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Posts posted by VanessaReardon

  1. On 12/11/2019 at 6:50 PM, Soapsuds said:

    What?? How did she land him? I've heard she's a real bitch.

    Don’t believe everything you hear. I’ve been in the GMA audience many times and Amy always interacts nicely with the audience. Behind the scenes, I don’t know. 

  2. week ending 11:27/1987

    Y&R 8

    DOOL 7.4/24 share

    AMC and GH 7.4/23

    OLTL 7

    ATWT 6.6

    GL 6.1

    B&B 5.3

    SB 5.1

    AW 5

    LOV 4.2

    RH 3.4



    GH 8

    Y&R and OLTL 7.8 Y&R had a 29 share OLTL 26

    AMC 7.5

    DOOL 7.1

    ATWT 6.4

    GL 5.9

    B&B 5.3

    AW and SB 5.2 AW had an 18 share SB a 17

    LOV 4.2

    RH 3.1



    GH 7.6

    AMC 7.5

    OLTL 7.3

    Y&R 7.2

    DOOL 6.5

    ATWT 6.2

    GL 5.8

    B&B and SB 5.1

    AW 5

    LOV 4.1

    RH 3



    AMC 8.2

    OLTL and GH 8.1

    Y&R 7.9

    DOOL 6.8

    ATWT 6.7

    GL 5.9

    B&B 5.3

    SB 5.2

    AW 5.1

    LOV 4.2

    RH 3.2



    Y&R 8.1

    AMC 7.7

    GH 7.5

    OLTL 7.4

    DOOL 7.2

    ATWT 6.6

    GL 6

    AW 5.2/17 B&B 5.2/16

    SB 5

    LOV 4.1

    RH 3.3


    1/1/1988 Holiday Bump Week

    Y&R 9.3

    DOOL 8.5

    GH and OLTL 8.2

    AMC 8

    ATWT 7.9

    GL 7.1

    B&B 6.9

    AW 6

    SB 5.4

    LOV 5.1

    RH 3.8



    Y&R 9.9

    GH 8.9

    OLTL 8.5

    AMC 8.3

    DOOL 8.1

    ATWT 8

    GL 7.1


    AW 5.8

    SB 5.4

    LOV 4.8

    RH 3.4



    Y&R 9.1

    DOOL 8.2

    GH 7.9

    OLTL 7.7

    AMC 7.6

    ATWT 7

    GL 6.7

    B&B and AW 5.6

    SB 5.1

    LOV 4.2

    RH 3.2



    Y&R 9.1

    GH 8.8

    AMC and OLTL 8.3

    DOOL 8

    ATWT 7.2

    GL 6.4

    AW 6

    B&B 5.8

    SB 5.3

    LOV 4.7

    RH 3.2



    Y&R 8.7

    GH 8.6

    OLTL 8.1

    AMC 7.9

    DOOL 7.6

    ATWT 7

    GL 6.3

    B&B 5.8

    AW 5.6

    SB 5.2

    LOV 4.4

    RH 2.9



  3. 10/2/1987

    CBS starts to bounce back with People Meters

    GH 7.8

    Y&R AMC OLTL 7.7 Y&R had a higher share

    DOOL 6.7

    ATWT 6.2

    GL 6

    B&B 4.7

    SB 4.6

    AW 4.4

    LOV 4.3

    RH 2.9



    Y&R 7.8

    OLTL 7.7

    AMC and GH 7.6

    ATWT and DOOL 6

    GL 5.6

    B&B 4.9

    AW and SB 4.4

    LOV 4.1

    RH 2.9



    I don’t have 10/16/1987

    GH 7.8

    AMC 7.6

    Y&R and OLTL 7.4 Y&R had a higher share

    DOOL 6.4

    ATWT 6.1

    GL 5.5

    B&B 4.9

    AW 4.6

    SB 4.5

    LOV 4.2

    RH 3



    GH 7.9

    OLTL 7.6

    AMC 7.5

    Y&R 7.4

    DOOL 6.5

    ATWT 6.1

    GL 5.8

    B&B 4.9

    SB 4.8

    AW 4.7

    LOV 4

    RH 2.8



    GH 7.9

    OLTL 7.8

    AMC 7.4

    Y&R 7.3

    DOOL 6.6

    ATWT 6.1

    GL 5.7

    SB 5

    B&B 4.8

    AW 4.6

    LOV 4.3

    RH 3.1



    Y&R 8.6

    AMC and GH 8.1

    OLTL 8

    DOOL 7.2

    ATWT 6.5

    GL 6.1

    B&B 5.5

    SB 5.1

    AW 5

    LOV 4.4

    RH 3.3


    GH 7.8

    Y&R and OLTL 7.7 Y&R had a 29 share, OLTL 27

    AMC 7.6

    DOOL 6.8

    ATWT 6.2

    GL 6.1

    SB 5.1

    B&B 4.9

    AW 4.8

    LOV 4.2

    RH 2.8




  4. Week ending 8/7/1987

    no pre-emptions

    Y&R and AMC 7.1

    OLTL 6.9

    GH 6.6

    DOOL 6.3

    ATWT 6.2

    GL 5.5

    B&B 5.2

    AW 4.9

    SB 4.6

    LOV 4

    RH 2.6



    AMC and Y&R 7.5

    DOOL 7

    OLTL 6.9

    GH 6.6

    ATWT 6.4

    B&B 5.3

    AW and GL 5

    SB 4.7

    LOV 4.1

    RH 2.8



    Y&R 7.8

    AMC 7.3

    OLTL 7.2

    GH 7.1

    DOOL 6.7

    ATWT 6.6

    B&B 5.6

    GL 5.4

    AW and SB 4.6

    LOV 4.5

    RH 2.7



    Y&R OLTL and AMC 7.6 

    Y&R had a 27 share, OLTL 26 share and AMC 25

    GH 6.9

    DOOL 6.4

    ATWT 6.2

    GL 5.6

    B&B 5.5

    AW 4.5

    SB and LOV 4.3

    RH 2.9



    Y&R 7.5

    AMC 7

    OLTL 6.9

    GH 6.7

    ATWT 6.6

    DOOL 6.4

    GL 5.4

    B&B 5.3

    AW 4.6

    SB 4.3

    LOV 4

    RH 2.8



    AMC 7

    Y&R OLTL and GH 6.9 Y&R had a 28 share and OLTL and GH had a 24 share

    ATWT 6.6

    DOOL 6.1

    B&B 5.5

    GL 5.3

    AW 4.5

    SB 4.3

    LOV 4.1

    RH 2.9



    Nielsen introduced People Meters, which helped ABC

    GH 7.9

    OLTL 7.7

    AMC 7.4

    Y&R 6.3

    DOOL 6.1

    ATWT 5.6

    GL 5.4

    SB 4.6

    AW 4.5

    B&B 4.2

    LOV 4.1

    RH 3.2



    GH 8

    OLTL 7.7

    AMC 7.5

    Y&R 6.8

    DOOL 6.2

    ATWT 5.3

    GL 5

    AW and SB 4.6

    LOV 4.4

    B&B 4.1

    RH 3.2


  5. 19 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Anybody know if ATWT hit #1 in the weekly ratings from 83 and onward? I know they hit #2 a lot in the 80's

    I don’t know. The theory out there is that 20 million people watched Steve & Betsy’s wedding in 1984, which would easily put the show at #1, but there’s nothing out there to back that up. 

  6. I’m thrilled that DAYS is renewed! Well deserved. It’s an institution. Congrats to all. That being said, if they are coming back to work In Jan, they are still going to be 7/8 months ahead. Nothing has changed. They’ll go through this again next year when they are 10 months ahead. I’m glad they are renewed but disappointed that they are not changing their production schedule. Go on a TRUE hiatus and not a negotiation hiatus. 

  7. We interrupt our regularly scheduled ratings because of the Iran- Conta hearings. Ironic that we are going through the exact same thing now with our soaps being interrupted. 

    The week of 7/6 to 7/10/1987 has to be taken with a grain of salt because Y&R aired only on Monday that week and there were massive pre emptions. AMC, DOOL,LOV and RH had the least pre-emptions.


    Y&R 9.2/34 (only aired on Monday)

    GH 7.6

    OLTL and ATWT 7.1

    B&B 6.3

    AMC 6.2

    DOOL 5.8

    GL 5.6

    AW 4.7

    LOV 4

    SB 3.8

    RH 3.1



    still massive pre emptions

    GH 6.4

    ATWT and OLTL and AMC 6.3

    DOOL 6.1

    Y&R 6 obviously affected by pre emptions

    B&B 5.2

    GL 5.1

    AW 5

    SB 4.3

    LOV 3.7

    RH 2.6



    The hearings started rotating between networks

    Y&R 7

    OLTL 6.9

    DOOL and GH 6.8

    AMC 6.7

    ATWT 6.5

    GL 5.4

    AW 5.3

    B&B 5.2

    SB 4.9

    LOV 3.6

    RH 3.1



    Hearings ongoing

    Y&R 7.8

    ATWT 7.1

    AMC 6.7

    DOOL 6.5

    GL and GH 6.4

    OLTL 6

    B&B 5.6

    AW 5.4

    SB 5

    LOV 3.6

    RH 2.2



  8. 5/1/1987

    GH 7.4

    OLTL 7.3

    Y&R 7.1

    AMC 7

    ATWT 6.2

    DOOL 6.1

    B&B and GL 5.3

    AW 4.3

    SB 4

    LOV 3.6

    RH 2.3



    GH 7.4

    Y&R 7

    OLTL 6.9

    AMC 6.5

    ATWT 6.3

    DOOL 6.1

    B&B 5.6

    GL 5.3

    AW 4.7

    SB 4.1

    LOV 3.2

    RH 2.3



    GH 7.4

    Y&R and OLTL 7.2

    AMC 6.6

    ATWT and DOOL 6.2

    B&B 5.4

    GL 5.2

    AW 4.5

    SB 3.8

    LOV 3.5

    RH 2.3



    GH 7.4

    OLTL 7

    Y&R and AMC 6.8

    DOOL 6.2

    ATWT 6

    GL 5.5

    B&B 5.3

    AW 4.7

    SB 4.2
    LOV 3.6

    RH 2.5



    AMC and GH 7.7

    Y&R 7.6

    OLTL 7.3

    DOOL 6.4

    ATWT 5.8

    GL 5.4

    AW 5.1

    B&B 5

    SB 4.4

    LOV 4.2

    RH 2.8



    GH 7.6

    Y&R 7.4

    OLTL 7

    AMC 6.7

    ATWT and DOOL 6.2

    GL 6

    B&B 5.1

    AW 4.7

    SB 4.1

    LOV 3.6

    RH 2,6



    Y&R 8

    GH 7.5

    AMC 7.1

    OLTL and ATWT 6.9 

    DOOL 6.7

    GL 6

    B&B 5.7

    AW 5

    SB 4

    LOV 3.7

    RH 2.7



    Y&R 8.3

    GH 7.3

    DOOL 7.1

    AMC 7

    ATWT and OLTL 6.9

    GL 6.3

    B&B 5.8

    AW 5.1

    SB 4.1


    RH 3



    Y&R 8.2

    GH 7.4

    ATWT, OLTL, AMC 7.2

    DOOL 6.9

    GL 6.2

    B&B 5.9

    AW 4.7

    SB 4.3

    LOV 4

    RH 2.9



    Y&R 8.1

    ATWT 7.2

    GH 7.0

    AMC and OLTL 6.8

    DOOL 6.6

    GL 6.2

    B&B 5.8

    AW 4.3

    LOV and SB 3.8

    RH 2.6



  9. Week ending 3/27/1987.

    B&B’s premiere week. ATWT moved back half an hour to 2 pm to compete head to head with OLTL and AW. OLTL had Viki going to heaven for 2 weeks and bringing back many former actors. ATWT’s big shocker was marrying John and Lucinda. AW had Crystal Gayle as a guest star. 

    GH 8.3

    Y&R 7.6

    OLTL 7.2

    DOOL 6.9

    AMC 6.5

    ATWT 6.4

    B&B 5.6

    GL 5.5

    AW 5.1

    SB 4.1

    LOV 3.5

    RH 2.3



    Y&R 8.1

    GH 8.0

    OLTL 7.6

    DOOL 7

    ATWT 6.8

    AMC 6.7

    GL 6

    B&B 5.6

    AW 5

    SB 4.4

    LOV 3.9

    RH 2.9



    GH 7.9

    OLTL 7.4

    Y&R 7.1

    ATWT 6.6

    AMC 6.5

    DOOL 6.4

    GL 6

    B&B 5.4

    AW 4.7

    SB 4.2

    LOV 3.3

    RH 2.4



    Y&R 7.6

    GH 7.3

    DOOL and OLTL 7.1

    AMC 6.8

    ATWT 6.6

    GL 5.9

    B&B 5.6

    AW 4.8

    SB 4.4

    LOV 3.6

    RH 2.5



    GH 7.7

    Y&R 7.4

    OLTL 7.3

    AMC 6.9

    DOOL 6.7

    ATWT 6.6

    GL 5.5

    B&B 5.3

    AW 5

    SB 4.7

    LOV 3.7

    RH 2.6



  10. 47 minutes ago, xtr said:


    I liked seeing Freddie give fans some insight to what is going on, including some additional information about the show filming their 14,000 episode next year. As well as Ken wanting the show to make it to it's 60th anniversary. I appreciate Freddie's candor, enthusiasm and explanation of things. I don't know if it will make it but it would be cool if the show could make it to it's 60th anniversary. 

    I love Freddie! He’s looking great and is genuine. 

  11. Week ending 1/9/1987

    GH 8.4

    Y&R 7.9

    DOOL 7.3

    OLTL 7.2

    ATWT and AMC 6.9

    GL 6.5

    CAP and AW 5.2

    SB 4.5

    LOV 3.8

    RH 2.7



    GH 8.8

    Y&R 8.1

    OLTL 7.5

    DOOL 7.1

    AMC 6.9

    ATWT 6.8

    GL 6.5

    CAP 5.3

    AW 5

    SB 4.5

    LOV 4.2

    RH 2.9



    GH 9.2

    Y&R 9.1

    OL 8.1

    AMC 7.8

    ATWT 7.6

    DOOL 7.5

    GL 6.8

    CAP 5.7

    AW 5.4

    LOV 4.6

    SB 4.5

    RH 3.3



    Y&R 8.6

    GH 8.5

    ATWT 7.6

    AMC 7.5

    OLTL 7.4

    DOOL 7.4

    GL 6.8

    CAP 5.7

    AW 5.5

    SB 4.6

    LOV 4.2

    RH 2.9



    Y&R 8.5

    GH 7.9

    ATWT 7.4

    DOOL 6.9

    GL 6.8

    OLTL and AMC 6.7

    CAP 5.5

    AW 5.2

    SB 4.2

    LOV 3.9

    RH 2.8



    Y&R 8.6

    GH 8


    DOOL 6.8

    GL 6.4

    CAP 5.2

    AW 5.1

    SB 4.3

    LOV 4

    RH 2.7



    GH 9.7 yes they gained1.7

    Y&R 8.8

    ATWT 7.9

    OLTL 7.7

    DOOL 7.4

    AMC 7.2

    GL 6.7

    CAP 5.7

    AW 5.6

    SB 4.8

    LOV 4.2

    RH 3



    GH 8.3

    Y&R 8.2

    ATWT 7.6

    AMC 7.3

    OLTL 7.2

    DOOL 7

    GL 6.8

    CAP 5.8

    AW 5.1

    SB 4.6

    LOB 4.1

    RH 2.9



    Y&R 8.2

    GH 7.9

    ATWT and DOOL 7.1

    OLTL and AMC 6.9

    GL 6.1

    CAP 5.5

    AW 5

    SB 4.2

    LOV 3.9

    RH 2.7



    Y&R 8.2

    GH 8.1

    ATWT 7.5


    OLTL 7.1

    AMC 6.9

    GL 6.1

    CAP 5.5

    AW 5.4

    SB 4.5

    LOV 4.1

    RH 2.8



    GH 8.2

    Y&R 7.8

    ATWT and OLTL 7.1

    DOOL and AMC 6.8

    GL 6

    CAP 5.6 - Final week

    AW 5.1

    SB 4.3

    LOV 3.9

    RH 2.8


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