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Posts posted by AMCOLTLLover

  1. I know Luke Spencer is one of the best and most beloved GH Characters in the history of that damn show.. I actually liked him too most of the time.

    But i rewatched some classics and i am quiet shocked.. Luke and Laura were on the run that summer of 1980 and when they returned Luke treated Laura so poorly coz he felt betrayed by her and didn't gave her a 2nd chance there.

    I mean that Luke has some nerves. I mean it's not like he raped her and made her life a living hell before they turned into something romantic.. But the minute Laura makes a mistake he is all angry and bitter against her.

    I hated Luke during the fall of 1980

  2. US Soaps:

    GH: C... When it's good it is really good and THE BEST SOAP to tune in tomorrow... but when it's bad.. it's unwatchable.

    Days: D... I really love Days. Always have.. I even thought 2020-21 was really fire with the Charlie Dale story but with the murder story and all those loose ends it became so boring. It has such a great cast and a lot of good ideas but sometimes it doesn't really make sense and doesn't really fit... And don't get me started on that stupid MarDevil story. I know people find it entertaining and funny and blah blah blah.. But it's just an unwatchable mess.

    Y&R: D.. It ain't that bad like people make it out to be these days.. But something's missing for me.

    B&B: F... i was a hardcore fan of B&B from 1987 until like 2011/12. The repeatitive nature of the show ain't even an issue for me but i just can't deal with that show anymore these days on a permanent basis. It could be so much more if that Bell guy just gave it up..

    UK Soaps:

    Emmerdale: C..The cast is too loaded and that causes  for too many storylines at once but overall it is a good show.

    Hollyoaks: C... Its not bad but not worth watching on a daily.

    Coronation Street: D.. Kinda boring.. It's not as special as people make it out to be.

    Casualty/Holby City: D.. Bland..

    EastEnders: A BIG F HERE! That show was one of my favorites when i was a teen and even in my early 20's.. But damn did the writers wrote that show into the ground. I wouldn't even be upset if they cancelled it tomorrow! Sorry not sorry.

    BBC's Doctors: F... I've tried to get into this show during Lockdown and this is the most boring Soap ever created in history. Like nothing's ever happening.. Like really. NOTHING is happening.

    German Soaps:

    Sturm der Liebe: B.. I love that show. It has some dragging parts in it and some repeatitive themes but overall a pretty good show.

    Rote Rosen: C.. It was a B and one of my favorites for 15 years.. But they fired the longest running cast member who was there since the beginning.. That ruined it for me.

    Gzsz: C.. It's alright.. But became quiet boring. There are some great storys here and there but that's it.

    Alles was Zählt: D. Wasn't a fan. I have watched it serval months over serval years but it never grabbed me for the long run.

    Unter Uns: F! Another show that should've ended YEARS AGO! This show is the best example how to turn a fun family soap into a whole mess that no one cares for anymore.  They have tried it serval times to shake things up but it never sticked.. They should just end it.


    Shortland Street; B.. Fun little soap.

    Home and Away: C.. I love HAA but those cast shake ups are getting old pretty fast.

    Neighbours: F.. This is a show that should've ended years ago. This show feels like it's on life support and it's not really entertaining. I gave up on it when Paul bribed that Nicolette out of town with that Baby. Such boring storyline

  3. two of the best recasts on The Bold and the beautiful:

    Justin Torkildsen as Rick Forrester

    Winsor Harmon as Thorne Forrester

    Those two were so outstanding and i really loved them. I never cared for Jacob Young and enjoyed Justin so much more. Jacob will always be loved by me on AMC but not on B&B.

    General Hospital:

    Natalia Livingston as Emily Quartermaine... I liked the original one but Natalia took over my heart in an instant.

    I always understood why KS was beloved as Maxie in the past but i am so over her by now. I really liked her break between 2010/11 when Jen Lilley took over.

    I will always love Kristen for her portayal of that character Belle on Days but i am over her on GH.. Hell i even enjoyed Molly Burnetts short stint in July 2016. It seems to me that with Kristens Maxie we will never get any character developement at all.

  4. 1 hour ago, carolineg said:

    My memory is a little vague on this, but Livvie died off screen.  There was a whole storyline where Lucy was talking about ME's character being a vampire and vampires in Port Charles, and Sam looking like Livvie and Caleb came back and killed Alison and eventually died himself.  Alison's son Rafe was on the show and tested with Molly for awhile.  Long story short though, Livvie was retconned out of being Kevin's daughter and Kevin said all Lucy's talk about vampires was a delusion even though Caleb reappeared and was a vampire.  Idk, it didn't really make sense but the bottom line was that Livvie existed as Caleb's wife, but wasn't Kevin's daughter.

    i still think Carlivati/Valentini should've been sued for that crap storyline and that disrespect to the GH-Spin Off 'Port Charles'.. i hate them both so much

  5. 41 minutes ago, Broderick said:

    Back in the early days of Y&R, the "A-list" storylines involved Snapper & Chris, and the Leslie-Brad-Lorie triangle.  The storyline with Jill going to work for Mrs. Chancellor was at best a B-level story.

    Likewise, in the late 1970s, the escapades of Nikki and Paul and their venereal diseases was definitely a C-level storyline at the most.

    But as the show moved from the half-hour format into the Y&R of the 1980s, it was (strangely) those four characters -- Kay Chancellor, Jill Foster, Nikki Reed, and Paul Williams -- who connected the "lost" Y&R of the 1970s with the Jabot-Newman Y&R of the 1980s and 1990s.  If you'd asked most viewers in 1979 who'd propel the show forward in the coming years, these are four characters you likely wouldn't have chosen to last for decades.    

    I have to disagree on Jill.. She was definitley a character people would have suspected to have a long life on that show tbh

  6. Stefan Cassadine on General Hospital. I get that because of some Behind the Scenes dispute that the actor Nichols will never return but i really thought he would.

    Lucky on General Hospital.. I mean a whole decade without Lucky? Come one guys.. It's not like Valentini gives a damn about continuity and tradition and stuff.. He loves to do revisit old storys and stuff and never recasted Lucky? Really?

    Mike Horton on Days of our Lives! Carlivati is another one that loves to bring back as many people as he can but Mike Horton never crossed his mind? OK.. Surprising.

    Who i thought should've been brought back were Marie or Sandy Horton on Days of Our Lives.

    Dru Winters on Y&R.. I get that this was another Behind the Scenes case why that never happened but this should've happened at some point. This was 2007 and Joshua Morrow had some contract dispute himself and was presumed dead for like 3 months. Could u imagine if he wouldn't have returned? That would have been 2 big losses in one year for that show.



  7. i don't mention Alexis or her actress anymore.. I got a lot of backlash for just even throwing that characters name around :D I started to dislike her character ever since the Julian pairing in like 2015/16 and the Carlos Rivera murder. That was her last good story but even that was nerve wrecking... She is a Cassadine i thought and they did nothing proper with that. They could have used her Cassadine side more often.. But its completley forgotten by now that she is.

    I love RH and ME but i blame the writer not the actors. I actually do enjoy ME's latest character of Finn. I just wish they would pair him with Hayden again or someone else but Anna. Finn/Anna is such an odd couple. His Silas, Caleb or whatever characters he played were boring as hell and i couldn't care less.. I loved ME's Caleb on Port Charles but this weird PC-Story on GH in 2012 or 2013 was plain dumb and ruined it for me.

    I don't care for Rogers Austin.. I still don't get why he wanted Franco to die coz of some rape story from the past. I mean Franco at least had character developement and a strong character arc compared to others but to let him die to pop up as Austin.. Nah.. I'm over RH for that

  8. Hope from Days of our Lives.. No hate coz i loved Bope even though i am still convinced that it was more Peter that they became popular than her.. She was just a fancy face and it showed.

    Everytime Bo was gone her character felt off and unneeded especially after 2015..

    As much as i love Chloe on Days of our Lives.. What is her purpose? Like really? Do we have to go through the Brady/Chloe/Phillip Story every 10 years? Her character is likeable and i adore Nadia but come on.




  9. Adam Woodyatt confirmed that he won't be returning to EastEnders as Ian Beale when he has completled 'I'm a Celebrity'.

    I can't say that i am upset. I didn't liked him for years ever since the 'who killed-Lucy' plot in 2014-15 he became so disgusting as a character Ian and i was so happy when i heard that he is finally out.

  10. i have rewatched some May to July 2016 episodes when Tyler left his role of Nikolas and Nick Stabile took over for a month.

    I wonder why the producers didn't reconsider to bring back Stabile when the contract dispute fell through with Tyler? I really enjoyed Stabiles stint and could've lived with him on a permanent basis.

  11. https://www.mannheim24.de/promi-show/sturm-liebe-staffel-ard-traumpaar-paul-josie-schauspieler-tv-rueckkehr-91090093.html

    Sandro Kirtzel returns as Paul Lindbergh! He will be the main lead of the new couple. He was on Sturm der Liebe from 2017 to 2020..

    I'm so happy about it. I always liked Sandro as Paul.

    Rote Rosen-Exit;

    Gerry Hungbauer as Thomas Jansen out! He got fired a couple of weeks ago. He was one of the last original cast member of the show.. At least they brought back his daughter Jule Jansen played by Kim-Sarah Brandt. She was in that show for the first couple of years and returned serval times down the line.


  12. I tried to get into 'Unter Uns' again but damn.. That show feels so dead. I enjoyed Jennifer Turners return for the 6666th Episode in August. She was one of the original characters in the first few years like 1994 to 1998.

    Rolf and his return for a week was really exciting but otherwise there is nothing going on. Easys break for a couple of weeks gave Ringo something else to do and i enjoy the Ringo/Easy plot with their adoptive son but the rest of the show is boring as hell.

    I was concerned when i heard that they are going to bring back Chris/Corinna. They were my favorite super couple of Unter Uns. I kinda like the recasts but the writers have no clue what to do with them.

    The rape story of Vivien was really good but they ruined it with the stupid dragging.

    Unter Uns is a great example for a show that should've been ended a long time ago tbh.


  13. But i do loved Shawn-Douglas being on to Marlena for a while during the Salem Stalker Storyline.. I wonder what would've happened if they didn't turned it into the Melaswen BS and made Marlena a psycho after all.

    I mean her sister Samantha was quiet psycho herself if i remember correctly.

    Victors death was hilarious during that time and Abe and Jack came really off guard. Dougs death made me the most upset with Alice Horton.

  14. YEAH AND new 'shocking and dark' scenes from Kerry will air soon coz the actress returns from her maternity leave...

    Ugh... Dark dark dark.. shocking shocking shocking..

    I love Emmerdale but even i am getting frustrated with those scriptwriters. They got rid of writers and producers on ED/OAKS/CORRIE.. Why do they keep them from ED..

  15. On 10/21/2021 at 4:23 PM, DemetriKane said:


    Terry Lester version yes.

    I have loved Terry Lester's Jack so much.. It was a shame that in 1986 when Nikki/Jack were a thing it got ruined with Victor/Ashley's affair and her cancer (was it cancer? I don't remember but she was ill and Victor stayed with her) and the 'WHO SHOT JILL'-Story where Jack was accused of attempted murder.


  16. OF COURSE it had to be Johnny.. Sorry but this was the most obvious one to die..

    I mean he had deep conversations all week and got way more screentime as before again.. That was such a give away tbh. I feel sorry for him.

    I loved Aidan Connor and Kate with Rana...Johnny was hit or miss. He was nothing special but so damn likeable.

    i don't share much personal stuff about me but when Aidan killed himself in 2018 it hit hard coz i was going through an heavy time mysellf and that story was relatable. But to see the aftermath and especially Johnny broke my heart and made me realize that life's too short to give up and to be upset.. Aidans death made me love Johnnys character more but the way Jenny treated him was lazy writing on the writers part.. Shame he's gone too.

    I still wait to hear if it was his own choice or if he was let go coz his farewell video looked etremely forced tbh

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