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Posts posted by carolineg

  1. Just now, Aragorn said:

    Don't you remember when a drunk Luke hit Jake with his car.? I think that Franco threw Jake into the street.

    Of course I remember the Luke is a drunk saga.  But that just didn't happen lol.  Anyhow, write your own fanfiction.  I'll leave it alone.

  2. 2 minutes ago, j swift said:

    Yeah, but I'd also be OK with Temp-Sloan if the character continues.  Just so that she and Tate (who date IRL) can carpool to work.  Given, my freeway commute, I am always up for less traffic. 

    As someone who drove on the 405 for way too long every morning and evening for work I feel that lol.

  3. Just now, j swift said:

    She upgraded.  Since Top Model, she she was engaged to Kaan Gunay, the billionaire owner of the Firefly ad agency, Milutin Gatsby, a billionaire film producer, James Packer, the billionaire Australian media owner and former flame of Mariah Carey, Logan Paul, and Ed Westwick.  So, 4/6 of her engagements were to billionaires.

    I feel like she defended Ed Westwick through the rape allegations too.  🙄  But the girl is clearly a hustler.  I always thought she was sweet and slightly country on ANTM.  She doesn't need Days money, so I won't feel bad when she is written off lol. 

  4. 25 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    I’m sorry, what? That is wild, and bad beyond imagining.

    So Michael was having trouble interacting with females his age due to his time in prison (can't remember if we knew he was raped at the time, don't think so, but heavily implied).

    Michael went to Sam and asked her to find him a prostitute so he could get his first time over with and be more confident.  Sam for some unknown reason agreed to this request. Abby was one of Sam's friends from the strip club (they knew one another through her PI work).  Sam "hired" Abby to sleep with Michael.  Abby didn't take any money, wasn't a prostitute, and had a heart of gold.  Michael freaked out at their first attempt at sex, but Abby continued to hang out with him.  I think Abby had an abusive bf at some point that Michael rescued her from. Eventually they became a couple and were kind of cute.  They date for awhile and she stops stripping and may or may not have worked for Tracey or the Q's?  She was on business trip somewhere when she got hit by the crane.

    Also there is a great Sonny scene where he meets Abby at the hospital after the BUS CRASH of 2011 and knows she's a stripper because she's wearing fishnet stockings.  Seriously.  Oh, Guza

    It also should be noted that Michael was in HIGH SCHOOL at the time him and Abby/Candy* met.  He was over 18 though because he was held back a year because of the whole murdering Claudia/prison thing.

    *Candy was her stage name because of course.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Now that's what I call diabolical, lol!

    I still can't believe they killed someone (off-screen) by dropping a crane on them.  That's Monty Python-level absurd.

    I was in a deep GH depression due to VM leaving a few months earlier and thought Abby just disappeared.  But, no, her and Michael were still an item.  And they killed her off months later.  I think it's because the actress was in her mid 30's and Michael was still supposed to be a teenager.  The actress looked really young though, but she was also hired by Sam to sleep with Michael after his prison rape so it's real weird.  But she wasn't a prostitute.  Just doing Sam a solid.  The character of Abby is just a wild ride.

  6. 17 minutes ago, Aragorn said:

    I believed that Franco did it. I also believed that Franco murdered Jake. He opened the door to Liz's house, grabbed Jake, and tossed him in front Luke's car.

    Lol.  So it actually didn't happen it's just your belief.  Cool.  Anyway, it's an awfully elaborate plan for Franco to just kill a random stripper Michael was dating 🤷‍♀️

    Jake's still alive so no one actually murdered him.  Was Franco even around back then?  I thought his last hurrah (James Franco) was blowing up the limo at Sonny and Brenda's wedding and almost killing Sam and making her deaf for 6 episodes.

    ETA-totally forgot James Franco was around for Jason/Sam's honeymoon and all that "fun", so i guess he was still a thing.

  7. 20 hours ago, Vee said:

    Sir/ma'am, I admire the fire but they are Lit-erally blood related!

    Well, damn. That throws out my idea of a Sly/Lucky pairing lol.   So Bill/Luke are cousins?  Why was the show randomly testing Bill/Bobbie then?  Or maybe I just imagined that.  

  8. 44 minutes ago, Aragorn said:

    I believed at the time that Franco caused the crane accident that killed Abby.

    Franco did it?  I don't recall that.  She was not in PC at the time so was he just hoping Abby would walk by an open construction site so a random worker could lose control of the crane at exactly the right time?

    Actually, thinking about GH in that time period that it's probably exactly how the show explained it lol.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Khan said:


    Abby got killed by a crane off screen.  The actress and character weren't appearing much and I guess they fired her because she was on the phone with Michael and something fell off a crane and she died.  I am not making this up.  Michael went somewhere to scatter her ashes and everything.  I believe it was that weird writing period post Guza when Garin Wolf took over and before RC. 


  10. 13 hours ago, j swift said:

    Jessica Serfaty (aka Sloan) repping Ray Ban at the Mat Gala 2024, her billionaire husband's family owns the brand - and they bought a table for $350,000.00


    It's a lot!  But, I don't hate it as it on theme for Garden of Time custom couture by Dolce & Gabbana.

    However, the billionaire should not have worn a clashing shade of red; in my opinion.


    I kind of like it.  Met Gala outfits are always OTT.  I think it's cooler that her husband owns Ray Ban.  So many free sunglasses!

    When she was on America's Next Top Model her whole story was about her being married and having a child at 17.  I am going to assume this isn't the same man lol.

  11. 5 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Chad’s in a similar situation as Scott Clifton; he’s a nice looking guy but the character he plays just makes him so unappealing. Part of me still wonders how Willow chose him over Chase 😂😂

    And I don’t know if it’s the writing or the way that Chad portrays it, but Michael’s biggest problem is that he’s literally a child trapped in a man’s body. Most of the time when he’s angry, he just comes off like a bratty little kid. There’s been no growth in his character over all these years

    I actually think Scott Clifton is much better looking than Chad, but your point is spot on.  I think it makes sense his character is bratty with his upbringing, but Michael is a very stagnant character.  I would give the character a long break and probably recast.

    It doesn't help that CD has no romantic chemistry with anyone.  His best pairing was Abby the stripper and she got killed by a crane off screen.

  12. 1 minute ago, John said:

    So did I and I expected to leave after his first contract ended. 

    I mean, where is he going to go?  He's the most vanilla, blandest actor on the planet right now.  It's basically a dog fight between Willow, Sasha, and Michael on who can be the most boring.  Michael has enough history to be a bit more exciting, but CD looks bored 99%  100% of the time so the chips just fall where they do.

  13. 2 minutes ago, John said:

    Back in 2010 If you had told me that CD would be a long-term GH actor, I would have said you are crazy. I thought Michael would have been like OLTL's Kevin & Joey Buchanan. Multiple well recieved actors doing a 3 year contract & then being recast. 

    I'll be honest, I thought CD was a total find in 2010. I liked DG's RAGE monkey Michael but I thought CD and his cute puppy face was such a good take on the role.  Then like 14 years happened and I don't feel the same.

  14. 20 minutes ago, Vee said:

    I do think he's attractive! People used to mock me for how down bad I was for him in the 2010s lol. Again, I'm all for dadbods and normal physiques IRL. It's just that the whole character is such a schlub that it's just one more thing that makes me tired of him, like this is our spent leading man.

    He's not a bad looking guy and if I met him in real life I would think he was really handsome I assume.  He is so played out and I think that really affects perspective because I do eyeroll him ever time I see him.

    But also CD was a hottie in the early 2010 era.

  15. At the risk of sounding like a HUGE Sonny defender, can he just quit?  I know Brenda made it sound nice and pretty, but does he have a successor if he retires?  Jason is currently out, so is it Brick lol?   I am sure he has enough money and all that, but could Sonny actually say ☮️ and move on without consequence?  

    I also have no idea what the "mob life" actually entails so I am just asking basically. 

  16. 22 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    And he’s bisexual, caught in a triangle with mother (Liz) and son (recently aged up and legal Aiden, lol). 

    I was thinking more wholesome.  Like Sly facetimes Lucky when he and Aiden are baking some cookies and they all bond.   Since I don't buy the narrative that Lucky just abandoned all of his children.  But I was thinking unknown Sly could be gay/bi and is just doing it all to be closer to Lucky lol.

  17. 25 minutes ago, Vee said:

    I would love to see Sly again but I doubt he's in town. My fear is if they brought him back the show would just put him with Liz because why not have her run through the whole family lol.

    The show would absolutely immediatly pair him with Liz lol, but still unknown adult Sly character would probably be an upgrade from Finn.🤷‍♀️

    11 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    I heard he’s going to be Sasha’s sous chef at the Quartermaine mansion. 

    He's teaching Aiden more baking skills obviously

  18. 36 minutes ago, Vee said:

    It is definitely the same bakery. IIRC the mentions started around the time of the Fluke debacle in the early 2010s, when they were originally planning to bring back Bill himself as the heavy among others. Lord knows who runs it now.

    I just like to think Sly has a nice little life and a couple of kids and they run the bakery.  He avoids drama so that's why we don't see him on screen.

  19. 5 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    We saw a very pregnant Jenny once after they had been gone for a while, and IIRC Sly lived with her offscreen after Bill was killed and he was friends with Lucky.

    I think the mentions, especially when RC was the HW were deliberate.

    Totally agree.  I remember Jenny coming back and saying she was in PC when she was pregnant and no one ever said Sly moved away-he just stopped appearing.   I can't really recall all the details of Paul coming back more recently and all that.  I just know I have always assumed some Eckerts still lived in PC and the bakery exists and the mentions were intentional.

  20. 38 minutes ago, Bright Eyes said:

    Regarding the Eckerts mentioned above, there have been a couple instances in current day GH where characters have gotten food from an Eckerts bakery and @dc11786 mentioned they used to own one. Is there a blatant connection there or just a coincidence?

    You didn't ask me, but I always thought it was the same bakery.  I was under the impression that some form of the Eckert family still lives in PC we just don't see them.

  21. 7 hours ago, BetterForgotten said:

    She was directing at B&B before the pandemic hit, but stopped after they came back.

    She’s still very close to her GH folks. Both Vanessa and Maurice hung out with her and Wendy Richie last year at Maurice’s birthday party and posted about it. This is from Vanessa’s Instagram post last year.





    Off topic, but Wendy Riche looks amazing for her age.  

    In regards to Frank, I tend to agree with mostly everybody and think he's at the very least lost creative steam.  His bias for certain actors and characters annoys me to no end.  And the useless, bloated cast doesn't help.  BUT I do think he's well liked by most, easy to work with and does enough to keep the show's lights on.  I think it's time for a change although I need to give PM/EK a few more months to see if they can turn this show around.

  22. 3 hours ago, Vee said:

    There was a whole subplot at least at one point with a heavyset young woman who was a friend of much of the younger set who he was trying to help with her shame issues, etc. Richard was all over that show for quite awhile.


    48 minutes ago, AMCOLTLLover said:

    Beverly… But that was dropped pretty fast even though it was running for a while and whenever the other female leading characters had their disco dancing sessions with Richard he was giving advice to Beverly and helped. He was used in minor scenes here and there.

    im currently on August 1981 but dropped it to watch Y&R and in 81 his appearances slimmed down and he didn’t appear much and his sessions were dropped too.

    Thank you both!  Now that you both say that I do think I remember reading about that.   

    It seems like he enjoyed his time at GH and that's nice.  Am I right to think GH made him very popular?  Or was Richard popular before?  

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