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Posts posted by AMCOLTLLover

  1. Vinnie gets involved in the Menna story too. Damn.. Come on. I love Meena but what the hell is with those writers and dragging this story on for so long? Are they trying to systematically bring ED to an end?

    Return to the show: Vanessa!

    Yay this is what Emmerdale needs…. Another character.. It’s not like we have a cast with about 40 people who are just walking around with nothing to do. Like that guy Dan. I completely forgot about him and he just popped up for a scene at the street after  being gone for like months and he‘s gone again.
    i wonder how the producers decide how to use which character… This is becoming ridiculous 

    i kinda loved Vanessa/Charity.. She brought Charity’s character back to life but I kinda like her with Mackenzie!


  2. On 12/26/2021 at 4:03 AM, Sasha66 said:

    What is the absolute best year of Y&R for you all?

    1986! I don’t know why everyone here seems to hate Jill but she was the best character in that year

    Lauren got buried alive by her psycho stalker Shawn

    Jill/John - Divorce was exciting as hell

    Who shot Jill? One of the best storys ever and it brought back her son and even Liz for a couple of weeks.


    Victor/Nikki/Ashley triangle and Nikki’s illness!



  3. That was such an amazing Christmas episode! The Meena/Manpreet story was so damn well written and acted!

    the explosion was quiet ridiculous like last times Woolpack explosion but it was fitting for this entire mental Story. The way the Christmas song came on after the todays explosion and them both layin there even got a laugh out of me. 

    I really hope Emmerdale wins something at the Soap Awards or NTAS.. The great Survival Stunt Week from September or October.. The great Christmas Episode.. and great and shocking exits. Emmerdale is more entertaining than Corrie/EE right now

  4. I love that hidden spoiler. Meena is a great comedic villain. She is psycho! People with mental illness are the most dangerous and Paige is playing that pretty good. 

    the behind the scenes drama is ridiculous. The Ellis actor Anthony left coz Matthew Wolfenden (David) and Isabel (Victoria) made some funny accents and it seemed like it was about one actress. So that boy left because he thought he could pull a public stunt and get some attention out of it. I mean it wasn’t even about him. :) Good luck finding a new job like this. 
    i get when people find it offensive to mock different accents but come on. People can’t take jokes anymore.

    great move by Emmerdale to bring back Matthew (David) now where Anthony (Ellis) is leaving. His character wasn’t something special anyway. 
    the behind the scenes drama but more entertaining than some of the actual Storys 🤣

  5. I prefered the first Ethan. He really seemed like that typical rich and spoiled mommy’s boy. He had chemistry with Thereaa and Gwen! 

    i swear TC could have been such a great character. I really blame the writting on his part

  6. 21 minutes ago, Sasha66 said:

    What are you alls overall thoughts on the Ridge Brooke Taylor triangle? When do you feel it ran it course, and when do you feel it was at its prime.

    I think it ran its course after 1996…

    Last time it was really exciting was when Taylor had her plane crash and was presumed death and returned later to find Brooke/Ridge back together! The Princess stuff was amazingly done aswell

  7. Luis & Sheridan from Passions for sure. What was up with that? Like after 8 years they gave up on them for the final year.. 

    Amber Moore & Daniel Romalotti from Y&R or Amber Moore and Rick Forrester from B&B! Amber had such strong love storys with both men and yet she ended up with nothing.

    Nick & Sharon Newman on Y&R! Like seriously? I loved Shadam when Muhney played him but Shick should‘ve always been the endgame. They should be the new Nikki and Victor when they retire!

    Lulu/Dante on GH


  8. 2 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    There is no summer hiatus for UK soaps. 

    True. But I don’t think those breaks are hurting the soaps in anyway.

    I mean ratings are not that big in the summer anyway. It wouldn’t hurt those shows coz those soaps that are doing breaks like Shortland, Home and Away and Neighbours Are doing alright and even have Season Cliffhanger! 

  9. 21 minutes ago, Manny said:

    Well PC tried the arc type of storytelling and it did not work.

    And the "summer haitus" thing is not really saving UK and Aussie soaps. I believe they are losing ratings just like the US ones. 

    It wasn’t really the arc type that ruined PC.. It was more the supernatural bull.

    U believe wrong.. Shorty is a big hit in NZ even with their yearly breaks.

    neighbours is not doing bad considering the channel it’s on since it’s move years ago. 

  10. This was my show back then. I loved every bit of it. I always felt like if Santa Barbara would’ve still be on the air it would exactly look like Sunset Beach :D

    my favorite storyline will forever be „Terror Island“… Damn o was so hooked!

    i Heard- that SB was big in England and someone told me on Facebook when Sunset Beach got cancelled they wanted to save that show back then in England but it felt through. I‘m quiet upset that there might’ve been a chance for SB to survive :( 

  11. When Passions first started i had such crush on Theresa! And Theresa and Ethan #1 had such natural chemistry that I love! I always try to find on screen couples with some natural chemistry and they had IT!

    i rooted for Theresa!

    And Timmy and Tabitha were so damn hilarious! Who doesn’t like them? I‘ll fight u on it lmao

    But the pacing…. As much as I loved the storys.. THE freaking PACING! Grace and her twin sister! They dragged their meeting out for like 100 episodes and even were in the same house or close to the other room and they kept dragging and dragging and dragging. I got really angry with that show. I was a young boy  when I watched it and still got mad at that show!

    and that Jessica/Miguel/Kay Story. Holy [!@#$%^&*] was that annoying. But I do rooted for Jessica to get her sister in trouble coz Kay was so damn unlikeable 


  12. 19 hours ago, Melroser said:

    Ava on GH. Just watched her scenes today with Victor and wondered how is she still around. I'm sure the main reason is because it's Maura and she can be amazing. Does Ava really have a purpose right now though? 

    Yeah kinda.. I mean she is a Jerome and until like 2019/20 she had her daughter Kiki still around and her brother Julian.

    she has a child with Sonny (Avery if I recall that correctly) 

    and she has MOB Connections etc. I don’t know but her character seemed well placed 

  13. 14 hours ago, soapfave06 said:

    If OLTL were to end prior to 2011 then I would say the climax to the DID/Victor Lord saga at the end of the 1995 would be best. The show was still diverse then and it ended the biggest storyline ever. The late 90s seem trash overall to me, then the show became camp, then the Higley years and then the Ron C resurgence that was still all over the place. 

    Maybe soaps should all rotate in and out with small arcs instead of airing consistently 🤔 

    Maybe they should do some Winter Breaks or Summer Breaks like Neighbours from Australia or Shortland Street from New Zealand

  14. Days of our lives should‘ve ended after 2014… realistic wise.

    when it comes down to Storys it should’ve ended in like 2004/05!

    b&b should‘ve ended in like 2002-03.. the repetitive nature has always been around and I still love b&b.. but come on? How much can U repeat a damn triangle? 

    why are so many people so hard on Y&R? It had great storys during the 2000‘s.. and Muhneys Adam brought that show back to life. Hell even Hartleys Adam gave that show some juice back. I think it should’ve ended in like 2018 tbh. After 2018 it became quiet a snoozefest besides Dinah’s final story..


  15. Yeah Gzsz is at a real low storywise and character wise. I watched a couple of episodes and it was so boring. Emily asking Paul why he cheated on her was the only highlight. Anne Menden is playing her part so great!

    I mean after a whole year without a word this was more than clear that Verbotene Liebe is dead again! Shame. 

    AWZ??? What was that? Mo and his aggressiv exit? How the hell could they trash his character like this? 

    Unter Uns is fun again with Ringo driving Benedikt insane but the rest of the show feels so dead!

    Rote Rosen is boring after a great year.. Sturm der Liebe the only exciting soap with the „dead“ husband back from the dead and working together with Christoph Saalfeld to blackmail Ariane and get even! 

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