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Posts posted by AMCOLTLLover

  1. Aidan Connor from Coronation Street in 2018!

    It hit me hard coz I went through something similar at that time and that made his death so hard. It really got under my skin and showed me that there is more to life and that I can’t just give up!

  2. https://www.digitalspy.com/soaps/emmerdale/a38753604/emmerdale-50th-anniversary-huge-stunt-possible-returning-characters/

    i start to hate those annoying producers and staff that take care of Emmerdale.. They lost a lot of viewers. They have an audience that still is mad at The Meena Show (even though some love the actress like I do).. and they make promises and teasing and teasing.

    bruh get one story done before annoying the audience with idea u are not even able to fulfill . I’m really worried about those big tested storys for beloved characters! And when I hear that they already planning storys for 2022 to take into 2023 I am getting even more angrier. I hate that women in charge! I kinda miss Emmerdale from a decade ago lmao

    there are some people returning!… and in the same sentence: but we are not sure yet!

    This is how this whole show feels by now: we have great ideas and storys but we are not sure how to delievering them! Not even the bold and the beautiful is as annoying as Emmerdale since November

  3. On 1/1/2021 at 7:48 PM, Skylover said:


    I get what you're saying. Elly and Chloe weren't necessarily a great story. Having said that, Neighbours is much better than EastEnders at the moment.

    Really? I actually liked that Elly/Mark/Chloe story coz it had some juicy little oldschool Drama to it. 
    and Elly/Chloe had damn good chemistry! 

    i was over Elly during her final story but now I have to admit that I do miss her! 

    That Mark ended up with Paige was a slap in the face for the Jack/Paige journey. I do think they always favored Mark in every story he had. 

  4. 5 hours ago, ltm1997 said:

    Oh how I so wish we could find more episodes or edits from 1980…it would be so wonderful to see these scenes and storylines played out. They must be out there somewhere!

    The onl thing I would really love to see would be the cult story. I love a good cult story.. 

  5. On 1/5/2022 at 10:38 PM, ironlion said:

    B&B currently has weak storytelling but it's far more entertaining than Mal Young or Josh Griffith's Y&R. At least things happen on B&B whereas 2010s & 20s Y&R is lifeless and dull.

    Nah.. I think Y&R was great with Muhneys Adam and Delias Death. 
    Justin Hartleys Adam was fire too. 
    It started to become quiet dull during 2018/19

  6. 2 hours ago, Slutty Shauna Fan said:

    You're right Maeve did rejuvenate Nicole after a hideous 2018/2019. I want to like the Nicole & Maeve couple but ever since they got together the writers have given them non stop drama that always has them at loggerheads. Drew and Harper usually get conflicts that bring them together like dealing with Talia and adopting Marley. Maeve and Nicole couldn't even be on the same page about dealing with Leanne.


    Why couldn't Maeve & Nicole go camping together in their van and help someone troubled or deal with a medical emergency? We didn't even get to see their delayed honeymoon.


    I also don't think it helps that the child actors for Wilder & Pele are beyond awful. Romy, Remy, Marley even Billie & Amelie (the new one) are really good little actors. Wilder mumbles non stop and has weird jerky movements and Pele looks perpetually grumpy and like he doesn't want to be there. Sally & Jess don't seem the most maternal either when they share a scene with them.


    I actually liked the Vinnie & Nicole pairing, thought they worked quite well together. 


    Please don't remind me about Kylie. I adored Kylie. Kylie helping her mum to die still gets me a bit teary. Absolutely hated her being paired with TK. It was TK's worst pairing by a mile and made him look sleazy. Kylie was way out of his league.


    Yes you're right again about the awful Killer Kylie arc (started okay [Well I could sort of see the reasons why] then quickly turned to crap) and then her god awful salvation. I must have tried to scrub the baptism from my brain because that was on the same hellish level as Nicole marrying herself in a ceremony to remain celibate. No, just no.



    So who have been your all time favourite characters? 


    That‘s a tough question. I have loved a lot of cast members and their characters but I try to come down with my ultimate favorites:

    TONI Warner! Everyone is saying that Rachel was Chris real love but I disagree. Toni and Chris was the best pairing and Toni such an exciting character!
    Kylie was one of my favorites and it broke my heart to see her go. But I can understand why she quit with that writing for her at the end lmao

    Even TK‘s actor is bored with his character lately and said he was thinking about leaving. I hate losing long time cast members but there is nothing else to do for TK tbh.

    My ultimate favorites are:

    Rachel McKenna! 
    Chris (even though they dumbed him down a lot which is a shame).

    Nicole! I adore Sally Martin since her Power Rangers days. Vinnie was one of my favorites too.

    Original Kirsty Knight! I saw half of her run and I adored her to pieces!

    Rachel, Nicole, Vinnie, Chris, Kylie, Kirsty, Nick, Waverly, Damos, Drew (even though he has been dumbed down too.), Maia, Jonathon McKenna, Libby, Sophie, Brooke, Craig Valentine,   Claire (her being murdered came as a total shock to me), Ula, Phoenix, Tess

    Donna Heka! When I started the show she became an instant favorite but she left a couple of weeks/months later and I was so upset. I saw some older stuff from her and I would‘ve loved her even more if I saw more!

    Sarah of course! I was saddened when she died. Best pairing for TK!

    Luke and Bella. I loved them so much!

    Villains I loved were Dom, Callum and Kieran Mitchell. Those 3 really brought something to this show. 

    i also liked Sass Warner! It’s a shame she left that show so soon again :( I kinda liked all triplets 

  7. When we are doing primetime:

    Lucas and Brooke from One Tree Hill.. I HATE and loathe how much the writers pushed the Payton character and the pairing of her and Lucas and their Happy End while we all know that the only reason we didn’t got an Brucas Endgame was because of the real life break up of Sophia/Chad! 

    Cordelia and Angel from Buffy/Angel! 


    vienna/Henry. They were hilarious. Had great chemistry and something to care for. I never understood the Barbara/Henry pairing. That always felt so forced. 

  8. I agree with u on all accounts.

    do u remember when they turned our beloved Kylie Brown from a sceptical non believer into a open minded person who kinda finds god? Or when she started to become a killing nurse? I will never forgive them for turning her into a serial killer out of nowhere 

    some of the writting is inconsistent but the cast is doing their best. 

    i Kinda like Maeve. She brought Nicole’s character back to life. I was never a fan of the Vinnie/Nicole pairing.


  9. @Slutty Shauna Fan

    I get where you coming from with this about Esther. I always liked Esther since she joined. But the last 2-3 years were a bit rough with her. 
    In that Spin-Off Curtis is Undercover and Esther still went there for him and got into trouble. That girl is all about herself 🤣

    I don’t mind that acting of Curtis actor. I saw worse on Shorty. 

    i don’t think that this was the worst year Shorty ever had. 2020/2021 had COVID issues and they still had great stuff.

    one of my favorite things happened during the 2020/2021 seasons: Nicole and Maeve wedding! They have such a great run so far and I love their lovestory! I also liked Phoenix suicide story and Tess own story afterwards.

    Only story I had my issues with was Dawn/Prince.. I will always side with Prince. Yes he cheated but that annoying girl Dawn has always been about HER plans, HER dreams, HER career, HER life. It was all about HER! Prince should‘ve dumped her a long time ago.

    I have watched Shorty regulary since May 2004.. I watched a lot of 90‘s when it was on Sky over there in NZ. But no one seems to have recorded them :( would love to rewatch the early years! 

    i always try to see some positive about my soaps but get when people can’t be as positive about it as I am. But I do think they pull something great off for the BIG 30!

    the big 20th is still my favorite anniversary of Shorty


  10. The new Mini-Series (Spin-Off) Retribution started a couple of weeks ago and features Esther and Curtis!

    it’s a bit darker than the main show but still so good. They already said that the events of „Retribution“ will be a part of Esther’s and Curtis new story in 2022 Shorty.

    i’m so hyped.. Next year will be the big 30! Can’t wait to see what they will pull this year and it there will be a few guests from the past!


  11. 1 hour ago, ironlion said:

    RIP to a legend, Betty White. I was getting nervous when I saw all the press coverage hyping up her upcoming 100th birthday, thinking to myself "don't jinx it!". This reminds me of Cecily Tysons passing where there was so much press coverage around her new book and she suddenly just passed on.


    Oh no.. I feared for it. I checked all year long if she was alright and still alive.. 17 days before her milestone :( :( :( 

  12. Vinnie gets involved in the Menna story too. Damn.. Come on. I love Meena but what the hell is with those writers and dragging this story on for so long? Are they trying to systematically bring ED to an end?

    Return to the show: Vanessa!

    Yay this is what Emmerdale needs…. Another character.. It’s not like we have a cast with about 40 people who are just walking around with nothing to do. Like that guy Dan. I completely forgot about him and he just popped up for a scene at the street after  being gone for like months and he‘s gone again.
    i wonder how the producers decide how to use which character… This is becoming ridiculous 

    i kinda loved Vanessa/Charity.. She brought Charity’s character back to life but I kinda like her with Mackenzie!


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