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Posts posted by janea4old

  1. I've never seen Another World, so I don't know the specifics of what this is referring to, but posting here for those interested. 
    New article on SOD website. ("Scene and heard" mini-interview)
    Mini-interview with Colleen Zenk, January 9, 2024,
    about Brian Starcher's ATWT character fashion designer Hank Elliot who worked for Barbara Ryan.

  2. 3 hours ago, AMCHistory said:

    It was a missed opportunity not having Becky join Amber onstage for an Emily and Elizabeth reunion. I would kill to see those two stars together again. They worked together for so many years, and for so many episodes.

    Yes I would have loved to see Becky and Amber onstage together.  Thankfully Amber provided video of them taken backstage during filming.

    Read her blog and watch the embedded video within!

    Tiny clip of the video:


  3. Lynn Herring interview about the wedding dress segment.
    She and Kristina Wagner both fit into their dresses and were shocked that they did.
    She said they couldn't find Anna's purple wedding dress.


    3 hours ago, AMCHistory said:

    I wish they were able to put Anna in her Blossom hat purple one from her last wedding to Scorpio. Then it would have been the trifecta of 80’s glamour at its finest. 

    (FYI the show made a point of putting a photo of Anna in that wedding dress -- on Bobbie's desk in the episode that aired Jan 5th)

    From SOD: Reconnecting with the dress soon took on an even deeper meaning for the actress. “The very next day, we found out that Bob Miller, who designed both dresses, had passed,” Herring shares. “It was during the time we were being fit for our dresses. So the magic continues, that we got to honor Bob by showing his artistry and his creative genius. So now the next day, we’re hugging and crying in the hall again. But tell me there’s not some force out there that is recognizing and honoring all these people that we love and that we think are brilliant! It was unbelievable. The day we wore them for the special, which we shot on a Friday, it felt like we were standing in Bob’s love, in his love for the art of designing and how much he loved dressing us and how much we appreciated him. And on top of that, we were flooded with all the memories of the life we’ve lived since then. What a ride since we’ve worn those dresses! It just felt like such a gift.”



    2 hours ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Shawn did Portia's wedding last year. The other dresses are Bob Miller dresses. 

    Oh.  so that's why Portia's wedding dress segment was cut.  She was wearing it in the promotional photos and also in videos made to promote the primetime special.  They must have decided to include only the Bob Miller dresses because as Lynn said, Bob died while they were filming or getting ready to film it.

  4. 29 minutes ago, Jeff said:

    @janea4old by chance have you been able to locate any B&B promos since last month?

    The only B&B promo I saw was the one that Casey Kasprzyk posted showing Eric Forrester undergoing surgery.  It wasn't like a regular promo.  It was a scene clip, with JMW facing the camera to introduce it at the start.  Clearly designed to show that B&B could air a realistic operating room scene.  (which is silly since the show never named Eric's illness, and the doctors were family connected to the patient, so there was no realism, LOL).
    Other than that, no promos.   

    There were  only the fun BTS clips of the cast dancing that I posted on the December discussion thread.

  5. Monday, January 8, 2024 on CBS
    (Fri. Jan. 5 on Global-Canada)
    Brian Gaskill's debut as "Seth" who is Nikki's AA sponsor.

    Previous articles said he'd be someone she encounters at AA.  But that's misleading because she'd already met him offscreen a while back.  Per the dialog of Jan 5 Canada broadcast: Nikki met him offscreen in the past, and he's been her offscreen sponsor for a while. He appears onscreen in this episode because she requested to meet him at a restaurant to talk. 

    (Earlier in that episode, she started to take a drink but stopped herself before drinking anything, and called her sponsor instead. She hadn't called him in a while but now needed to.).

    The spoiler for that episode is "Victor questions Nikki's sobriety."  But that's just because Victor walks into the restaurant before her sponsor leaves, so Nikki introduces them.  After Seth leaves, Victor wants to know why she never mentioned Seth to him, and Nikki replies, you know, anonymity.  Really!  And then Victor is upset that she's struggling enough that she needs to see her sponsor.

    screencap from 5th January CDN
    (thanks to Canadian recapper Chrissi)



  6. The Daily Mail quoting some RFK Jr. campaign PAC,  about a supposed campaign event featuring a performance from famed tenor Andrea Bocelli, the "RFK Jnr 'well wisher' guests including Martin Sheen, Mike Tyson, and Dionne Warwick"

    The PAC really said it and
    and they lied.


    Bocelli told Rolling Stone it wasn't true and he won't even be in the US at that time.


    Dionne Warwick @dionnewarwick
    This is absolutely ridiculous. If you are going to lie on my name, at least lie about something cool.
    “Revealed: Dionne collaborates with Rihanna on new album…”


    Bradley Whitford @BradleyWhitford
    There’s a story going around saying that Martin Sheen is supporting @RobertKennedyJr
     for president. The story is incorrect. Martin asked us to post this on his behalf. 
    “I wholeheartedly support President Joe Biden and the democratic ticket in 2024.
    Martin Sheen”

    (Sheen also said the same on his own ramoncalledmartin ig account in ig stories)

  7. 47 minutes ago, Errol said:

    I just have to say that Amelia is looking GREAT in that outfit and shaking her head. I now want to watch Victoria getting down in the club one night with her girlfriends, which means she'd have to have friends.

    Amelia Heinle and Michelle Stafford periodically do IG videos of themselves dancing together in a silly way.  They are both mothers of young teenage or preteen girls, and they jokingly say they are dancing in their uncool way in order to embarrass their daughters.  The vids are fun and silly.   This is the first time I've seen her do a video with EB. That was great.

    Amelia really does have a fun side, it's just that Y&R doesn't give that to Victoria. 

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