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Posts posted by AMCOLTLLover

  1. 2 hours ago, Dion said:

    Those bring back memories, I read all of them in my High School library a year or so after they were released.


    Now in other news, I have no idea if it is geoblocked outside of Aotearoa New Zealand or not...I really hope not...but all 159 episodes of 1992 were released onto the official Shortland Street Youtube page last night, from Episode 1 (Monday, May 25, 1992) until Episode 159 (Thursday December 31, 1992)

    Here is the playlist below:

    (I am a bit surprised they are using Rene Naufahu in the thumbnail for episode 1 though)


    OMG! Thank u so much. I am finally able to see episode 50 onwards.. God I love young Chris Warner and I do love my Kirsty.

    U made me the happiest men alive right now with this. I started downloading them episodes straight away lol

  2. On 12/19/2023 at 7:42 PM, Darn said:

    Good list.

    Sasha's had more tragedy in her short stint than other characters have in 30 years. And absolutely no one cares.

    Liz and Finn winning worst couple warms my heart. Poor Becky, shouldering the burden of yet another of ABCD's former bad boys as they've long aged out of "dangerous" and into filler and hair dye.

    Isn't that kind of crazy, ABC devoted so much time, energy and money into making Michael Easton and Roger Howarth the male faces of OLTL to only have them whimpering out a decade (!) later playing characters that are personality free and contribute nothing.

    I love Sasha. But her tragedies really didn’t affect me. So weird lol I really thought her story’s were good but never cared for it much. Odd.

    Rebecca Herbst is such a chemistry magnet and so was Michael Easton and on paper Finn/Liz makes sense and should be dynamite as a couple. Somehow it just won’t work and I can’t figure out why? They don’t look bad together. But there is no spark. They look like a couple that has been married for 50 years and are just together coz of old habits and coz they are too lazy to start all over and find someone new and better for themselves.

  3. Mid 2000’s on Passions where u had the feeling like there was a serial killings going on and too much rape.. I hated that weird rape year.

    OLTL and Todd leading the Gang rape on Marty.. I love Roger and he is a fine actor but I never got over this stuff.. That they tried to downplay that and make Marty the lunatic in the end was such a slap in the face to the audience! I was too little to when it aired and my mom switched it off and I saw glimpses of it and remember Todd attacking her in the alley and threatening her. How can we pretend like Todd is so hilarious and such a good daddy in later years and such a misunderstood men? Like F that! 

    And DAYS with the Salem stalker. I was in puberty during those years and that story was so shocking to me. The story was so stupid but dark and yet it saved the show. I’ll admit I was rooting for Shawn-Douglas to nail Marlena when he was on to her. The outcome of that story was the dumbest thing I’ve ever had to witness on any soap.. Yet they got away with it and still get away with their crap. I stopped Days when Gabi left and probably will never return. I suffered enough from this show and this is the show my mom and me watched together. This and Bold were my first two soaps as a child and they ruined it. F them. Like seriously. It belongs to peacock. No one on NbC should suffer through this. Let the hardcore fans go through those dark times lol 

  4. 20 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    That's fantastic news! I did not even know Shorty had any books. If you want to share your thoughts on them I'd be fascinated to read them.

    Yes I will definitely share my thoughts on them. Thanks for your interest and I’ll try my best to write as understanding as possible. English is not my first language and I think I’m doing pretty fine to get by where I’m from but I realize some errors here and there. But I will give my best :)
    I’ll try my best to get my thoughts sorted when I finished them. I will give my thoughts on Nick’s story first coz Nick has been my favorite and I loved him so much and was lucky enough to see his entire final year with Waverly. I love Chris/Drew’s friendship but I always thought that Nick was someone Chris would really need later on again. Their friendship was so tight.

    I just saw some of the 90’s stuff on YouTube and when Heartbeat/Sky NZ started airing the show from the beginning but not much coz I’m not from there and it was tough to get a hold on some episodes. But Nick was my favorite and Kirsty too. 
    I saw the first 48 episodes of Shorty from 1992 and fell in love with Kirsty immediately. 
    I have been hunting down those Shorty Books for like 6-7 years and now I finally managed to get it. I didn’t knew there was a Nick book until I saw it listed there and I had to grab them for 4.99 each book. The shipping was like 30 bucks but it was worth it. Lol

    There is someone on YouTube who still has some 1995/96 episodes and just won’t help out :( And someone started to upload 1992 but so damn slowly with like 1-2 episodes in 3 months that the channel got taken down after episode 11 :( 🤣

  5. I’m so happy! Today my rare two Shortland Street books arrived! They got released in 1996 and are so hard to get by. I collect like every book/stuff there is from soaps and it’s so hard to get those shorty books!

    I finally got the “Kristy & Lionel”-Book and “Nick’s Story”..

    Now I need the Carmen one and the Marj one. 

    But I’m so excited to got these two 

  6. 1 hour ago, Adamski said:

    Thanks so much, @AMCOLTLLover! Appreciate it. So those first seven shows you listed are daily soaps? Wow, the genre must be be in good health over there.

    yeah you’re welcome!

    The RTL Soaps seem completely fine rating wise especially GZSZ. They airing like in the evening..

     Unter Uns has some weak ratings for ages but RTL seems not bothered to axe it. They tried many other soaps and shows in that time slot before Unter Uns but they all flopped. So I guess they don’t want to lose the core audience of Unter Uns.

    The ARD Novelas are more like Spanish novellas with a main couple for a season/year that will leave while like the rest of the cast stays on until they decide to leave the show. But some of the main couples even returned for some storylines and one actor was an even the main men for two seasons and still returned and was one of the OG’s. But he left this year alone.. ARD calls them daily’s too and the term of novellas kinda died down. Besides the main couple it doesn’t even feel like a novela just like a regular soap. 
    Rating wise they are doing OK for the 2-4pm  time slot. But ofc they suffered a bit of a rating loss but not much. They just got renewed until 2025!

    The weekly soaps doing perfectly fine and are not even close to be in danger.

    Dahoam is Dahoam is the only soap that seems solid for 12 years even though it airs on a network that no one cares for and yet they still keep producing it. Must be doing ok then lol I loved that show and wish people would give it a try but I get when people don’t like it coz they are trying to act like they are from the Bavaria region. Some critics gave them some backlash for the fake Bavarian accent but it didn’t hurt that show much.

    And sat1 just renewed their new daily soap coz it grew in ratings.

    i would say soaps are doing good when doing right 

  7. 27 minutes ago, Adamski said:

    Which soaps are currently on air in Germany, please? 

    GZSZ since 1992 on RTl (nearly 8000 episodes)

    Unter Uns since 1994 on RTL (7300 episodes)

    Alles was zählt since 2006 (nearly 4400 episodes) on RTL 

    Die Landärztin on SAT1 since 2023 (nearly 50 episodes)

    Dahoam is Dahoam (3260 episodes) since 2007 on BR 

    Sturm der Liebe since 2005 (4300 episodes) on ARD

    Rote Rosen since 2006 on ARD (nearly 4000 Episodes)

    Germany has some weekly soaps:

    In aller Freundschaft since 1998-99 on ARD (1030 episodes)

    in aller Freundschaft: die jungen Ärzte since 2015 (360 episodes)

    Die Fallers on SWR since 1994 (1200 episodes)

    that’s about it

  8. 2 hours ago, Vee said:


    What I mean is I think that Catherine Tate and Donna have a bigger profile and following among DW fandom in the last decade - time marches on and Rose was surpassed a bit in audience appreciation. It doesn't mean I don't like Rose, and it has nothing to do with toxic fandom or misogynists that hate Jodie Whittaker. An opinion isn't automatically toxic just because you disagree with it.



    I was a Jodie supporter but ok lol

    The Ratings spoke for themselves with Jodie and how the fandom felt!



    Mel’s return was quite a letdown. Tegan and Ace could’ve brought back instead

  9. I loved Brookside and even got the anniversary books and merch like I do from Hollyoaks! Shame that the 20th anniversary book was released and then 1 year later it was cancelled. Otherwise we would’ve had every damn year in that book lol just like Another world’s book is missing the last few months before the cancellation lol

    People always say Brookside was the best soap etc. I watched like all 2915 episodes and disagree! It’s one hell of a good show but the best ? Nah. The last few years felt like what Hollyoaks felt from 2017 onwards lol 

    I even tried comparing both soaps coz they are from the same guy. 
    I came to the conclusion that Hollyoaks is the superior show tbh. But what Brookside did first before Corrie, Oaks is their campy dark and stunt story’s during the final few years like what the UK shows do now. They were ahead of their time. If they would’ve been on today with the stuff from 1998 til 2003 they would win awards and trash the others lol

    Lindsey Corkhill was the prettiest and one of

    my ultimate favorites but I hated how they turned her into such a action queen with a gun in her hands whenever the story wanted it

  10. 6 minutes ago, Vee said:

    What the fûck do Rose or Donna have to do with Jodie Whittaker?

    I mean u said that Donna is more popular than Rose.. So I just asked by what people? I Mean the DW fandom is quite toxic when it comes to favorites lol

  11. 17 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Donna has been more popular than Rose for a long time now, I'd argue.

    And now: 


    By who? The same people that trashed Jodie’s era? Ok.. 


    Trailer looks good. I can already feel the energy 

  12. It was Ok! The first half was so strong. But that final match was… anticlimactic. But it was OK!

    That tooth with The Master and the hand who grabbed it was so RTD and I loved it lol

    Mel is one of the most hated companions in the fandom yet the actress still reprised the role. Love it. She wasn’t as great as Ace or Tegan last year.

    The Bi-regeneration was…. Yeah… it was just.. idk. I think there will be coming more from it (I hope)… 

    That they always act like Donna was THAT special companion to Tennant just coz they couldn’t get Billie Piper. lol No way does he love Donna more as a friend than Rose. He loved her maybe as much but not more. Hell nah. Even when Rose returned in series 4 she was THAT special friend. Haha

    NPH was OK. The OG Toymaker was mystical and serious and we got…. NPH! He played a good villain but for a serious one like this.. nah.. NPH was just being NPH again. It was OK

    I was dissapointed that during the dead companion skit  Rory wasn’t mentioned. I mean Rory died more than once coz of Doctor-ish situations and died the same as Amy. Did RTd did not watch DW during Moffat’s time and had no clue who he is? Lol

    I loved the creepy dolls and the corridors with the doors scenes. That felt like series 4! Epic.

    BUT what really made Me upset.. It’s the 60’s anniversary special series and they even tackle on one of the biggest enemies from the classics and don’t even bother to mention Steven and Dodo who were with the Doctor against him? 

    I have to admit that Jodie’s final special/episode last year felt more like the 60th anniversary than those 3 combined. Sorry not sorry! (I even watched the classics with reconstructions/animations etc.)

    But maybe the Christmas special will end the anniversary coz otherwise it was a letdown for a 60th. Felt more like a Tennant Anniversary 

  13. I’ve catched up with ED to the newest episode and I’m like: wth is that show even on about?

    THIS is the exit storyline for David after 17 years? On paper I would’ve kinda liked it with him Leaving the village hurt after his son sleeps with his ex etc. But what was that on screen? 

    And Jacob punching him again? THIS is the legacy son of that damn evil Eric and he lets himself get cheated on by his own son and his girl and lets himself get slapped by his son.. again? 

    Thank god the actor has enough lol

  14. They will bring back Patrick Blake (Sienna’s Dad) will return for new filmed flashbacks !

    They are really pulling the stunt casting now lol


    I’ve watched some 2009-2010 Oaks and I’m dissapointed in how they turned Loretta into a psycho into the end of her run and axed Jake Dean :( 

    and i enjoyed Jacqui and her rascist boyfriend Des. U could tell they axed him coz they took their time to turn him into a full rascist. Can’t believe it took them a few months into dating for him to realize that Jacqui had a black sister (Tina) lol

    OMG I forgot that Brendan Brady/Ravi thing lol


  15. Are they taking the pee with us? Wth Hollyoaks?

    Claire Cooper will return as Jacqui McQueen 10 years after her shocking exit! Wth is going on??? 

    I’m in shock! A positive shock! Damn Hollyoaks is messing with my feelings. Now get Lisa Hunter back man lol 

    She is in a relationship with Emmet (Brendan).. Can she please talk to him and make him return as Brendan. 

  16. On 11/20/2023 at 10:42 PM, Soaplovers said:

    I couldn't get into the show when a character like Teresa is rewarded for her stalker behavior by getting the guy that she was obsessed with and manipulated to get numerous times.

    U know I hated Gwen when she became a bit „evil“.. But now where I’m older I am definitely on Gwen‘s side.. Theresa forced herself into their relationship and it doesn’t matter if Ethan wanted to marry her or not. He was with her end of story but that they all made it look like Gwen was the bad guy in all of Ethan-Theresa‘s fairytale doesn’t sit right with me. But I don’t completely blame Theresa.. I think Ethan is at fault too. Is he even worth all the fuss? Heck no! Lol

    That’s s why I also hated Kay getting rewarded in the end. That chick wanted her Cousine dead for a stupid boy that just saw her as one of the „Bros“.. yet in the end she is the love of his life and Charity is all forgotten? Hell no.. doesn’t sit right with me either 

  17. 19 hours ago, Joseph said:

    Any idea of how I could watch the Belgium Soap Operas "Familie" And "Thuis" I Am very Curious but don't know any way to do it, or "Goede Tijden" 

    Yes.. U have to get the apps for them.. VRT for Thuis, VTM for Familie and Videoland for GTST.. Then a VPN and a imaginary account set in Belgium (u just have to type in a fake street based there) and one for the Netherlands

    There is no other way anymore around it.. U can find Thuis on YouTube with a lot of episodes but not chronological anymore coz it got deleted. A Superfan Daniel uploaded the first 4030 and got even invited to the fan  event and an Article as an honor about him but they gave him a polite warning to delete the episodes and stop uploading new ones. 

    U can download the episodes from VTM and VRT easily even though it’s all in order there. Videoland I didn’t tried. 

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