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Posts posted by AMCOLTLLover

  1. 8 hours ago, Dion said:

    The closure was announced in September which was where I got up to...I don't think I saw the actual closure but talk of it basically came about as a result of...well I'll let you find that out :)

    Yeah at this point it's basically the Luke and Laura Ice Princess show and the Joe and Heather Diana Taylor murder mystery show. With only a sprinkling of Monica/Alan/Susan and a side dash of Hutch. And speaking of...

    Oh gosh that went on for months!

    I hated that Laura and Anna's long awaited - by me at least lol - first interaction was Laura seeing Anna kiss Luke.

    Hey thanks for answering.

    I just need like the last week of June and have to wait for my German source to sent me them over. I would watch them in English but don’t know if there was a preemption June 23rd and June 24th.. Coz I don’t really want to miss the anything right now. May and June are so strong again. Thank god

    i don’t know how to quote single sentences. I‘m sorry about that. Yes it became the LnL + Ice Princess + Joe trying to nail Heather for Diana’s murder or find the Killer at all. It’s not bad. Like seriously. But I will tell my feelings about June when I’m completely done with it.

    Thank u. In 1980 the disco was used more and the scenes were quite fitting. But in 81 u can tell disco died and those scenes felt so forced and cringe. Nothing like last year. 

    And yes.. Hutch‘s return was really a mess and went on for too long. His first run ended in the first week of January 81.. He returned in episode 4601 (April 81).. Like I said it wasn’t a bad idea to bring him back. But not for a storyline isolated from the rest of the cast and especially isolated from LnL. Like they didn’t visited him once lol If Hutch would’ve been involved in that Ice Princess Story and be a help to Luke then this would’ve been a successful return. But now? Hell nah. Can’t wait to see where this is going with him. I think Hutch should’ve been what Slick was at that time tbh. That would’ve made sense. 

    Luke/Anna is something I can tolerate over Luke/Felicia. But there was a scene where AG/Luke had a cold and he and FH/Anna still had to kiss. That gave me nightmares lol 

  2. 2 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    Any chance Ron Carlivati going back to GH? Pleassssssssseeeeeeee

    No offense but WHY would anyone want him back on GH? He can stay at Days and run it into the ground during the next few years but he definitely had to stay away from GH as far far away as possible. I’d rather take Guza back or let ChatGPT do the work lol

  3. 10 minutes ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    They would not decide the conclusion of a story ahead of time but instead would make it up as they went along.

    The show is very unbalanced with too much Sonny, Nina, Carly, Jason. 

    The pacing is off.

    STories go on far too long. 

    To be fair Jason/Sonny/Carly have been front center since mid 90‘s and Sam since mid 00‘s

  4. I watched 1/8/24.. I’m a bit behind.

    But did Bobbie REALLY had mutual respect for Lucy like she claimed ? I really doubt that lol But I enjoyed the Lucy/Scott scenes 

    Michael/Willow… oh damn. So boring but I do understood why Willow felt hurt 

    I love Sasha….

    i enjoy the new Joss replacement tbh

  5. Ugh I saw the cover of an old soap magazine with Luke and Felicia on it. Oh god that was one the worst pairings ever.. Skye and Luke’s story I could get behind in a way but Felicia and Luke? Woah no. I don’t know which pairing was worse Felicia and Luke or Anna/Luke ? Anna and Luke always looked uncomfortable lol They are as bad as John and Hope from Days.. ugh.. 

  6. God I kinda hate most of the Days of our lives clones/ impersonators etc.

    but Andre who looks exactly like Tony and his Roman Face-Mask killing his enemies for Stefano to frame Roman was the best.

    As dumb as It was I enjoyed Robo-Rafe. He hit on Nicole and that’s where I started to see the chemistry there.

    Luke-Fluke on GH. God I hated it lol

  7. 2 hours ago, vote4llama said:

    In case anyone doesn't know, Youtube can translate subtitles.  The English translation is pretty good for these.

    @AMCOLTLLover Thank you so much for sharing.  It's an amazing gift.  I've always wanted to see OLTL before Rauch.




    Ah that’s right. I forgot about the subtitles .. Good that it works.

    New episodes will be uploaded soon. Busy work. But I have a few more to come. I really like that Samantha character! 
    and OG Tina

  8. Aftermath..

    BRUUUH! Warren got some nerves blaming Mercedes lol He had to identify Ella (they didn’t show Ella or him identifying) but Myra said that she went through that too. (Hoped she would say Tina’s name :() 
    He was angry at Mercedes even though he was to blame for it AND that damn Warren killed Bart McQueen back then . One family member of hers and he got the nerves to be angry at her?

    sometimws I wish they would finally write him off.. And that’s coming from someone that loves Warren Fox.

    Felix got arrested for dangerous driving. Poor bloke. Gets cheated on and kinda spit on and then this? Bruh. They let him go but Warren wants to kill him. If he really kills him then I’m done with Warren forever

    Leah/Norma grieving about Ella was touching.

    Ste hiding the evidence that he was the one responsible for Ella’s death. Lol It was meant to be dramatic but I couldn’t stop smiling coz it was just so stupid how he acted.

    NO Joel today after he just got run over? Dissapointed! BUT I guess they wanted to give this episode more to the grief of Ella and not be overshadowed by Joel’s accident or any one else. It was more Ella focused and I get it. 

  9. On 1/14/2024 at 11:27 PM, SteelCity said:

    Knots Landing: "Your babies are alive!"

    Days: Sami knows about EJ and Abby

    Bold and Beautiful: Sheila is back (2017)

    Dynasty: Monica and Jeff aren't brother and sister

    Passions: Repeatedly getting renewed 

    Another World: Cecile lied about Cass being Maggie's father

    Melrose Place: Kimberly is back

    Sunset Beach: Derek

    Days: Marlena is the Salem Stalker

    AMC: Robin sees Anna (should have been on GH but I still love it)

    And when it was finally axed that damn direct tv saved it for another horrible year lol 

  10. Wow! What a phenomenal hour of Hollyoaks! It finally found it’s roots back!

    This is the Hollyoaks I fell in love with! (Sorry for spoilers but I need to process that)

    The big accident: Felix knows the truth and is driving in rage mode with Mercedes and Warren. We are finally moving forward with that story. The collapse happened everyone of them three got out safe.. But now Warren and Mercedes told each other that they love each other. Poor Felix. Another good men goes down the dark path because of Mercy. Just like Riley. 

    The teen crowd was annoying with Leah, Ella etc. BUT I do loved the twist. Ste got his daughter who was drunk. They collapsed and it looks like Ste was the actual one who killed Ella. Her shoe was under his wheel. Damn! Shocked. Poor Ste!

    Rafe-Dilly-Sienna finally found its end with Rafe at least. Dilly knocked him out and kept him a hostage and told Sienna a lie that rafe has run off and couldn’t go through with the wedding coz he doesn’t love her. Typical soap stuff. But the shocker came when Dilly realized that Rafe has died down in the basement. Double damn!

    the accident brought an identity theft with it. Don’t know. Seems stupid but let’s see how this will play out in upcoming weeks.

    the accident brought some fan favorites with it: Theresa, Cleo and Myra McQueen! Yaaay. Joel was about to propose to Leela after their shift would end but ofc they had to be at the accident. Of COURSE it was him who found Cleo. She even had a cheesy line like: I came back for u! lol But the shocker was that Joel wanted to turn around and got run over. I really hope Joel won’t die. I’m not sure if Ella is really Warren’s daughter but if Hollyoaks would kill off two kids of him that would be brutal. Even for Oaks.

    Nancy returned with Morgan’s. It was lovely to see her. 

    ANd we got a new trailer: Leela seems not to like having Cleo back and told her off lol can’t wait but Joel seems in a coma. 

    Hannah is back with the twins and surprises Darren. Her mum shows up and had no idea that Hannah would take them twins to Darren. Interesting . Suzanne said that sh 

    There seems to be a stalker plot coming up for Cleo. Ugh. Couldn’t they just give us a Cleo-Joel-Leela plot and not bring a stalker into this? When u think Oaks got better they start to sneak back into the unneeded bs. 

    The Warren vs Felix story will continue! U know what’s funny? Warren is mad at Felix even though he betrayed him and hurt him etc. Did Warren forgot that when he found out that Louise was going to do a runner and kill him that he lashed out and killed her? Or whenever someone betrayed him he got off his meds and killed or hurt them? Bruh. As much as I love Warren but sometimes he can be so annoying. But can’t wait for Felix vs Warren. There is a scene in the woods at the trailer with: there is only one way this is going to end and a gun shot.. UGH. Let me guess: Warren wins and has another body on his killing list and we will lose Felix lol
    Dilly seems on the run and there is another bit where she knocks down Liberty! Ugh we get Liberty back. 
    Ste is threatening that one guy that if he breaths a word about this that he will kill him! Ste going off the rails again.. yay. 
    The identity theft story starts: two id’s ! One from Kitty Draper and one from Ivy Shaw. 
    Rita Simmons is finally showing up. She will be Joel’s mother! Biggest BS! Now it really is just a stunt casting. I mean Joel was Irish and we got a better actor for Joel but still believable. But Rita as his mom? We saw the og mom I’m 2012.. Dark hair and Irish. What do we get a blonde English women. Sure oaks. Surw

    That gay-story with JP and this annoying bloke continues and he gets aggressive and is pushing Hannah. The f? 
    Charlie has a go with Darren’s son.. ugh

    Patrick Blake pops up to Dilly in the trailer where she says that it’s like they’ve forgotten about him. He replies that now it’s time for her to finish what he started. OH MY GOD! Hyped 

    can’t wait!


  11. I still could bite me in the butt that I didn’t attend the ATWT farewell event in 2011/2012 in the Netherlands. They were at my neighbors and I just learned about it too late otherwise I would’ve went there :( 

    and omg everytime I hear the 2007 theme I get goosebumps.. That is my childhood lol I know people seem to hate the later years but I enjoyed them so much. Only thing I hated between 07-08 was Dusty’s death and him returning with long hair. I had the same style as him as a young guy in 07 and was shocked when he had long year. I felt betrayed lol 

  12. After 3 weeks I finally finished May 1981..

    Finally some excitement! Luke stole the ice princess at the auction and made them all mad and drove them crazy. I loved it. Laura was shown as more clever and strong against the Q’s who tried to use her against Luke to finally get that damn ice princess.

    BUT thank you Mister Tony Cassadine. My man was sick and tired of the failures of his men and them getting fooled by an amateur like Luke. He was so mad and I felt like Mister Cassadine! He spoke what me and definitely a few others of the audience must’ve felt back then lol 

    Rick is trying to win back Lesley but she ain’t making it easy and is still seeing Tony. Love it.

    Joe has become more and more obsessed with Diana’s murder but figured out that Nurse Shirley Vernon wasn’t at that big accident in February where Rick and Jeff helped out and where Heather was! Nice twist. Heather managed to get away with sneaking around as Shirley but now it’s coming back to bite her. But not even that. Sarah is messing with her and that damn gun. If I were Heather I would be careful.

    1980 was such a strong year for Alan and Monica and now they are taking their time with that Susan-Alan story. It has become such a snoozefest which is a damn shame.

    And what the actual hell ? What is this nonsense with the Hutch trying to stay alive in jail story? I know we all loved Hutch in 1980 but why do we need him? Why is his story needed? I mean they could’ve used him more in that Luke against the Q’s and Cassadines story but nah. This is the most unneeded and most boring storyline in 60 damn years of GH. It’s a shame coz they could’ve done more with Hutch!

    Robert and O’reilley were after Luke! It was so hilarious and so touching how the Whittakers and Beachers Corners got brought back. They helped him without any questions. 
    may was definitely a step up to April..

    Now I start wondering. Should I watch September 2016 or June 1981… But I’m also interested in going back to January 2006. Even though we all hate Guza, Wolf, JFp or whoever was doing the show back then coz of bad casting decisions and some questionable writing..it was still exciting to watch. There was always something too look forward too and the cast was fire between 2006-2008..When Frank-Ron took over and gave GH a refresh it was good but that ran out faster than Guza and his crew lol..  I first thought about watching January 2007 and then go through my favorite story metro court hostage.. But it would make more sense to start 2006. But I also like 81,2016.. It’s a tough decision.. should I continue my old watch or start 2006?

  13. 9 hours ago, Liberty City said:

    I need to get back into this soap... but I stopped around June / July, I think? And don't want to go that far back, LOL!

    It’s Hollyoaks ! U can skip a few months and won’t have missed much or everything. But at this point. I would recommend for u to watch November and December.. That should be enough 

  14. 9 hours ago, Manny said:

    Well, I am gonna be shallow again.. but my God, Zack's body in this episode.............

    I enjoyed Sonia bringing Lauren and Penny to hash it out. But are the French drug dealers not gonna go after Penny after ratting on them? That storyline is over now?

    Omg, loved the Six (or the Five in this case) panicking and bickering in the cafe!! Denise dropping into the hole was 😵 And then we see that her necklace has dropped into the hole!! 

    I did not care about the Mitchells AT ALL! I wish they would all leave (minus Jay).

    That’s how I feel about the slaters. Wish they would all leave.. 

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