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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. Watching the latest episode...


    I never thought I would see the day that I would be cheering Jax on, but James is just too annoying trying to be Jax 2.0. Nice try, little man.


    I will give Lala this much...she is bringing some drama which I was not feeling this season at all.


    Oh, I see the promo for next week it is going to be Old Blood v New between Jax and James. Good luck on that.


    Those Toms suuuuuure do know how to ram. Wow. lol. Good they are being a friend to Shay. Shame his WIFE can't be the same.


    Katie's hair continues to be flawless.






  2. My opinion is this:


    Cynthia was drunk and belligerent and overreacting, taking out anger she has for other people, on Porsha. Porsha was, clearly, genuinely confused about why Cynthia blew up, as was everyone else. It was clear that what really set Cynthia off was Kandi's "best friend" comment because Cynthia has the reputation of snuggling up to whoever the "Queen" of RHOA is deemed to be. And Porsha did, in fact, let Cynthia walk away. However, the other ladies, Kenya included, ALL urged her to follow Cynthia and talk to her. Porsha went over there with good intentions and, once again, Cynthia popped off at the mouth for no reason. Should Porsha have walked away? Probably, because it wasn't worth it. Was Porsha some huge, hulking, dangerous dominatrix because she stood up when Cynthia was in her face? No. Y'all are really reaching with this knee thing. Porsha stood, obviously her leg was going to bend and go over the chair. She wasn't kneeing Cynthia in the face or anywhere else. Should she have stood over the chair? Probably not. Does her doing so justify Cynthia drop kicking her, despite being "so against violence"? Absolutely not. 

    Something I said as well...it's obvious the drama in Cynthia's marriage and the drinking had made her sensitive. Ford definitely appeared genuine in her confusion to me as well. Maybe I just need a re-watch as well. I thought the girls and her own heart was in the right place...just wrong time.




    I happen to like Lips's tagline and how she said it as well.

    Same for Erika's. It's in the way she said it.



  3. Yeah...I still say Cynthia was drunk and stressed over her marriage...something Toyota herself should understand.


    THat said...I don't find Porsche to be at fault at the start. They had been drinking and joking all day so she felt close and had been acting close to Cynthia trying to cheer her up...something Cynthia needed. I have been known to be the friend to cheer up people who I am not close to so I see that.

  4. BH


    I  watched the Season 1 BTS and found it oh so fascinating given what we know now. And that unseen footage was GOLD...especially for Kim.


    And because I can't say it enough: I know you all say Camille Season 1 was a bitca, and Season 2 was about repairing her image, but let us not forget that great catfight between her and Yolanda in Vegas during Season 3.




    Fun easy breezy episode. More of THIS.


    Kenya's event was so reminiscent of Demetria's event last season. I love seeing so much Marlo. And Kenya v Sheree is the gift that keeps on giving.


    I think Kim might just be doing what Lizzie on OC and Lips and Eileen did on BH in that she is sitting back and observing...for now. I expect she will do something noteworthy in time. 


    I was surprised to see Ms. Lawrence as well.


    Now when did they show Claudia. Can we get a screencap?

  5. Totally agree...that this with RHoBH was the prefect combo...especially to see more of the lovely Lisa.

    That said...so far...I'm not liking this season. It just feels (again so far) like so much been there, done that. Like they realize there is a formula to this and following it. I saw that last season, but there was enough differences to make it entertaining. I am sure Stassi's return will take care of some of that.


    Yep. Not liking Schana at all this season. Being 'Queen Bee' has gone to her head.


    And I know he's crazy, a clear druggie, and all kinds of looking old, but I would still ride Jax like a horse. Storyline wise...it's time for something different.


    Kristen has been much improved so far. However...I hope she stays the 'villain.' :)

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