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Posts posted by Vee

  1. Roger Howarth (Kent) name-drops his Loving stint in a new interview:


    What do you think about the journey you’ve had as an actor?  Do you feel that you’re a better actor now at this stage in your career?  You started out, I believe, when you were found by an ABC casting search and development program.


    ROGER:  There was something that brought in to ABC: Michael Weatherly, Laura Wright, Rebecca Gayheart, and Roger Howarth.  We all came onto Loving at the same time, and I was terrible, and they fired me immediately.  I really thought that it should be played the same way that you play Shakespeare. (Laughs)  I was abysmal.

  2. I never got the impression Yglesias was a BernieBro, but maybe I've missed something as I've paid less attn to him in the last 6-9 months.


    Meanwhile, more bad news for Trump:



  3. Wanted to bring this back - the mystery voice of "Phillip Jeffries" (who is not Phillip Jeffries) talking to Mr. C in Part 2 of Season 3.

    Theories abound as to who the caller really is, but the most popular one of late is that this voice belongs to Grace Zabriskie, a.k.a. Sarah Palmer, the apparent host for Judy. Judy is linked to BOB as his/its 'mother' and/or mate. Mr. C was also searching for Judy and/or access to the White Lodge, though he did not seem to know exactly what Judy was. He funded the 'glass box' experiment in New York which led to what appeared to be Judy appearing in the box and killing the two youngsters in Part 1 - this suggests that this is what it means when the voice references New York. 


    Here's the original, distorted voice:



    Here is a pitch-shifted clip:



    After hearing Grace in a podcast interview, I highly suspect this is her voice, given her clipped way of normally speaking and certain intonations.




  4. As a late viewer I never understood how Blake got from the original character to Keifer's glorified housewife. She's a decent actress but I've always been uncomfortable envisioning major story with her in the role (like the truly bizarre one I once dreamed up for the family and her twin sons).


    I loved Marj as Vanessa on AMC, but that was a very specific, campy character. I had no real experience with McKinsey's Alex on GL until the advent of online videos, but once they came into the picture and you could see and hear her - she was indomitable. Then you turn on CBS and poor Marj is up there doing a blowsy, campy old loon and I'm like, 'are you fúcking kidding me?' Marj is very good at certain things but it was night and day. And her stories in the 2000s didn't help. Like the one where she doses Alan with hallucinogens and she starts popping up in his visions in ridiculous costumes!


    Don't get me started on Alan either. I like Ron Raines as a performer but he was wildly miscast as Alan - watching in the 90s he was so campily nefarious and bombastic he just made me laugh. It was even more embarrassing after I got acquainted with Chris Bernau's work (I'd only seen him on Dark Shadows until the 2000s). When RR turned up on OLTL 2.0 on Hulu as the big bad guy behind a global conspiracy that was fine, because he was suited to that sort of Snidely Whiplash figure - but Alan wasn't that.

  5. It was amusing watching contrarian Chuck Todd - who's never quite left his snide ways behind despite some good moments - ask a largely black, bipartisan panel (including Michael Steele) if DeSantis deserved the benefit of the doubt or 'guilt by association.' He got slammed down pretty fast, particularly by Steele.





  6. More Bobby and Laura on tour, and a celebration of FWWM's anniversary:



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