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Posts posted by AMCOLTLLover

  1. i started re-watching the 2011 OLTL scenes of Rex/Gigi-Stacey/Cutter Storyline and i still love it. Rex and Gigi were one of my ultimate favorite pairings of OLTL with Tina & Cord, Patrick & Marty, Victor Junior (TSJ) and Tea, Brody and Jessica, and John and Natalie.

    I think the soap had a lot of great pairings and great love storys.

    But John-Paul Lavoisiers acting during the Rex/Gigi-Amnesia and Cutter story was one of the best acting on OLTL in that final year tbh. He is such an underrated actor.

    I really felt his pain. I know some people still would've liked a Rex and Adriana comeback and endgame but Gigi and Rex had that spark tbh.

    One of my only complain in that story was that one scene where Tina met Gigi and she told Jessica about it while Gigi was standing in front of the house and had to wait while Jessica told Tina that Gigi is dead and that this is impossible. I mean like seriously? My poor girl Tina was done dirty a lot of times when they tried to make her look dizzy and stupid. Why didn't Tina just let her inside of the house or took Jessica straight to the door? I mean i get why but come on. :D

  2. 15 hours ago, Soaplovers said:


    I much preferred Carmen Duncan as Iris over Beverlee McKinsey.


    I liked Katie (fluffy).

    Santa Barbara:

    I didn't like Julia and Mason as end game.  Felt it diminished her character.

    Ryan's hope:

    The Ryan's weren't all that interesting as a family especially after a few years.


    Is that really an unpopular opinion? I always thought Katie on ATWT was highly popular back in the day or am i mistaken about that?

  3. On 9/28/2021 at 8:43 PM, KMan101 said:
    11 minutes ago, BoldRestless said:

    Thanks, since you two both agree on that I'll just rename them and move them into the 1995 folder. 

    Taylor was presumed dead in a plane crash and discovered by Prince Omar. Meanwhile Ridge married Brooke in that sandcastle ceremony. Omar eventually discovered who she was, but she had amnesia and was known as Princess Layla. Somehow Brooke and Ridge ended up on their honeymoon at Prince Omar's castle, by now Taylor remembered who she was, but was devastated seeing Ridge with Brooke. Omar would make her watch them in the bedroom via closed circuit video. Taylor was also wearing a burqa when she interacted with them, so they didn't recognize her. Taylor decided to just stay in Morocco and marry the Prince. It wouldn't work today because it had a lot of Middle Eastern stereotypes and Taylor was locked away a la Princess Jasmine in Aladdin. Eventually Taylor goes back to LA and reveals her identity (the CALA Classics episodes that were just uploaded).


    What was more interesting was probably the backstage part. Hunter Tylo was co-starring in a miniseries called The Maharaja's daughter with Kabir Bedi, which is why she was temporarily written out, and why he guested on the show. I remember reading some gossip about it back then in the soap press. I didn't have the internet back in 1994 so I'm surprised it even made it into the magazines and I'm sure what made it in was the tip of the iceberg. Allegedly Hunter had an affair with Kabir, and almost got divorced. I also recall her saying something about being bitten by a snake and possessed (???) and then she became a born-again Christian after that.  She also apparently was super close with Kimberlin Brown (I think they both lived in Vegas and commuted together by plane?), but they had a falling out and it was really nasty and I vaguely remember one of them was accused of keying the other's car??? And then they stopped speaking. Kimberlin and her husband also testified on Michael Tylo's behalf during a custody dispute. Some people online later speculated it was a lesbian relationship gone bad, lol.  I hope I'm not the only one who remembers this stuff, haha.


    And after all that, Hunter went on Melrose Place and the whole Aaron Spelling lawsuit happened... she certainly has been involved in her share of drama.




    i remember that snake thing and stuff. Even my mother who ain't into soaps anymore remembered that. lmao That was wild stuff.

    1994 is the year i really want to see again and especially coz of Taylor. That was when my mother got me hooked on that show when i was a little boy. I felt so sorry for Taylor and can't wait to see them episodes again

  4. Germany has another soap that started in 2007: Dahoam is Dahoam (Home is Home).. Technically Berlin - Tag und Nacht (berlin - Day and Night) and Köln 50667 can be added/labeled as soap operas too. They run for over 2200/2500 episodes by now.


    And i am shocked that two south african soaps got cancelled between 2020-21.. Rhythm City :(

    And Baraktok Kozt got cancelled too.

  5. Unpopular Opinion but i find Erica Kane and Jackson Montgomery overrated as a couple. I mean as people can see on my nickname that i love AMC and i enjoyed them but i do find them overrated.

    I even think that the finale made totally sense when Jackson finally gave up on her. That was one of the most satisfying moments of the entire end. He deserves better than Erica!

  6. 3 minutes ago, BoldKara said:

    Sheila’s only just arrived in B&B at this point. She still has to marry Eric and then go through marital problems before the Catalina events of 1995…though of course the three of them will have interacted on both shows between “now” and Catalina, discovering Sheila’s still alive, etc…

    I see. Thank u.. We are in 1992 and i think that Scott Grainger stuff happened like late 1993.

  7. I'm glad Xavier won! He deserved it.. But i still think this is the most boring season. I thought ALL-Star was a disgrace and this was a step up it still felt so boring.

    I mean people complain about a big alliance dominating the game but it happened again. The Cookout was known to have a winner in their alliance from the beginning and that made it so boring. It just got interesting again when it came down to the cookout members ruining each others game.

    But what a shame Derek X didn't got further.

  8. 18 minutes ago, I Am A Swede said:

    It's too bad that so little is available of Emmerdale Farm from the 1970s and the 1980s. Those were the golden years of the show, the 1980s especially. Personally I love the 1970s as well, but I think that is more due to nostalgia. Some of my earliest memories are lying under the table in front of the sofa and watching Emmerdale Farm with my mother. It was her favourite show, and I was allowed to stay up during it before going to bed.

    During the 1970s the show had a rather small regular cast, mostly just the Sugden family and the Woolpack duo of Amos and Henry. Then you got guest characters coming in for a specific storyline that lasted a few weeks and then most of those characters were gone.

    During the 1980s the show featured more regular characters and the addition of NY Estates opened up new storyline possibilities. Seth became a regular, Alan Turner arrived as did Eric Pollard. The Merricks re-appeared and newcomers like Archie Brooks and the Bates family added new faces to the show. And for the first time since the very first year both the Sugden boys Jack and Joe were on screen at the same time, and their rivalry added new tensions to the family dynamic. It was Emmerdale heaven.   :wub:

    If only Katharine Barker had stayed as Dolly it would have been perfection. No offense to Jean Rogers who was a solid replacement, but she just lacked that extra spark that Katharine brought to the role.

    And best of all, there was not a Dingle in sight!!   :P

    I can't post a link here but there is a site where u can download Emmerdale years for free. 1972 to 1976 was completle. Between the first 315 episodes or so there was only episode 251 missing.

    It was only 1977 missing and a lot of 1979 throughout the 80's was there too.

    And November 89 to September 2000 is complete there. And the 2000's are easy to find.


    I love Emmerdale. Went to the Fan event years ago when Andy Sudgens actor and Katies actress were around. It was a BBQ with a few cast members in England. I even spent a tour visit and village visit. Emmerdale is definitley one of my favorite soaps besides All My Children, OLTL and a german soap.

    But 2021 is just horrible. I always try to look at the good things and try to overlook the annoying and bad stuff but the last few months were getting on my nerves.

    I'm in the minority but i like Meena! The actress just came fresh out of acting school and plays the obsessive stalker girlfriend and killer really convincing.

  9. On 9/24/2021 at 3:23 AM, Marissa Gallant said:

    I have s new response for people who say SB was over the top. At the same time, Days had someone who owned a lion. And a character that used a time machine to fix the storylines.

    Are u really trying to compare both shows? As much as i love Days but as an soap opera Days is a hot mess. I mean not just time travel bs.. Garden Eden, Posessions, Face Masks, Evil cousins that slash throughout the town as a plan from the Phoenix (Stefano) to get revenge on Roman, Marlena killing half the town for them to pop up 6 months later on a new island.

    I mean if i would recommend someone to watch a show i would rather recommend SB over Days :D

    I love SB but it was a shame that it was so overshadowed by Eden/Cruz. I even think that they were quiet overrated in my opinion. They had the chemistry but the storylines were just weird.

  10. On 9/26/2021 at 9:04 AM, Jonathan said:

    This pairing did not last long enough. Erica and David were a brilliant pair.


    I actually thought that they were fire.. It was a shame that it didn't lasted long. They could've been such a power couple to dominate the show.

    Wasn't that the time before Anna/David happened?

  11. I know exactly what u mean. I was a die hard EE Fan. Have watched all 6300 + Episodes and own them on my hard drive. I didnt just started the Classics on ITV3. I started EE in 2006/07 from the beginning and watched them all.

    I think the last time this show was any good was like during the 35th Anniversary but otherwise there is nothing else to look forward there.

    Always Phil the King of the Square or a cheating scandal or a murder of the week. I thought Emmerdale could be boring sometimes but damn.. I was so wrong about that.

    Grays storyline could've gotten EE bigger awards if they wouldn't have dragged it out after Chantelles death.

    But even the actors seem tired during their scenes. Ratings were down to 1.7 Millionen last week. Like how the hell could they sink so low ? :D

  12. 1 hour ago, Joseph said:

    Hey it's Carole Shelley not Shelby🙂 and I understand your point she made a great crazy Iris, I thought Carmen Duncan could be a nice replacement too, even if she probably go on a different direction with the Character the rest was Spot-on except Dina Merrill was kinda old if I'm not mistaken didn't Alex have her twins as a teenager?

    Wasn't she a bit to old? I think hope were born onscreen in the 1960's

    I think it could've worked. I mean Courtney could've been the recast after her OLTL stint in the 70's and join in 1977 or 1979. I mean Elvera Roussel quiet looked like she was the same age as Jacqueline.

  13. i catched up a bit and i am really upset... Boyd left the show! One of the longest running cast member left the show. He was funny and brought in something to the table and now he is gone with Zara. Now this show will be boring

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