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Posts posted by Faulkner

  1. 41 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    The best thing about soap storytelling is just how much ground they can cover, and the good ones do.  The angle of Powell in Marty’s rape story and aftermath was a strong part of that story.  How privilege and conforming can play a part in group assaults like what happened to her.  Especially in a college setting.



    Certainly no one can claim that Marty didn’t have a voice in that story. I had just forgotten how much of that scene was from Powell’s POV.





  2. Not to trigger anyone with these depictions of sexual assault, but there was Marty’s rape, which 26 years later is still unsettling and maybe a touch overproduced (even if it’s effective at conveying Marty’s drunken disorientation and dissociation). But it’s mostly about Powell’s manpain. Still that story touched everyone in Llanview for years, even if Marty ultimately became defined by it.



  3. I watched the scenes of Eden’s rape on Santa Barbara, which was also very disturbing, but it was done in this amped-up, exploitative  (very Chuck Pratt) set-piece way, whereas the violence here is more unsettling through not being seen. 


    What really bothered me about Eden’s rape (other than the disgusting revelation that the gynecologist who examined her was the perpetrator) was that it seemed to have no big impact on characters beyond Cruz. I kept wondering, where are Eden’s siblings throughout this story? Where’s her mother? Where’s their angst and struggle? I always most appreciated soaps that showed how traumas rippled out to affect a community.





  4. 2 minutes ago, ChitHappens said:


    I've loathed Jamal from day one!  The only time I will watch him sing is when he's doing a duet with Hakeem.  

    I just want a Noah’s Arc-like show again. And not these Signal23 YouTube series that hire Thugbait rejects.

  5. 2 minutes ago, ChitHappens said:


    I want to sympathize, but then I have to remember this was done out of self importance at the expense of POC/LGBT.  There was no reason for this other than arrogance.  I have to save my sympathy for someone who needs it.  


    Take his money and gone on. 


    The good thing is that I've always hated Jamal Lyon and now he will be wiped from the canvas.  Took long enough but who would've thought it would be the actor's doing?!  

    You know, I dislike Jamal as well. They’ve played him as so humorless, and his relationships are eyeroll-worthy. But I just wanted them to fix the character, not get rid of him. Granted, the rest of the show ain’t exactly on point.

  6. He’s in a tough situation, but it appears that Fox is letting him run down the clock from these recent reports. I suppose Jussie has been advised to have their day in court to set the record straight. (Or they’re waiting to see how the more ambiguous federal investigation shakes out.) Again, who knows? 

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