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Posts posted by AMCOLTLLover

  1. i wanted to say a big thank u to all people who shared their thoughts and feelings about the 70‘s and early 80‘s. This decade from 1973 to 1983/84 is what I am really interested in.

    was David Hasselhoff well received back in the day as recast of Snapper? 


  2. Aarons Exit was great. I will miss him! Who will be there for Liv now all the time when he‘s gone? :(

    That Meena Character must be the most ridiculous character ever created on that show but I am all up for it. It‘s like the writers are taking the P…ss with us fans/viewers.

    That scene with Meena/Manpret and the Vicar was so hilarious. That he just believed Meena over Menpret just like this was so typical Emmerdale by now 🤣

  3. Didn’t the new Drew actor and LW had a Soapnet „What if“ Episode before like 10 years ago? That was really steamy when he played Ryan from AMC in that scene and she was Carly. I always liked the idea.

    they should try them out

  4. I‘m so happy about Sturm der Liebe and Rote Rosen! The new Sturm der Liebe year started and it’s already more entertaining than last years season. But they said from ARD that if the ratings won‘t change and they get a new audience then it‘s gone. But at least Sturm der Liebe will celebrate the 4000th Episode! Yaaay

    rote Rosen became quiet boring. I took a break from it after Thomas left.

    Unter Uns Eventweek… I enjoyed Rolf and his comeback but back in the day it was just a normal week on that show lmao I swear UU became the worst show and I just watch it sporadically 

  5. Maya (The Kidnapper Girl) has a Connection to Fergus.. Probably his daughter or something.. And I thought we could finally get rid of anything related to Fergeus.

    Ethan was forced to kill Darren! That acting was so bland and really off. I have seen the shittiest acting on Oaks before but that Ethan actor.. oh wow 🤣if they kill my boy Darren then I am out. I managed to get through so many cast overhauls and stupid storylines but Darren was always my favorite. 

  6. On 11/11/2021 at 8:02 PM, Forever8 said:

    I checked out her OnlyFans and it’s nothing special tbh. I think her Hollyoaks Babes Calendar Shots from the 2000‘s were more risky and hotter than her Of 🤣 Her OF feels like her Instagram tbh.

    i loved Mandy but I hated her ever since the Warren/Mandy affair in like 2007-08 when Louise tried to kill Warren and set her up. When Hollyoaks was fire 

    Gemma A. Returns? I wonder if they mention her spin-off where they killed off her boyfriend Ben. I loved Lisa and Ben!


    but what is this new Darren Story? Ridiculous.. And why is Nancy acting like Darren is a deadbeat father? I really hate Darren and Nancy together. He screwed up a few times but who can blame that men when your girlfriend is putting you down and treating you like you are an stupid idiot. Darren tried for years to be on Nancy’s Level and nothing was ever good enough. She is toxic as hell and Darren deserves better! I still wonder after all those overhauls how Nancy’s character survived so many years on this show

  7. 16 hours ago, Huntress said:

    No, Marian appeared in the show's first episode. He was Diana's boss at the courier service and was actually one of the first characters to be seen. A few weeks later, he was placed on contract. So I'd say he qualifies as an original cast member.

    Of the original performers, only Simone and Richard are left.

    He was there from #02 to #10 and they brought him back in #71..

    yeah u can count him as an OG. But like I said it‘s no big loss coz his character didn’t add much to the show anymore anyway

  8. Im sorry to hear about the bad environment they have to work on. But it seems like it’s not RTL‘s fault.

    But the Marian character has been dead weight for years. Ever since he got paired with Lena and the writers didn’t knew what to do with them. 
    Original Cast Member is a stretch.. He joined a few months later


  9. 1 hour ago, MissPalmer said:

    According to my notes there were preemptions ! And about the wiki info, there are some wrong dates in several characters, and the same happens with OLTL

    Oh i see.. That's quiet a shame coz people celebrate some wrong dates for decades.. I mean at least the month is correct with most of them.

    I have watched 199 to 202 (#4514 to #4517) in german and those were the thanksgiving 1980 episodes. There was definitley no preemtion during Thanksgiving. Every Episode i have watched and checked with the episodes and scripts i found were correct.

    That means Robin Mattson as Heather appeared in #4467 from September 17th 1980. - Robert Scorpios first episode is coming up in the next couple of episodes and i will get the confirmation that he definitley didn't join on the tuesday episode December 2nd.

    And the 149 Episodes you mentioned on the tube were uploaded by me back in 2020. I gave up on it coz those german GH fans pressured me and became so rude. It hurt my feelings after i spent hours of uploading and i gave up.

  10. Does someone know if GH was preempted between November/December 1980? Coz i don't think Robin Mattson's first appearence as Heather was October 1st like the wiki states..

    And was Robert Scorpios first appearence really the December 2nd episode of 1980?


  11. Santa Barbara.. What a load of bull... I love Days but even Days is a show that is testing my nerves and lost me this year with that MarDevil Crap.. But SB? I don't know why this show tried to be as campy as possible. It seemed to me like an attention seeking little child who wants to get noticed.

    There were a few actors&actresses that i enjoyed but i just couldn't love it. I liked the first Santana but she was gone pretty fast and the first Mason was my favorite.

    I mean i can tolerate campy soaps and campy storylines but SB was just too much. Eden and Cruz were one hell of the most overrated couples ever.

    2.Y&R! I love the Cast and i love the show.. I watch it but never long term. This is like a on/of relationship. There are episodes that i am hooked and need to follow Y&R again biut then i am so fed up that i won't watch it for weeks. (But i'll keep up with recaps)



  12. so i watched 198 episodes of GH in german (that's my mother language) where it aired back in the day.. They started in february 1980 and i am on November 24th.

    I have two big questions and i don't mean to sound rude or anything but did anyone actually liked Anne Logan back in the day? Like really enjoyed her stint?

    I watched 198 Episodes from Episode 4316 to 4513 and have the feeling that her character did nothing for the show. She was so damn annoying with her all mighty morals and whinny behavior... I don't know how the relationship will end with Jeff yet but i will get there soon but i can't wait. I heard he slept with Diana and i am so down for it. He had more chemistry with Diana in their scenes they had then with Anne.

    Anne is all tease but nothing much.

    And my second question is: What was the intention of Alexandria Quartermaine? Was she introduced to fill Tracy Quartermaines hole? I mean Alexandria feels like a Tracy clone and not really a good one to be honest but i can tolerate her for now. Good thing about it is that we get so see more Edward during those episodes again.

    If i were a Luke and Laura shipper i would be damn upset right now. I mean they gave us a whole damn Summer of Luke and Laura just to break them up and letting Luke getting involved with that Alexandria Quartermaine and her ice princess business.. They mentioned the Cassadines already by November 1980.. Interesting.


  13. General Hospital: HEATHER WEBBER in 2004! Damn that was one of the most unusual and surprising comebacks of all time back then after that whole 2002-2003 mess where the show lost Stefan Cassadine and Laura Spencer.

    Felicia Jones in 2012 on GH.. That came off as a big surprise. I have tried to stay away from spoilers between 2010-2012 as much as possible and didn't knew that Kristina Wagner would return.

    It's a different show but does Amber Moore count? I mean she left in 2005 on B&B just to be brought over to Y&R in 2006.. That was a big surprise.

    Taylor Hayes in 1994 on B&B after a 6 month break where everyone thought she died during a plane crash and became that Princess.. That was shocking and a welcome surprise!

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