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Posts posted by Cheap21

  1. 22 hours ago, Cat said:


    A rumor doing that rounds that sent cold chills down my spine: Leah McSweeney has apparently (in the mind of someone on Twitter X whateveritscalled) been asked to join the next season of the RHONY reboot. :blink:


    We dont want her. Id rather have LuAnn and/or Sonja make some cameos and film with Jenna


    Its safe to watch again now that Mary is back! She truly was the missing ingredient to that awful third season. She injected so much missing humor and light-heartedness into this show. She was working perfectly as a friend, asking the right questions and clocking in. Im glad she is back

    Monica is giving me more NJ housewife and she reminds me of Jennifer. so far I like her. Its wild that she snitched on Jen and now has her old job

    Speaking of which, Angie legit stole Jen's job. Well played

    I like Meredith but she was making a montain out of a molehill when it came to her bathroom. Production needs to kill this now bc its reminding me of BH and how they would run with a minor issue and make it the main story of the season

    Heather has been riding this Bad Mormon story for 4 seasons now. We bored


  3. 1 hour ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    That's odd. I could still see Kandi's Speak on It with Allison after it was supposedly taken down. Maybe if you're subscribed, you can see it. But whatever. I couldn't make it past the first 5 minutes as Courtney grates my nerves; however, I am in a small group as I do think that after those last 5 minutes with Courtney MUST be brought back if Drew is being brought back. Dare I say it, I think that either Sheree, Marlo, or Sanya's peaches need to be given to Courtney. Why? B/c she'll provide more depth info with Ralph/Drew's divorce. 

    That aside, production is the real huge change that needs to happen with this show. 


    She can do that as a friend. I dont think nor want her to be a peach holder.

  4. 14 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:


    That was a snooze of a finale.

    I'm not at all convinced about anything to do with Ralph and Drew.

    Kenya's baby storyline is as fake as one of Kim's nylon wigs.

    Kandi keeps doing projects while showing exactly nothing of her real life.

    Marlo should show more of her business because there might be something interesting to mine there.

    Sheree...I hope her filler dissolve. Her former nose was like Tina Turner/Cleopatra - it didn't need anything.

    Sanya had the most real and sad ending - her miscarriage sounded so sad and traumatic. 


    I actually liked it. I thought hte last few episodes have been good.

    I beleie the Ralph and Drew story. He does not like her and that much has been evident since their first season. I dont think this drama is being faked. To me Drew has been the MVP this season and their stuff has been the most interesting

    I also buy Kenya's baby storyline bc we saw her journey to be a mother and how precious Brooklyn has been to her. She genuinely does want another child. Alot of people are scoffing at her wanting to use her embyro while ignoring the fact that she's over 50 and those embryos are her last chance at having a biological child. Its quite a dilemna bc of who the father is and i think the reason she is even entertaining this is bc per their agreement he has no say nor would she try to put him on the hook to be responsible.

    Sheree is a damn lie. She knew about Bob's daughter. You cant convince me that her adult kids kept that from her. No m'amm 

    Courtney is the absolute worse. Im glad Drew's mother sister gave her the cold shoulder and even Ralph activated her earlier in the episode. if it wasnt for her mental health recovery, Id want her on more but this environment is triggering

    Did anyone watch Kandi's Speak On It with Courtney? I did and Kandi took it down. Speculation is bc Courtney brought up Alison's mental health illness (yeah she used that word) and was being shady. Kandi didnt check her and both came across as mean girls. I read that Kandi's comment section was being bombarded with negative comments and it wasnt a good look. I was disappointed in her bc regardless of how her relationship with Drew ended, it was low of them to go there.



    Jessel = Ramona

    Erin = Jill

    Brynn = Sonja

    Sai = Heather

    Jenna = Carole

    Ubah is the only one I dont think has a direct counterpart



  5. 21 minutes ago, alwaysAMC said:

    I also have thought the flashbacks and reasons why we didn’t actually see cheesegate was because they had to scrap a ton of stuff in the beginning when they had the other housewife before she quit. They had to do some serious reconstructing for the beginning. 

    and I think they did a great job, all things considering. We didnt need to see it bc it wanst that deep. It felt like we were dropped in to an existing season with existing drama and friendships. We were catching up with the ladies as opposed to having a slow start and intro.

  6. nuRHONYC

    This was good! So refreshing and it feels like a new franchise. I like that the girls are doing their own thing and arent trying to emulate the original series.  I hate to say it but the OGs were old and tired and we were tired of them. All they did was get drunk and yell at each other. NYC hasnt had much substance in recent years. I was skeptical but I like this new younger refresh and Im glad they didnt keep Ebony or Leah as a bridge like someone suggested

    Erin....looks just like Jennifer Aniston

    Brynn might be my favorite. I can see why some may not like her but she's fun and funny. I think she may end up being the show's breakout star

    Sai. She kinda reminds me of Coral from MTV's Real World/Challenge. Im here for her and Brynn

    Cheesegate seemed silly but I like that htey resolved it in the first episode bc it wasnt that deep. On other shows this would be something that would be dragged out for half a season. This is how old school housewives used to be

    Jessel reminds me of Seema from RHoCheshire for those that have seen it

    Jenna....she's the one that everyone was talking about before this debuted. I like her energy

    Ubah sounds and reminds me so much of Chanel Ayan and of course they are cousins! I hope Ayan makes an appearance

    Shocked that I like all the women. None of them annoyed me and I think each add something. This is a GOOD cast. They gel well and its a good sign that its not gonna take me weeks to warm up to them. Im already invested. All the other cities are put on notice bc Bravo can and will replace you

  7. 5 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:


    Heather came off looking pretty dumb on last night's show. I wasn't buying the fake jealousy of Tamra & Shannon's newfound closeness and Bravo using flashbacks of the Montana trip to show tiny moments of Heather "not included."  So feeling iced out was her personal low point of the trip. Nice try, but yawn. 

    Heather being jealous of Tamra and Shannon was so ridiculous. She looked stupid





    LOL...at Tamra's presence making it clear that she's not the queen anymore. 

  8. RHOA

    Maybe Ive grown up watching too many soaps but I cant help but think that Drew's sister Allison is really her  bio-mother. My theory is that Drew was concieved via sexual assault and she gave her to their mother to raise and Drew was brought up as her younger sister. Drew looks alot more like the sister than their mother and the age gap while not unheard of, definitely stands out. Im waiting for this to be a twist thats revealed

    The reunion between the OGs was a flop and waste of a scene. Im convinced the producers did this to shade Nene by excluding her. I eard that they wanted Kandi in the scene but kandi put her foot down and declined. That would have been so shady to have her replace Nene given their issues

    Love Kenya but she was so rude to be late for the even that she was gonna be an MC at

    Sanya was dead wrong for how selfish and inconsiderate when it comes to her sister's time. Im glad Shari held her accountable/

  9. 20 hours ago, Cat said:

    Exactly. This is the Scandoval BH has been waiting for.

    And I need a camera on Rinna to see the smile evaporate from her face. You know she was banking on a boring season to be able to return to the show in triumph. Kyle's announcement has put paid to that now.

    and it will still be as I read that BH has wrapped up filming and Kyle decided to pull a Drew Sidora here. None of this will play out next season and who knows when they will start filming again for next. Mauricio did mention that cheating rumors will be addressed on this season but the seperation and fallout dont appear to


    1 hour ago, DaytimeFan said:

    Call my a cynic, but now this feels like storyline and a way to drum up interest. Until I see a divorce filing citing "irreconcilable differences" I have to be skeptical about Kyle. It would be just like her to create a scandal just to overtake the #Scandoval that gave LVP such a resurgence. 

    Kyle's too boring for that. I cant see her playing with her marriage and exploiting her family just to do that when she is very protective and guarded when it comes to her children and what really goes on in her household.

  10. On 6/30/2023 at 4:28 PM, Planet Soap said:

    Good for him! I wonder why Murphy didnt do this or Dahmer under the brand of American Crime Story on FX. I'm also surprised that they are revisiting the story when Law and Order True Crime did a pretty decent job of tackling the Menendez brothers trial.

    I was hoping American crime story would cover one of (or both of) the Michael Jackson trials.

    bc American Horror Story isnt a great brand, especially in recent seasons. Tying this to that wouldnt have helped it and in fact would have hurt it. People also would have felt AHS fatigue especially since there is another spinoff going. There's also the fact that this isnt a horror show. AHS leans into the supernatural nad sci-fi and Monster is firmly rooted in reality without the fictionalization that AHS does when it loosely uses real life figures. Monster felt so different to the point that people didnt realize it was a Ryan Murphy show

  11. @Cat Id love to have Monique back but I cant see her bc its so toxic and a divorce is draining. She'd just be going back into the lion den full of hateful women trying to cut her down. Her mental health and being there for her kids is more important. If anything, I'd see her on LAMDC first bc she was actually liked over there and the women werent as hateful. I could see her wetting her feet though with a RHUGT season

  12. 16 minutes ago, Faulkner said:


    Cancel it then bc her coochie saved it. We as an audience are cheated out of the fallout if she isnt there. Charli is boring and irrelevant and should only be brought back as someone for Raquel to film with, not as a replacement

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