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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. Are they taking the Super Bowl off? I thought it helped its ratings last year.

    LOL!!! Well, this show can get dangerously realistic.

    Oh, I looked at the preview right after I posted my thoughts. I could see that happening since Richie is observant. But I still bet on my theory. :P



    DOM: I'm enjoying the conflict. I can't lie. I am. It is just so realistic to me. My first serious relationship was with a Russian and one of our recurring problems was the fact that I did not (at the time) have as concrete of a direction for my dreams, but I had a dream. And he would always try to get me to think in terms of stepping stones to something better. Sometimes it would be vice versa. While help is nice, the point of getting the dream is that hopefully you did it versus you got help to do it. And that is what I see playing out with Dom and Lynn. Yes, I know Lynn means well versus my Russian, but Dom doesn't know that. lol. And now Dom is probably going to doubt his ability to get his dream...which will cause conflict in the relationship.

    AUGGIE: Still not a fave, but nice to see him working on being a better person. I am also suspecting that if Richie finds out about Pat/Kevin it is going to be from Auggie's big mouth.

    PATRICK: Patrick, Patrick, Patrick. SMH. Funnily enough, Him and Kevin after this episode (without the drama) reminded me of my OTHER serious relationship. Lol. The talking. The quick kisses. The cuddling on the couch when they could have gone straight to sex. It is given all of this structure so it's not JUST SEX...which it really has been up until last week. I had read a review earlier that suggested the writers are doing for Pat/Kevin what they did for Richie/Pat last season...making them rootable even though you shouldn't be rooting for them. And the fact that Kevin let Patrick top him...yes, Kevin is falling for Pat. And that phone call at the end...yep, this is going to be messy...

    From what I can tell...this season has been balancing the drama and the comedic moments pretty well so far making this season the dramedy that everyone seem to be expected last season.

    And love Doris with her black chocolate. Just love seeing her and Dom period.

  3. It's funny you should say that. lol. I had a similar (of course) situation with two separate people this very weekend. Short verison...one I am sure is now currently doing just what Pat/Kevin are doing but who am I to judge since I was the original Patrick I suspect...but I said no. lol.

    And the other one...is single, but I had his back over a breakup this past week for a week and after a longer period of 'what is going on,' I faced him down last night...and it didn't end well. So since we work together...well...awkward today. So much so I finally had to call it out...something I don't like to do at work. But we have known each other by now that I know when someone is being not-like-themselves. So we are navigating just being friends, but then he has moments where before we talked last night, we kinda comforted each other. And he kinda hinted at that tonight...but I had to back off because I didn't want mixed signals to happen when they know I am interested.

    Okay, rant over. lol. But yes, I see what you mean

    ETA: Nearing the end of Episode 2x2 and le sigh...Richie. That is all. lol.

  4. Halfway through Episode 2...so will need to see about a new laptop if it keeps being lik this...lol...and I LOL so hard at that bum...if only because we have one of those by my workplace as well...which is in the gay part of town.

    I know Pat/Kevin are wrong, but they were adorable on that bus. And as usual life is getting me down in the dating department so I can't help but le sigh over what I saw. But I also like the subtle little cracks I see in their relationship...because the guilt is all over them.

    More later...I hope...

  5. LMAO! Claudia took her ex-husband for a storyline, which she used to snatch her peach. HAHA

    BTW, Marlo did an interview where she spills the tea on Nene. Im listening now!

    ETA: Marlo takes credit for helping Nene's fashion game with clothes, which she still cant pronounce (Shade!). She said she helped Nene's image and her ratings as well. "Im on Marlo's planet and Im a realist"

    Now she's talking about Sheree. She says she and Sheree are cool with each other and are on speaking terms

    She is cool with Kenya, Claudia, Kandi and all the girls except Nene. Says she and Phaedra are not the best and she doesnt know Demi. She says Poorsha would rather sit with her but since she's Team Nene right now, she will stay over there until Nene gets tired of her....LOL

    She reveals Nene didnt even want her on the show to begin with. She ran screaming and upset when she first learned of Marlo. She was told that Nene decided to play her like chess by befriending her and using her to the best of her abilities

    HAHA, some chick just called and tried to come for her, "yeah you know who Ace is; the big drug dealer from Queens" I cant with this....lol

    She says Nene needs to have a seat....at a hair saloon. laugh.png

    Now I thought that was just common knowledge...moreso since except for moments here and there, Nene's fashion sense has declined since their falling out.

  6. By all means, Joanna, go get her We all know your thirst is real.

    WTF?! I dont really think thats something you can sue over but Im on her side. Bravo should have brought her over to BH

    Hawaiin Punch...YES! My ass would put water in there, to make it more. My gallon bottle turned into a gallon and a half!

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  7. Totally worth the wait. lol.

    It appears to be the same old LOOKING, but there's direction which is nice.

    Yep...Pat's a ho.

    Auggie...was likeable, but yet still him.

    And Dom...poor him. So see he is liking Lynn more and more.

    The party rocked.

    And the promo for next week...LOVE.

  8. Demitria invited all these girls she doesnt know for an ALL-EXPENSE paid trip? Dang Bravo, you gotta come up with more believable reasons to get these women together.

    LOL at Kenya's shade on Claudia's feet and then Claudia calling her a bitch. Kenya was killing me with the facial look

    tumblr_ni2uqzdtLw1ql5yr7o1_250.gif tumblr_ni2uqzdtLw1ql5yr7o2_250.gif

    LMAO at Kenya shading Nene. "...someone 60 years old, you know Nene's age." Now she knows she's wrong to shade her age but I aint gonna lie about finding it funny.

    Demetria has a good voice. I didnt know she could sing like that. Its too bad her debut was such a joke. She needs to stop playing. Girl is not dating Roger Bobb and its obviously this is all a lie.


    Shaedra was coming for Demi and I didnt like that. What the hell was wrong with her ugly facial expressions


    Damn, you can tell Claudia is about to pounce

    Kandi: "Claudia is reading Nene like hooked on Phonics." LMAO "You're rich and thats the hair you chose to buy" Ramen noodles....LOL


    Nene's new talking head looks good! UPGRADE from the hot messes she's had all season


    Kenya looked FAB at the GG

    Why is Poorsha on this trip? Ugh

    So Claudia can read her ass for filth next week. wink.pngph34r.png

  9. I saw this in one of my groups last night. N

    Now that I read....well...I'm guilty of most of that now. :)

    But I am a one person guy. Sorry. Just don't like to share...nor do I feel the need to. But...to each their own as long as it harms none...which I find some people do not know how to do. *side-eye*

  10. Hmmmm...I would say spoiler-ish in terms of some plot directions, but not too much given an article I read pre-workout.

    EW was doing a whole how a city makes a show angle with the new HBO shows (Looking=San Fran, Girls=NY, Togetherness=LA) that I found interesting in terms of setting being a character itself and yet the shows have to be for everyone kinda thing.

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