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Posts posted by carolineg

  1. 2 minutes ago, Vee said:

    I actually do think Lesli Kay did a good job as a recast tbh. But it was clear they had little or nothing for her to do, even if she at least was engaged with music. The Alcazar pairing was so bizarre and clearly designed to marginalize him after he flew too close to the sun with Carly.

    I don't think Lesli Kay did a bad job exactly although I do think she was miscast.  I just hated the writing for her Lois in general.  Her being this overbearing stage mother that was smothering Brook Lynn felt off and I don't know if it was the material or LK not knowing how to play it.   You can still see the thread line of that overbearing behavior in Rena's Lois now, but it doesn't seem as stifling.  And, yeah, I have no idea what anyone was thinking with Alcazar/Lois lol.  It seemed very OOC for her to date a mobster although they did make an attractive couple.  After that I don't think Alcazar was ever a true main player even if he lasted a few years longer and did some nonsense with Skye.

    8 minutes ago, Vee said:

    I think they were definitely teasing it late last year with Sonny and Lois. There were too many heartfelt scenes with them as she stuck her nose into his love life, and she was too involved with it and even tussling with Nina who she does not know.

    I don't see a need to do anything about Olivia tbh. She's Ned's wife, she's married to him, she's one of several Q matriarchs. She fills a fun supporting role and she's definitely not going to steal Lois' shine any time soon lol. Just leave her where she is (and maybe eventually let her sleep with Scorpio).

    I know you and I were sure they were testing Sonny/Lois and there was a different vibe to the dialogue and the way they played off one another in the 90's.  Lois almost seem too invested recently.  I never got anything more than friendship from Sonny/Lois back in the day and I don't think it was just because of Ned/Brenda.   Anyhow, it doesn't look like PM/EK are taking in that direction so it doesn't matter.

    I don't really mind Olivia.  I don't really care much about her either.  I wish the show had done a bit more to differentiate her from Lois years ago.  Olivia has carved a decent enough niche on the show and I don't even know if LLC is on contract, so she's not at the top of my list to go or anything.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Vee said:

    More OLTL people? I don't think it's what GH fans are craving after three (four if you count Caleb) separate roles for two OLTL stars, among many, many other OLTL visitors lol.

    You and me both, IIRC! I kind of believe they were, though I also think a Sonny/Ava ONS was going to happen in some way as drama for Sonny and Nina. I seriously doubt scheming Ava was their idea though.

    I really had some thoughts late last year they were going there with them, but I also felt they were going for Sonny/Ava as well.  I really don't have any idea where DOC and CVE were going with the Sonny/Nina/Ava/Lois stuff.

    6 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Now what I CAN see is Lois falling for someone she knew from the old neighborhood, who now lives and works in PC, and is just a regular, salt-of-the-earth guy.

    There are a lot of possibilities of where you can go with Lois.  She doesn't even necessarily have a "type".  Ned was her only love interest on the show.  I am obviously ignoring Lesli Kay's run and excluding Alcazar and pretty much any of Lois's character traits at the time.

    I do think Lois makes Olivia extremely redundant, but, I agree, I don't know where that would put Ned.

  3. 14 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Poor Brenda, always getting left out in the rain.  And, you know, maybe I'm crazy, but I believe that a part of her loved Sonny for wanting to do the "right thing" for the sake of his and Lily's kid, even if it meant losing him.

    I agree.  When she says, 'be a good father, make it worth it."  I think she does at the very least understand the choice and is pretty resigned to it because she marries Jax the next day lol.

    Anyhow, I didn't mind Lucy/Martin.  I found it silly and not all that deep though.  

    I can't even imagine Lois/Martin together.  I still can't believe GH finally got Rena back and didn't even plan a story, love interest, anything for her outside Brook Lynn's wedding.  It makes me wonder if Dan and Chris were thinking about Sonny/Lois and my earlier bad vibes were correct.  

    2 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Why would the audience stone them?

    More OLTL transplants on GH.

  4. 1 hour ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    How did his and Sheryl's relationship end? I can't remember.

    I literally had to google who Sheryl was lol.  Don't recall this character at all.  From what I read she overheard Kate saying she was using Sheryl to get info on Jordan and then Kate transferred Sheryl to another division of Titan out of town to keep her quiet.  I think it's unclear how her and Lucas ended.  Not bad?  She might have just disappeared?

  5. I never even thought of Sasha becoming the Q's chef as misogyny lol.   I just thought she didn't have the experience to do the job, but I am not sure she ever had experience to be a model either, so?  I don't ever go on soap twitter though.

    I like Sasha more than most on here.  I just think the character has run it's course.  If she ever had a purpose to begin with.  She's not in a romance, she's not part of any family, until yesterday she had no job, she basically just has some friends in town.  It's the perfect time to let her go.  The show *might* want to finish out the Cody story with her, but since nothing has really progressed it would be a great time for Sasha to start over in a new place like she was going to post-Gladys months ago.  She gets a lot of airtime for a character without any real story.

  6. 13 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Sometimes, I think it depends on who the writer or producer was/is at the time.

    I had no problem when they paired Lucas with Chloe. It was something different for him and it seemed to work, for a while anyway. And it was definitely a lot better than him being completely ruined and then being written out in order to prop Sami/EJ. 

    The pairing with Adrienne wasn't that bad either.

    I completely forgot he was paired with Adrienne lol.  I liked his pairing with Chloe too.

    I just think the writers lack ideas with Lucas and I think it has a lot to do with the fact he's not a traditional looking leading man.  But also he has no children currently on the show.  

    8 minutes ago, Taoboi said:



    Ooooo VERY true. 


    Which is a shame because Lucas can be used for so much more than just falling off the wagon or just the Lumi pairing. 

    I am not advocating a Sami recast necessarily, but if they can't get Ali I would be okay with it.  I genuinely think her presence is missing on the canvas especially with


    Nicole leaving soon.


  7. In regards to Lucas, I think this is when I find the absence of Sami problematic.  I feel like the show really has no use for Lucas unless he's in a story with Sami.  I know the show tries to explain her absence away with silly excuses a lot, but there is no way I believe Sami would never meet the woman her son married twice and her daughter dated, not meet her twin brothers wife or son, or not try to sabotage EJ/Nicole in some way. 

    I have never been the biggest Ali or Sami fan, but her presence on the canvas is pretty large.  At some point I wonder if the show would consider recasting her.

  8. 1 hour ago, Khan said:

    Plus, working for the Quartermaines isn't like working for the Waltons.  They're a mercurial bunch, to say the least; and Tracy in particular would reduce poor Sasha to a puddle of tears before the end of her first shift.

    I miss Reginald Jennings, lol.


    I miss Reginald too.

    The way Olivia explained the job to Sasha made it sound much easier than I imagine it will be.  It still makes no sense for Olivia to ask Sasha when she works at a hotel that has a five star restaurant, kitchen, and room service workers.  One of those chefs/cooks would probably much more suited for the job.  Whatever.   I am really overthinking Sasha's career path.

    1 hour ago, Khan said:

    Perhaps, the show is setting up some big "Who Shot Sonny?" storyline?  At least, that's where I'd go with it - and if not there, then maybe have him suffer a stroke or heart attack or some such event.  Then, I'd have Brenda return for a short spell and have her, Carly and probably Ava clash repeatedly over how best to care for the recuperating Sonny, lol.


    It would be interesting to see where the show is going with Sonny.  It's almost comical how everyone turned on him in about a month.  In some ways it reminds of the 90's where most people in town thought Sonny was bad news and acknowledged he was a criminal.

  9. 59 minutes ago, Khan said:

    I know Linda "I Don't Wake Up for Less Than $10K a Day!" Evangelista wouldn't do it, lol!

    Right?  I have not watch the show yet, but I will soon.  I would never want to disparage my Brenda's chosen career as I am sure there is a lot of things that go into modeling besides looks and all.  And I am not sure Sasha even excelled at that.

    But....working as a chef for a wealthy family that expects three gourmet meals a day requires some culinary training and technique that probably doesn't work with Sasha's one signature meal she makes.

    ETA- Watching now, I didn't think Carly's dress was that bad.  It wasn't the most flattering, but it wasn't the worst thing she's worn.

  10. I haven't seen the show yet and won't for a few hours, but what a weird trajectory for Sasha to go from a model to a Quartermaine Cook lol.  No one would do that in life ever and she mentioned she liked to cook approx. two weeks ago.  I feel like she's as good as gone once the Cody/Mac reveal finally plays out.

  11. SoapHub just had an article about Vanessa Marcil returning because Lois made an offhand comment alluding to Brenda the other day.  It had no basis in fact and was all for clicks.  The entire story was built around that one line of dialogue lol.  SoapHub is awful.

    Esme's story is complete.  Sure, Ace is around, but wouldn't Esme get arrested if she ever reappeared?   I suppose the door is open for a return later on, but I see no need for her anytime soon.  Characters need to continue to leave the canvas.  We don't need to bring more back.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Vee said:

    I thought Molly was always the brain. I do think they were trying to wait on Ethan and Kristina, as they also did with Nik and Emily IMO (except Amber left and they got to recast). I just never took her as the good girl, YMMV. Now what does she have? That bar of Julian's, lol. Hopefully she can find a real career.

    I swear there was a lot of talk about Kristina's AP studies and her desire to get good grades early on.  I think Kristina is supposed to be smart.  Managing Julian's bar was not where I thought she would be 15 years after she was aged.  It's more of she's wasting her brains and ability.

    I think I may misjudge young Molly because she was "precocious" and annoying.  

    I think YMMV is the best way to describe it because I don't think either view is wrong.

    It's also probably not terribly relevant now because the show is painting it as Molly is the smart one and Kristina is the f*ck up.

  13. 18 minutes ago, Vee said:

    I don't even remember her being into that lol. I've always seen Kristina as the spoiled little flake/wild child and Molly as the studious one really, particularly with HP. Her love for novels and literature just fed back to that, IMO. I appreciated them discussing her literary romanticization of Jason and Sam at length a few weeks ago - it's been forever since anyone brought that stuff up. Little Molly was basically Mini-Spinelli as a girl in her first couple years.

    The whole thing with T.J. and Molly's 'partnership' and largely offscreen relationship is so bizarre. Didn't she randomly cheat on him with Brando? What happened there?

    I remember Kristina really obsessed with going to Yale.  Isn't that where she went?  But Sonny like bought off the admissions or something and sexyKristina came back after she dropped out to make her Mob Daughter reality show.  I assumed she'd figure her life out at some point and actually become a lawyer.   Yeah, LA's Kristina was flakey with all the Ethan crap, but I always contrasted her with Michael and she seemed like the "good" girl compared to Michael.  I also thought the show might have been long hauling it with Ethan/Kristina like they did with Robin/Jason and were just waiting till Lexi looked more adult.  

    I did think Molly was a mini Spinelli, but in the quirky way.  Not exactly in the brains department.  That was just my take.  Honestly, young Haley Pullos/Molly was pretty obnoxious so I could have missed intelligence cues.

    Yes, Molly cheated on TJ while he was kidnapped! because she thought he left her.  She had sex with Brando, who only looked about 2 decades older than her, and it was creepy.  But TJ forgave her.  Probably off screen.

  14. Kristina has always pushed Sonny away in some ways, but I always felt it was a front and she only wanted his love and approval.  This behavior isn't new.  I agree it's in character.   

    To be honest, I always thought it was a weird flip flop to make Kristina the flaky one when in a lot of ways she was so studious and dedicated to being a lawyer early in Lexi's run.

    Molly was actually the flaky girl with her weird romance novels she wrote and her entirely fantasized version of love.  I always questioned why Molly was so pragmatic and didn't want marriage and only a domestic partnership with TJ.  But HP's Molly and LA's Kristina didn't get much of a solid POV for years so whatever.  OldLadyMolly probably explained it when she was talking to her stuffed horse for 4 days earlier in the year lol.

    I just don't get Molly/TJ's concern.  Even if the Sonny danger stuff is accurate, it's not brand new information.  And it's not like Molly isn't blood related to Sonny herself.

  15. 4 minutes ago, j swift said:

    Don't forget a subtle dig at Maggie.  That's the basis of their rapport. 🤨

    Also, how long did the Bella reboot last?  It feels like they put out one issue and pulled the plug.  Maybe he should've hired Everett…

    I think it was only one issue, but it seemed like Theresa was at least working on a second issue from some of her dialogue, so maybe two.

  16. 4 minutes ago, j swift said:

    And what's Marlena going to say in their bi-annual therapy sessions?

    The correct thing would be to recommend a new therapist and walk away from it all because of conflict of interest.  But she will probably tell him he hasn't conquered his sex addiction and is self-sabotaging.  And throw in that Kristen is an evil, conniving bitch and he was clearly the victim lol.

  17. 52 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:


    Some of the many reasons why I thought today seemed a little like Ron’s writing style 😂😂

    I am  just not sure what Alex has to gain sleeping with Kristen besides a night of sex.  I thought this was a ruse to get Theresa/Brady back respectively.  Alex is pretty hot.  I am sure he could go to the local small bar and find a woman to have casual with sex with that wasn't a felon, psychotic, baby stealing, kidnapping, lying weirdo obsessed with an entirely different man.  I don't know if it's Ron or scabs but there was nothing that connected the dots from point A to B.  Kristen and Alex have legitimately had about 5 conversations ever lol.

  18. There was way too much Konstantin in this episode.  Is he really surprised Maggie wants a pre-nup?  Lol.  

    I don't think this bothers anyone except me, but I can't stand EOB's wig.  I can understand it at first, but she's been in the role awhile.  Just ditch it and have someone comment that Theresa changed her hair.  NuTate has dark hair anyway, so it really doesn't matter.  It just looks so fake and cheap and EOB looks better with dark hair anyway.

    Sorry, Alex and Kristen were gross lol.

    7 minutes ago, Khan said:

    OMG, I can't believe I'm just now realizing that Alex and Xander have the same damn name, lol.

    When Paul Telfer was first cast a lot of people mentioned he should have been Alex Kiriakis instead.  In some ways it's weird, but in some ways it actually seems like a normal real life occurrence and Alexander is a pretty common name.

  19. 2 minutes ago, Planet Soap said:

    Not Joss confiding in Sonny's hitman of nearly 30 years about how Dex "is not the kind of guy that would kill for money", lol.

    There are other shows on TV that have criminal protagonists yet do not prop them up or excuse their behavior this much.

    I felt the irony through all their scenes.  Like Jason is better than Dex or Sonny, why?  Joss is an idiot.

  20. Drew and Nina are clearly headed for some sort of romance.  They have decent chemistry, both are single, and it's something different and interesting for both characters.

    Also, why didn't anyone on this thread tell me it was a Violet episode today?🙄  Of course she would get his breathing mask and listen to 3 songs and not call 911 or her father.

  21. 8 minutes ago, Vee said:

    IIRC once the strike material ended or close to it they had Jake drop in a line about him and Charlotte no longer being a thing. Thank God.

    Well, considering them becoming a thing mostly happened off screen, it's not much of a loss for anyone.    I always think Charlotte/Jake are related because of Lucky/Lulu, but I obviously know Jason is his dad.  I just imagined they spent a lot of family holidays together so it's a little creepy.

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