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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. Cynthia is SOOOOO messy. She's been waiting years to call Phraudlent Phaedra out. Did Peter tell her that Phaedra was in love with Chocolate? It seemed like she was making stuff up at this point

    I totally forgot about Cynthia almost nailing Shady Phae Phae to the wall for that recording.

    Nice to see her get this time.

    And DEAD at Kenya's reaction. Go get yours, girl!!!

  2. Yessssssssssssssssssss to a RHoMel marathon, because from what little of it I saw..Gina was EVERYTHING you all said she would be and I want more. :)

    Will be enjoying Mardi Gras in the Gaslamp in San Diego so I hope you guys give some good RHoBH dirt while I reunite with the BFF for some fun trouble. hehe..

    Yessssssssssssssssssss to a RHoMel marathon, because from what little of it I saw..Gina was EVERYTHING you all said she would be and I want more. :)

    Will be enjoying Mardi Gras in the Gaslamp in San Diego so I hope you guys give some good RHoBH dirt while I reunite with the BFF for some fun trouble. hehe..

  3. And they saved most of the good stuff for the last two episodes then, and momentum really started at the halfway point. which is why I said now that we are at the halfway point and I suspect that they will start to move a little (just a little) faster.

    God, I hope they renew...I know I relate to all of this too much.

  4. Well, season 1 was slow as well...until the back set of episodes.

    And guess where we are at right now? ;)

    However, I can see your theory working as well.

    Exactly!!! I loved that the writers finally gave a hit at John/Kevin's relationship. But of course by opening that can of worms it begs more questions...which I think is interesting given the information given about Kevin's backstory so far as well as the debate here over if Kevin is predator or just a misunderstood guy into his own feelings.

  5. But still John is trying to make the effect. Puts Kevin in a bad light.

    And now that I've gone about my day some and seen the preview for next week, I wonder if what goes down at the party is that Richie is going to go there, see Kevin and John, and just drops the affair bombshell...thus in order for Kevin to save his relationship with John, he has to move back to Seattle.

  6. Starting to watch...

    And so far...I like Patrick like this to Kevin. I'm a sucker for couples fighting to get together and Kevin is looking like a sexy puppy.

    Yay to the straight co-worker popping up again!!!

    LMAO at Patrick in his room for reasons I won't say. ph34r.png

    ETA: I thought it was a good episode. You learn more about Richie...though I was unclear about what the issue between Richie and his father was. And yes, it was clear that Richie loved Pat. And I loved his cousin. Annnd...as for what she said. Grrrrl, tell me about it. lol.

    I loved the movement within Auggie/Eddie arc, but wow. There was a lot in my life the last few days among people I know about how no one wants to label what they have going on and see where it goes. And that is all well and good, but some people use that as a way to hurt people so it has currently (cuz I know on a logical level not everyone is like that) been bending me out of shape...especially given how quickly people like to use couple labels when they are with someone who is not as good as my friends are to them. But it is what it is.

    And poor Kevin. Interesting that he forbid Jon from coming by the workplace for the last three months. Why? Because Jon wanted to come. Reveals a lot about Jon and why it might not be hard for Kevin to let go. So where is the disconnect between him...

  7. Dom definitely was killing it last night. Despite his douchebag behavior two weeks ago I truly felt awful. In a way though I felt sorta glad for Lynn though. I think he did the cold hearted thing because to me Dom didn't have any problem screwing that guy at the log cabin a few weeks ago and yet now he wants Lynn to be chained to him and open his heart to him? It doesn't work that way boy. So I don't blame Lynn at all for being upfront and telling him that they were never going to have what he and his previous partner had. Still though the dawning of that realization on Dom was truly gut wrenching...

    Patrick...I swear I just can't with this guy. Does he want Ritchie or does he not. He just loves stringing this guy along. And I love how Richie gave him the "I'm not judging but really I am" look at the park. And the feeling of anxiety when he saw Kevin and his boyfriend. Such great scenes. The ending was sad but its hard to truly empathize with him when 1) He's a deliberate homwrecker and 2) He seems to enjoy the attention and stringing along both guys.

    Not really sure what to think about Aug and this new job. I like the bear guy but if not for Aug could disappear tomorrow and I wouldn't care that much...

    Now come on, Prince!!! There was a moment in that bj scene where Dom liked being known as Lynn's bf...and it hit him that that was what he wanted and not in an open relationship. Which made seeing Rugby Guy at the door (looking hot) all the more gut punching. And I suspect that if Dom had not brought it up in that last talk then Lynn would not have. And that is where I agree with Skin. Lynn wasn't that upfront about it until now from what we have seen IMHO. And if he just want sex with the occasional 3rd because he is really not over his gone ex and will never be, then I would think he would say so from go so there is no false hope and the other partner knows what's up. That said, yes...Dom was just devastating. Just...wow.

    But is Patrick stringing anyone along...or is he the one being string along at this point? I would go with the latter now that he finally had to do what he had to do...which was put his foot down and classify what it was. Truth hurts. Now he needs to figure out what to do next now that he knows (for now) that Kevin is not leaving John and Richie is unavailable.

    I feel like Aug's storyline will head up next week. I don't recall seeing Dom in next week's preview. So I assume he will be C plot next week with the main plot being Pat/Richie a la Episode 5 of season 1ish with Auggie bringing up the second plot.

  8. Those were great emotional beats. Been there, done that. I've never seen such devastated gay men.

    That said...can't wait to see what everyone else thinks.

    Good episode.

    ETA: Nice that they could rope in Esta Noche before it closed down.

  9. Who is to say that they will not get into that in time? Some characters are not richly formed when they appear. Just look at the main characters. ph34r.png

    I will say that Richie being the one to find Auggie was contrived. And the apology moreso...if they are hanging out in the next episode or so. But that might just be a little bump on the 'Auggie works on himself' arc. And it just happened to involve Richie...whom he wronged. Now eventually, he is going to have to delal with Frank then...and I'm all for that.

  10. I thought the fight between Richie and Auggie was as much about their cultural differences even if they were from the same culture as it was about Auggie thinking Patrick was slumming it. You know, representing the whole 'differences within same race' ideal. Thus, Auggie's apology for being so condescending to Richie back then in the latest episode. I could relate to both since I've had such debates on one hand and have waaaay too many people who want to dictate who their friends should date simply based on my skin color if not just my current (emphasis on current) pay rate.

    For me, I like that the writers are keeping a very light thread out there for the Pat/Richie fans. But it seems clear to me that this season is all about Pat/Kevin. Which...I think is a good thing. Last season was all about Pat/Richie and what their problems would be if they got together. And now this season is about Pat/Kevin and what their problems will be. Good or bad, Pat will come out of it learning something. But it seems like by the time he does, Richie will probably be with someone else. So...what to do, what to do.

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