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Posts posted by janea4old

  1. A while back, Lily and Devon each had their own office; as they are co-CEOs at Chancellor Winters.
    I've seen Lily in that chair with the same art on the wall and the same background wall bookshelf detail.
    They dialogue said that Billy would be substituting for Lily as co-CEO while Lily is away helping Mattie.
    Is that now Devon's office, or Billy's office, or is there only one office?
    (like Jabot has only one office, LOL)

    And do I care?  No I don't care about who is CEO or whatever,  I just want Lily to have her own space respected.

  2. 61SBmFT.png
    (spoiler pic from SOD website)


    (spoiler pics from soaphub)

    Everyone in Lily's office!

    Fyi, Christel Khalil had her baby but didn't announce the birthdate.
    We know only because she posted in her ig stories on January 4th, a picture of herself at a restaurant saying "Mom's first night out".  Which implies first night out after giving birth. Probably had the baby sometime in December.

  3. Sharon Case told Michael Fairman during Emmys week that her January 5th  "dream" episode was filmed earlier in December.

    Camryn Grimes' baby was born December 13, 2023.   

    Camryn must have filmed Sharon's dream episode and this Sharon's business launch party January 15th episode... right before going on maternity leave.  Right up to the edge.

  4. Sharon's launch party happens in the Neil Winters Jazz lounge, which is on the lower level (downstairs from street level) of the GCAC.
    Meanwhile the main restaurant is still on the street level.  

    This is from before the party starts, Mariah is on the main level with the Cassidy Technology sign hidden.  I like Tessa's dress.
    Mariah looks lovely but I can't really see her dress because they are hiding Camryn's pregnancy with the sign.

    (picture via soaphub)

  5. Here's the clip from Fri CDN, Mon US:

    I'l post the twitter link AND try to embed it,  hopefully it can be viewed in whatever way is needed (due to the variance in embedding display depending on device and browser, etc) -

    If you cannot see the embedded twitter video, click here to view: 

    This is near the beginning of the party:  Nick brings Sharon flowers sent by Faith and Noah, and he says the nameplate is from him.
    Sharon has not changed her name from Rosales to Newman. Is Nick being presumptuous or forgetful?  Did I miss something?  Nick was very supportive of Sharon's marriage to Rey, so I don't get this.


    @Jeff said "I think it would be fitting if the nameplate read Sharon Collins CEO.  Sharon has endured so many ups and downs in her relationships and marriages...I think it would make a statement if she changed her name back to Collins, a little shout-out to how she was introduced on the show 30 years ago."

    I agree!

  6. On December 20, Jada was talking with Rafe and mentioned that her exhusband's name is Bobby.

    Pretty sure Jada has been married only once.  She has a photo of her ex that she's looked a couple of time.  So apparently the man in her photo is Bobby but he looks like Blake Berris in the photo.

    It's a mystery as to why.  I've read a ton of convoluted theories but nothing conclusive.  Maybe it's simply something random like a nickname, who knows.
    (and even if I knew, I wouldn't post it here in the unspoiled thread.  
    But I don't know!) 

  7. 1 hour ago, DeliaIrisFan said:

    The passing reference to Monica being too sick to attend the funeral was very distressing.  Have I missed any recent updates about LC?  (And who was that character who provided that exposition?  Has Emily come back from the dead, or Dawn?)

    Willow gave the explanation about Monica. She's married to Michael. They live with the Quartermaines.

    Lesley Charleson has some health issues but that hasn't been specifically disclosed.  She appears rarely. Usually Monica is said to be "away at a medical conference" or "in the other room".

    I am concerned and wish her well.

  8. update January 13.
    I still cannot see embedded tweets in Chrome. But nobody else seems to be mentioning an issue so I just checked other browsers.
    I can see embedded tweets properly displayed in Firefox.
    But not in Microsoft Edge and not in Chrome.
    I'm viewing from a Windows PC.

  9. 22 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Do we know who is the CEO, COO and CFO?

    I hope Sharon is prepared for a sneaky takeover bid that is in the offing.

    And employees coming and going regularly...

    (screengrab from Canadian recapper)

    Sharon is CEO. Mariah is her right-hand person.
    The flowers and nameplate are a gift from Faith, Noah, and Nick.
    Sharon has consistently called herself "Sharon Rosales".  Did she change her name back, or did the writers and prop department forget?

  10. vdM4vxH.png


    (screengrabs from Canadian recappers)
    Friday Jan 12 Canada,  Monday Jan 15 U.S.

    The launch party for Sharon's technology company that she inherited from Cameron Kirsten.
    She's made it into a new venture with a mission to have a positive impact on the world. Half of the profits will go to charities that work to raise awareness about underage alcohol abuse - Delia's Foundation, the Abbott-Winters Foundation, and New Hope.
    She gave her company a new name: "Cassidy First Technology".

  11. On 1/11/2024 at 11:17 AM, janea4old said:

    As of January 11, 2024,  tvinsider.com has begun uploading the web version of Stephanie's Sloane's same column...

    And as of Jan. 12, Stephanie Sloane just made her instagram public with a copy of the TVGuide header

    soapsteph (Stephanie Sloane)
    Jan. 12, 2024

    First post of a new era! I couldn't be more excited about my new gig as TV Guide Magazine's soaps expert. #bb #days #gh #yr #tvguidemagazine

  12. Bobbie's soapcentral bio
    Born July 8, 1957
    Bobbie was 16 when her daughter, Carly, was born.
    Bobbie's birthday was acknowledged on-screen on July 8, 1996

    Carly's soapcentral bio:
    Born on November 5, 1973
    Was said to be 22 years old in July 1996

    Felicia's soapcentral bio
    (birthdate not listed)
    Felicia first arrived in Port Charles in 1984 disguised as a boy while on the hunt for a family heirloom that Frisco Jones had in his possession. 
    I think she was supposed to be around 17-22 then?

    Maxie's soapcentral bio:
    Born on October 31, 1990
    Birthday revised to October 31, 1986, when she was aged to 16 in 2002
    Graduated from high school on June 9, 2005
    Birthdate confirmed as October 31, 1986 in Maxie's patient files [Jan 26, 2022]

    Basically, Felicia was about 8 years younger than Bobbie.
    Felicia married the younger brother Frisco,
    and Bobbie married the older brother Tony.
    Felicia and Bobbie were friends
    and thought of themselves in the same generation as each other despite the age difference.

    Carly was only about 16 years younger than Bobbie, so Carly is about 8 years younger than Felicia.
    Carly and Felicia aren't that far apart agewise but ...
    Felicia thought of herself as Anna's contemporary. 
    Carly would have seen herself as in a different generation than Anna.

  13. 45 minutes ago, Soaplovers said:

    I read somewhere Ron C said May is when Days will kick in high gear.

    Ron was referring to all the nonunion writers' episodes being done airing in April, and then his stuff starting to air in May.  He was simply promoting his own writing as being better than nonunion writing.  Nothing about kicking into high gear, just him claiming the show would be better.



    45 minutes ago, Soaplovers said:

    How was Y & R and Bold during their strike episodes?

    Y&R has Josh Griffith who is both headwriter and executive producer. He fired most of his breakdown writers a few months *before* the writers strike began.
    Griffith was has been nonunion since the 2007-2008 strike, so he simply kept on writing as usual.  The only change would have been some unknown nonunion scriptwriters, but he continued as headwriter.  Bottom line is that Y&R seems the same during strike as before & after.


    B&B has Brad Bell who is both headwriter and executive producer as well as the owner of his show.
    Bell remained in the union so didn't write during the strike.
    However his ongoing associate headwriter went ficore in 2023, and continued writing as a nonunion writer during the strike, so there wasn't much change.  Especially with the EP remaining the same. 
    B&B did have nonunion scriptwriters and nonunion breakdown writers, so you'd think there would have been changes, however any changes would have been
    less noticeable since B&B is a 30-minute show
    (episode length about 18 minutes plus commercials),
    Plus B&B often repeats scenes/dialogue from episode to episode, so changes just not that noticeable.


    The only real strike differences were in GH and DAYS.

  14. 18 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    It's weird how Carly used to be Maxie/Liz's contemporary and now she's basically Felicia's lol 

    Yeah but they had a whole scene Thursday where Carly and Felicia specifically talked about being from different generations, yet connected because Bobbie and Felicia were best friends.

    Felicia talked about how Felicia and Bobbie were married to the Jones brothers, they were sort of like sisters and became best friends.
    Plus one giving the other's daughter her heart.

    Felicia talked about resenting Carly for stealing Tony because Tony was Frisco's brother - so what Carly did hurt the entire Jones family.

    They talked about Maxie resenting Felicia's long absence but forgiving her.
    And Bobbie resenting Carly stealing Tony but forgiving her.

    So then in Thursday's episode Felicia decides to forgive Carly.

    It was a really great dialogue about deep issues from the past that needed to be addressed, although I think it might have gone better in a separate episode. 

    I loved the dialogue and Laura Wright did well, 
    But it would have had so much more historical power if it had been Sarah Joy Brown in this Thursday conversation.  Oh well.  Here's the scene:

  15. January 11th is "National Human Trafficking Awareness Day".
    January 11th is "National Human Trafficking Awareness Day".
    I wonder if the show knew or if it was more serendipity?

    And January is now an awareness month on the topic.

    To get help from the National Human Trafficking Hotline (NHTH),
    call 1-888-373-7888 
    text HELP or INFO to BeFree (233733). 
    TTY: 711

    trafficking hotline Chat in English

    trafficking hotline Chat in Spanish

    Resources in English:

    Resources in Spanish:

  16. 5 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    Oh and BJ and Lucas never knew each other did they? 

    BJ and Lucas *did* know each other.  He was the younger brother.
    (Ryan Carnes played Lucas this week and as teen/adult.
    Lucas was played by different actor as a child.
    But same actress this week as played BJ as a baby and child)

    Twitter embedding is temporarily broken
    but click on these tweets and you'll see:

    1)  https://twitter.com/jelevision/status/1745526090565624183

    2) https://twitter.com/jelevision/status/1745562179477082395


  17. 8 minutes ago, ranger1rg said:

    Is there a reason Edward And Lila's photos are 3x the size of everyone else's?

    I understand why Steve Hardy's pic is bigger, but the Quartermaines? Were their money machinations at the hospital so huge to merit that attention?

    Edward and Lila were on the hospital board.
    Supposedly (per an unverified source) Steve's huge portrait was originally in the hospital boardroom when he was chief of staff.
    This would explain why these three portraits are large, perhaps they were moved from the boardroom to the wall at some point?

    The second row is doctors (well Steve was a doctor but see above)
    and the last row is nurses.

  18. The things that happened when filming:  The "Kelly's" sign breaking in the storm and Elizabeth volunteering to paint a new one.  And Elizabeth presented the new sign at the end of the two memorial episodes.
    Specifically the dialogue said that the sign broke in a STORM.

    And in real life when they filmed this, Laura Wright said that at the end of filming the two episodes, the cast went outside and there was a beautiful rainbow over the studio.  The GH account posted a picture.


  19. 7 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    I guess it was something in Kristina Wagner’s delivery because I, myself, got a little misty eyed at, “Brighton was Barbara Jean!”

    Someone did a comparison clip on twitter.  Kristina Wagner said "Brighton was Barbara Jean!" yesterday -- in exactly the same way 29 years ago that she said "Not Barbara Jean!" when she heard about BJ.

  20. I won't type the name of the dailymotion site that died here.
    And please don't do that! because we want it to stay up.
    but if you look at the same person's other sites for the other soaps,
    those have links to the replacement days page.

    Do Not type it.  Please.  Thanks.
    (There are bots that go out looking for such things so that's why we don't want to type the URL or name)

    He/she/they always sets it up in such a way that you can find a link on one of their pages to their other pages of other shows - so if one of their sites goes down, you can always eventually find a link to the replacement.
    Sometime it says "link-to-name-of-other-show".  sometimes it says "my other sites".  But look around and you will find it.

    The replacement days page is up now, and that's how I found it.

  21. Of course Edward and Lila are there as hospital board members.  

    I read somewhere today in an unverified source, that the larger picture of Steve Hardy as Chief of Staff was originally in the hospital board room?  Anyone know if that's true?

    If so, the top row makes sense.

    The rest of the photos seem to be by job and not seniority.
    Second row is doctors, and bottom row is nurses.

    Comparing the March 2023 and January 2024 wall of photos, I don't think they added more paneling. 
    I think they moved the nurses' photos all over one slot to the left, to make room for Bobbie.

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