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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. RHOBH

    Kim: there is nothing redeeming about this piece of trash. She is a waste of (damaged) skin and is no nasty that I can't even comprehend how Kyle has tolerated her all these years. She is a filthy, dangerous, stupid, addict. Let's call a spade a spade, she hasn't been sober on this show ever and anyone whose going to believe her is out to lunch. Kim did not admit that she shouldn't have taken Monty's medication: she excused it by saying it didn't agree with her and she wound up in the hospital. She never admitted that taking a pill not prescribed for her was wrong. There's no way she believes that herself. She is such a messy addict that she's in denial about everything. She didn't make a lick of sense when she was saying that she lashed out because it was about her kids. First of all, she's been the worst thing to happen to her kids, and secondly, she didn't connect anything logically together. And of course she can't because her brain is fried. Her behaviour to Eileen was especially bad. Kim goes for the cheap shots like any highschool bitch. And she's not sophisticated enough to play on the big leagues. She's a washed up child actress with sun damage, major addiction issues and a crappy rental house in the wrong side of the canyons with a dog she couldn't handle after it mauled a friend and a niece. Kim is a failure.

    Eileen: it makes sense that she's a great actress: she's tuned into her emotions. Kim was just awful to her but Eileen got right under her skin by not showing the slightest hint that Kim intimidated her. Eileen is frosty, in control and nobody's fool. She is a straight up, stand up woman. She fought back at that table smoothly and calmly and didn't let anyone shake her.

    Lisa R: she went nuclear and I only wish her hand had connected with Kim's smug face. She showed some restraint in a vile situation. She apologized to Kim and then she got attacked with typical LA bullsh*t about Harry. And then she calmly took Kim's nonsense, producer dictated apology and got on with things. She shows a remarkable ability to move on.

    Kyle: I have never been a Kyle fan, and I'm still not, but I echo what Eileen said: I don't know how she puts up with it because Kim is awful to her. It was hilarious that Kyle ran and then glanced back at the camera to make sure her dramatics were properly captured. She's an attention whore, of that there is no doubt, but I get Kyle's Struggle and she's cast herself as the heroine perfectly.

    Brandi: credit to her, she just sat there quietly and didn't stir things up much. Her outburst at the marijuana bakery was weird, she clearly has a lot of rage bottled up.

    Lisa V: she glided through this episode and showed the kind of English resolve that got them through WWII. She was right that the women needed to pull it together. She was also solid in defending Kyle and effortlessly highlighting to the viewer that she's seen Kim's evil crap for years. Lisa's disdain for Kim makes total sense, it always has, and this episode cemented it.

    Yolanda: her mom and brother seemed lovely and she seemed so happy to be home and she was right in how she told Kim she was wrong.

    Next week looks good, if Brandi doesn't slap Lisa V in jest I don't know how I'll bottle my rage!

    Neither does Lisa V apparently if articles and comments online are to be believed.

  2. As a whole, it doesn't compare to Season 2.

    For me, it started slow, but got better as the windup to the wedding got going. And kept being good.

    But still...hm.

    Stassi was better off not coming back this season, leaving on a bitch high.

    And I love that Katie with a backbone.

  3. Its just not the same as seeing it...feeling the emotional impact.

    Well, obviously. wink.png

    But I suspect the reason for not seeing it was done ON PURPOSE aka a story twist coming.

    ETA: Love that last scene. And the finger on the chin pulling him forward to kiss thing...le sigh.

    That said...while low-key that has not stopped LOOKING from having drama moments. Low key...but drama all the same.

  4. Its so frustrating how hard this show tries to be absolutely boring. Like Kevin and John breaking up should have been seen onscreen. Preferably with stupid Patrick in the background and a moment where it dawns on John that he's the odd man out or something. Instead we get some bs ending where Kevin claims he ended it with John and woohoo he and Patrick can be soul mates forever. I feel so robbed as a viewer.

    The same thing as the stupid party last week. All this build up and nothing. I loved Doris and Don so much in this previous episode. A part of me agrees that Don should only accept the money as a loan but at the same time it was very moving to see how good a friend Doris is that she placed no limits at all on it.

    I thought it was telling that Kevin looked like crap as he waited there for Patrick.

    And looking around online a bit...there appears to be a reason for the breakup being off screen.

    Is it wrong that I liked Dom and Doris's small town background? And that small town bar?

  5. Im with Vix in that I dont buy that she's with Roger Bobb. Maybe in the past but definitely not as of taping. She used him to get her on this platform to promote her music and considering their past, he had no qualms about helping her out. Its telling though that he's filmed with Kenya and others but not his girl? Hmmmmmm...... They are exes who are friends now. I dont think they are an actual couple


    I could see Roger Bobb helping Demetria out by playing acting. Wouldn't be the first lady on this show that has done this.

    Will see if NYC trailer is on YT since my laptop isn't the best in the world for anything else.

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