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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. Ohhh, DF.

    I admit that I am sorry about Noelle as well, but given what happened to her fiancée, I can understand.

    I am also curious about how Annabelle will be given that she was sidelined by her horse accident. Given how people feared her, I want to see it.

  2. Finally got around to watching and made it up to Episode 7 before it got harder to find online (hint, hint)


    The writing and how everything builds is awesome. And the introduction of Fisk was prefect. As well as the first talk between and DD in Episode 6. JUst the cat and mouse. And it made me think of THE DARK KNIGHT where I could watch them 'dance' forever.

  3. Hahahahahahaha!!!

    Well, it didn't help that the board was down. ;)

    In any case, I'm looking forward to the next appearance when she goes on the attack with everybody.

    As when as this Sunday when that guy confirms what you all said about LN's Husband.

  4. Taboi, you never posted about Mariah? You dissapoint me


    Im finally all caught up and I have to say Mariah's return was the best 10 minutes all season. I love the shade she was throwing and she brought some much needed humor. I didnt realize how much I missed her till then and there were times when i flat out couldnt stand her. She was the show though and her absence is felt


    Also dead at her comparing LN to a dead person and said Quad found her at a graveyard. I also liked how she called Quad out on her BS and didnt let her slide


    Never found it. :P


    Yes, I saw it and loved ALL of the shade Mariah was through. That part you mentioned made me lmao.


    Playing a bit of catchup and this stuff with Dr. Jackie and her dad...heartbreaking.

  5. Did y'all see that Sheree and Marlo are back this season on Atlanta?  Sheree is a full-time housewife and Marlo is a Friend.

    Only one appearance so far.


    It will be interesting to see if there will be more now that the showrunner Nene hated is back and LOVES Marlo.

  6. OC

    Oh, yeah. I saw that scene with Vicki and my eyes watered. To me, there is no acting to the cameras on that. She's reacting so much like I did when my father passed that it's eerie. Except for the medium. Well...then again...anyway...

    LOL at Tamra vs the medium.


    Congrats to Kandi and Todd!!!!


    I thought what made BH so good (and the same with ATL and OC) is the fact that they were friends pre-show.

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