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Posts posted by Antoyne

  1. On 7/24/2023 at 8:14 PM, j swift said:

    Ah yes, Jessica Wild will live on forever thanks to her brilliant monologue in the Forensic Queens challenge.

    "She found her ETB Card, and on a Taco Tuesday, she never left the card because she loved to celebrate Taco Tuesday. She liked the soft shell, with carne asada. That's her favorite, with guacamole. And guacamole's expensive, so she's not gonna leave without her card
 that was weird, for me."

    I can literally hear and see this in my head, that’s how memorable it was.

  2. On 7/16/2023 at 10:12 PM, DaytimeFan said:

    I'm surprised I feel just the opposite to you, on both counts.


    ATL isn't working because of the cast. These women hate each other. There is no chemistry. Kenya is clocking in, Kandi is using it as a publicity tool, Sheree is fronting, Sanya, Marlo, and Drew do not have the star power to be a next generation.


    Flop. So boring. They literally had a fight about cheese and the trailer looked incredibly dull. Also, Bravo was leaning a lot on the 'Look at them being moms! Look at the little kids!' and that's something a lot of viewers absolutely hate.


    I really wanted to like the new show but if your first outing for all of us to see is an episode about cheese, I was flabbergasted.

  3. One I always remember because it cracked me up was TSJ’s Todd asking Tea “Would you like some coffee ambulance chaser?”

    On 7/2/2023 at 12:55 PM, yrfan1983 said:

    Damn! That comment is beyond the pale. And this is way after PB’s Jack morphed into a nice guy

    I cracked up at this. It was so rude and unnecessary 😂😂

    On 7/2/2023 at 5:02 PM, BetterForgotten said:



    You win 😂. This was a rare day that I was actually watching Bold and I got to see this live.

  4. On 7/1/2023 at 6:56 PM, Taoboi said:

    Mmmmm....Juliet. Another one with potential.


    But yeah...and we never at all got what Imani meant when she first met Amanda and mentioned that people had tried to claim to be part of the family before and how she put a stop to it, hinting at her being a powerful woman. And that was back up when she got that restraining order on Amanda with the quickness. I really wished they had diven into it more. And she wasn't an ABC actress IMHO during that time. Now maybe when she was running around being a Pollyanna lol. And most definitely not when she was being Lady MacBeth to Nate's MacBeth during the takeover that never was. 


    I agree. I don't think the writers can write a vixen now either. Just look at Elena. She looked ready for a dark turn and now...BAMF!!!



    I agree. I wasn't around for when Mia was around, but from clips she seem like a force, too, and goodness knows Abby needed something to do. 

    Mmmmm definitely a waste of her talent. But like I said above, Amanda also showed fire in her first scenes with her mother when she mentioned Hilary and when she met Imani and that fire just leaped out. 

    She definitely had fire in those moments but it was just so rare for us to get that fire out of Amanda.

    On 7/1/2023 at 10:50 AM, DramatistDreamer said:

    I missed most of the show’s time with Amanda but from what I heard, the character wasn’t befitting of MM’s natural charisma. Even when Hilary was alive I used to want her and Jill to mix things up, after seeing even one seen of their scenes where they are being subtly combative with each other. Could you imagine if tptb would’ve found a way to move Devon and Hilary into that mansion (instead of isolating them in that penthouse) with Jill living there? That would’ve been gold. Add Nina and Chance into the mix.
    These days there’s an interesting dynamic going on in the Abbott house with Jack, Ashley, Diane and Tucker mixing it up and I find myself enjoying the messiness of those scenes because at least there are signs of life there. 

    I would like to see them find a way to bring Hilary back, preferably a way that doesn’t insult our intelligence. There are ways but I don’t see JG coming up with any.

    The dynamic you’re describing now in the Abbott house truly would’ve been great in the Chancellor home with Jill and Hillary. Add in the fact that Jack was one of Hillary’s best friends, so much potential. That’s actually a relationship I truly missed as well when Amanda came on. They tried with making Amanda Phyllis’ best friend, but it wasn’t the same because GT and MM had amazing chemistry as besties that just wasn’t there with Stanford.

  5. On 6/28/2023 at 10:03 AM, DramatistDreamer said:

    Maybe. From what I understand though, Amanda is no vixen. There could be room, though to reconstruct Amanda to be more Hilary-like, especially considering what Devon did to Amanda during her last stint in Genoa City—that could be a basis for turning her into a vixen-ish character.

    With JG at the helm, I don’t think he’s capable of writing the type of imaginative, detailed and elaborately written story required to bring Hilary back without it descending into the type of stereotypical back-from-the-dead storyline that garners so much mockery of soaps in mainstream culture.

    Amanda literally only showed fire when Devon kept cheating on her. Otherwise the character was a complete waste of Mishael’s talent and chemistry with Bryton.

  6. The Hillary flashbacks 😭😭. I loved Devon and Hillary so so much. 

    19 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    I saw the last ten minutes of today's show. I actually liked the Adam and Frat Boy scenes. Phyliss still in hiding and leaving in a disguise so obvious was downright stupid and ridiculous! Anyone would notice her right away. 


    This is the same town of idiots that didn’t notice Phyllis standing in front of them at her own memorial service because somehow a wig and glasses completely changed her face except it didn’t.

  7. 5 hours ago, Paul Raven said:


    Kandy has the worst critiques in the improv challenge-as Michelle points out-she just plays Kandy, as she did in Snatch Game and a mediocre runway but Ru says she makes her laugh so she's safe.

    Thought Alexis wasn't destined for the chop based on the Kahanna redemtion arc, but La La showed class by voting her out.

    Kandy literally being told she just plays herself and Ru saying I don’t care is exactly why Kandy continues to feel the wrath of the fandom.

  8. On 6/11/2023 at 10:37 AM, Cat said:

    Being only a very casual viewer of VPR, I, too, have found the clips from the reunion increasingly unpleasant.

    I wasn't sure whether to post anything here, given that I'm not a VPR regular. But I was confused at how increasingly unsympathetic I felt towards Ariana, and slightly sorry I felt for Raquel -- at odds with the Twitter echo chamber braying for Sandoval and Raquel's blood.

    The reunion (especially part 3) took me back to another VPR reunion years ago where Kristen Doute was the 'bad guy' and basically beaten to a pulp by everyone on the couches. I get that someone as angry and self-sabotaging as Doute turned off the audience. But I couldn't believe how Sandoval and Ariana, who were cheating on Kristen behind her back, were gaslighting her that she had it coming. The cast and audience went along with that narrative almost unquestioningly. 

    As a result, I could never warm to 'Ariana is, like, so great!' pronouncements. Is she? She comes across like a blank-eyed stoner to me. I never liked Sandoval who has been a self-obsessed narcissist from Day One.

    There are deep toxic elements underpinning the show which are never going to change. One of them is that Hollywood is dirty, and these would-be actors are conditioned to sell their body and soul for stardom. BTW, I don't blame this cast for trying to cut a piece of the pie for themselves -- launching bars and sandwich eateries and music singles and podcasts. But they also carry with them a feeling of financial and emotional precariousness, of dependence. That can be a hard watch.

    The other toxic element, which you allude to, is a lot of drugs fuelling emotions and anger and wretched sexual decision-making. I don't think most of these kids can make it through the day without a bump of something or other to keep them going or calm them down. Or keep them thin.

    Re: reunion! Like most people in this world, I know how it feels to be betrayed by a significant other, and I'm sure we all could find common ground on that score. In theory, I should be Team Ariana, but I've ended up being Team Nobody. Her anger is relatable, of course, but also gross, as you say. It also feels performative at this point, because she had to hold on to that pain and wait a few months to 'let it all out' for the cameras. Anyway, she is leaning into this, and parlaying victimhood into endorsements. Obviously, people react differently to events. It's hard being cheated on. It's hard dealing with the humiliation and the grief and the anger. 

    Sandoval, as mentioned, is a narcissist from mustache to toe, and toe-curlingly skeevy. That's all I've got. There is no fixing that.

    Raquel reminds me of a little pageant girl who is told how to pose, how to smile, how to look sad for the camera, and apes those poses, thinking that they represent her actual emotions. But they don't. She doesn't know how to feel, because she doesn't quite know who she is supposed to be -- or worse, who she is. It is sad to see someone empty and rather damaged.

    Tom Schwartz is also someone who does not know who he is, and who is completely spineless. No wonder Sandoval and Katie latched onto him, thinking they could manipulate him.

    Lala and James should have been removed from the room the moment Raquel came on and they started acting the fool. This isn't their story to tell. They are enjoying this bullying pile-up way too much. Given their chequered histories (to say the least!), they need to STFU and sit down.

    The reunion was filmed 3 weeks after she found out about the affair.

  9. 8 hours ago, Planet Soap said:

    Late to the party but how do you all feel about revisiting Cameron.

    Never even knew of this character but I’m loving the story. I’m a huge Sharon and Nick fan so this has been great for me, flashbacks included. Also Sharon getting out of the coffee shop and having a life again has made me so happy.

  10. 2 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:

    LVP is launching a new show called Vanderpump Villa which sounds like Below Deck on land and in a fabulous French villa. This one has a 10 episode order and airs on Disney owned Hulu:


    Interesting that it is not airing on an NBC/Bravo/Peakcock property. LVP has done work with Disney before

    It’s kind of wild how she’s managed to stay in the public eye and gotten a few more shows now since leaving BH. You know the coven haaates it. Hell the show named after her is the highest rated show on Bravo now.

  11. 13 hours ago, Bright Eyes said:

    It's good you're not the type of ex Alaska had when they blew up the All Stars 2 tea. Lala Ri is infectiously likable and entertaining. Ya'll must have had some fun times together.

    We still try to go to dinner when we can when he’s in town. I truly appreciate the friendship we developed post break up.

  12. Fun fact for you guys. LaLa Ri is actually my ex boyfriend. We dated during most of the pandemic and when he went to film drag race we didn’t get to talk for a whole month. They did have me record a video for him for Untucked but he got sent home before the message was ever used. We’re still good friends so we kiki about All Stars every week.

  13. One good thing about being in Atlanta is I randomly see the Atlanta bravolebrities around. Last week Curtis and I were at the same restaurant, he actually walked right past me while I was waiting to get seated. I also was behind Scott in the security line at the airport like a year ago. And my old boss introduced me to Dr. Jackie yeeeears ago. Not M2M related but Nene walked past me twice outside of a restaurant in like November. And Porsha’s ex Cordell was at the same restaurant I was attending a networking at like two months ago.

    I never want to disturb them in the wild so Dr. Jackie is the only person I’ve talked to since she was introduced to me.

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