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Posts posted by janea4old

  1. Interview with Brighton Hertford (who played BJ as a child,
    Now appearing as ... the reporter from Amsterdam ... )
    (no spoilers, nothing about what happens in the episodes at all)


    Interview with Lynn Herring about seeing Brighton Hertford again 
    Also spoiler-free.

  2. 5 hours ago, Vee said:

    I don't mind Bobbie being involved in helping women and girls in human trafficking. That suits her character IMO. What I don't love is the idea that Carly investigating it will lead to the return of Jason.


    3 hours ago, Darn said:

    I wonder if Luke is Bobbie's contact. He had to fake his death because to avoid retaliation from human traffickers. Luke, the reformed rapist trying to right past wrongs by helping girls escape abuse is not the worst way they could bring Geary back for a spell.

    Well it was neither Jason, nor Luke.  The contact was someone we hadn't seen before.

    The entire multinational search/rescue/relocation of the trafficked woman (USA, Netherlands, Canada, USA) by Felicia and Carly.... took place over several Port Charles days... but within the single episode January 11th. (At the end Maxie asked Felicia if she was tired from her days of travelling and Felicia said no).

    They made it sound yesterday like a longterm storyline was coming -- and it was -- but it was all within a single episode.  

    I don't care that it was fanciful or maybe implausible.  It was beautiful and poignant because of the ....
    NO SPOILERS wait til you watch it, it will make sense 

    This episode was me just suspending belief, not worrying about details, and just being in the moment and watching, and feeling amazement and appreciation ... due to well... no spoilers.

  3. Quoting someone:
    they (meaning the show) had had months to prepare for this.


    Oh okay I had assumed the post was referring to the writers.  
    Reading it differently as the *show* having had more time to prepare, hmmm. well.

    I suppose Frank could have ( possibly?  in theory? )
    worked on the memorial during the writers strike, I get what some are suggesting.

    But I think there was a general assumption by some viewers that there would be ... an understanding that nothing would be written until after the writers strike ended.  It seemed to be a hands-off thing, nobody wanted it said that the Bobbie memorial was written by scabs. (Yes I know it's just an assumption, but anyways).

    I suppose Frank *could have* obtained a variety of flashback clips *during* the writers strike, without writing/organizing anything. 
    And then he *could have* had the clips ready to show to the union writers after the strike ended Sept. 27, to see if they wanted to use them.
    (that is *if* Frank wanted to do that)

    And I forgot about Varni, who knows what his interference may or may not have been.

  4. 1 hour ago, janea4old said:

    The writers strike began May 2.
    Jackie died May 9.
    The actors strike began July 14.


    1 hour ago, ranger1rg said:

    The actors strike had nothing to do with soap actors. The writers strike didn't eliminate the countless other GH employees who could have worked on this memorial.



    I agree that the *actors strike* was irrelevant.

    But the context of my post was in reply to the ones before it.   I was replying to someone who said Jackie died months before the writers strike.  I was reminding them that Jackie died *after* the writers strike began (and suggesting that maybe they were confused by the timing of the actors strike). 

  5. On 1/10/2024 at 12:14 PM, Donna L. Bridges said:

    They've had months to get ready for this. 

    Jackie died during the writers strike.  The strike concluded at the end of September.  Writers began work at beginning of October.  This was filmed in early December.  So this was written and filmed in two months.  And that included time to arrange for Brighton and Carnes to appear.

  6. 3 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    There any for BOLD?

    Nothing from SOD for Bold 2024.  SOD uploaded the other soaps Jan. 3, Jan. 4, and Jan. 5; so I think it would have appeared by now if they were going to.

    So far, there's only tvinsider for Bold, which is an exact copy of what you already posted from the mag.

  7. 49 minutes ago, janea4old said:

    I cried so much yesterday.  I don't know how I'll get through today's episode.


    8 minutes ago, ranger1rg said:

    You cried because you miss Jaclyn Zeman -- not because of what was on the screen.

    Excuse me?  wtf? You don't know me.  Don't assume you know what's in my heart and mind.

    I cried because of what I saw on the screen.  

    It didn't move you, I understand, we are all different and have different reactions to things.

    But it totally moved me. 

  8. On 12/28/2023 at 9:19 AM, dragonflies said:


    That was in the January 8 edition of TV Guide magazine print edition, but some got it around 11 days early.

    @Errol  As of January 11, 2024,  tvinsider.com has begun uploading the web version of Stephanie's Sloane's same column...

    So far just B&B - the same wording.
    Don't know if they'll upload the other soaps.

    *Meanwhile*  the SOD website has posted more detailed 2024 previews
    of Y&R, DAYS, and GH.

    SOD uploaded on January 3:  DAYS 2024 Preview:

    SOD uploaded on January 4: GH 2024 Preview (very detailed) :

    SOD uploaded on January 5: Y&R 2024 Preview:

  9. 46 minutes ago, wingwalker said:

    Zach posted this. Not to get people's hopes up, but I'm 99.99% certain he's standing outside the Burbank Studios where DAYS films. Hopefully he's back for good. 🙏




    Twitter embedding is temporarily broken on SON and some other sites.

    Here's the tweet:

    Here's a copy of same from his IG stories today January 11:


    And this is from RSW's ig stories yesterday January 10, 
    so I think Sonny is back for maybe some sort of K-family event?




  10. On 1/10/2024 at 7:52 AM, janea4old said:

    Wednesday morning January 10, 2024.
    Previously-embedded tweets no longer display correctly.  New ones won't either.   Embedding is working elsewhere, so I think this time it's a SON issue.

    Update, twitter embedding is still working on several other messageboards on other hosting platforms, which is why I thought it was a SON issue.   
    But I noticed it's not working on a soaphub article and on a news site. 

    In every case/place that I saw embedding wasn't working, I tested by clicking on the outline or date of the tweet, and the tweet itself opens in a new tab fine, but it won't display embedded.
    So it's not just SON-related ...
    but it's not as widespread as the mid-December 2023 problem was.

  11. 6 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    who cares about the pet project she was up to in Amsterdam at this stage?

    Because of what Carly says at the end of today's episode.  Bobbie was thought of as a teenaged prostitute, but since she was below the age of consent she was actually being was being trafficked.  But in the old days the idea of human trafficking was not really understood.  This new storyline is that Bobbie was secretly doing work in Amsterdam helping other women who are trafficked.  It's very powerful in my opinion.

  12. The actress who played BJ as a girl, appears as an adult reporter in today's episode.  What an interesting story she had about Bobbie, I'll leave it as a surprise for those who haven't watched yet.

    There is more tomorrow, more remembrances.

    I'm a mess.  I haven't cried this much in a long time.

    Kristina Wagner is just amazing.

  13. 5 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    Leo Howard has been seen with Days cast.

    Howard is also being followed on social media by Days cast. 

    Leo Howard was spotted in ig stories from one of several Daytime Emmys events in mid-December, with Emily O'Brien, Ashley Puzemis, and stage manager Jessie Harrison.  (These pictures were saved by someone specifically searching for pics of Emily O'Brien that night.  He could have been in pics with other cast that night, that were not saved.)

    Leo Howard was in a few ig story photos of a poker game on January 5, 2004, with Rob Wilson, Eric Martsolf, Dan Feuerriegel, and Brandon Barash.

  14. @Errol  Wednesday morning January 10, 2024.
    Previously-embedded tweets no longer display correctly.  New ones won't either.   Embedding is working elsewhere, so I think this time it's a SON issue.

    It's not working on the main SON page for the embedded tweet in this link:

    Nor is it working in the associated SoapsLine board thread for same topic.  

    But the tweet itself is still active.


    9 hours ago, j swift said:

    Filed under why parasocial relationships are not real:

    >article link<
    TOWNSEND, Mass. — A 64-year-old Townsend woman has been charged with attempted murder, accused of trying to poison her husband after a scammer impersonating soap opera star Thorsten Kaye of “The Bold and the Beautiful” texted her to “get rid of your husband honey,” police said.

    “She stated that she thought she was talking to a star, and that she had always wanted to meet a star.”


    Some of y'all (and we all know who), need a reminder of what to believe online.


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