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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 12 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    As someone who grew up watching Dark Shadows reruns, I don't mind soap gothic at all, but I just don't remember finding anything especially gothic about their setup, beyond Stefan brooding and wearing black. I did want to be involved, at least with Stefan (never cared a great deal about Nik), but I didn't think the show felt the same way. I've admitted before late '90s GH isn't my cup of tea, so I respect that others enjoyed it.

    I can see that. Imagine seeing Stephan Nickels and not knowing he played Steve on DAYS...which was me lol. Oh, the night and day. I definitely get the involvement with Stefan. I found him as a young teenager endlessly fascinating. But I always did like the tall, dark, and handsomely silent type. lol. But that's how I felt about Nik back in...lol. But I can see why Nik isn't everyone's cup of tea back then now that I'm older. 


    I can respect your thoughts. Hope I'm not coming across prickly. :)

    17 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    Huh?! Not a spoiler at all. See. 


    Ah!!! I see. hehe.

  2. 4-9

    Well, darn!!! I wasn't necessarily shocked that we are moving into Jason vs Sonny...not helped by the manipulation of Sonny's med. But watching Diane in between Jason and Sonny really is making me ask questions. Most importantly...with all of Jason's asset reverting back to him...how does all the ELQ story up to this point that happened after he 'died' get affected.


    And as the first...if not one of the first to call the Drew/Nina hate sex...YASSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And scruffy Drew at that. MMMMMMMMMMMMmm!!! lol. To much more hating. hehe.


    Ava should is rocking those bangs. 


    I still can't get over how quickly I feel that Willow forgave Michael. 


    19 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    I think the idea of the Cassadines was more interesting than the reality. They were effectively used as villains in the early '80s, but once Guza brought them back, they were caught in the inevitability of tedium you get with brooding or "mysterious" figures year after year. Just how mysterious could it be seeing Stefan wander around his island muttering about "Lasha" or Nik staring off into space yet again? Guza didn't even seem to care about either of them that much compared to Luke or JJ Lucky. 

    There was also the lack of compelling romantic relationships for either of them. Stefan/Bobbie were great but they were nixed in favor of pairings that we were told were meant to be compelling rather than ever being shown (Laura, Katherine). And I don't believe Nik ever had an interesting romance. At least not when I was a regular viewer. 

    At least they did manage to put Spencer in a romantic pairing that worked and had fan support...only about a year or less before he left, but that's an improvement, at least.

    Idk. I liked it. Broody and gothic before I knew what gothic was. 


    And there was so many good moments. Well...before it went downhill from what I remember. Stefan/Bobbie stand out. The Baccahanlia itself stood out. And of course, the Laura/Katherine talk and the complexity of it...what did it say of Stefan's 'love' of Katherine if he was truly making her over in Laura's image...something no one would have said in that moment...only for Katherine to die...and coming back looking like Helena, Jr. lol.


    I would say Nik and OriginalGia. But even that was a recast Nik.

    8 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    Did you see my edit?! Sounds like you should keep it.

    Nope. Because then it would be a SPOILER. ;) 



    5 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Hmm.. I always thought Guza's choice to bring in the Cassadine's was innovative.  But I agree it could only go so far.    I think Nik gave Laura a whole new chapter to explore, but I did tire of Stravos and Helena.  I liked Stefan, but I also liked the whole gothic vibe of it all and I agree it might not be right for daytime in this particular era.



    For the time it was different...and I still see the promo in my head of the 'ring'...and the mystery of what had Laura spooked. That gothic vibe.


    But yeah...overuse to silly reasons probably did that in. And the writing. 

  3. 4-9

    Well, darn!!! I wasn't necessarily shocked that we are moving into Jason vs Sonny...not helped by the manipulation of Sonny's med. But watching Diane in between Jason and Sonny really is making me ask questions. Most importantly...with all of Jason's asset reverting back to him...how does all the ELQ story up to this point that happened after he 'died' get affected.


    And as the first...if not one of the first to call the Drew/Nina hate sex...YASSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And scruffy Drew at that. MMMMMMMMMMMMmm!!! lol. To much more hating. hehe.


    Ava should is rocking those bangs. 


    I still can't get over how quickly I feel that Willow forgave Michael. 



  4. 4-12


    See? This is what I was afraid of.


    Ashley's story has dominated this whole week. It has been on all week. And something new has happened all week. And the movement has been exquisite. And BOOM!!! She becomes the B story...okay, C story for Victor/Nikki. I wouldn't have minded so much since it IS Victor/Nikki's 40th anniversary...but all we got from them is a 5 second clip and a lot of talking and speeches WITHOUT flashbacks? I do respect that Ashley mentions littered Friday's episode regardless of the return of the Newman focus to keep the relevance of the clear A story this week. 


    But going back to Wednesday's cliffhanger...I loved we got a bit of a mini-climax...for now...in Ashley's story. REAL Ashley made it back at last. And had a good coda with Traci. But it was not without her vs the Abbotts giving more great scenes for them. And Diane. And now they added in Sharon. She really is turning into Marlena Evans when it comes to these things, ain't she?


    And then here comes Jordan...




    Okay, I will give some credit. Since Summer vs Claire has really been the B story this past week, the add-in of recast Harrison, brings it to the frontburner. So it does bring us to the next leg of Claire's story...trying to see her blend into her REAL family now that the main push in the Jordan storyline is over. From that perspective...I can see Summer's side. And the looks AL was giving...WOOF. It looks like more of the same in the current week. I almost wish they had gone with this angle post her getting out of the sanitarium. 


    And...I LOVE Nikki's dress. And how great Victor looked and how EB looked at her with such love in his eyes. And there was even a look EB had during his brief talk with Adam that was so fatherly that I really loved. 


    8 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    Eileen was amazing in the intervention scenes. The cause of her mental break is still stupid but I can’t take my eyes off the screen for any Ashley scenes especially with the other Abbott’s. It’s amazing how much more I’m invested in the Abbott’s than the Newman’s

    Oh God, yes. Eileen has been perfection. So meh none of her on Friday. I enjoyed having her all week last week. 


    tbf, JG has made it no secret that his favorite family is the Abbotts. And it does show.


    5 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:

    Haven’t watched the show in months but will be tuning in to these intervention episodes.

    Can anyone tell me what came of Mamie and who she was secretly on the phone with a few months ago and if anything happened between her and Jill? 

    I think you would love the whole week involving Ashley...from the coda of Friday 4/5 to 4/11...it has been the main story. And to see the story structure with cliffhangers every day this past week has been nice and refreshing. 


    From what I remember re: Mamie. Mamie was in cahoots with Tucker. He was her silent partner. Payback on Jill while Tucker got closer to Devon and Mamie got to keep the company just for the Winters as they tried to repair the rift between Devon, Lily, and Nate. Which she eventually did. 


    Now that everything has been out in the open and due to Jill and Mamie's continued dislike of each other, Jill brought Billy and Chance on to C-W so she was not basically outnumbered with Devon, Lily, and a returned Nate who thanks to Mamie (and Tucker's messiness with Audra, Ashley, and his own business dealings) did mend his relationship with Devon and Lily. However, the story has more of less stalled now and Jill has been nowhere in sight and Mamie's appearance has been too scattershot for my liking. If you didn't asked, I wouldn't have thought about it at all. It's been turned from an interesting B plot to basically a D plot. 


    I want to say right now...the last time it was touched on has been Billy trying to use Chance. Chance retired from being our police guy and joined C-W, making Jill (and Nina) happy. Billy was acting like a mentor. But Billy also started to ruffle Devon's feather. Chance went to Nate for advice and Nate has kinda turned into more of a mentor than Billy which has caused some friction between Billy and Chance. I don't know if you were watching when it was Devon vs Nate over that music festival (when the subtext was the hostility between the two over Nate's hand/Elena/etc.), but they basically recycled the music festival plot with Chance=Nate, Billy=Devon. The writers even gave a line name checking the plot as if they read this board because I said the same thing. In any case, Nate told Mamie about the friction and wanted to see if Nate would fan the flames. Meanwhile...Billy vs Devon was getting more frequent...not helped by the triangle between Heather/Daniel/Lily (which got backburnered when CK went on maternity leave)...which became another thing for Billy and Devon to argue over. Nothing has been touched on in terms of the C-W plot since Lily returned though. 


    I know that sounds like a LOT but it has been scattered scenes here and there over the last few months since the focus has been on the Abbotts and (especially) the Newmans vs Jordan. I feel it's a story that sadly fell through the cracks. 

    PS. If you don't want to start from 4/5...I would say the last 5 to 10 minutes of 4/09 and then 4/10, 4/11 (the main parts of the invention) were superb. The whole week has a nice flow in that story up until 4/12. 


  5. 4-12


    For a week where nothing happened, I have to admit that I didn't mind it at all. I can only assume...similar to this past week of Y&R...it has to do with the acting and not the story of it all.


    The Tale of the Ten Toes has been funny to watch for sure. I still felt like shaking Deacon at times but SK has been giving it his all. Ridge could STFU though. But at least people are wondering if it is true. And to hear the name Sugar...uh oh? Though when was the last time Sugar was around? And seeing the cameo for who shows up this current week...I'm surprised.


    RJ/Luna/Zende. Well, at least it gave some B story. I feel I'm over it outside of seeing the RJ actor in those clothes that look painted on. Perhaps I'm ready for the next beat...wasn't there supposed to be some new characters coming up to interact with RJ/Luna? I did like the Zende/Carter scene. 


    Liam will always be ugh. 

  6. 8 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    I’m a Crystal fan big time so this wasn’t what I wanted to hear. I’d have preferred to hear she was coming back.

    Awww I see. 


    1 hour ago, Cat said:

    He's thirstier than any HW. What a pity we won't be seeing any of that on our televisions

    Never say never. lol. He might be THAT thirsty enough. 



  7. 1 hour ago, Soapsuds said:


    Daytime soaps have unfortunately let me down once again.

    Yeah...lol. I don't even watch and been hit by the buzz so I got curious this past weekend among my binging which btw...thank you. Watched both episode of M&G and WILL be back next week. Might even get around to finish binging WILL now since the main character on that show is George's rival for King James. He aged up weeeelll. lol.  

  8. 5 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    Dang, i just started to like her

    From what I heard...I felt like her days were numbered when she mentioned in interviews that her scenes had been edited down...including her aftermath talk with Kyle about their back and forth at last year's reunion which could have been a nice set-up for those two to feud and thus give Crystal something to work with. 


    5 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    As Alexandra Spaulding of GL fame once said 'I'm sure this time it's forever' LOL 

    lol. I have heard some shade about them so I'm looking forward to finally being able to sit down and watch that season. 


    4 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    Not the news I wanted ugh.

    What news did you want? 

  9. 8 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    This is the first soap CBS will actually own, is that correct?


    And HERE...WE...GO!!!


    Once THE TALK made its announcement, I hoped...but now it's official. Excited to see it.


    8 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    Its going to be..

    GH vs The Gates

    PM vs MVJ

    Yasss!!! Let the fun begin!!!

    1 hour ago, Khan said:

    Trust me: all the parties involved - MVJ, CBSD, NAACP, P&G - will do their best to get this one right, if only because of the "blacklash" they will receive from the African-American community if they don't.

    Exactly! That was how I felt when I heard the NAACP was involved originally. They know what's 'at stake' so they are going to try to put out the best project possible. 

  10. RHOP


    And now this, too???



    31 minutes ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    Chris & Candiace are expecting. They apparently will announce it on ET!

    Congrats to her.

    Makes sense why she was a blubbering fool at the reunion. 

    I missed this the first time around. 


    And it makes sense now.


    Peace of mind looks good on her, too. No wonder she left. 

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