrounded by sharks" comment. Clearly deluded about her RH powers of pulling the wool over viewers' eyes.

    Gizelle going after Alexia & Marysol for speaking Spanglish. Really? This is the hill she wants to die on?

    Whitney is just going to parrot whatever she thinks Gizelle wants to hear. The SLC girls are woefully out of their depth on this show.

    Porsha is keeping it pretty and breezy but I'm ready for the questions about Simon & Falyn. Like @Faulkner said though, IA her presence is sorely missed from RHOA, and UGT reminds me why. Her aura puts Gizelle's in the shade.

    Deep breath. I'm liking Leah here so far. 

    You had me until you said you like Leah. She’s an emotional vampire and I love that the ladies are like why are you even here.

  11. 7 hours ago, DynamiteKiddo said:

    And tried to light her other cousin (the show’s premiere young heroine) on fire after stealing her baby after killing the midwife.  (But RC doesn’t talk about that lol.)

    But she really thinks Eve is a f-ing b for not getting over him killing her daughter.

    The treatment of this couple was such a reckless, arrogant miscalculation of RC’s.

    God how did I forget to add he tried to kill Abby after killing another woman. 

    I’m still amazed I was supposed to support Ben over the mother of a woman he killed, and that they actually had Ciara be sanctimonious to Eve as well.

    Ron is a hack 

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