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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. Where was Faye? Im watchin right now and up to the Brandi vs Kyle confrontation. I was in the kitchen with the sound for the earlier parts of the party.

    Man if Faye was really there, why didnt she jump in and go in on Brandi?

    Brandi's comment about Kyle's husband not wanting her was so low and dirty. How could she say that considering what went down in her marriage?

    This Kyle and Kim story reminds me of season 1. So good and it feels like genuine drama. The bond between sisters is a powerful thing.

    LOVE Eileen and Lisa's commentary on everyone

    Previews: Now Brandi is going to talk about Yolanda's daughter being an alcoholic? Oh HELL no. Yo needs to be done with her for putting that on camera. Really, bitch?


    Yes Faye was there. Kyle goes up to her and says hi. And there's a camera angle as they are talking that shows Brandi not too far away from where Kyle and Faye were talking.

    I would say she didn't want any backlash a la Season 3. Not that time haven't changed.

  2. Nice save, I was about to come for that wig!

    I didn't even watch this weeks RHOA cause I heard it was so boring.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You ain't the first bitch this week. You gonna have to get in line with that other tired ho and my leftovers. whistling.jpg

    I liked it, but I can see why others would find it boring. Nothing really happened but setup for Claud vs Toyota.

    And Cat, oh, no. you keep on keeping on. I can't wait for your thoughts on the return on Season 1 Kyle.



    DEAD. Moreso since I did this earlier tonight.

  3. Personally I think Eileen is a great addition in terms of balancing out the cast. Sometimes you cannot have 5 harridans all screaming at each other and trying to be noticed because then you end up with last season's RHoNJ mess. This season so far has been really good, and much of it is down to the fabulous Lisa Rinna and Voice of Reason Eileen.

    It is especially evident in her VTs how smart and on the ball she is. When she shades it is rarely for the sake of being bitchy. Basically she has an ice-queen exterior and the heart of a smart, tomboyish dork. Her level-headedness is a breath of fresh air when things get really heated.

    *cough*Gemini*cough* God, I love her.

    Oh, no, Cat, you (and DF) give the best RHoBH commentary. I can't tell you how many times after episodes I can't wait to hear what you two say (same for NBA, Eric, Vix, and Cheap on RHoA).

  4. Can we share thoughts on latter-Madonna, when most agree it hasn't been the same? Let's say... everything after MUSIC?

    What do you think about American Life, Confessions On A Dancefloor, Hard Candy, MDNA? I know most dislike them, especially HC and MDNA, with the possible exception of Dancefloor. Are there any particular favorites or good things you feel/think about those albums?

    I've always loved Miles Away and Give It 2 Me for example, but HATE 4 Minutes. And I think Gang Bang and Masterpiece are brilliant. Dancefloor I've always loved as a whole and stuff like Love Profusion and Nothing Fails are beautiful.

    American Life

    Never hated it. I'M STUPID was a fave. DIE ANOTHER DAY was up my alley. NOTHING FAILS brought me to tears. EASY RIDE is my 2nd favorite Madonna coda (GONE from Music being the first). I think the album has withstood the test of time for me.


    LOVED. LOVED. Mostly from SORRY on was just a drug for me. FORBIDDEN LOVE will always be remembered as the last song that a dj loved to play at the end of the night at a lesbian club I went to when I first moved to San Diego. And just how it made everything so magical. And I thought about my boyfriend at the time who was my 2nd serious relationship.

    Hard Candy

    I loved it at the time, but I am finding it forgetful now. As in people have to remind me it happned forgetful. Funny since it had so many gems that I loved at the time of its release. PS. Oakenfold remix of Give it 2 Me was the s*it back then and totally worth dancing to it.


    LOVED. But it was up my alley. I have been finding that the end of the cd are more memorable to me than the rest other than ADDICTED though. And of course GANG BANG.

  5. Hahahaha!!!

    I feel like the only person who has not liked Living for Love. I think it will be a slow burn on me.

    And YAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS to 'Bitch, I'm Madonna.' I have EVERY intention of making Nicki's part of the song my Bitca if that gets dropped on a dance floor while I'm at a club.

    I love Devil Pray as well. And Unapologetic Bitch was great reggae.

    Ghostown stilled my soul yesterday. I have not been having a good week. And yesterday...it just calmed me completely. Easily my favorite. Makes me wonder when was the last time Madge did a ballad like a ballad without techno beats. Miles Away (since I don't count Masterpiece due to soundtrack)

    Illumnati...not my favorite but great beat.

    And I see all that hanging with Nicki is making Madonna rap a little bit better.

  6. Basically Kyle Richards is in IDGAF mode and she tore into Brandi immediately after the end of the last episode and went after her sister Kim to talk to her. Of course trashbox wants to keep getting inbetween the two sisters because in her deluded mind she's a functioning alcoholic who is protection "poor fragile Kim" from big bad Kyle....GMAFB. Anyways Kyle told her to kick rocks and that this is NONE of her business and that Brandi hurt her arm, etc.

    But really I'm referring to the previews of next week. Lets just say Kyle does NOT back down from Brandi and I was pleasantly surprised that she stood her ground and fought the Beast.

    Yolanda bores me to tears. Now that her obsession Gigi and her non wanted child Bella are gone we see the son that we never even knew about;...almost tragic what she's been reduced to for storyline.

    Anyways I'm just done with Brandi. That was just ridiculous.

    #TeamLeakes...serve that heffa those papers.

    They just showed a quick moment from next week...and yaaaassss, Kyle!!!! Get your Season 1 on!!!!

    Well, Yolanda has no one to blame for that, but herself after last season.

    ETA: Just saw next week YASSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET HER, KYLE!!!

  7. Are they taking the Super Bowl off? I thought it helped its ratings last year.

    LOL!!! Well, this show can get dangerously realistic.

    Oh, I looked at the preview right after I posted my thoughts. I could see that happening since Richie is observant. But I still bet on my theory. :P



    DOM: I'm enjoying the conflict. I can't lie. I am. It is just so realistic to me. My first serious relationship was with a Russian and one of our recurring problems was the fact that I did not (at the time) have as concrete of a direction for my dreams, but I had a dream. And he would always try to get me to think in terms of stepping stones to something better. Sometimes it would be vice versa. While help is nice, the point of getting the dream is that hopefully you did it versus you got help to do it. And that is what I see playing out with Dom and Lynn. Yes, I know Lynn means well versus my Russian, but Dom doesn't know that. lol. And now Dom is probably going to doubt his ability to get his dream...which will cause conflict in the relationship.

    AUGGIE: Still not a fave, but nice to see him working on being a better person. I am also suspecting that if Richie finds out about Pat/Kevin it is going to be from Auggie's big mouth.

    PATRICK: Patrick, Patrick, Patrick. SMH. Funnily enough, Him and Kevin after this episode (without the drama) reminded me of my OTHER serious relationship. Lol. The talking. The quick kisses. The cuddling on the couch when they could have gone straight to sex. It is given all of this structure so it's not JUST SEX...which it really has been up until last week. I had read a review earlier that suggested the writers are doing for Pat/Kevin what they did for Richie/Pat last season...making them rootable even though you shouldn't be rooting for them. And the fact that Kevin let Patrick top him...yes, Kevin is falling for Pat. And that phone call at the end...yep, this is going to be messy...

    From what I can tell...this season has been balancing the drama and the comedic moments pretty well so far making this season the dramedy that everyone seem to be expected last season.

    And love Doris with her black chocolate. Just love seeing her and Dom period.

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