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Posts posted by mango

  1. A quick thank you to @YRfan23 for posting these episodes.


    1995 certainly was a defining year for the show. I remember being interested in every storyline, Victoria in particular. Heather Tom knew how to emote everything. It's a shame Julianne Morris didn't stick around longer. Amy was a great character, and she, a strong actress, relatable with her insecurities.


    Thanks again!

  2. On 12/28/2019 at 9:26 AM, DramatistDreamer said:


    That whole Chance/Phyllis dynamic sounds pointless without Nina there to smack Phyllis again, for seducing another one of her sons.  Does JG really care that this story is missing a major dramatic element? Probably not.


    Took the words out of my mouth. What a perfect opportunity to usher back Nina -- finding her other son in bed with Phyllis. Nina and Ronan could both come back! Bah. Who are we kidding. 


    I can still vividly remember Nina learning Chloe had de-flowered Chance. That look... 

  3. 21 hours ago, Chris B said:


    The odd thing is that one of the biggest worries with new characters is how to connect them. Nate and Chance are both children of popular characters. The lack of mention and playing up those relationships is baffling. 


    What really screams 'life support' right now is the lack of that next generation. When I was growing up, you knew that Nick, Victoria, Sharon, Billy would be the ones to drive a new set of storylines, relationships for years to come. 


    They've hit a bit of a dead end here in a sense that they've introduced so many newbies, the true next generation of this show is lost. Summer and Abby are pretty aimless. Kyle has potential thanks to a decent actor, but he seems saddled at the moment. Where is Noah? Scotty? Reed? We never see Mariah. Devon is on his own island, and he rarely communicates with people his age. I thought they missed the boat with not bringing back Mac, Brit and Raul. 


    It's a good thing they didn't SORAS Faith.


    You wouldn't ever know that Nate and Chance are the children of legacy characters, since they never bring up their parents or their respective upbringings. Chloe and Chance had a serious relationship at one point. Unless I missed it, they haven't really brought it up. What about Ronan?


    It's tough for me to care about Chelsea.


    Everything is so... 🤷‍♀️

  4. I have, cross my heart, tried to watch again. I was excited about Chance's return, thinking there would be that Nina connection. Nary a mention of his mother or how she's doing. I still can't get over the lack of reaction from Devon when it comes to Amanda. A woman with the face of the love of his life shows up and nothing? Billy has a personality disorder? Sure, let's just power through that storyline too. Hey, let's create some faux history and make some rando a new Abbott. 


    Nothing makes sense. There's no one to root for, with little to care about in general.


    I'm not sure how much longer this show can stay above water.

  5. I think he figured the Laners would somehow save him. They built him and the couple up to some mythical, untouchable figure. Part of me felt bad for the normal fans of the couple, who probably deserved a 'ride into the sunset' moment. The other part of me gave a little chuckle when their final scene together aired -- a few pieces of dialogue that probably could've been written by an intern.


    The real final straw for me was bringing Neil and KSJ into it, essentially throwing it out there that without Neil, Cane had no story. No, you could've had a story... sorry your leading lady wasn't a size two, and someone you could do O faces with during your mind-numbing love scenes while posting shirtless, fish face selfies from your dressing room in your free time.


    When you cut people down along the way, trying to dictate something that's in the hands of your bosses, it'll catch up to you eventually. 


    Peace out, DG.

  6. 1 hour ago, Juliajms said:

    I know everything celebrities say tends to be BS, but he said so many syrupy things about her relatively recently that I'm mildly surprised.   I think she was on some show or something talking about how she had been homeless and he was praising her non stop. I wish I could remember exactly where I saw that.



    She chatted about it on the real estate reality show she was (is?) on. It airs on either Netflix or Amazon Prime. Nonetheless, when she joined the firm, the other realtors saw her as an outsider who was just married to a Hollywood actor. They seemed to warm up to her after they learned more of her backstory about growing up homeless. If I recall, she wanted everyone to volunteer at a help the homeless event, and that's how she shared her family's plight.

  7. Here's the latest update: 





    Tyler Christopher -- best known for his appearances on "General Hospital" for 20 years -- got a break from the judge in his public intoxication case because the judge rejected the plea of a cop who begged hizzoner to put Tyler into a treatment program for alcoholism.


    Tyler was ordered to pay a $440 fine. He's got until next week to fork over the dough. And, that's it ... he didn't get probation and the judge did NOT order him to enter into an alcohol treatment program.

  8. 1 minute ago, BetterForgotten said:

    I have to wonder if there's something much deeper going on with him. I know he mentioned moving his family to Indiana for financial reasons a while back.




    Just catching the update on the TMZ article:


    The docs say police have received 9 calls regarding Christopher being intoxicated since September 14, and medical personnel advised law enforcement there was nothing more they could do for him ... they'd already tried to help him.




    Instead of being arrested, he was taken to the ER to be examined, but also took a breath test ... and registered a BAC of .267% -- more than 3 times the legal driving limit.



  9. 7 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    I think what Chris might mean is that when DG was filming those scenes, it is likely that he was unaware that his character was on borrowed time.  He has since learned after those scenes were taped but before they aired.


    My bad! My sarcasm was directed at DG. 


    DG made it seem was like there was going to be some huge retrospective of the couple, flashbacks, voiceovers, the works. Whoops, DG. Whoops.

  10. And I apologize for being bitchy but how this manipulator controlled the reigns for so long is just the tip of the iceberg. Strutting around all untouchable, not giving other storylines or actors the time of day, phoning it in during scenes. It just pisses me off.


    While others, diligent workers and who put in years of tremendous performances regardless of whom they were paired with, were shown the door, this tool continued to use a fanbase to further his ego.



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