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Posts posted by AMCOLTLLover

  1. 3 hours ago, slick jones said:

    When this show premiered I had hoped it wouldn't be a trainwreck, but once Josh Ryan Evans passed, I found it completely unwatchable.

    I feel those sentiments.. I was a child and kept watching coz they all looked so pretty in that show.. But even as a young boy who liked science fiction series and comic books this nonsense became quite hard to stomach lol

  2. 54 minutes ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Frankly they've been writing Laura worse longer ... and, we are soon to get some relief in the area of writing, at least that is our fervent hope! 

    But I've come with news about Haley Pullos. Unfortunately it's only sourced to the Daily Mail and Radar Online.



    So, the guy she hit, who was hurt, who is suing her, ... is now also adding to the suit the lounge where she was working that night & alleging that she was encouraged to drink with the parties as she served them. 

    Wow and she pleaded not guilty lol

  3. 2 minutes ago, ranger1rg said:

    Wow. It's off-the-rails time when I read multiple posts saying that Maura West can leave GH.

    I have no words.

    Nah it’s just that her character has run its course.

    I‘m a die hard fan of longevity in soaps and love Maura. But her character has caused so many havoc and is now told. What else can they do now? She kinda looks pathetic. Gets played by Laura and little Esme. Back in the day she would’ve ordered a hit or lashed out. Now all she does is moan and acting so hypocritical and self righteous which hurts that once great character. I even start to think that the reason why soaps aren’t getting any new people to tune is that we hold on to characters that should’ve gotten a rest. I mean Felicia was heavily used and left and returned as a Reccuring character before being put in front again and it works. Maybe this is what other characters needs to. A rest for a couple of years or months. 

    But the nostalgic fans would never be fine with it to rest characters… the only reason those 4 soaps are still on air is because of the nostalgic fans. 

  4. So I finally got around to watch 1/15.

    Nina trying to make Cyrus change his mind about dropping charges on Sonny and trying a deal on him… UGH. And I thought we were in the right direction with it but I know, I know.. People want Nina/Sonny.. I know.. Not me though.

    Kristina/Sonny having such a sweet and touching father-daughter talk throughout the episode. I forgot for a minute that she was Alexis daughter and not Carly‘s lol

    Spencer-Nik having a father-son talk was touching. I really have to say that I start to appericiate this recast and hope he stays on. I‘m digging him.

    Esme not going to jail coz of Martin/Laura was great. Esme is so hot. She had such a glow up compared for a while. 

    BUT OMG! Effin Ava! As much as I love Maura West since the Atwt days…. can Ava please shut up. Like for real? What a self righteous piece of… She acting like a saint and helping out Trina-Spencer etc. but bruh. I can’t take her anymore and her attitude. Who is she to talk like that? She is to blame Sonny shot AJ… She messed with Morgan‘s sanity and pills… She even tried to blackmail serial Killer Paul to get her brother Julian out of jail and would’ve let Paul kill much more. Like wth? The list goes on and yet she’s standing there and acting like what Esme did was worse than what she pulled. Gimme a break girl

  5. 17 minutes ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    I really enjoy Felicia, too, especially as a PI but also as a friend. 

    Today I talked to a fan who saw Michael Easton at a fan event & he would not discuss "FIZ". All he said was that everything we were thinking, they are thinking, too, and then he changed the subject.

    I said that if this had been Mo they would have changed his story! So, maybe it's not only #FreeLiz but is also #FreeFinn ... 

    ofc it’s Free Finn. No one can replace Franco or Lucky on her side.. 

    And I remember in 2017 when Budig was let go that the fandom was upset. Hayden and Finn‘s pairing seemed quite popular.

    Maybe they should bring her back and really free Liz lol 

  6. 3 hours ago, Liberty City said:

    I disagree; the two anti-vaxxers firing themselves and us getting Kristina Wagner upped to regular capacity was the best thing. I've enjoyed watching Felicia the past two years, and cannot wait for more to come. 

    I‘m with u on that. I always enjoyed Felicia since the FnF days. The last two years really surprised in a positive way that she got more to do. Even in PI story’s with Anna etc. 
    I love the screen time she gets 

  7. 18 minutes ago, John said:

    IF she does have documented issues that fall under the ADA, Yes she very well could sue. 

    Also as far as the Temp Maxie's

    Jen Lilley has stated she would not do GH again

    I am not sure if Molly Burnett would be open to Maxie Long Term

    Nicole Paggi wasnt on long enough but I like her and think she could be a capable Lu Lu

    Nah.. Molly ain’t doing long term stints on soaps anymore. Even though I enjoyed her back then.

    Can‘t blame Jen.. I remember that she was well received by the audience and how much she broke down coz she had to leave.. But she ain’t doing long soap stints anymore either

    37 minutes ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Since she has various documented medical problems I believe the thinking is that she would sue for wrongful termination based on the Americans with Disabilities Act. 

    Huh? But what if her contract was up and they decided not to renew coz her contract eats up a lot of salary/budget? There is no way she could sue them and I don’t even think she would tbh. She ain’t no Rademacher lol and even he failed 

  8. I miss the fashionista Maxie !

    Finn has been on the canvas for 8 years. Can’t believe people are still not over the various characters even though it’s been nearly a decade lol 

    I love that we get more Kristina as Felicia. She deserves it to be front and center.

    I always wanted Ron gone… FV has the right vision when it comes down how GH can survive in modern times. He really needs some strong writers even though not all was bad between 2012-2024… When it’s good it really is good but when it’s bad it really suffers. But I do think it’s more balanced since FV has been left in charge.. I think they should GH write and handle like Greys Anatomy. Which is a abc show too. There is a reason why it’s still running after 2 decades with a hospital theme. 

  9. 31 minutes ago, Sapounopera said:

    Sorry but I can't hate FV. GH is the only soap that doesn't feel dead soap walking, or milk that you have left in the fridge for years.He tries new things, he respects the veterans, is on budget and has people talking. Would I like a new opening? Yes. Better sets? Of course. But I wouldn't trade these things for a new bored producer with late 90s Days of Our Lives aesthetics who just wants a check for a while.
    (Would I mind someone like Wendy Riche, Susan Bedsow-Horgan, Ginger Smith or a back from the dead Robert Calhoun though? No.)
    As for KS.. The poor woman is playing a C character at this point, but I guess many of you can't stand watching a fat chick with issues who can't find clothes her size that make her feel good. I am sure many of you might have wanted Jesse Brewer recast with a more glamorous and less problematic actress in the early 80s?

    Hell nah. But KS has been dead weight for years. I‘m currently on a rewatch to watch the missed episodes from back in the day and even in 2016 when she was skinny as heck she was dead weight with Nathan-Claudette.. For me it’s her acting and not her weight. Can’t speak for the others but her acting has been off for ages. She was one of my first childhood crushes and I even got to meet her In 2018.. 


  10. 2 hours ago, alexisfan07 said:

    Kate as Kristina just is not connecting for me. Being fully transparent, I was never the biggest fan of her on Days either so perhaps I'm biased, but I see a lot of posts on Twitter that seem to agree with me. I felt she started off okay but the more story they throw at her, the less I seem to care. She comes off so cold onscreen. And I know this is petty but does her particular brand of vocal fry irritate anyone else? I can't stand it lol.

    I know the double Davis sisters recast was out of the show's control, but there is not a single thing that Kate has been given/performed that Lexi couldn't have handled just the same. I don't know if they wanted to 'age' Kristina physically for the 'adult' story of surrogacy, but no one gives a f#!k about this surrogacy story, for many valid reasons.

    I was one of the biggest fans of Kate on DAYS.. I do enjoy her on GH. BUT I have to agree that something happened there. She definitely looks so cold and distant. Not like she was on Days. Disappointing. 
    This vocal fry thing I am fully agree on. She never talked like that on DAYS.. But Kelly Monaco is doing the same thing for years even though she never talked like that before. I don’t know if it‘s an LA thing or if this is a natural aging process of the voice but I know they never talked like that before lol

    I have to say Kate became quite odd as an actress. I saw some of her other recent stuff between Days and GH and she was poorly in it too. I don’t know if she just became a lazy or bad actress at this point!


    And to Ks as Maxie. She has more than medical trouble and a lot on her plate. I don’t even mind her weight tbh. But she feels so lifeless and I am a die hard KS fan since she played Belle on DAYS. But everytime she got replaced for a little while those new actresses really brought some life back into the character.. Wish we could make a cut there coz she’s eating up a lot of the salary for sure. 

  11. On 1/26/2024 at 1:16 AM, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Thanks for that information. The path for Spelling Entertainment isn't confusing at all. It's just what the heck happened to NBC's 50%! Since they are not having anything to do with it, it is likely that their "property rights" expired, as you said. 

    But, the show was canceled because they couldn't get their ratings up. As it was they should've been canceled when AW was but Susan D. Lee made a deal with Aaron Spelling where they took half their licensing fee & NBC gave them an extra 6 months, to the end of the year. Their ratings were lower than AW's in April when Susan D. Lee announced the cancelation of AW ahead of deadlines. (All show had ratings deadlines at the end of May.) 

    It wasn’t just a rating thing. Wasn’t channel 5 from the UK even offering them some money to co-fund another season coz it got good ratings over there? Yet they declined. Which is weird considering they wouldn’t have to spent much as before. They could’ve at least tried it

  12. I wish people would stop hating so much on ME… :( When I remember when he was on PC when I was a kid and when he joined OLTL he was such a fan favorite with the audience ? What happened ? He is doing the best with the material given. Can’t say for people who are on this show for decades like KS as Maxie. She’s phoning it in for the last few years.. 


    I’ve watched 1/12 finally… THATS‘s MY Sonny! That’s the Sonny Corinthos I miss! He ordered Dex to get rid of Cyrus!! I loved how Sonny became his old self again. I was so thirsty for this Sonny to come back ! He is taking back his organization and getting back into action! 
    I had to laugh coz who directed this episode ? They cut the episode two times coz of commercials with nearly the same thing… Sonny: Are u loyal to me blah blah… and the other time: Are you with me? (Like the same damn thing lol).. BUT I loved it.. Can‘t wait for Jason to return and see what they will do with Sonny-Jason-Dex in business! I know people hate the MOB years during the 2000‘s but I was young and a kid but I loved that sh‘t. I loved the action and drama. I really hope Sonny will give Nina some hell.. 


    Esme became a favorite of mine. I kinda enjoyed seeing „SPENCE“ noticing that she slipped up and remembers everything lol

  13. 1 hour ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    I know. I had to try. Who was thea "actor" who played Sloan's brother? He should be Lucky since it doesn't matter. 

    It doesn’t matter as long as the characters are back but with some actors who fit them or at least can portray them.

    I mean GV wasn’t a great Lucky either but I learned to tolerate him 

    56 minutes ago, John said:

    He's younger than JJ & Darin Brooks

    Really? I mean Marcus as Nik looked like 10 years younger than Tyler 

  14. Luke Spencer from GH!

    Highs… Finishing off some Cassadines and saving the world and finishing off Frank Smith and his organization!

    Low: The Rape! Most of 2006-2011 was his lowest. 

    On 1/18/2024 at 1:23 AM, OpportunisticSlut said:

    Can we compare and share popular soap character's ultimate heyday moment- the moment that they were shining the brightest in the show. And the low point - a point in the show that the character was not what it used to be, doing something that is completely far from their highest peak. The best vs the worst storyline, if you understand me. The question can also have different interpretations. I am interested in all of them.


    Let me start

    Brooke Logan on The Bold And The Beautiful

    - HEYDAY MOMENT - Brooke takes control of Forrester Creations.

    This now 37 years in, seems to be, the culmination of the character in terms of personality growth and storyline evolution. After 7 years of trying everything she can to first get into and then continue to be in the Forrester family, in 1993 Brooke was a single mother, with everyone against her. She did it all to herself, by manipulation, cheating on Eric and trying to split Tridge. But how amazing it was to see this now somewhat of an anti-hero character emerge as the Count of Monte Cristo, executing her revenge and making Stephanie squirm. This period gave us some of the most memorable and highest quality dialogue in the show ever. Here is one of the most iconic episodes in the show's history.


    - LOW POINT - Brooke sleeps with her daughter's husband

    As funny and scandalous as it sounds... it's the junk food period of the show that symbolizes the COMPLETE transition to very low quality storytelling and completely ruining the character of Brooke. This was the point a lot of people turned on the character. I remember the boards back in 2006 when these episodes were airing in my country. Pretty much everyone was disgusted by Brooke. I don't think the character ever survived past this story. Brooke became a laughing stock and a sex scandal pony that Bradley rode every other year to try to be Taboo and DARING. It really is her LOWEST point for me. I enjoy it, don't get me wrong... BUT this is not the Brooke from 1993, this is some creature I just can't care less about. Here is an episode, which paints this story - her daughter Bridget finds out that her mother and her husband are having an affair. And her mother is PREGNANT by her son in law. Pretty sick, right.


    I thought it was juicy soap drama BUT her sleeping with Oliver thinking it’s her grown ass Ridge is the lowest of low points lol

  15. 7 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Reskinned Greenlee had no reason to exist either. Finn and Hayden's story was boring as shît. The only person Finn's had serious chemistry with was Tracy when he first came on as a much more eccentric character. They were doing too much to differentiate him from Silas and John, but it actually worked because he spent so much time with Jane Elliot. And it would've worked had they gone there. Finn's been useless since Tracy first left, and now he's a joke.

    Reskinned Greenlee LOL That got me rollin‘. I was fan of Greenlee and it seems like I love the people most hate. Finn/Hayden had such chemistry in my eyes and I loved how slowly they built them up. I wish they would’ve done more Hayden-Liz feud as sisters.


    anyway… I wasn‘t sure how to feel about the new Drew played by AMC‘s Cameron M. But he won me over.

    I LOVE when people do the hand talking. I remember he did that on AMC and he’s still doing it and using it to express himself. Gosh I love that. That makes it seem so real. I hate when u can tell that people are just acting without any effort but he’s trying and I‘ll give him that

  16. 4 minutes ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Maybe you are unaware of this but he is one of the top choices among most fans for getting rid of! Me, I could live & let live if they would just free Liz from him. Yesterday Liz was asked what was new with her & her reply was information about Finn. 

    I do know and I’m not really digging the Finn-Liz pairing coz I still wish Hayden would return to him for good. They need to give him better material and people would change their mind. Like with 50% of the cast lol

  17. 20 minutes ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Michael Easton wasn't on the primetime special because he had a schedule conflict. 

    He wasn’t  even on for 2 whole weeks of january .. 

    30 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    He was on yesterday and anytime he’s on, I want to throw my remote at the TV. Totally unnecessary character (and bad actor IMO) on an already bloated show. 

    I love ME. Ever since the PC/OLtL days. I enjoy him as Finn more than I did when he played Silas or John at GH. He’s doing good with the material given

    Shame u don’t like him. 

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