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Posts posted by ghfan89

  1. I feel like no one really cared for the Quartermaines except Douglas Marland.

    The family aspect of GH wasn't as prevalent on GH after Marland left. I think I read somewhere that Gloria Monty didn't care for the family aspect of soaps.

  2. Thanks for the ending credits suggestion. I found some good synopses. From the Chicago Tribune...

    Apparently the character's name was Jeb Tibwell but his real name was Henry Swope. His brother's name was Homer, which was what Ross was whispering in his nightmare. Homer was Lottie's abusive fiance and Ross killed him to save his mother. Makes a lot more sense than Stuart killing him. This sounds similar to the Hawkins storyline in the '90s.

    Oh and I did find out the first name of the therapist: Jean.

    Thanks for filling in the gaps. This sounds like some of what happened at the very end of that 6 hr video I posted, but I wasn't sure the character's motives or storyline.

  3. I never got why they never tried to bring Hillary back for the Damon story. Tad getting involved with Hillary before Dixie came back would've been a good story, though I'm not sure if AMC had the time to tell it.

    I think Ellen and Ross/Mark would've been good heads of a family had Julie been more successful, much like how Tad kept Joe and Ruth viable.

    Speaking of Donna and Chuck, I watched some scenes recently on HamiltonBernique's channel with Donna blaming Chuck for their baby dying that were good.

    I don't know if you all know about this channel already, but they have a few episodes up from 1987 if you are looking for more from that era:


  4. Very tense scenes with Natalie on the stand, played superbly by Kate Collins. I don't care for most soap trials but this has such a sick sense of dread to it. And having Pat speak about rape victims makes this seem less exploitive, which I appreciate. (I also liked the shade she threw at Ross' defense attorney). There are so many different elements to this - it's a true umbrella story, right down to little details like the strain on Mark/Ellen, Donna's nerves, etc.

    I'd forgotten Benny was still on the show at this time.

    Matt and Nina are just so blah. I guess Dack Rambo was on Dallas at this time but I wish they'd found a better partner for her. As it is this seems like filler, as does Cliff in jail. It's two different shows.

    James Horan is one of those actors who to me doesn't ever have enough charisma for bad guy roles.

    Appreciate getting to see some flashbacks of the night of the rape (nothing of the rape itself, just Julie and Palmer). I wonder if that's the same exterior they always used for Cortdlandt Manor.

    Natalie had a flashback of the rape before Silver came over the night she was accidentally killed by Natalie. Silver posed as a rapist trying to scare her.

    I always liked Pat, and the actress who played her. She was always so emotionally available that it was easy to sympathize whatever she was saying or doing.

  5. Did the person uploading the videos from the 80s with Natalie and Palmer happen to upload the episodes where Ross rapes her?

    Hi, if you are talking about me, I don't have those episodes, unfortunately. Although some of the episodes I posted deal with the aftermath of that story and have some flashbacks of the rape, and Julie running away and Julie confronting Ross about it. Also, I posted the scene were Natalie murders Silver and Palmer finds the body.

  6. There's a great scene with Barbara and Hillary in the first video I posted where Hillary calls out Barbara for turning down everyone's ideas, as well as some more personal digs, and Barbara fires Hillary, only for Hillary to say that she can't fire her cause she quits.

  7. Jack was very much the bad boy of the family when he first came on. He didn't become good and upstanding and moral until around the time he decided he couldn't and wouldn't lie for Erica on the stand during the custody trial, and that change in personality on intensified when he got involved with Brooke.

    I think Erica and Travis got married after Erica was kidnapped by Joanna and then got shot or something. But yes, I believe they were married before Bianca's birth. I think Bianca was born in late February. Erica was NEVER 'heavily pregnant' - even when she was in bed suffering from toxemia right before the birth, her 'baby bump' was ridiculously small compared to the bellies of normal pregnant women. wacko.png

    I have the episode where Erica goes into Labor listed as February 9th. Could bring wrong though.

  8. I have the episodes where Erica gives birth marked as early February.

    Yes, Nina is pregnant.

    Not sure about Cecily's friend as the credits are cut off. I'd have to look and see if I have another episode with her with the credits included. I know the character was named Dagney.

    Thanks again for watching and commenting. I always enjoy reading your comments on the episodes.

  9. Love the beauty shot at the end.

    This makes me sad for what Brooke and Adam became later on. She's so genuinely happy to see him and they actually talk about feelings and emotions. He's actually trying to change as a person.

    Great to see Louise Shaffer and Charles Keating.

    The part where Travis closes the dead bodyguard's eyes is a little chilling.

    Love Erica spending her scenes trying to help zonked out Silver, then getting out of there while she still can. (poor Susan struggling to get that grating on). Is it me or is Susan's hair longer than usual here?

    Silver seems so wan. I wonder if she was any better when she wasn't being hypnotized.

    Was that guy with Jeremy supposed to be someone they were bringing in?

    Lisa Eichhorn is terrific as Elizabeth. She makes me feel so much for the character and her struggle. I wish they'd kept her around.

    So Angie and Jesse were separated? Why?

    I guess this is before Cindy found out she had HIV. Ellen Wheeler was always so good at sweet, simple emotion and performance.

    I'm not sure about the guy with Jeremy, but I think Jesse and Angie separated over Jesse killing Angie's father. Thanks for watching and commenting on the episode. Fun read.

    Those are some of the best scenes between Brooke and Adam... what Lorraine Broderick wanted to get back to when they reunited... which I think she did. PPs hinted at the emotions that existed, but more unspoken given DC's limitation on set.

    Is this the earliest material you have?

    Well that material starts around Thanksgiving (end of November). I posted one of the two I have from October, and I also have another one in November as well as one from April. But, pretty much, yes. Are you looking for anything in particular?

  10. I uploaded some AMC which includes the following (and more):

    Thanksgiving & Christmas of '87
    Angie tells Cindy she has AIDS
    Nina tells Cliff she married Matt while he was "dead"
    Some of Natalie's rape trial
    Erica gives birth to Bianca
    Julie and Ross land an airplane hijacked by Creed
    Natalie kills Silver and Palmer finds the body
    Stuart/Cindy's wedding

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