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Posts posted by Cheap21

  1. 36 minutes ago, Gray Bunny said:

    Any word on the street (©GizelleBryant) regarding how things develop between Heavenly and Phaedra over the course of the season? I could see them pairing up as the bestest of buddies or bitter rivals, the latter likely being the case. 

    So, I did a Cliff's Notes catchup (i.e. reunions and key episodes), so I don't know all the ups and downs of M2M, but what's the consensus on this board regarding Quad? And what's the tea on Mariah no longer appearing onscreen? And lastly, of all the non-OG castmembers that have come and gone, which did you like the most? I liked Lisa Nicole. 


    Heavenly has had nothing but positive things to say about Phaedra on her YT. She's been one of her biggest cheerleaders. I think if we see any drama its bc Phaedra wasnt really coming to work. She would say things, be messy but not get her hands dirty so Heavenly tried to activate her. I dont think it will be anything serious but Heavenly said Phaedra gives as good as she gets so she may have met her match. What I got is that she respects her


    Most of us hate Quad. She's overly dramatic for no reason. A few seasons ago, she got a gig on a talk show called Sister Circle and gave the women her entire azz to kiss, much like Nene did when she tried to go Hollywood. That didnt work out for her so she had to humble herself and stay on this show despite not being married to medicine anymore and having no real storyline. She's had fake stuff and tried to be a producer instigating drama.


    The women banded together and successfully ousted Mariah. I dont remeber it all but stuff like not wanting to film with her, ganging up on her in scenes, excluding her. Production didnt like her either and would limit her airtime, and family stuff. She ended up filing a lawsuit against them bc she created the show and is an EP. They settled and she still retains that EP credit.

    Mariah is the only past cast member I miss. The rest I could take or leave honestly

  2. Screenshot 2023-11-05 at 6.20.16 PM.png

    Screenshot 2023-11-05 at 6.22.37 PM.png

    I am SICK of seeing this damn Mugler bodysuit on every show every season. Did Bravo get an endorsement deal or something? Phaedra on here LYING as usual. Now she dating an emoji? She and Bravo need to be slapped for this


    Screenshot 2023-11-05 at 6.33.12 PM.pngScreenshot 2023-11-05 at 6.34.07 PM.png

    Dr. G looks GOOD. He seems happy too. Tea is ALOT but I think I like her country azz. Quad who? Tea looks like she could be Toya's country cousin. I like her energy and how unapolgetically honest she is. Plus she is MARRIED to medicine so she alright with me


    Screenshot 2023-11-05 at 6.54.34 PM.png

    I like Dr. Alicia so far but I dont get why she didnt get an introduction. They are doing her no favors with that


    Heavenly STAY messy. She apologized for calling Quad a hoe at the reunion but the first epsiode back she is insinuating she sleeps with taken men. Huh? She was also wrong for the fight she started with Simone. She gonna get smacked one of these days by the wrong one and she will have deserved it

  3. On 11/2/2023 at 2:43 PM, Soaplovers said:


    I mean why is anyone surprised that this franchise has gotten toxic?  You invite the likes of Brandi, Ramona, Kenya, and Gizelle onto these trips... of course, each season will be toxic.


    The first season wasnt toxic. It was a breath of fresh air and overall light hearted. And that was with Ramona and Kenya. Its gotten dark now but most of the conflict on season 1 was superficial and not that deep

    59 minutes ago, Taoboi said:


    SO it REALLY IS looking like Lesa and Chanel fell out. 

    So was Season 2 a takedown season of Lesa then because she fell there by private jet (thanks hubby) and is not interacting with anyone, but promoting the second season.

    Thats Chris! aka cdiggi1 on YT. I feel so happy for him that he got to ask a question and it being shared/posted

  4. 14 minutes ago, DaytimeFan said:


    I agree with both of you. What a boring episode.

    It only serves to reinforce to me that Kyle and Mauricio's 'marriage trouble' is scripted AF and is being done in post to try and salvage this season.

    It also explains the late in season drafting in of Denise and Camille. 

    Crystal should not have returned. If a storyline has to involve another party it's an automatic fail. 

    Rinna, however, is not the answer. She drove the show into the ground as a toxic mess.

    They need a return of LVP.

    Agreed. Rinna's strength was in being a sh-t stirrer and manipulating the group dynamics. Well this episode was focused heavily on individual stories and Rinn's family life was boring. I do not need to see her with Harry Hamlin or her bratty daughters. She wouldnt have been any more interesting than Dorito or kyle

  5. BH

    This has got to be one of the worse 2nd episodes to any season. This was BORING! Im guessing the early rumblings about the season were right. That PK/Dorito segment should have been 1 segment but they dragged it out for like a half hour. No one cares!

    Crystal's brother and he getting a confessional....no one cares!  I dont even know what was up with Erica. Garcelle and Sutton's scene was the only thing that interested me. I wasnt here for Kyle playing in our faces with her manufactured drama. This season is gonna be a slog to get through. Id give this episode a 4.



    Not gonna lie but i felt it started off slow but it did redeem itself by the end. Im guessing they did that to reintroduce the ladies bc it did moe networks but I thought the first couple of segments were boring. It started picking up though. Julia came to work! She was like Im gonna earn that Bravo check as she CHECKED Marysol. So unexpected but that had me dying. I like how the end was edited with th audience reveal of Guerdy's illness. Its gonna be heartbreaking yet good tv when she tells the ladies. Overall this was much better than BH. I'd give the episode a 7. So far, SLC is still that girl

  6. Monica's mother is by far the most vile toxic mother across the entire franchise. Just wow. I thought Monica may have been exagerating a bit but that demon is a piece of work. Their dinner was so uncomfortable to watch. I hope she makes enough this season to become financially indepedent and not have to rely on her mother's credit and sustained emotional abuse


    I cant stand Whitney and want to choke her at times so I was laughing when Mary said she is gonna make someone want to backhand her. Mary had her number and wasnt here for the gaslighting. Others may play into Whitney's game but you cant fool Mary and Im glad she left and didnt give her a moment to play in her face.


    Whitney is STILL lying about Meredith spreading rumors about Angie. I need to see her get dragged at the reunion


    Lisa is so damn self absoorbed and makes everything about her. Im sure that Jack is leaving partly to get away from her

  7. Ubah's performance at the reunion was reminding me of Porsha in season 9. LOL...I think she saved her job as she was activated and felt more coherent in part 2 than she did in part 1

    Erin is a liar and mater gaslighter. I've only see this level of lying when it came to Phaedra but Erin just says stuff and doubles down on it, until reciepts are shown and she says stuff like "I  didnt reiterate it correctly" Huh? No bitch, you lied. She is also reminding me of Mia 

  8. On 10/26/2023 at 11:40 AM, DaytimeFan said:

    @NothinButAttitude And here I was about to say it's an honour to be mistaken for @Cat!


    A dull start to the season. I can see why Faye, Camille, and Denise were drafted in for late season cameos to spice things up. 

    I can also see why there's a growing murmur that Kyle and Mauricio manufactured this storyline. It feels quite scripted. The tattoo discussion was just plain weird. Mauricio's teeth now top LVP for being the most startling new choppers on Bravo. 


    I definitely dont by Kyle's story. She spent WAY too much time harping about Kathy in this premiere and im convinced she was going to make Kathy her story. When it became obvious that Kathy wasnt returning, Kyle had to come up with something else which is why she is playing with her marriage. I beleive the scene with her and Mo was shot later in the season and aired out of order. I know there was all this speculation that Kyle got Morgan's initial tattooed on her but Mauricio also begins with an M....duh! She;s not convincing me

  9. https://www.thewrap.com/real-housewives-salt-lake-city-season-4-ratings-viewership-bravo-peacock/


    Congratulations to SLC. It reaches its ratings high and is the second most watch show on Bravo second to only the most recent season of Vanderpump Rules! It really is that girl and so far has been better than the most recent seasons of ATL, NYC and OC


    Andy should be thanking her. Alot of us viewers would not be watching if not for her return

  10. RHONYC

    Sai is a miserable cow. She has got to be one of the most unpleasant housewives in the history of the franchise. She just brings down the mood whenever she is on screen and like Pavit said, she is a bitch!

    Kerin...cant stand her and how she plays victim. From the tears to playing dumb to acting like she cared that Jessel paid her dust....she has an overly inflated sense of self worth as if she should be groveled to. I loved how Jessel handled her, acting unbothered and not trying to kiss up to her.

    Sai vs Brynn. Im on Brynn's side. It was wrong for her to ask Ubah about her bf in that setting BUT Sai si the one that spilled all her tea to the ladies. Ubah didnt tell Brynn so she didnt get the context and how serious she was about it being kept secret though. Sai did and she didnt care as she blabbed. Its the same thing she did to Jenna when she told the ladies about her real name, except this was worse bc Ubah made it clear she did not want it repeated. I was appalled with her trying to paint herself as the victim and throwing all the blame on Brynn instead of owning what she did. I cant stand her.

    Ubah is not one to be played with and they need to stop trying her. I thought she gave friend of energy early on but she emerged s a person that deserves to be here in the second half

    Jenna...nonfactor in this episode

    Jessel for the win! I absolutely love her. I cant beleive that i thought she nad Pavit were heading for divorce early on. Their marriage is unconventional but it works for them. I think she can be rude and disrespectful but he seems to like her personality as it keeps things from being boring. When she says he is her best friend, I believe it. I think he may be the most enjoyable husband from ths franchise and that includes the OGs. She makes for such a great housewife and she's fun to boot. Great casting.

    I know some didnt like it but i loved the reboot and the cast. This was their first season and I think it deserves a followup season. Id keep all the ladies but drop Jenna down to a friend and add 2 more women. At least 1 wife and the other can be a friend or wife. Im fine with seeing cameos from OGs but they dont need to be anything more than that. I could actually see Heather fitting in with this crowd. Just please no Leah.


    24 minutes ago, Soaplovers said:

    If they keep this cast then they might as well cancel the show.

    The cast is fine and they have a solid foundation now going forward. They'd be foolish to make any drastic changes for the reasons I outlined. If anything I think the shwo should keep the cast exactly the same and have more cameos from past cast members as BH is about to do. Im still of the mindset that Vicki should be brought back fulltime too

  11. 9 minutes ago, Soaplovers said:


    Heather manages to skate by yet again...same with Tamra.

    I'm not blinded to Heather like most viewers are.  I sense what we see on the show is a fake Heather...and that the real Heather is more like her mom of screen.

    I think everyone knows Tamra is two faced..but like Taylor Armstrong said on WWHL once...they're afraid of her (at least Gina is).

    We need another cast tune up for season 18 because this cast isn't working.  I think we need to focus on one of the housewives and cast a few of their friends. 


    I actually think everyone will be back. 

    Tamra - well she helped save the show and course correct it after years of it being off track

    Heather - she has wealth and has dynamics with everyone on the cast

    Shannon - Bravo would be foolish to not follow her DUI and messy off/on relationship with John

    Gina - unfortunately Shannon's DUI saved her job

    Emily - I dont like her but I feel like Gina needs her and Bravo views them as a duo. She actually gives more than Gina anyway

    Jen - best newbie in ages

    Taylor is the only one I could see on the chopping block but since she's a friend, they may just leave her there

  12. Taglines!


    Toya: "When good enough is not an option, they call on this doctor's wife to deliver"

    Jackie: "I may be a little sassy but always classy"

    Lateasha: "Married to medicine? I am the medicine"

    Phaedra: "I am back. Its your favorite southern belle so check up on that"

    Quad: "They say I make them sick but the gag is they are addicted to me as if Im their medicine"

    Simone: "You're never  gonna see me in a funk, but you always call me Dr. Crunk"

    Heavenly: "I have the prescription for drama and a dazzling smile

    Alicia: "You can for my crown, but come for my empire and its off with your head!"

  13. 2 hours ago, Liberty City said:

    It's the housewives, darling. It's what happens. Don't like it? Don't watch. It happens on every. single. franchise. and will continue to happen. And they called her out for falsely presenting information, in contradiction to what her husband said.

    No need to get all snippy. I didnt say this was so horrible to the point I could quit the show over it


    Anyways here's a preview clip of the RHOP mess




  14. 15 hours ago, Liberty City said:

    Jessel mentioned it, so therefore, the door was opened.

    And she addressed it. I dont know what more they want from her. Its excessive how they keep harping on it despite getting an explanation from Jessel and her husband



    Angie is such a damn liar. She said she never heard the rumors yet when talking to Shawn, she talked about how he's heard about that stuff for years. I cant with that man crying over the rumors either. They were putting 20 on 10

    I hate that they are pinning the rumors on Meredith. She NEVER brought that out on camera nor even said what she knew. She said she's heard things about the husband and that could hae been financial problems for all we know. Whitney is lying on her

    Lisa has got to be one o the most self absorbed housewife. Definitely top 3 alongside Ramona and Dorit

    Heather needs to see a psychiatrist. She has an unhealthy relationship with religion and is projecting her trauma onto others. Why would Lisa come to her about Jack's mission? Ya'll are not friends and that is HER kid, not yours. She needs to quit bc this aint a battle she will win

    I like Monica but she can be too crude. She did not need to keep saying Shawn was f--king other men. She couldnt say slept or hooked up with? And the way she was using those obscenities to her mother around senior citizens? Im no prude but thats too much

    Mary was on WWHL and that had to be one of the most awkward yet entertaining episode! Andy asked an audience question "Why did you retun to the show?" Mary said "To help you guys out" LOL! Andy was so shocked and didnt know how to respond to her blunt honesty. She was a trip!



  15. 5 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    I think the reason why Sai/Erin are confused by Jessel/Pravit is because they don't know the specifics of their early relationship.  I read somewhere that Jessel and Pravit were long distance the first year or so of their relationship.. and I think sometimes you're more able to be apart or together with ease.

    @Liberty CityAbe and Erin seem 'try hard' to me... in terms of their oh so active sex life.  It's been my experience that people actually having sex tend not to talk about it so much vs people that don't have as much so they talk it up.   And I actually think there is a backstory with Abe/Erin that we don't know about

    No I dont think its about confusion. Its odd to fly all the way to Vietnam for just 1 day for any circumstance that doesnt involve business or a family emergency. I dont think the dynamics about their early relationship matter. Its weird. With that said its none of their business

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