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Posts posted by AMCOLTLLover

  1. I know people say that Ron Moss is a bad actor and stuff but I thought he was great. He was supposed to be a playboy and arrogant men.. He delivered that perfectly..

    Even if some find his acting bad people can’t denie that he was a chemistry magnet. He created chemistry with most people he shared scenes and story’s with.

    I mean he had great natural mother-son chemistry with Stephanie and a great rivalry chemistry with Thorne. His whole family had great chemistry with him.

    And he was the leading men of two iconic triangles. I mean he created chemistry with Brooke, Caroline, Taylor and even his side chicks. Who else does that? Like seriously. So many top notch actors can’t create a magic around himself and a female lead. 

    I have nothing against T.K. As Ridge but his chemistry with most of the cast feels so forced.. It makes me miss Ron.

  2. On 12/28/2023 at 10:41 PM, JAS0N47 said:

    1965-2023 EPISODE RANKINGS: TOP 50:

    For the complete list, please visit http://www.jason47.com/days/episoderankings.html

    1. Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans-5030/Hattie Adams-84/Samantha Evans-3/Charlemagne de la Cross-2) 5060
    2. Kristian Alfonso (Hope Brady-4346/Gina VonAmberg-166) 4384
    3. Drake Hogestyn (John Black) 4374
    4. Alison Sweeney (Sami Brady-3618/Young Colleen Brady-24) 3621
    5. Peter Reckell (Bo Brady) 3548
    6. Frances Reid (Alice Horton) 3315
    7. John Clarke (Mickey Horton) 3085
    8. Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton Kiriakis) 3071
    9. Melissa Reeves (Jennifer Horton) 3020
    10. Susan Seaforth Hayes (Julie Williams) 2979
    11. Macdonald Carey (Tom Horton) 2955
    12. Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts-2856/Kristen as Kate-7/Lorna DeLorean-4) 2862
    13. James Reynolds (Abe Carver-2835/Henry Marshall-2) 2835
    14. Arianne Zucker (Nicole Walker-2748/Kristen as Nicole-49/Helena Tasso-5) 2798
    15. John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis) 2756
    16. Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Horton) 2343
    17. Bill Hayes (Doug Williams-2148/Byron Carmichael-6) 2153
    18. Mary Beth Evans (Kayla Johnson-2078/Emily Matthews-11/Kassandra Loved-3) 2081
    19. Josh Taylor (Roman Brady) 1916
    20. Joseph Mascolo (Stefano DiMera) 1871
    21. Galen Gering (Rafe Hernandez-1749/Rafe Hernandez 2-91) 1777
    22. Edward Mallory (Bill Horton) 1740
    23. Eric Martsolf (Brady Black) 1692
    24. Joseph Gallison (Neil Curtis) 1687
    25. Stephen Nichols (Steve Johnson-1684/Gideon Wyatt-9) 1684
    26. Christie Clark (Carrie Brady) 1640
    27. Renee Jones (Lexie Carver) 1638
    28. Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux) 1614
    29. Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady) 1591
    30. Nadia Bjorlin (Chloe Lane) 1580
    31. Thaao Penghlis (Andre DiMera-973/Tony DiMera-602) 1514
    32. James Scott (EJ Wells DiMera-1479/Santo DiMera-21) 1486
    33. Jed Allan (Don Craig) 1348
    34. Don Frabotta (Dave) 1261
    35. Jason Cook (Shawn-Douglas Brady) 1208
    36. Judi Evans (Adrienne Kiriakis-835/Bonnie Lockhart-367) 1187
    37. Charles Shaughnessy (Shane Donovan-1163/Drew Donovan-45) 1169
    38. Eileen Davidson (Kristen Blake-1144 & 5 as Evil Kristen/Susan Banks-202/Mary Moira Banks-38/Penelope Kent-16/Thomas Banks-5) 1168
    39. Austin Peck (Austin Reed) 1157
    40. Susan Flannery (Laura Horton) 1155
    41. Camila Banus (Gabi Hernandez) 1147
    42. Jay Johnson (Philip Kiriakis) 1095
    43. Patsy Pease (Kimberly Brady) 1087
    44. Shawn Christian (Daniel Jonas) 1077
    45. Louise Sorel (Vivian Alamain) 1064
    46. Wally Kurth (Justin Kiriakis) 1051
    47. Josh Taylor (Chris Kositchek) 1020
    48. Greg Vaughan (Eric Brady) 992
    49. Billy Flynn (Chad DiMera) 984
    50. Frank Parker (Grandpa Shawn Brady) 966

    Damn.. Chloe has been in this show for nearly 25 years and yet Rage appeared in more episodes. Talk about overused lol



    i don’t know if anyone appreciates this or enjoys it coz it’s not in English. But I was able to buy some episodes from 1980 for a lot of money of my favorite soap in mY mother language. It’s so nice to see young Tina.. Asa, Sam etc. 
    There are a few missing episodes here and there but overall a great run with even a lot of continuing episodes in a row/even weeks.

    I will upload more in the next few days.

    I have episode 3087 and 3089 up already. 


  4. 3 hours ago, Khan said:

    That's Frank's thing.

    Yeah but it’s so frustrating and kinda ruining the flow. I mean I get what he’s aiming for with it: “Fast pace”.. I even think this is for the TikTok generation with an attention span of 12 seconds but everytime u think it’s getting where it’s either a cut to the next scene again or a commercial. It’s so ridiculous lol 

  5. On 12/26/2023 at 5:51 PM, Lye-C said:


    -Eileen returns 

    -Shift away from the Hortons as the core family to the Evanses as the core family 

    -Better production values 


    -Sheila/Lauren crossover 

    -Bring back Mary and James

    -Less Ridge/Bridge

    -Reveal that Eric is still legally married to Sheila


    -More Cricket and Danny

    -More Nina (ideally with Ronan)

    -More Heather 

    -Less Newmans/Abbotts

    -Lauren/Sheila crossover 


    -Frontburner story for Laura

    -Julie Berman back as Lulu

    -Jacob Young back as Lucky

    -Rick Webber back from the dead/reunites with Lesley 

    -Less Sonny

    -Less Carly

    -New head writers 

    -New EP


    NEVER EVER shift away from the Hortons! 

    Longer scenes on GH! Like what’s up with those 12 second scenes.. They don’t really show any real conversations anymore lol

  6. On 12/28/2023 at 5:40 AM, Beachstorm said:

    I'm new to this site, but can I just say how AWESOME all of you contributors are here! You all have a ton of soap knowledge that I really appreciate.

    As a lifelong AMC fan to the very end, I have to start with the disturbing rape of Bianca by Michael Cambias. Very dark. Towards the end of AMC's run when babies were dying a lot, the most disgusting plot was when Jesse Hubbard buried a dead baby on the edge of a park, not even covering it completely with dirt. I have no idea who wrote that filth, but it was terrible.

    Of course the graphic other rapes on soaps have been awful and dark.

    My first foray into watching the much-beloved DOOL was in 2011 after ABC axed OLTL and AMC. I was devastated. I decided to try DOOL, and it was at the time of the Necktie Murders. (I had just seen the actor playing "Ben the NT murderer" as Petey Cordtland on the PP version reboot of AMC) Those actual murders were bad enough on their own. But the show loved to revisit the graphic murders over and over again via flashbacks. It was non-stop and was always horrible every time the flashbacks were shown.

    So many other moments I have now forgotten, but thanks to you all for refreshing my soapy memory.


    That’s why so many people hated the character of Ben and them trying to making him a romantic lead 

  7. 17 hours ago, BrendaB said:

    Why does this show keep propping up a z-list ESPN talking head as a "star"?  Do sports fans even think of him as a star?  No sports fans are watching General Hospital and soap fans are not watching sports, anyways.  The show is overflowing with 60 years of superstars in film, television, stage and music that they could be highlighting on this special.  So it's ridiculous they keep trotting out and propping up Brick or whatever-his-name-is like that.

    Huh? I’m an average Joe who loves sports especially MLB, College Volleyball, NFL etc. AND watch my soaps lol 

  8. 2 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    I keep forgetting that Jo keeps booking stuff with Netflix. Yeah, if I were her, I wouldn't look back right now if I am landing stuff with Netflix. 

    I cannot go another round of Max pining after Stacey. That ship has sailed a long time ago. 

    And you will probably love Jake's IG. He's giving you a lot of thirst material with him in the gym: https://www.instagram.com/mrjakewood/

    SN: I didn't know he was anti-royal too. I've always wondered how truly popular it is amongst the Brits. I know Northern Ireland has utter disdain for them. But that's another topic and thread. 

    I don't think they'll ever be able to top Den and Angie's Xmas episode. It was just plotted so well. Maybe it is because I am American, and when I think of Xmas soap episodes, my mind always drifts to the P&G soaps--filled with family, warmth, hope, and minimal drama. 

    But UK People don’t like that tbh. They did with Corrie and the fans complained about how boring it was. lol But I guess those are the same that complain when there is always doom and gloom around Christmas 

  9. On 12/21/2023 at 9:14 PM, dragonflies said:

    ME was and never has been a chemistry magnet lol. He's only had the best chemistry with Kelly Monaco

    Huh? He had chemistry with Kelly on PC. He had good chemistry with Evangeline AND Natalie on OLTL. Like seriously. John and Natalie had the perfect chemistry. 

  10. I remember when i got Guiding Light on here in my country we had the 1983 episodes and the rape of Beth by Bradley Raines was definitely a brutal turning point for the show. The Eli Simms story was heavy too.


    2 hours ago, cassadine1991 said:

    The original Silas storyline was so good

    I would also say Ceara Connor’s incest storyline on All My Children

    Oh yes.  I couldn’t wait until I got home to watch a brand new episode. It was so exciting coz he was like some likeable grandpa but could turn so vile! It got even better when Lynsey figured him out and he managed to make everyone think she is crazy lol he even set up the epic Branden Brady for Rae’s murder. God how epic was the Lynsey vs Silas back and forth lol I couldn’t miss an episode and was so excited. I was in my teens and shocked how Hollyoaks turned into such complex and well written show. It was always a good teen soap but all of the sudden it became dark. Like real dark 🤣 

    13 hours ago, OpportunisticSlut said:

    I saw some clips and he makes my skin crawl...

    He had that effect! But it was sooooo good. His cat and mouse play with Lynsey was the best storyline ever! All of 2010-2012 was Hollyoaks in his prime again after 1-2 dull years. Like seriously. 
    Silas saved this show tbh or more the people who created his character and his story. Such a tragedy that one of the most likeable girls with the dullest personalities and story’s got sacrificed for it lol his first victim was not even the real one he wanted to kill. India’s sister was meant to get killed but Texas didn’t felt in the mood for the online date and sent her sister instead and it was Christmas. Really brutal.. The Halloween 2011 twist where he went after Lynsey and Texas was so good and 4 women were wearing a cat women outfit and when he thought he got Lynsey he realized he just murdered his own daughter Heidi! I will never forget how much I cried and how shaken I was after that. I’m a men and I’m not getting so shaken up or emotional messed up but that was so dark especially after the way he strangled Rae a few weeks earlier. So dark.. but so good written.

    11 hours ago, Liberty City said:

    And then Bobby murdering Silas? Iconic.

    As dull as Hollyoaks became during Covid.. Silas return and Bobby’s arc was the saving grace for this show. I will love Hollyoaks til it gets cancelled someday because I grew up with it since childhood and still love most of of the story’s and it’s heading in a great direction again. But the murdering Bobby was so spectacular! Not as great as 2010/11 Silas but close enough! 
    Now with Silas gone forever I’m dissapointed in the way Mercedes will leave someday lol If Jen/Mercedes will leave someday I wanted Silas to finally kill her. Now the only one I want to do the job is Mitzeee for what she did to her and Riley lol


  11. 10 hours ago, OpportunisticSlut said:

    What do you guys think is the best serial killer storyline? Is it DOOL Salem strangler?

    It’s not from an US Soap but from the UK.

    Silas Blissett from Hollyoaks! He was one of the smartest and best written serial killer ever in mY opinion. He killed like promiscuous girls. I liked to call him the Slu* Slayer lol

  12. I remember now from my teenage years how dark and depressing the bold and the beautiful became in 2007 and Stephanie Forrester’s kinda involvement that lead to Brooke’s rape. That was just disgusting and turned me off that show so hard. Like wtf ? I felt so sorry for all the actors and actresses involved. It wasn’t even a good storyline at all.

    and one year later we have the damn eggs storyline with Brooke-Taylor. And killing off Taylor’s daughter Phoebe.

    Like what was Bell Junior smoking during the mid 2000’s? Honest question 

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