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Posts posted by Vee

  1. On 8/2/2018 at 12:57 PM, Darn said:

    Does anyone know the first episode with Peapack? What was that transition like? Was a Friday show in the studio and then Monday suddenly everyone is in the woods?


    I remember it and my reaction was 'holy fúck.'


    IIRC they had been doing more and more bad remote stuff for awhile up to that point but the beginning of Peapack - woo. It was a brutal, ugly winter in an ugly-looking town, or a town GL made look ugly. Cassie's house had scrap metal outside and looked like a scene from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Harley's house, I don't even know. They also kept filming with the same new cameras they used outside inside some of the actual old sets and soundstages - which made every actual set look like a McDonald's countertop.


    9 hours ago, Darn said:

    Anyway, my first impressions of the show was that everyone was blonde and it looked cheap. That never really changed.


    This was also, verbatim, one of my early impressions of GL, which I didn't first take notice of til the late '90s. Everyone was blonde and loud, the colors were too hot and it all looked too tacky and cheap. Paul Rauch.


    1 hour ago, JarrodMFiresofLove said:

    The remotes in Peapack were dreadful. It was like the cast just showed up with their clothes from home.


    They did. And Kim has told the story of having to change in the back of a car on the side of the road. Her book has a number of great anecdotes about Peapack, as you've mentioned. I think she says that with the scene with Cole, they simply cut to a static shot of an American flag blowing in the breeze with him talking over it because they'd failed to properly shoot the actors. They would cover for bad footage with shots of local scenery - flags, flowers, etc.


    The shït where Wheeler's office and other studio facilities were doubling as onscreen locations was the nadir for me. Her office was the church! God knows what the hell that awful gas station store originally was. People would hang out in these incredibly drab, functional gray/white office spaces with fluorescent lighting that were clearly part of the studio. It was unbelievable. And that damn folk rock muzak would play under everything, to the point that you could sometimes not hear them.


    Remember when a Spaulding press conference or board meeting was held outside in a field with some metal folding chairs?

  2. Tina had no actual personality traits beyond 'spunky.' She got by on a fun actress and little else. I have no clue what her backstory was and what happened to her. I'm sure I knew back then, but...


    6 hours ago, Khan said:

    JC, in an anti-sexual harassment training film.  As a friend of mine would say, there's an irony in there somewhere.


    In fairness, did he harass anyone or just sleep around on poor Eva? There is a distinction.

  3. I also really liked BMH as Joey. His initial re-introduction as a handsome mystery man in the first days of February '03 was brilliantly done and made Joey a presence again. Hall was very green but had real soul and pathos and even a bit of authority in his role as a curate and with his family, I felt. He clicked with Melissa, Bree, Erika and Dan Gauthier. It was sticking him in a truly horrible love triangle with Jessica Morris and Joey's cousin (Flash) that screwed him.


    I think Malone and Griffith had intended to use bringing Joey (and later Kevin, the cynical, calculating mini-tycoon, his counterpoint) and the girls all back to Viki at once as bringing the show's heart back. But so many of their stories were a disaster.

  4. 17 hours ago, YurSoakinginit said:

    You know, they never even considered bringing back McKenna as Joey. Not that Tom Dengen was bad, but Chris would have been a helluva lot better. He and Nathan Fillion seemed to share this similar soul in the character. I remember when Fillion first came on, as tall & different looking as he was compared to Chris, he still felt like the Joey that Chris had left with.


    IIRC they tried to go the Scott DeFreitas/Brian Bloom approach with Chris McKenna at first, and tested him with Reiko Aylesworth's Rebecca in '93. I remember those scenes. They then clearly concluded he was too young and SORASed. He did look (and was) very young.


    The adult and very handsome McKenna would never have gotten on Brian Frons' (or Frank Valentini's) short list, even seven years ago - not a typical soap hunk, too old. Shortly thereafter I believe he turned up on Y&R and his look has always been very versatile, as I said earlier, between younger and older - but his type is just not what ABCD or Valentini's OLTL was remotely interested in.

  5. 8 minutes ago, All My Shadows said:

    Yikes - I had not checked on him in a while, and baby's looking a little rough. It always felt like he was on the cusp of something, like he SHOULD have made it big, because lord knows he kept working and working and working, but he never did. I still bump "She's No You" on the regular.


    He seems to vary wildly between looking absolutely tore up with premature age and/or bloated, and getting it together. But he seems to be doing better career-wise. I dunno. He doesn't look as bad as he did a few years ago, that's for sure.

  6. Speaking of Jesse McCartney, last time I saw him he'd aged like milk. Transitory boyband fame had left him looking rough on Fear the Walking Dead - like, he could've feasibly taken the JR role back from Jacob Young. Hope he's doing better.

  7. More apologia from Jared and Ivanka printed from them by Maggie Haberman, but the delicious takeaway here is the lede. Trump sours on the Boy Adventurer:



  8. I personally thought the Father Joe thing was very apt for Joey - becoming Andrew's soulful successor. I thought it made a lot of sense for the character.


    I probably wouldn't still have Joey in the priesthood but I would have his connection to the faith and Andrew still be a major part of the character and his background going forward - like why he left the church.

  9. Not sure who the lady in red is on the OLTL side.


    McKenna's look seems to vary based on what show he is doing. He can look younger and older but he stays busy. I'd still have him back as Father Joe!

  10. I also never accepted Bree, or the DID story.


    I just really hope Melissa Archer is making good choices, based on some of what I've seen and heard. I never had to worry about her until recently.


    Mia Korf has not aged. Karen Witter looks good. Kirk Geiger looks homeless. Tom Degnan got old very fast.

    Very classy of Nathan and Josh Kelly to show, given their continuing outside careers.


    Chris McKenna with Erin and the still-terrifying Kirk Geiger:



  11. Illeana Douglas has always been semi-protected due to her long and public association with Martin Scorsese. But she didn't become as big as she could've because of stories like this.


    I'd actually gained a bit of respect for Julie Chen given some of the topics she and the other women on The Talk discuss - I had no illusions about her being married to the boss, but she came off as less of a Stepford/trophy wife than I previously gave her credit for. I don't condone what she's said, but I also imagine she and many at CBS are now in impossible positions. Regardless, Moonves has had this coming a long time.

  12. This cracks me up because it's what we've all known for years but somehow the people who work and live with Trump still never see it coming - he never pays his bills or does unto others. And even when faced with Cohen implicating in a crime, Trump still won't pay him off.



  13. Curse your mutual and utterly predictable betrayal!



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